Resistance to Jaitapur Nuclear Plant Grows in India
자이타프르 원자력발전소에 대한 반대가 인도에서 심화된다
MADBAN, India — When a farmer named Praveen Gawankar and two neighbors began a protest four years ago against a proposed nuclear power plant here in this coastal town, they were against it mainly for not-in-my-backyard reasons. They stood to lose mango orchards, cashew trees and rice fields, as the government forcibly acquired 2,300 acres to build six nuclear reactors — the biggest nuclear power plant ever proposed anywhere. But now, as a nuclear disaster unfolds in distant Japan, the lonely group of farmers has seen support for their protest swell to include a growing number of Indian scientists, academics and former government officials. “We are getting ready for bigger protests,” Mr. Gawanker said. While the government vows to push ahead — citing India’s energy needs — Indian newspapers recently reported that the environment minister wrote Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to question the wisdom of large nuclear installations. And a group of 50 Indian scientists, academics and activists has called for a moratorium on new projects. “The Japanese nuclear crisis is a wake-up call for India,” they wrote in an open letter. Opponents note that the area was hit by 95 earthquakes from 1985 to 2005, although Indian officials counter that most were minor and that the plant’s location on a high cliff would offer protection against tsunamis. The heated debate shows how the politics of nuclear energy may be changing, not only in the United States and Europe but in developing countries whose economies desperately need cheap power to continue growing rapidly. For Indian officials intent on promoting nuclear energy, the partial meltdowns and radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan could not have come at a worse time. Currently, India gets about 3 percent of its electricity from the 20 relatively small nuclear reactors in the country. But it is building five new reactors and has proposed 39 more, including the ones here in Madban, to help meet the voracious energy needs of India’s fast-growing economy. Only China, the other emerging-economy giant with a ravenous energy appetite, is planning a more rapid expansion of nuclear power. Beijing has indicated that it, too, plans to proceed cautiously with its nuclear rollout. By 2050, the Indian government says a quarter of the nation’s electricity should come from nuclear reactors. And the project here would be the biggest step yet toward that ambitious goal. The planned six reactors would produce a total of 9,900 megawatts of electricity — more than three times the power now used by India’s financial capital, Mumbai, about 260 miles up the coast.
마드반,인디아---프라빈 가완커라는 이름의 한 농민과 두 이웃주민이 이 해안도시에있는 이곳에 계획된 어떤 핵발전소 건설에 반대하여 4년전 어떤 대모를 시작했을때 그들은 주로 내 마을에는 핵발소를 건설해서는 안된다는 이유로 주로 그 계획을 반대하였다. 그들은 인도정부가 인도역사상 가장큰 규모의 핵발전소가 되는 6기의 원자력발전소를 짖기위해 2300에이커를 포슬리어콰이더드(강제수용)에 나서면서 망고과수원, 케셔나무와 전답을 일을 상황에 처했다. 그러나 지금 핵제앙이 먼 일본에서 펼처지면서 그 외로운 농민들의 그룹에게 어떤 증가하는 숫자의 인디아의 과학자들,학계와 전직정부관료들을 포함 그들의 대모에 스웰(대폭증가)하는 지지의사를 보여주고 있다. 우리는 점점 대규모 대모를 갖추어 가고 있다 라고 가완커씨가 말 했다. 정부는 인도의 에너지수요을 예를 들어 푸쉬어해드(강행하다)을 공언하고 있지만 인디아신문들은 최근 그 환경부장관이 수상 맘모한 싱에게 대규모 핵발전소설치에 대한 지혜에 의문을 표시하는 서한을 보냈다 라고 보도했다. 그리고 50명으로 구성된 인디아 과학자,학계와 대모전문가들로 구성된 어떤 구룹은 새로운 핵발전소건설계획에 대한 모라토리엄을 요구하여 왔다. 일본의 핵위기는 인디아에게 경종이다 라고 그들은 공개서한에다 그렇게 적었다. 정부관계자들은 그곳의 지진이 소규모고 발전소가 높은 바위암반위에 설치될 예정이기에 쓰나미가 몰려와도 끄떡없다고 말 하고 있지만 핵발전소반대론자들은 그 지역이 1985년과 2005년사이에 95회의 지진을 기록했다 라고 언급한다. 그 과열된 논쟁은 미국과 유럽뿐만아니라 계속 급속히 성장하기 위해서는 갑싼 에너지가 절대적으로 필요한 개발도상국가들에서 핵에너지 정책이 변화될수도 있다는 가능성을 보여준다. 핵애너지에 대한 정책을 홍보(강행)할려고 하는 인디아 관료들에게는 일본에 있는 다이치 핵발전소의 부분적인 메팅다운과 방사선 누출은 상당이 시의적절한 때에 터졌다. 현재 인디아는 전국에 산재한 비교적 소형급 20기의 핵발전소에서 총전기의 3퍼센트 정도를 얻고 있다. 그러나 급격한 경제성장에 따라 엄청난 에너지 소비증가에 대한 대책으로 5기의 신규 핵발전소가 건설중에 있으며 또한 이옷 마드반에 한기를 포함 39기 이상의 핵발전소를 건설할 계획을 세워 놓고 있다. 개걸스런 애너지 욕망을 가진 이머징 경재대국중 중국만이 인디아 보다 더 만은 핵발전소 시설을 갖출 계획중에 있다. 중국은 또한 핵발전소 롤아웃(첫전시,출시)를 신중하게 추진하겠다는 뜻을 발키고 있다. 2050년경 인디아 정보는 국가소요전력의 1/4을 핵발전소에서 생산해야만 한다고 말 한다. 그리고 이곳 마드반에서의 핵발전소건설은 그런 야심찬 계획을 실천하는대 가장큰 조치 일 것이다. 그 계획된 6기의 원자로는 총9900 메가와트의 전기를 생산할 계획인대 이는 이곳 해안에서 약260마일 떨어진 인디아의 금융중심지 뭄바이가 지금 사용하는 전기의 3배이상에 해당하는 전기량이다.
So far, workers on the site are simply digging trenches, as a dozen police officers provide round-the-clock watch. Protesters, including Mr. Gawankar, have been arrested at various times, and state police officials have banned gatherings of more than five people in the villages near the site. Prime Minister Singh has been so committed to atomic power that he staked his government’s survival in 2008 on a controversial civil nuclear deal with the United States. That agreement, completed last year, opened the door for India to buy nuclear technology and uranium fuel from Western nations that previously would not sell to it because of India’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Most of India’s reactors have been indigenously developed, but it is now building two reactors with Russian help. The proposed nuclear plant in Madban will use a new generation of reactors from the French company Areva. Projects using technology from the United States, and from Japan, are also planned. Government officials have said that India will conduct more safety reviews to make sure its existing reactors and new proposals are safe. But they reiterated their commitment to nuclear projects, including the one in Madban, which has been named the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant, after a nearby village. Many Indian scientists, though, remain distrustful of India’s nuclear establishment. And they criticize the decision to use Areva’s new reactors, saying they are unproved. Compared with the 40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi boiling water reactors, Areva’s are of a newer sort known as pressurized water reactors, which the company describes as a major advance. But Areva’s first commercial installations of the technology, in France and Finland, have been delayed by several years after the initial designs failed to meet meet safety criteria. The company is also building two of the new reactors in China. Adinarayan Gopalakrishnan, a former Indian nuclear safety official, is among critics who argue that India should not import the reactors, which are known by the initials EPR, because they do not have a proven track record. “In view of the vast nuclear devastation we are observing in Japan, I would strongly urge the government not to proceed with the Jaitapur project with purchase of EPRs from France or any other import of nuclear reactors,” said Mr. Gopalakrishnan. He once led India’s Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and has also criticized the structure and independence of his former agency. The regulatory board reports to the Atomic Energy Commission, which runs India’s nuclear energy program and has long championed atomic power as an alternative to fossil fuels. The chairman of the regulatory board, S. S. Bajaj, was previously a senior executive at the state-owned Nuclear Power Corporation of India, which operates most of the country’s reactors and will run the Jaitapur plant as well.
