Milly and Molly found a small kid abandoned in a patch of blue forget-me-nots. Buntingwas was his only occupation, so Milly and Molly called him Bunt-Me-Not. And long time ago, A long time ago, Bunt-Me-Not was got bigger and so were his horns. But his bonts bumps hurt. And Bunt-Me-Not was made mess places. made a mess in places Because because Milly ,Molly and Molly were only play only played with a goat. Then, They were know, Then, they knew, Bunt-Me-Not wants to play with their. wanted to play with them. So,they were play with So, they played with Bunt-Me-Not.
Score: B-
- 과거형을 연습해 보세요: "knew" (알았다), "wanted" (원했다), "played" (놀았다)
- "A long time ago" 같은 문장은 옛날에처럼 시간의 순서를 이해하기 쉽게 설명해 보세요.