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Moojuk Junior! Bugok Campus!!
카페 게시글
Let Me Read Your Day Intermediate. Writing Pad for Voca instinct August 4th
T_Yulia 추천 0 조회 140 17.08.28 20:29 댓글 182
게시글 본문내용
  • 17.09.21 18:16

    newly discovered(Fiction)
    Dr. H have been an astronomy for twenty years. He always tried to find the new planet. And finally, he newly discovered the planet. When he found the planet, to his happiness, tears flown to his eyes. Some days later, he announce the planet. planet was amazing. It had atmosphere. And it had mark of water. So everyone said if we can go to that planet, we may find the new creatures.

  • 17.09.22 23:03

    No doubt true
    Today at 3 P.M Jim's friend Sara have competition. Jim assumd that Sara looks very nervous. so Jim tell to Sara, " It is no doubt true that you will get a price. because you practice a lot." " Thanks Jim you are the best friend." After the competition, Sara get 2 price.

  • 17.09.22 23:34

    New normal
    Now In Korea learn English or different language when they are young. this is the new nomal.so most of the Koroean people can read English or another language.

  • 17.09.23 23:39

    @최서연_Michelle Never knowingly
    Jim and Sara fought each other, but few days later, Jim came to Sara and said sorry to her. " I'm so sorry Sara. I would never nowingly hart you."

  • 17.09.25 13:54

    no doubt true
    In dark room, there is Jin who investigate thift eating her meal.
    "It's no doubt true that you ate my lunch!"
    Cat cry.
    "I told you, Never eat my lunch again! Why did you ignore my word?! I'll ben you eat your snack for decade as punishment!"
    "No way! So I don't like cat like you! They don't hear my word!"
    "Jin, please stop teasing cat..."

  • 17.09.25 14:05

    newly discovered
    "Today's clean day. Wa-oh."
    Min said to her dad.
    "I don't like it." "So?" "haaaa...I will bring some broom,,"
    And Min and her dad started to clean her room. After some time passed. Her father scremed with something. "OMG! What's its terrible smell?? Hey Min, could you explain about this discusting one?"
    "Oh...That's a piece of pizza I bought before 3 month! Wow, there was it! How could you find it?"
    "Oh, dad, Don't be suprised. I newly discovered brito to stay for 4 month my room!"
    "Oh my."

  • 17.09.25 14:16

    @이주영_White meticulosly well-groomed
    Sometime, when I watch some documentary, I often see some existence to live better then I do. Like dog which meticulously well-groom by its owner, fish swiming over waters and to able to go Hawai..They haven't ever haven test, but can't go anywhere. But me? I'm..umm..l don't know why humen should think and live itself! Also, anther creature do too. I mean I just go to Hawai;-;

  • 17.09.25 17:17

    No doubt true
    My friend's parents always say like this"I cannot allow you to live like this any more!" Even though he did not do any wrong thing. He told me that this is because of their disease. They have Alzheimer's disease. But it is no doubt ture that they are kind. This is the reason that my friend always care them.

  • 17.09.25 17:35

    new normal
    One Saturday, Jin went out on a restaurant to enjoy her meal. Sitting down on the table, ordered her meal. Waiting for her dinner, she looked around the restaurant. Soon, she could notice there is no children without smartphone or any personal technology. She marveled, but soon realized that it was a new normal.

  • 17.09.25 17:49

    no doubt true
    "I told you to never study or do homework in my room!"
    "But I swear that I didn't use you desk or anything in your room. "
    "There's no doubt true that you came into my room! Look at this textbook! Probably you solved it here. Am I wrong?"
    "-_-;; (But I brought everything from you room.. How it could be in your room?)"

  • 17.09.25 17:54

    never knowingly
    Jin is apologizing to her old friend.
    "Oh.. Sorry. I never knowingly make you mad. I didn't know what you told me was a big secret. I only think that nothing will happen even if I tell it to anyone. I am so sorry. I know you will never fogive me. I am sorry."

  • 17.09.25 18:33

    mounting pressure
    Last Wednesday was the test day. But I couldn't attend so I had to have the test on Thursday. But Thursday, I didn't know I had to have the test. So I could feel mounting pressure. It was important to me. If I passed the test, I'll be third-grader but if not, I have to have the test again. Anyway after the test, teacher said "Very good. " and gave me the 3grade 띠. I was full of happiness.

  • 17.09.25 18:33

    new normal
    Do you know "dron" ? Dron looks like mini Helicopter but we can't ride it. When It came to world, it was expensive. Bur now, we can see the dron in the game boxes. And many peoples have dron. And even, there are 드론병 who control the drons in the military. In other words, now, dron is the new normal.

  • 17.09.26 00:05

    newly discovered
    X-rays was newly discovered by Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen. The discovery of x-rays brings many advantages in modern times. One of them can see the bones without dissecting the body of the person.

  • 17.09.26 00:05

    never for a moment believe
    "You will never for a moment believe who I ran into down at the school." I said. " It was Jimin and Jeongguk of BTS. I had never seen them before, but I had a very short time in middle school summer vacation. They had come to see Jimin's middle school teacher. So I think that was a lucky day."