지금까지 십여명의 경찰관이 밤새 보초를 서는 가운대 핵발전소건설현장에는 근로자들이 다만 호리가다를 파고 있다. 가완카르씨를 포함 대모대들은 여러번 채포된적이 있고 주경찰관들은 건설지에 가까운 마을에서 5명이상의 집회를 금지해왔다. 피엠 씽은 핵발전소건설에 지금까지 올인해왔고 그는 논란이 일던 미국과의 핵협정에서 2008년 인디아정부의 사활을 건 적이 있었다. 지난해에 끝난 미국과의 핵협정은 지금까지 인도가 핵확산금지조약에 참여하지 않았다는 이유로 인도에게 판매를 하지 않았던 서방국가로부터 핵기술과 우라늄 연료를 사올수 있도록 인도에 문호를 개방한다는 것이 주된 내용 이었다. 대부분의 인디아의 원자로들은 인도 자체적으로 개발하여 온 것들이지만 지금 건설중인 2기의 원자로는 러시아의 도움을 받아 건설하고 있다. 마드반에서의 계획된 핵발전소는 프랑스회사 아레바사의 신형원자로를 사용할것이다. 미국과 일본의 핵원자로를 사용하는 발전소건설 프라젝트가 또한 수립되고 있다. 인디아정부 관계자들은 기존의 원자로와 앞으로 건설된 원자로의 안전을 담보하기 위하여 보다 더 세심한 안전성 검토를 실시할것이다 라고 말해왔다. 그러나 인디아 관리들은 이곳 인근마을 이름을 본따 명명한 자이타푸르 원자력발전소로 명명해온 마드반의 핵발전소단지를 포함 핵발전소프라젝트에 대한 그들의 책무를 반복하여 밝혔다. 하지만 많은 인디아 과학자들은 인디아의 핵발전소확립에 대하여 여전이 불신하고 있다. 그리고 인디아 과학자들은 아레바사의 신형원자로가 안전성이 검증되지 않앗다는 이유로 아레바사의 신형원자로 채택 결정을 비난한다. 어느정도의 안전성이 검증된 40년된 비등수원자로인 다이치원전 원자로에 비해 아레바사의 원자로는 그 회사가 최신형 원자로라고 묘술한 가압수형 원자로로 아주 새로운 신개념의 원자로이다. 그러나 프랑스와 핀란드에서의 아레바사의 신형 원자로를 상업적으로 최초 설치하려던 계획이 그 회사의 초기 설계 모델이 안전기준을 충족하지 못했다는 이유로 몇년후로 다시 늦추어 졌다. 아레바사는 또한 중국에 신형원자로 2기를 건설중에 있다. 전직 인디아의 핵안전 관계자인 크리시난씨는 초기에 이피알로 알려진 그 원자로가 안전성검증 기록이 없기 때문에 인디아가 그 원자로를 도입해서는 안된다고 주장하는 사람들중 하나이다. 우리는 일본에서 벌어지고 있는 거대한 핵재앙을 바라보면서 나는 프랑스에서 이피알형 원자로를 도입하거나 다른 핵 원자로를 도입하여 자이타푸르프라젝트를 진행해서는 안된다고 강하게 주장할것이다 라고 그는 말 햇다. 그는 한때 인도핵규제위원회를 이끌었고 또한 그 기관의 구조조정을 비판하고 독립을 주장하여 왔다. 그 규제위원회는 인디아의 핵애너지프로그램을 총괄 운영하며 오랫동안 화석연료의 대안으로서 원자력을 오랫동안 옹호해온 핵애너지 위원회에 보고서를 낸다. 핵규제위원회의 위원장인 바자지씨는 인도의 대부분의 원자로를 운영하고 또한 자이타푸루에 건설될 핵발전소의 원자로를 운영하게 될 인도 국영원전의 시니어이그제큐티브(상무,전무)를 지낸바 있다.
In an interview at his office in Mumbai, Mr. Bajaj said that despite being attached to the Atomic Energy Commission, his agency was “functionally independent” of the country’s nuclear establishment and technically capable of reviewing the Areva reactors. But farmers and fishers fear for their livelihoods. Farmers say that some customers in Western countries have already indicated that once the plant starts operating in 2018, the fear of radioactive contamination will keep them from buying the area’s acclaimed Alphonso mangoes. The fruit this season is fetching 900 rupees (or $20) for a dozen in Mumbai markets. Fishers complain that even before the first reactors start operating, their ability to navigate the nearby waters will be restricted by security officials. And once the plant starts, locals say it will discharge millions of gallons of hot water into the sea. That, they say, will make the coast uninhabitable for mackerel and other fish, ruining an industry that provides jobs to more than 20,000 people and supplies seafood to Mumbai and Europe. They say that about 160 miles north of the Jaitapur plant site, fishing has been severely curtailed by hot water from a controversial gas-fired power plant, built by Enron before it went bankrupt. “Nobody will buy our fish when they know that this nuclear plant is nearby,” Atiq Hathwardkar, 22, said on his family’s fishing boat near the plant site. “They want to move the country forward,” he said of government officials, “but they don’t care what happens to the common man.” Many local residents, as a form of protest, have refused to accept payment for the land the government forcibly acquired for the plant. The government is offering 1.5 million rupees ($33,000) per hectare (about 2.5 acres). But only 153 of the more than 2,000 landowners have taken the money. Pramila Gawankar, the wife of the mango farmer leading the protests, said she had no use for the money the government was offering and was adamant that she would reclaim her orchards and fields. “It’s nice to look out on the fields,” she said. “We have the sea. We have fish. We want for nothing.” Heather Timmons contributed reporting from New Delhi.
뭄바이에 있는 그의 사물실에서의 인터뷰에서 바자지씨는 규제위원회가 원자력애너지 위원회에 부속된 소속기관이지만 기능적으로 국가의 원자력 확립정책에서는 독립적이고 법적으로 아레바원자로를 검토할 권한이 있다 라고 말 했다. 그러나 농민들과 어민들은 그들의 생계를 두려워한다. 농민들은 서구 국가의 일부 소비자들은 일단 2018년 원자력발전소가 그곳에 들어서면 방사능 오염 공포때문에 그 지역의 유명한 갈채반는 알폰소망고의 구매를 중단할것이라고 이미 주장하고 있다 라고 말 한다. 제철과일들은 뭄바이 시장에서 10여개에 900루피로 페취(호가하다,팔리다)하고 있다. 어민들은 첫 원자로 가동 이전에도 인근바다를 고기잡이 배로 돌아다닐 그들의 능력(권한)이 보안경찰(경비대)에 의해 제한받을것이라고 불평한다. 일단 원자력발전소가 가동되면 수만갤런의 물을 그 바다에다 방출할것이다 라고 지역민들은 말 한다. 그렇게 되면 메커럴(고등어)와 다른 어류들이 그 연안바다에서 살수가 없게 만들것이며 이는 또한 어업에 종사하는 2만명의 일자리를 황폐화시키고 뭄바이와 유럽으로의 수산물 공급을 망칠것이다 라고 말 한다. 지역민들은 자이타푸르 핵발전소 예정지 약160마일 북쪽에서의 어업(고기잡이)이 지금은 파산한 이전의 엔론사에 의해 건설된 논란의 가스화력발전소에서 나온 뜨거운 물로 인하여 심각하게 축소되어 왔다라고 말 한다. 핵발전소가 이곳에 있다는 것을 알면 아무도 우리의 고기를 사지 않을 것이다 라고 핵발전소 인근에서 가족의 어선으로 부터 22세 아티크씨가 그렇게 말 했다. 인디아 정부는 나라를 발전시키고 사고 싶어하지만 그들은 정작 평민들에게 일어나는 일들에 대하여는 신경을 안쓴다 라고 그는 정부 관리들을 성토했다. 저항의 한 형태로 많은 지방주민들은 정부가 핵발전소부지로 강제수용한 땅에대한 보상비 수령을 거절해왔다. 정부는 1헥타르당(약2.5 에이커) 150만루피(약3만3천달러)의 보상비를 제공하고 있다. 그러나 2천명의 땅수용 토지 소유중 불과 153명만이 토지보상비를 수령했다. 대로를 주동하고 있는 망고농사꾼의 부인인 프라밀라씨는 정부의 보상비를 쓰지 않고 그대로 가지고 있고 그녀는 과수원과 전답을 리클레임(개간하다,간척하다)할것이라는대 에더먼트(단단한돌,단호한,확고한)한 뜻을 굽히지 않았다. 전답을 바라보면 참 맴이 편해요 라고 그녀는 말 했다. 우리는 먹고살 바다도 있고 고기도 있기에 우리는 그 이상 아무것도 원하지 안아요 라고 그녀는 말 했다. 티몬스가 뉴델리에서 이 보도에 도움을 주었다.
