Chambumo Gyeong - 403. Three generations of the True Family on the speaking tour
From August 31 until October 14,2006, the world speaking tour commemorating the founding of the Universal Peace Federation covered 12 cities in each of 40 nations, a total of480 cities. The tour involved three generations: True Mother, who represented True Parents, some of their children, some spouses of the True Children, and some of True Parents' grandchildren as well as other members of True Parents' extended family.
On September 5, at the former world headquarters church in Cheongpa-dong, True Father held a special gathering to pray for that tour. Then on October 18, at Cheon Jeong Palace, True Father presided over the celebration of the homecoming from the victorious tour. 11 I was acknowledged as the King of Peace in 2004 at coronation ceremonies held separately in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in the United States, and in the Korean National Assembly. Following that, I founded the Universal Peace Federation in New York City on September 12, 2005. On the basis of those victories, on June 13, 2006, we held the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth. These were each steps toward the establishment of the substantial kingdom of heaven on earth, Cheon II Guk.
Immediately after the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation, I em barked on a world speaking tour of 120 nations. My wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, inherited my victory through that first world tour and, representing True Parents, went on to complete successfully a tour declaring God's message in 180 nations. Through this tour, which took her around the world over the past six months, she completed the historical providence of mother-child cooperation. From the position of True Parents, accompanied directly by True Children, through True Mother declaring the Word and the children officiating with her at the Blessing events, they restored the realm of the lineage and the realm of Cain and Abel unity, both of which had been lost by Eve, the mother of the first human family.
August 20 of this year was the 21st anniversary of my release from Danbury Prison in the United States, where I underwent the last of the six unjust incarcerations I have endured during my life. My release on that day signified victory over imprisonment on the worldwide level and my attainment of the realm of liberation and complete freedom. To commemorate that significant day, and to welcome and congratulate my wife upon her return from her recently completed world speaking tour, I hosted a world-level peace rally in Korea. More than 30,000 core leaders, representing 1.2 million ambassadors for peace, and leaders from 120 nations, gathered and strengthened their resolve to realize world peace.
On the foundation of the success of that providential event, Mother is now traveling to every corner of the world to proclaim this message in the capacity of the King of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, with three generations of True Parents' family. This message, which God sent to humanity in the Era After the Coming of Heaven, clarifies the mysteries of heaven. (538-089, 2006/09/12) 12 I welcome the first anniversary of the September 12,2005 inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation with a heart more serious than ever. My world tour that began immediately following that founding was a night and day forced march without a single hour of peace. After establishing the Universal Peace Federation, I set out on that sacrificial road because of my single-minded desire to convey a special message from heaven to each person on earth. I feel exactly the same about this world tour going on right now, the third in a series.
As I approach my 88th year, I do not know when or where I might collapse along the way, but I am risking my life and have embarked on this path. It may be that this will be my last world tour. I am clarifying the mysteries of heaven. These may be the last words that I bequeath to humanity as the True Parent, who appeared with God's Divine Seal. I sincerely ask that you open your hearts and engrave these words of heaven upon them. I hope you become wise leaders who will uphold these words as the standard of your life and pass them on to your tribe and your descendants. (538-090, 2006/09/12) 13 We went to 120 nations and pro claimed proudly the glorious restoration of God's fatherland, and I also sent my beloved wife and children to 180 nations. It was the same as sending them to the battlefield. This was against common sense. We trained our children from the position of grandfather and grandmother, then passed over the summits of the second and third generations.
During this time, on the foundation of having given the marriage Blessing to four of our grandchildren, we sent our children and grandchildren to 40 nations. Three generations, representing the three ages of the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament, raised the banner to open the gate that the family of the first grandfather failed to open. (537-151, 2006/08/31) 14 We toured the world until the very end, centering on God, True Father, True Mother, and Cain and Abel. True Parents toured 180 nations to indemnify all historical conflicts between mind and body, man and woman, husband and wife, parents and children, and between tribes. Those 180 nations cannot become nations like Israel all at once. For the first time, three generations, including my grandchildren, toured 40 nations. If the First Israel had united 40 nations, Jesus would not have died. Even if only 12 nations had become one with Israel, he would not have died. Because they could not do this, Jesus was trapped and even the people of Israel were trapped. The First Israel made a mistake, but all of that is being forgiven. Accordingly, three generations were mobilized and toured 40 nations. If we mobilize more than two generations, the world cannot oppose us. So three generations made the tour and everyone without exception, from everyday workers and farmers to presidents, welcomed them. (575-218, 2007/09/23) 15 When we draw an axis through the globe from Korea, we find that Uruguay lies directly opposite. That is why True Parents, starting many decades ago, made all the necessary preparations in Uruguay, such as building a hotel. When Mother went to Uruguay as a part of her world speaking tour, the Uruguayan government opened the national congress building to her, and they moved in concert with Mother through the First Lady. God worked behind the scenes there, and the event was a great success. It was not a random event. (549-015, 2006/12/19)
16 Because the time has come when we can live attending God, we must gather everything together before the 13lh day of the 1st month in 2013, and offer it to heaven. This is the reason the three generations of the True Family have been mobilized and must quickly travel around the world. Because several teams will operate under one title and tour at one time, it will not take long. If there are three teams it will take 120 days, and if there are four teams it will take 90 days. Also, three generations of blessed families must travel the world just as the True Parents have done. Three generations must enter the heavenly nation as if they are one person. (533-292, 2006/07/29) |