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불교영어 자료실 The Basic Method of Meditation by Ajahn Brahmavamso
에즈잇이즈 추천 0 조회 6 10.09.01 10:30 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용
  • 10.09.24 18:22

    첫댓글 You can recognise a nimitta by the following 6 features:

    1 It appears only after the 5th stage of the meditation,
    after the meditator has been with the beautiful breath for a long time;
    2 It appears when the breath disappears;
    3 It only comes with the external five senses
    of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are completely absent;
    4 It manifests only in the silent mind,
    when descriptive thoughts (inner speech) are totally absent;
    5 It is strange but powerfully attractive;
    6 It is a beautifully simple object.

  • 작성자 10.09.26 21:00


  • 10.09.24 18:24

    I mention these features so that you may distinguish real nimittas from imaginary ones.
    The sixth stage, then, is called “experiencing the beautiful nimitta”.
    It is achieved when one lets go of the body, thought, and the five senses
    (including the awareness of the breath) so completely that only the beautiful nimitta remains.
    ...여기서 니미타를 만나게 되네요. 고맙습니다. ..()()()..

  • 작성자 10.09.26 21:01