52 Places to Go in 2016
2016년도에 가 보아야 할 52곳
It’s a big world out there, so we’ve narrowed it down for you. From ancient temples to crystalline waters, here are our top destinations to visit this year. Jan. 7, 2016
이 세상은 모든 곳을 가 보기에는 너무 넓다, 그래서 가 보고 싶은 곳을 줄이기로 한다. 고대사원으로부터 수정처럼 맑은 바다에 이르기까지 이곳에 2016년도에 가 보아야만 할 톱 목적지가 있다.
Mexico City, Mexico. 멕시코시티, 멕시코의 수도
A metropolis that has it all. 볼거리 즐길거리가 많은 거대한 수도
When Pope Francis visits Mexico City next month, he will draw the faithful from around the country. The Mexican capital, though, is attracting pilgrims of another kind: travelers seeking some of the world’s best cuisine, museums and forward-thinking design. With young people from around Latin America and Spain streaming into the city, and the Mexican peso hitting record lows against the dollar, the city — daunting and endless as it is — radiates energy. Certainly, there is no more exciting place to eat. Enrique Olvera, who reinvented Mexican cuisine at Pujol, has inspired a generation of restaurants in his wake; recent openings include Fonda Fina in La Roma and Fonda Mayora in nearby Condesa. Design fans can work up an appetite shopping for products by studios like David Pompa and Lagos del Mundo or for designs by Carla Fernández. Photography lovers have two new destinations: the FotoMuseo Cuatro Caminos and the newly renovated Centro de la Imagen.
교황이 다음날 멕시코를 방문할때, 그 교황은 수많은 멕시코의 신자들을 끌어 모을것이다. 하지만 멕시코의 수도인 이곳에는 또다른 종류의 매력적인 순례지 코스가 있는대, 세계최고급의 요리, 박물관 그리고 전향적인 혁신적인 사고의 디자인등이 있다. 라틴아메리카와 스페인으로 부터 젊은이들이 이곳 멕시코시티로 몰려들고 멕시코화폐가 달라대비 엄청나게 평가절하 되면서 겁나많은 현재와 같은 끝없는 젊은이들의 유입으로 에너지가 넘처난다. 분명이 멕시코시티는 식도락의 천국이다. 퓌졸에서의 멕시코요리를 혁명적으로 변화시킨 사람인 올베라씨는 이곳의 식당가에게 영감을 주었는대 그 영감을 받아 새로 개업한 식당으로는 라로마에 있는 폰다피나 콘데사 인근에 있는 폰다 마요라 같은 식당이 있다. 디자인에 환장한 관광객이라면 폼파와 문도같은 스튜디오에서 생산한 상품과 페르난데즈같은 사람이 디자인한 상품에 샤핑 욕망을 채울수있다. 사진을 좋아하는 관광객이라면 카미모스와 새로이 리모델링한 이메잔 같은 곳을 가 보아도 좋다.
But getting to know the city means diving into its colonias. In the shadow of Paseo de la Reforma, the city’s grand boulevard, the Colonia Cuauhtémoc, beckons business travelers and tourists alike, with the new design-conscious Carlota hotel and an increasing number of restaurants. Many other areas demand a more intimate exploration. You can stroll by the French-style 19th-century mansions of La Roma or take a turn around Parque México in Condesa. Of course, there are places you should not wander but the city is far safer than it was in the 1990s, and taxi services like Uber and Yaxi make getting around a lot more comfortable. It’s also easier to get to: in the summer, AeroMéxico, JetBlue and American Airlines have boosted flights. And if you’re overwhelmed, you can visit Futura CDMX, a scale model of the Federal District due to open soon — the latest flourish of pride in a city that’s ever coming back. Victoria Burnett
그러나 이 도시에 정통해 질려면 이곳 식민시대 거주지로 가야만 한다. 가로수길 드라레포마하의 이 도시의 그 넓은 길인 쿠아오테목은 출장객들이나 관광객들을 모두 불러들이고 있는대 새로운 디자인인 콜로타호텔과 많은 식당들에 유혹되어 이곳으로 몰려들고 있다. 많은 다른 곳들은 관광객 개인들이 사적으로 발품팔아 돌아다닐 필요가 있다. 그렇게 직접 발품팔아 관광객들은 프랑스스타일의 19세기 맨션인 라로마쪽으로 거닐어도 좋고 콘데즈에 있는 파크 멕시코 주변을 돌아 다녀도 좋다. 물론 아직도 치안이 불안한 곳이 많기는 하지만 이 도시는 1990년대보다는 훨씬더 지금은 안전하며 우버나 야씨같은 택시서비스들은 훨씬더 편안한 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 이 도시를 방문하기 더 편안 시기가 있는대 여름에 에어로멕시코, 젯불루와 아메리칸에어라인 같은 항공사들이 항공편을 늘린다. 그리고 여러분들이 이곳 관광에 필 받았다면 여러분들은 새로이 생겨날 이도시의 자존심이라고 할수도 있는 곧 개장을 할 연방지구인 퓨트라 씨디 멕스를 방문해 보아도 좋다. ---빅토리아 바넷---
Bordeaux. France. 보르독스. 프랑스
An ancient wine region gets a stunning update. 옛날 와인지역이 점점 스터닝한 업데이트를 해 간다
Next year will see the opening of La Cité du Vin, an ambitious institution along the coast of the river Garonne dedicated to the history of French viticulture. The undulating wooden structure, designed by XTU architects, is part of a huge greening and revitalization effort along Bordeaux’s waterways, which also includes the 2013 opening of the Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Europe’s largest lift bridge, and the transformation of over 7,500,000 square feet of former docklands into more than 5,000 new apartments and public waterside attractions. In 2007, half of the restored neoclassical city was Unesco-listed, making it the largest urban World Heritage site. And all the effort has been paying off: A 2013 survey ranked Bordeaux France’s second-favorite city, after Paris. More recently, a restaurant boom has welcomed enticing openings by the likes of Joël Robuchon, whose namesake restaurant opened at the end of 2014 within the city’s palatial Grande Maison hotel. Gordon Ramsay recently took the helm at Le Pressoir d’Argent, the restaurant within the InterContinental Bordeaux — Le Grand Hotel, while the French celebrity chef Philippe Etchebest, has taken over the Café Opera in Bordeaux’s Grand Théâtre. Other appetizing new entries include Franco-Chinese restaurant Dan, high-end minimalist Garopapilles and locavore Belle Campagne, in a rustic-chic townhouse in Bordeaux’s picturesque Old Town. Charly Wilder
내년도에 카로네강가를 따라 조성될 프랑스의 포도재배 전용 박물관인 시테듀빈의 개관이 있을 것 이다. XTU에 의해 설계된 기복있는 목조건축인 이 박물관은 보르독스 수로길을 따라 조성중인 거대한 녹지화 및 이곳에 활력을 불어넣고자 추진되고 있는 프로젝트의 일환으로 이 거대한 프로젝트에는 2013년에 개통된 유럽에서 가장큰 승개교 개통과 7,500,000스퀘어피트에 달하는 면적의 전에 조선소독으로 쓰였던 곳을 5천 세대의 아파트단지와 강안을 공원으로 단장하는 사업이 포함되어 있다. 2007년에 복원된 신고전주의 시 면적의 절반이 유네스코에 등재되었는대 유네스코등재사상 가장 넓은 도시 세계 문화유산이라고 한다.