  • 17.09.26 00:11

    naturally occurring
    Sweating is a naturally occurring situation after exercise. The sweat is mixed with uric acid, which is a component of ammonia. But these elements are different from in the pee. Uric acid was also one of the original blood components, only 1% become the pee.

  • 17.09.26 16:21

    naively believe
    Nin naively believed that she can finish vacation homework for 3days. So she delaied homework and played all day untill back to school was 3 days away. But, unfortuntely, she could finish work she should do, and was scolded by her teacher. And Nin promised herself that don't believe me. But, Nevertheless nowadays she forgot all thing and delay homework.

  • 17.09.26 17:31

    never for a moment believe
    "You will never for a moment believe who I ran into down a the park near the school. It was our last teacher! The teacher who moved to Seoul last year. Probably she came back here to see her relatives." Jin said to her old friends Jane.

  • 17.09.26 17:45

    No doubt true
    A few days ago, I was playing baseball with friends. Suddenly, the ball flew in to a house and broke the window. It is no doubt true that my fiends and I did wrong thing. But he called to 119 and police officer. He must suffer from some disease. I decided not to go there and play baseball.

  • 17.09.27 16:12

    no sooner then
    A:If I start to run, I will be disappeared on your vision!
    B:Yeah, Yeah, you are right.
    C:Guys, No more talk is. Everything depends on the result of this competition. So, R
    ready, set, Go! ...Oh...Wow!
    D:No sooner B passed ahead then A had done last time! B, your devolpment is..so stuninng!

  • 17.09.28 15:24

    no sooner than
    In my school, my friends liked kidding. First, they wrote some memo like 'Fool' and 'Hey, everyone Do you know who I am? '. And they stuck post-it notes on someone's back. Some friends didn't know post-it stuck on back. But my friend, when someone stuck it on her back, no sooner than found it on her back and chased someone who stuck post-it her back. And they ran and ran again in school. (Anyway she caught friend who sticks the post-it on her back and she complained at friend.)

  • 17.09.28 17:52

    no sooner than
    A man in black suit and a black hat entered the concert hall with youthful face.
    "Ladys and gentlemen. I am glad to see you in this woderful day. Then, begin the mysterious but beautiful art!"
    No sooner than, a beautiful bird appeared on his hand...

  • 17.10.02 17:25

    noble ideals
    When I was young I thought every adult is perfact. So I believed they must think rational and do like that. But, It is noble ideals. Every adult is kid. No one in the world can't be perfact, even including God. Nowadays I knew why the world is confused yet, and people keep fighting. I relized I grew up.

  • 17.10.02 17:31

    naively believe
    White naively believe her cold would soon died, even she didn't be examine by doctor. She just took some rest as slpet all day and night. But, 4days have passed, she don't cured herself. And she stll need tisue. My neck was gone. aaaaaa....

  • 17.10.02 17:52

    @이주영_White White's dolls have a mutinous thoughts for white. Because she don't wash them and even she don't play with them since she turned 11. They just placed with stuff. And her young sister don't like doll, like smart phone! Anyway, doll will plot a revlot once.

  • 17.10.02 17:43

    naively believe
    Most my friends have a naively believed that they are handsome and they will have their girl friend soon. When they go to cafe, they ask girls to go out on a date, but they awlays failed. I hope that they realize the truth and give up.

  • 17.10.02 17:48

    never knowingly
    I am sorry, Julia. I was so busy that I forgot to bring you to home and I am sorry to hear that you wait me in this cold weather for 2 hours.. I never knowingly forgot you.. Just I was busy.

  • 17.10.02 17:52

    Most says when they were young they had noble ideals that the adult's life is more better, and envy for their life. But, Jin wasn't. It seems the life of adult is hard. They have lots of worry, lots of things to do, and got a lot of pressure. And these days, she is learning that the life is even more harder than she had thought. But she knew the life was making her exciting

  • 17.10.02 17:56

    naively believe.
    Michelle naively believed that she don't have any more homework to do. But the fact was she left the homework of writing diary. Even she needed to write three of them. she entered into the Moojuk. Looking at Stella writing a diary hard, she noticed she had to write diary.

  • 17.10.02 17:59

    Jim watched Sara's presentation Jim thought that no sooner than Sara is the winner . after the presentation Sara for first

  • 17.10.02 18:15

    new normal
    Most of students and adults have the smartphone. And most of people use the smartphone for SNS, game and many thing. There are so many things and informations in the phone and internet So stop using smartphone is hard. Almost adult try to keeping technology out of children's hands. But it is difficult. Having and using smartphone is the new normal. So keeping technology out of one's hands may be difficult.

  • 17.10.02 18:15

    no sooner than(Fiction)
    Hena loved to cook. So when she had free time, she usually cooked and saw the book which was about cook. She usually invited the friends to her home and asked "Can you do me a favor? Please taste my food." Her friends liked her food and volunteered to be her taste-tester. When she made the cookies, no sooner than she had put them on the dishes that her friends ate all in no minutes.