The Mediterranean on a dime.
Malta is an affordable Mediterranean playground with a superb climate, sublime beaches, megalithic temples and a distinctive crossroads culture. English is one of two official languages, but few Americans have discovered Malta’s charms. There are three inhabited islands to explore — Malta, home to buzzing Valletta, a Unesco World Heritage city of stunning limestone buildings; Gozo, more tranquil and with a dramatic coastline filled with great spots for diving; and idyllic, car-free Comino, which has one hotel and few residents. As Valletta celebrates its 450th anniversary this year, the old city has gotten some fresh touches, including a new city gate, a restored open-air opera house and a new parliament building, all designed by the renowned architect Renzo Piano. And in Malta, you can follow in the footsteps of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who spent their honeymoon shooting their latest film, “By the Sea,” in Gozo, which served as a more economical, but equally romantic, stand-in for the South of France. (You may also recognize the island from “The Whale” or “The Da Vinci Code.”) Dave Seminara
Coral Bay, St. John
Visit the U.S. Virgin Island’s quiet corner before big development.
The beaches are less crowded, the emphasis is on local over commercial, and the people share a friendly sense of neighborhood pride. Among the town’s attractions: monthly full-moon parties at Miss Lucy’s, and a Thanksgiving “Thankspigging” pot luck pig roast hosted by the community at Skinny Legs, where the eating often swells into a singalong. But this quiet community may soon change. Visit before a proposed outlet mall and megamarina, expected to engulf the bay, transforms the laid-back atmosphere of this little corner of the United States Virgin Islands. Ashley Winchester
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
A century of protecting America’s magnificence.
The National Park Service turns 100 years old in August thanks to President Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Organic Act of 1916, but few presidents have done as much for conservation as Teddy Roosevelt. Fly into Dickinson in western North Dakota to visit the park named after him, where rolling grasslands dotted with bison collapse into the spectacular red, white and gold badlands of tumbling mud coulees. Lonely dirt roads bring you to one of the park’s less-visited attractions, Elkhorn Ranch, about 35 miles north of Medora, where Roosevelt arrived in 1884 as a young New Yorker ready to raise cattle and heal from the deaths of his wife and mother. Transformed and inspired, the 26th president eventually set aside more than 230 million acres of federal land to help preserve the wonder of places like Crater Lake, Mesa Verde and the Grand Canyon. Tim Neville
New island lodges and beach breaks — and more tolerance.
Mozambique is a forward-thinking African leader that offers a terrific mix of safari and beach. In July, it became one of the few African nations to decriminalize homosexuality (and abortion), a major step toward creating a more open-minded African destination for L.G.B.T. travelers. The bustling capital, Maputo, is experiencing a budding tolerance, while advocacy groups like Lambda Moz continue to help destigmatize homosexuality countrywide. Mozambique’s tranquil coast continues to draw travelers of all kinds in search of post-safari snorkel and surfing options. In 2016, Intrepid Travel starts a four-day Mozambique Beach Break to Barra Beach and the historic Inhambane settlement. In 2015, Cox & Kings began a new tour to Benguerra Island, where andBeyond, a company known for its conservation and luxury camps, reopened its stylish island lodge in June 2015, after a $5.5 million refurbishment. Adam H. Graham
Toronto, Canada
Canada’s largest city is ready for its close-up.
Toronto is remaking itself as Canada’s premier city, quietly slipping out of the shadow of Montreal and Vancouver. Last year, the Queens Quay on Lake Ontario reopened, part of the largest continuing urban revitalization project in North America. It now has bike and pedestrian paths and new streetcars that link green spaces and promenades that will be full of public art. The Junction, a former industrial area, has emerged as Toronto’s most stylish neighborhood for its bars, live music and coffee shops. And the city is becoming easier to visit: a train now whisks travelers downtown from the airport in 25 minutes, and Air Canada offers extended stopovers for connecting passengers. Toronto has long been known for its cultural diversity and continues to draw major artistic and sporting events, including the Toronto International Film Festival each September, and the 2016 N.B.A. All-Star game, held outside the United States for the first time. David Shaftel
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
New museums and hotels and a greening desert.
Enlightenment takes time. Ten years in the case of Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi’s starchitect-saturated natural island whose name means “place of enlightenment.” After much controversy and multiple delays, Jean Nouvel’s Louvre Abu Dhabi, known for a lacework dome that lets in what the architect calls a “rain of light,” is expected to open in mid- to late 2016. Forthcoming projects include a Frank Gehry-designed Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, Zaha Hadid’s Performing Arts Center and Foster & Partner’s Zayed National Museum. This year also sees a batch of upmarket hotel openings elsewhere in the city, including the 200-room Four Seasons in the new Central Business District and the 244-room Edition Hotel on the Abu Dhabi Marina. Most surprising and important is the Emirati capital’s earnest step toward nature conservation. In January 2015, Abu Dhabi’s Environment Agency completed phase one of the Al Wathba Wetland eco-reserve project, one of the Middle East’s first wildlife reserves and home to 232 species. It also introduced strict fishing quotas and serving regulations at restaurants, and expanded Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, a master urban scheme that includes the Mangrove National Park, the first of five national parks and home to Anantara’s Eastern Mangroves Hotel and a biodiversity hot spot occupying 75 percent of the United Arab Emirates’ mangrove forest. Even Saadiyat’s beach dunes, home to nesting hawksbill turtles, have been protected, promising visitors an enlightened experience that goes far beyond art and architecture. Adam H. Graham
Skane, Sweden
Nordic cuisine’s next big thing.
Some of the Nordic region’s most interesting food is being cooked not in Copenhagen but across the Oresund Bridge, in the Swedish region of Skane. The capital, Malmo, is home to a handful of terrific casual places, like Bastard and Bord 13. But the real action is outside the city. Almost mythologically Swedish — all unadulterated coastline, mushroom-filled forests and red wooden houses — rural Skane has been attracting lots of creative types who come to farm (organically, of course), cook and even grow tobacco to make their own snus. In summer, Horte Brygga serves fresh, simply prepared seafood right on the shore, while Talldungen, a lovely country hotel and restaurant overseen by two young chefs who fled Stockholm, makes beautiful use of its on-site garden and bakery. But the real stunner is the 25-seat Daniel Berlin Krog. The namesake young chef hunts most of the game he serves and grows many of the vegetables; but his sophisticated, deeply layered cooking is more world-class than rustic. Though winter weather conditions have been rough, with flooding and icy roads, it’s definitely a place to watch in 2016. Lisa Abend
Viñales, Cuba
Looking for the real Cuba? You’ve found it.
The increasing accessibility of Cuba for American travelers goes well beyond Havana. Less than three hours’ drive west of the bustling capital is Viñales, a lush valley of deep-red earth and tobacco fields and mogotes, stunning limestone outcrops that are often shrouded by morning mist. Explore the valley — a Unesco World Heritage site — from the village of Viñales, where every other pastel house is a bed-and-breakfast. Escape the tour buses by hiring a bike (or even a horse) and a guide and follow the tracks that cross the valley. Stop at a tobacco farm and learn what goes into making some of the world’s finest cigars, or, if you’re a keen climber, get a guide to show you where the best mogote climbing is. At farms, like Finca de la Confianza, you can learn about local, low-tech organic farming. Back in town, there’s a beautiful, family-run botanical garden with lovely orchids and plenty of options for a good plate of beans and succulent roast pork. And now that the United States and Cuba have agreed to restore commercial flights, it’s all that much easier to get to. Victoria Burnett
Easier access to wild beauty and a new look at a complicated legacy.
Finally, there’s easier access to the French Caribbean, thanks to the low-cost carrier Norwegian Air’s new direct flights to Guadeloupe and Martinique from Boston, New York and Baltimore. And it’s just in time for Memorial ACTe in Guadeloupe, one of the world’s largest centers dedicated to the memory and history of slave trade, which opened last July in Pointe-à-Pitre. On the site of the former Darboussier sugar factory, the soaring silver lattice-clad space — which some have called the Pompidou Center of the Caribbean — is part of Unesco’s Slave Route Project and houses a interactive permanent exhibit that intertwines the history of slavery with contemporary art covering themes of the African diaspora, plus public genealogy and research libraries, contemporary art and photography spaces and, of course, a bistro overlooking the ocean for that taste of France. From March 4 to 6, Davis Cup tennis fans will descend on Guadeloupe's Vélodrome Amédée Detreaux for the France-Canada match — the first time the country has ever hosted the tournament outside of continental France. And it’s all in the midst of the islands’ verdant, dramatic landscapes and sand beaches. Ceil Miller Bouchet
Park City, Utah
Always fun, now bigger — a lot bigger.
The big news in North American skiing this winter is that Park City Mountain Resort and adjacent Canyons Resort have merged to become the nation’s largest ski resort. A bitter legal battle over an expired land lease ended in fall 2014 when Vail Resorts, which operates Canyons, purchased Park City. Last summer Vail spent a record $50 million to solidify the union (and, one thinks, to show it will be a good steward after so much acrimony), and to pay for a new eight-person gondola to link the two resorts. The combined 7,300-acre ski resort, now simply called Park City, is skiable with one lift pass. Christopher Solomon
Aarhus, Denmark
Thriving Danish culture beyond well-trodden Copenhagen.
Denmark’s second city is often eclipsed by Copenhagen, its cousin across the Kattegat sea. But this big city with a college-town vibe has a thriving art, culture and food scene that is set to expand through 2016. New development along its industrial coastline — including Dokk1, a cultural center and the largest public library in Scandinavia — as well as a light rail expected to open by late summer, is transforming Aarhus into a more accessible cultural capital. Other highlights are ARoS, the gallery known for its “Your Rainbow Panorama” floor with a kaleidoscopic view of the city; the Moesgaard Museum, dedicated to cultural history; a concert hall, home to the Danish National Opera; the “Iceberg,” a striking residential building on the water; and three Michelin-starred restaurants. Gastromé, a short walk from Aarhus’s old city center and canal, highlights new Nordic cuisine sourced from the Vilhelmsborg Forest and surrounding countryside. Ashley Winchester
Cesme, Turkey
An Aegean region grows a food scene.
Dotted with olive and mastic groves, artichoke fields and vineyards, Cesme is coming into its own as a culinary hot spot thanks to the acclaimed, Noma-inspired Alancha and newer restaurants opened by arrivals from Istanbul and Izmir. In the old Greek village of Alacati, Tas Otel organizes autumn olive harvest outings, and Asma Yapragi, Babushka, Roka Bahce and Fava cook to the season with produce sourced from local growers. To the east, the boutique hotel and vineyard Urla Bagevi arranges tastings at nearby wineries including Urlice and Usca. Events celebrating local food and drink — wild greens, wine, bread, the peninsula’s unique date olive, fish — run spring through autumn. In Izmir, at the peninsula’s base, the food tour outfit Culinary Backstreets recently began offering walking tours. Robyn Eckhardt
Road of the Seven Lakes, Argentina
A newly paved road to beautiful vistas.
It’s no longer necessary to rent a four-wheel-drive vehicle to explore the Patagonian Lake District. With the long-delayed paving of the Road of the Seven Lakes completed last summer, it is now possible to drive, cycle or motorbike (new rental companies like Seven Lakes Rides are already setting up shop) down this 66-mile route that takes in some of Argentina’s most compelling scenery. Connecting San Martín de Los Andes to the mountain village of Villa La Angostura, an hour’s drive from the skiing and snowboarding mecca of Bariloche, the route is stunningly scenic, winding its way through forested valleys and around the namesake azure lakes, taking in national parks, snow-capped mountains and abundant waterfalls along the way. The trip can now be completed in a few hours, although it’s worth stretching out the journey to take advantage of the campgrounds (or boutique hotels) and excellent restaurants along the way. Nell McShane Wulfhart
Hangzhou, China
State-of-the-art museums and more in an ancient city.
Hangzhou used to be known for its ancient poets and painters; now, the city is home to the booming e-commerce company Alibaba, and will take a step on the global stage in 2016 as the first Chinese city to host the G20 summit. To get ready, the city is opening a slew of new hotels, including a 417-room Shangri-La, the brand’s second in Hangzhou, as well as the Kengo Kuma-designed Folk Art Museum, built on a former tea plantation with thousands of traditional-style roof tiles. Also, with tourists in mind, the city has developed an English-language travel app to help foreigners find hotels, restaurants and other attractions with ease. Justin Bergman
Korcula Island ,Croatia
Experience authentic life on the Dalmatian Coast.
Beyoncé and Jay Z called this one. The couple’s 2011 visit to Hvar Island seemed to open the tourist floodgates to Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast. Korcula is Hvar’s more modest neighbor. Much of the island is still untouched: dotted with blue-collar fishing villages and little pebble beaches. Instead of sticking to the Old Town, which claims to be the birthplace of Marco Polo, rent a moped and head west. Travel through olive groves and thick woodlands, and drive off-road to sample Korcula’s signature white wine, Grk, at any number of hopelessly charming family wineries. It’s bitter and earthy — and true to the region’s less fashionable days. Katie Engelhart
San Sebastián, Spain
A culinary capital expands its repertoire.
San Sebastián is known as a culinary paradise, but its packed cultural calendar this year will prove it has much more to offer. As the Basque beauty celebrates its reign as a 2016 European Capital of Culture, large-scale artworks will populate public spaces, the San Telmo museum will present a powerful joint project with Madrid’s Reina Sofía museum, the modern Kursaal auditorium and other area theaters will screen films as part of its annual film festival, and the historic Hotel Maria Cristina will impress with its refurbished belle époque interiors. Meanwhile, locals will be pouring their energy into grass-roots events, from traditional Basque festivals to street theater and artisan markets. Ingrid K. Williams
Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Newly accessible, gorillas and a volcano in idyllic surroundings.
One of the most breathtaking spots on earth, Virunga National Park, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, for decades has also been one of the most dangerous. Since late 2013, when the Congolese army routed the M23 rebels with the help of United Nations peacekeepers, intrepid sightseers have begun to trickle back in for the verdant vistas and up-close encounters with rare mountain gorillas. (Getting there requires a flight to Kigali, Rwanda, and a three-hour taxi ride.) Over the past year the park, featured in last year’s Oscar-nominated documentary “Virunga,” has opened or reopened its accommodations, like the individual luxury bungalows at Mikeno Lodge, where visitors can see baboons and even chimpanzees, or the Tchegera Island Camp off the shore of Lake Kivu, populated with eagles and herons. There are even summit shelters near the rim of Mount Nyiragongo volcano, in the warm, red glow of the world’s largest lava lake. While a park spokeswoman said there have been no reports of unfriendly encounters between rebels and tourists, the eastern D.R.C. remains an unpredictable area that calls for sensible precautions. Nicholas Kulish
Grand Rapids, Michigan
A furniture-making city champions urban renewal and art.
The early 20th-century furniture companies Herman Miller and Steelcase established a creative community in central Michigan’s Grand Rapids, one now flourishing thanks to a confluence of urban revival and arts funding. The 138,000-square-foot food hall Grand Rapids Downtown Market, built using repurposed materials from the dilapidated buildings it replaced, earned LEED-gold certification in 2014, and enticed a branch of Detroit-famed Slows Bar-B-Q to open last summer alongside bakers and other food-focused start-ups. For three weeks each fall, the city’s contemporary art competition ArtPrize attracts more than 1,500 works and awards $500,000 in prizes. Artists from Auguste Rodin to Ai Weiwei stake the 158-acre Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, which recently added a Japanese garden with works by Anish Kapoor and Jenny Holzer. Don’t leave thirsty; over 40 craft breweries line the city’s ale trail. Elaine Glusac
Garzón, Uruguay
A new wine region blooms near celebrated beaches.
In 2008, Alejandro Bulgheroni, who owns wineries from Napa to Tuscany, began growing grapes in a ranching region of Uruguay near the dusty town of Garzón, about 20 miles inland from the beach village of José Ignacio. Last month, the resulting boutique vineyard, Bodega Garzón, added a 161,000-square-foot winery angling for LEED certification and a restaurant with an open-flame-cooking focus overseen by the celebrated Argentine chef Francis Mallmann. It’s on an approximately 10,000-acre CQ property that includes olive and almond orchards. An inn is planned next year. Spanning nearby Lake Garzón, the new ring-shaped Laguna Garzón Bridge designed by the Uruguayan architect Rafael Viñoly is poised to be both an architectural attraction and a gateway to the rustic countryside. Elaine Glusac
Dublin, Ireland
A city spruces up to celebrate a centenary.
Dublin commemorates the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising against British rule with a series of ribbon cuttings this spring. Richmond Barracks, where the Rising leaders were court-martialed, will open an exhibition center. Nearby Kilmainham Gaol, the dramatic-looking prison where most of the leaders were executed, will unveil its restored Regency-style courthouse. The National Concert Hall will turn three rooms, site of the historic Treaty Debates, into a 130-seat performance space. And later in the year, the National Gallery of Ireland is expected to reveal the most extensive refurbishment in its 150-plus-year history, with the opening of a new atrium and upgrades to two wings. Ratha Tep
Todos Santos, Mexico
A Pacific Coast retreat hosts a new green community.
Nearly 50 miles north of Cabo San Lucas, tranquil Todos Santos has long been a surfer’s retreat and a day-trip destination for Cabo travelers keen to visit art galleries. In summer, the new Tres Santos development may tempt longer visits via Hotel San Cristobal, a new 32-room beachfront hotel from Bunkhouse, owners of Hotel San Jose in Austin. A new 3.5-mile hiking and biking path will link the beach to town to encourage sustainable commutes. Tres Santos, which bills itself as a “mindful living community” and includes vacation homes, also plans to open a farm and a village with shops, restaurants and a farmer’s market this year. Elaine Glusac
Tamil Nadu, India
New gateways to India’s cultural core.
North India, with its famous Moghul era palaces and forts, might be the country’s most popular tourist destination, but Tamil Nadu in the south has an equally rich and undiscovered history. The state is where India’s major temple cultural complexes are, and some are so large that they’re considered minicities. There’s Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, a sprawling complex dedicated to a powerful female deity, Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, built by the ancient Cholas, one of India’s greatest dynasties, and several hundred other temples dotting the countryside and brimming with art carvings dating back as far as the 9th century. But temples aren’t the only cultural hit: the region of Chettinad has more than 50 villages filled with 18th century mansions of carved Burma teak. It also boasts cuisine that is among the spiciest and most aromatic in the country and often served on banana leaves. Limited infrastructure in Tamil Nadu made accessibility a challenge for travelers, but the recent burst of boutique hotels is changing that. Over a dozen properties recently opened or on their way to debuting include Chidambara Vilas and the Bangala in Chettinad, Heritage Madurai in Madurai and Ideal River Vira Resort in Thanjavur. Shivani Vora
Vaud, Switzerland
The Lake Geneva region attracts new and renewed museums.
Vaud, Switzerland’s gracious canton that hugs Lake Geneva, has been known to attract famous people seeking quiet lives, Audrey Hepburn and Charlie Chaplin among them. This spring, the long-awaited Chaplin’s World will open on 35 wooded acres at his former estate in Vevey, with an artifact-filled Modern Times Museum, contemporary art gallery, outdoor festival site and film center. The nearby Modern Times Hotel, opening in February, will offer shuttles to the museum. On the lakefront, Alimentarium, the food museum run by Nestlé, will reopen in June after a nine-month remodel to better relate “the story of food” through interactive exhibits. In fall, the new 65,000-square-foot Aquatis Swiss Aquarium and Water Museum will open near Lausanne, the canton’s capital. Elaine Glusac
Washington D.C.
Developments raise the bar downtown.
The National Mall, studded with landmarks and museums, will soon have one more jewel in its cultural crown: the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, scheduled to open late this year. Expect exhibits presenting a nuanced perspective of the African-American experience through cultural artifacts, artwork and personal-history stories. Adding to the appeal of downtown is nearby CityCenterDC, an ambitious 10-acre development project filled with apartments, condos, shops and restaurants, including Momofuku CCDC (the first United States location outside of New York of the celebrated restaurant brand), which opened there late last year. Ingrid K. Williams
Brno, Czech Republic
Unexpected cuisine and nightlife in an architectural mecca.
Known mostly for its minimalist architecture, the Czech Republic’s second city is finally starting to earn praise for its food and drink, with last year’s new bars Super Panda Circus and Lucky Bastard Beerhouse joining the revered three-year-old Bar, Který Neexistuje (The Bar Which Doesn’t Exist). Stylish new restaurants like Simplé, Pavillon, Il Mercato and Koishi offer pitch-perfect takes on French, American, Japanese and regional Italian cooking, among others, while third-wave coffeehouses Coffee Fusion and Cafe Mitte make it easy for overnight guests from nearby Prague and Vienna to shake off the excess of the previous evening on their way to the remarkable Villa Tugendhat. Evan Rail
Saint Helena, An isolated wonderland opens to air travel.
Remote is an understatement. A speck of volcanic rock in the South Atlantic some 1,200 miles west of the African coast, this British Overseas Territory is reachable by a five-day ship journey. (No wonder the British exiled Napoleon there.) But Saint Helena (population barely 4,000) is constructing its first airport and next year will welcome commercial flights on Comair from Johannesburg. The island, with dramatic landscapes and waters full of whale sharks, dolphins and tuna, offers a unique getaway for hikers, divers, fishing enthusiasts and hermits. All activities are best fueled by local coffee, an internationally prized specimen. Seth Sherwood
Barcelona, Spain
Celebrating a beloved architect all year.
This year, Barcelona prepares for an influx of architecture aficionados as it marks the 90th anniversary of the death of Antoni Gaudí, whose work famously peppers the city. The Gaudi Exhibition Center at the Museu Diocesà de Barcelona will continue to offer an interactive deep dive with its “Walking With Gaudi” exhibition — a perfect primer for what is poised to be an important decade in Gaudian history: by year’s end, the Unesco World Heritage Site Casa Vicens — Gaudi’s first major work — will open as a public museum, and the completion of the Sagrada Família cathedral, his most ambitious work, is finally scheduled for 2026. Guests of the nearby Majestic Hotel & Spa will be offered private tours of both structures once they open. Lindsey Tramuta
Dalat, Vietnam
A cool alternative to the usual steamy Vietnamese destination.
Pine forests, locally grown avocados, and artichoke tea aren’t commonplace in Vietnam, but they are in Dalat. The south-central-highlands town, a former French-colonial hill station with eternal spring weather, is an agricultural El Dorado, growing asparagus, strawberries, coffee, artichokes, roses and more. Dalat has built a reputation for outdoor activities, golf (the new Dàlat at 1200 country club opened a course in November that will be featured on the 2016 Asian Tour), white-water rafting, mountain biking, canyoning and splashing under the roaring Elephant Falls or terraced Pongour Falls. So have overseas visitors — debut charter flights from China, South Korea, and Thailand arrived in 2015, with direct Singapore flights under discussion — drawn by the promise of a refreshingly different Vietnam experience. Sanjay Surana
Turin, Italy
Renewal in a former industrial capital.
A reopened Egyptian Museum isn’t the only draw in Turin, where projects like the warehouse district Docks Dora, home to galleries, ateliers and underground clubs; the street art initiative Arte in Barriera; and Lavazza’s new headquarters in Aurora near Porta Palazzo, Europe’s largest open-air market, are softening an industrial face. Fresh exhibition spaces and museums (CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography and Museo Ettore Fico) complement Contemporary Art Week, comprising Artissima, Paratissima and Luci d’Artista. The concurrent Club to Club is one of many music festivals (Torino Jazz, Kappa Futur, TODAYS, Movement Torino). The city, which is home to Slow Food’s annual Salone del Gusto, is also a jumping-off point for the Unesco world heritage-designated wine regions Langhe-Roero and Monferrato. Robyn Eckhardt
Isla Holbox, Mexico
In Yucatán, an ecotourism gem emerges.
The brief ferry ride to Isla Holbox, a 26-mile-long sliver of mostly mangrove and beach in the vast Yum Balam biosphere reserve, is only about a two-and-a half-hour drive northwest of Cancún thanks to a new route that opened last summer. The car-free island is a tranquil, unpretentious hideaway for visitors to the Yucatán, a place to swim with gentle whale sharks, to kiteboard above its crystalline waters, and to enjoy some culture at the annual International Public Art Festival, when artists indeed paint the town. In early 2016, LeBazaar, a new art gallery/cafe/boutique with rooms for several artists-in-residence will open next to one of the island’s original eco-friendly beachfront boutique hotels, the stylish Casa las Tortugas.
Providence, Rhode Island
The East Coast’s answer to Portland, Ore.?
This cobblestone-lined capital has the sort of bearded liberalness and ever-rising food scene — including the new restaurant Oberlin, from the duo behind the James Beard nominee Birch — that might feel familiar to residents of Portland, Ore. The sculpture-studded Creative Mile is part of a 40-acre redevelopment of the old I-195 that will also include an 8-acre riverfront park linking east and west by a footbridge. An hour away, well-heeled weekenders flock to Watch Hill on Little Narragansett Bay, where a new culinary center at the oceanside Ocean House offers “competitive-style” cooking classes. Rachel Levin
Mosel wine country, Germany
Biodiversity, new hiking trails and a castle stay.
The Mosel is shedding its uptight oenophile image and embracing its wild side, which is attracting wine-minded outdoor types to its steep, riesling-lined riverbanks. Canoe and kayak outfitters are popping up along the undeveloped stretch of river — a rarity in Germany — home to rebounding populations of otters and kingfishers. Hikers can embark on the new 365 kilometer-long Moselsteig trail stretching from the French border to Koblenz, join Slow Mosel’s new 2016 tour to Luxembourg or join one of the biodiversity projects at Bauern und Winzerverbandes Rheinland-Nassau (a winemaker organization) that are protecting the riverbank’s stone walls, critical habitat for rare plants and endangered lizards. Travelers seeking a sip of old-school Mosel can stay at Schloss Lieser, a private castle-turned five-star hotel on a 27-acre riesling vineyard that opened in late 2015. Adam H. Graham
Pyeongchang, South Korea
Ski South Korea before the Olympians get there.
South Korea will burst onto the global radar as a ski-and-snowboard destination when the world arrives for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. For now, travelers can enjoy well-groomed runs, friendly service, and comfortable slope-side rooms without the Olympic-sized traffic jams. Of several ski resorts in the area, Yongpyong is widely considered the best, with 13 lifts plus a gondola. It will host Alpine ski events during the Games, but is also welcoming for nonprofessionals: 12 of its 28 runs are rated beginner or intermediate. The Dragon Valley Hotel, nestled at the base, is a short walk to Korean, Chinese and Japanese restaurants, as well as pizza and burger joints. Elisabeth Eaves
Tyrol, Austria
Bond, Swarovski crystal, new ski lifts and hotels.
The edelweiss-spiked Alps are abloom with developments. Tyrol got its close-up as a filming location in the Bond film, “Spectre,” released in late 2015 and shot in the futuristic Ice-Q restaurant in the Ӧtztal Valley, and the glacial ski area of Sölden. The region will have more affordable hotels like the Almfamily Scherer resort recently opened and the new Adeo hotel in St. Johann in Tyrol from Hermann Maier and Rainer Schoenfelder, Austrian former ski racers; 13 new Tyrolean Schnapps Routes highlighting 41 distilleries; and Europe’s highest solar farm at the 3,000-meter-high Pitztal Glacier ski resort. New gondolas include the Tirol-S connecting the ski resorts of Fieberbrunn and Saalbach Hinterglemm, and the Kirchenkar high-speed lift to the new $32 million, modernist Top Mountain Cross Point, a mile-high museum and restaurant complex. But what would a Bond destination be without a bit of crystal-encrusted luxury? To celebrate its 120th birthday in 2015, the Tyrolean crystal maker Swarovski spent $38 million revamping its Kristallwelten (Crystal Worlds), which include a glassy four-story “playtower” from the Norwegian architecture firm Snohetta, new art exhibits, like Crystal Cloud, a suspended cumulous-shaped net studded with 800,000 crystals, and a subterranean retail space dripping in crystal — a luxurious lair worthy of any villain. Adam H. Graham
Colmar, France
A revival fueled by modern art and architecture.
The Alsatian town of Colmar has mostly been known for its old-world charms: canals lined with half-timbered buildings, and an art museum, housed in a 13th century former convent, noted for Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece. Now that museum, the Unterlinden, is leading Colmar’s transformation into France’s latest destination for modern art and architecture, thanks to a three-year, 44 million-euro renovation and expansion by Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron. Unveiled in December, the expansion includes a converted public baths building with soaring ceilings, an underground gallery and a three-story copper-roofed extension that houses the museum’s new modern and contemporary art wing for displaying artists like Picasso, Monet and Léger. And Colmar’s famed waterways? No short shrift there: Herzog & de Meuron also reopened the Sinn Canal, which cuts through the new Unterlinden Square, lining it with sandstone steps. Ratha Tep
Kansai, Japan
An ancient region with new resorts and G7 ahead.
The ancient Kansai region of Japan has always lured travelers, but this year promises a few new reasons to revisit. Last summer, Japan Railways introduced a new five-day Ise-Kumano Area Tourist Pass. Next summer the city of Takarazuka, between Osaka and Kobe, will begin issuing certificates to recognize same-sex unions, the first city outside Tokyo to do so and a signal of change for gay travelers. The Michelin Guide to Kansai had so many starred restaurants (the most worldwide) it was divided into three separate guidebooks for 2016 and offers 19 new starred restaurants. Kansai’s superb ryokan (traditional Japanese guest houses) are seeing upgrades as hotels move into their turf. In late 2016, the 124-room Four Seasons Kyoto opens in the city’s historic Higashiyama-ku district, adjacent to the Toyokuni Shrine, while the new 24-suite Amanemu — the brand’s first hot spring resort — opens in Ise Shima National Park in Mie Prefecture, known for its pearl divers. The prefecture will also host the G7 summit this year, and its attendees are sure to make good use of the new luxury facilities. Adam H. Graham
East Bay, California
Urban wineries and a soon-to-be-transformed waterfront.
While the Bay Area’s identity is dominated by beautiful, booming San Francisco, its soul increasingly seems to reside in the East Bay, where the population is growing faster than any other corner of this fast-growing region. The elegant new Bay Bridge has been a costly engineering failure, but its graceful white lines lead to Alameda County’s glorious inland climate, thriving arts scene and a vibrant culinary culture with roots in Berkeley’s Chez Panisse. In Oakland alone, some 300 new restaurants, including Bib gourmand winners like the Provencal-style French brasserie Michel Bistro and the autological Ramen Shop, and a dozen urban wineries have opened in recent years. Ten minutes away, in the island town of Alameda, a collection of former Naval Air Station hangars now houses breweries, distilleries and wineries in what has been dubbed “Spirits Alley.” This year will see groundbreaking on the first public park associated with Brooklyn Basin, a massive (and controversial) mixed-use development that will transform the Oakland Estuary’s waterfront. Freda Moon
Île de Ré, France
Who needs the French Riviera?
Île de Ré is an idyllic haven on the Atlantic Coast for foodies, beachcombers and cyclists in search of an extraordinary beach holiday. The island has more than 60 miles of dedicated bike paths, with more set to open this year, and a free shuttle bus, so visitors don’t need a car. There are 10 villages on the island, each with its own market, where visitors can buy fresh oysters, locally made sea-salt caramels and other treats. With its unspoiled golden sand beaches and popularity among French celebrities, Île de Ré draws comparisons to the Hamptons, but it’s also popular with budget travelers. Île de Ré is easy to reach — it’s connected to La Rochelle by a bridge and 13 European cities now have direct flights to La Rochelle-Île de Ré Airport — but very hard to leave. Dave Seminara
East Coast, Sri Lanka
Remote stillness — and world-class diving — beckon.
Cut off for the last 30 years because of civil unrest, the east coast of Sri Lanka offers a collection of new hotels like the eco-conscious treehouse-inspired Jungle Bay resort, the barefoot-casual Maalu Maalu and private villas from the local brand Anilana. Wildland Adventures offers back road cycling and leopard-spotting land safaris, and Abercrombie & Kent now extends access to forgotten Hindu temples in newly revived Trinco as well as the region’s main draw, unexplored diving sites: the world-class wreck MV Cordiality and the 1922 British Sergeant, a marine oasis leaning on its side. Add on snorkeling with blue whales off Pigeon Island National Park, plus remote surfing, and the boxes are all ticked. Daniel Scheffler
Rosine, Kentucky
Make a pilgrimage to the birthplace of bluegrass.
The heart of tiny Rosine, Ky., population 113, is an old barn, which is a national landmark that plays host to a weekly Friday night bluegrass jam (mid-March through mid-December) that nods to Bill Monroe, Rosine’s most famous son and the musician credited with inventing bluegrass music. Musicians are never paid and admission is always free. Visitors can also visit Monroe’s grave and tour his childhood home up the street at Jerusalem Ridge, the site of a big annual bluegrass festival. And a Monroe museum is scheduled to open its doors in the center of town later this year. But the Rosine Barn jam and the endearing locals who enjoy sharing their stage are the town’s star attractions. Dave Seminara
Málaga, Spain
Beauty, but now a cultural capital, too.
As home to touristy seaside cities like Marbella, the province of Málaga, part of the Andalusia region, is a popular beach destination. The eponymous capital city, however, is now a center of culture. The birthplace of Picasso and home to a namesake museum full of works donated by his family, Málaga has recently seen three major museums open. The most significant is a five-year pop-up of the Centre Pompidou, costing upward of $8 million, housed in a futuristic building on the waterfront and displaying a changing selection of 20th- and 21st-century paintings by artists like Frida Kahlo and Marc Chagall. There’s also a new branch of the St. Petersburg State Russian Museum with a collection of works by some of Russia’s most notable artists and the Carmen Thyssen Museum, featuring around 250 works from Baroness Thyssen-Bornemisza’s collection of past and present art world masters, including Jeff Koons. Getting to Málaga to explore this new side of the city is easier than ever: Delta now has seasonal flights into the local airport from New York City, and there are new high-speed train routes linking it to Madrid and Barcelona. Shivani Vora
Guizhou, China
Authentic Chinese hill tribes without mass tourism — yet.
Guizhou province has long been one of China’s least accessible regions. As a result, its ethnic minority Miao and Dong mountain villages retain an unhurried pace and authentic feel compared with Lijiang, China’s famous minority center, which draws 20 million visitors a year. At least for now. Now Guizhou, too, is starting to open more widely to tourism. The trip from Guangzhou was shortened from more than 20 hours to four after the opening of a $20 billion high-speed railway at the end of 2014. And in 2015, Bike Aways, a Hong Kong tour operator, added several Guizhou itineraries, including a Miao Shaman festival hiking trip in January. High-end hotels are also opening in the region, including the Anantara Guiyang Resort early this year. Justin Bergman
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
A design renaissance in Cambodia’s capital.
Siem Reap gets the lion’s share of Cambodia’s tourism, but Phnom Penh, the capital, is seeing several design-minded developments. The Sleuk Rith Museum, an archive for Khmer Rouge history and a center for Asian genocide studies, was to open this year but is stalled while it raises funds for its new home designed by Zaha Hadid. The modernist Khmer architecture of Vann Molyvann, a Cambodian architect and student of Le Corbusier, is getting overdue attention, including his 1960s brutalist National Sports Complex, which was added to the 2016 World Monuments Fund Watch List. Khmer Architecture Tours provides student-led tuk-tuk tours of it, and in late 2015 reintroduced its tour of Front du Bassac, another major Molyvann site. This year also sees the opening of the 148-room Rosewood Hotel on the top 14 floors of the Vattanac Capital Tower with views of the Mekong River. Adam H. Graham
St. Louis, Missouri
A blues tribute near a more accessible arch.
On a national stage, the St. Louis area has struggled with race relations recently — and, more recently, flooding has hit the region hard — but more positive circumstances for celebrating the city’s rich African-American heritage will surface this year. The National Blues Museum, opening in April, will focus not only on the music’s cultural history but also its place as the foundation of American music — especially as a genre that transcended boundaries of race and background. Nearby, visitors will also have easier access to the city’s landmark arch, as the CityArchRiver project progresses, creating rejuvenated parks, promenades and new underground plazas. Ingrid K. Williams
Thessaloniki, Greece
Greece’s second-largest city is first in food.
The young professionals of this northern Greek city have faced the country’s high levels of unemployment in an unusual way: They opened restaurants that put a modern twist on traditional Greek, Slavic and Ottoman flavors. Among them is Sebrico, run by a collective of amateur chefs who focus on local ingredients served at bargain prices. The team at Roots experiments joyfully with vegetarian cuisine — unusual in meat-loving Greece. Estrella, one of the city’s many stylish new cafes, reinvents traditional pastries, filling croissants with orange-scented cream. Encouraged by a vibrant student population and a visionary mayor, Greece’s second-largest city has become a capital of cheap eats. Ann Mah
Marfa, Texas
An offbeat cultural hub with a new hotel to shelter the curious.
This small town in West Texas has become a destination for those attracted to the funky and low-key vibe that endures despite the high wattage work on view — largely that of the late artist Donald Judd, who moved to the dusty town in the 1970s, and opened the Chinati Foundation to showcase large installations by contemporary artists. This year, a new 10,000-square-foot installation by Robert Irwin will be unveiled. Annual music and film festivals fill out the cultural calendar. And the Hotel Saint George, originally opened in 1886, will reopen its doors this spring after a year-and-a-half renovation, reconceived as a 55-room boutique hotel highlighting work from local artists. Ondine Cohane
Ubud, Indonesia
A spiritual destination reinvents itself.
Filled with stone temples and surrounded by emerald rice paddies, Ubud has long attracted backpackers and burned-out careerists looking to recalibrate. But the artsy central Balinese town (often overwhelmed by tourists) is emerging as a more sophisticated destination. A slew of luxe resorts opened in late 2015, including Kayon, Goya Boutique and Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve; the Westin is scheduled to debut in June, with Aloft, Solis Ubud and Waldorf Astoria Bali Ubud to follow. The dining scene is evolving, too, with stylish newcomers like Spice by Chris Salans, Watercress and the haute bakery Monsieur Spoon. As notable is the second edition of the Ubud Food Festival, in May, showcasing the diversity of Indonesian cuisine through cooking demonstrations, workshops, classes and panel discussions, and further enriching Ubud’s culinary landscape. Sanjay Surana
The Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia
Near Vancouver, islands with simpler charms.
Always blessed with natural beauty, Vancouver has successfully recast itself in recent years as a luxury destination. But as the Canadian city goes upscale, travelers and locals seeking simpler Pacific Northwest charms are increasingly venturing just offshore, to the Southern Gulf Islands. A short ferry ride (as little as an hour) leads to a maze of Pacific islands dotted with small seaside villages, where summers can feel almost Mediterranean. Rocky coast and pebble beaches give way to rolling pastures and forested peaks. Winding roads lead from farms and wineries to cheeseries, breweries and artists’ studios. Each of the nearly dozen major islands has its own character and contrarian island culture, but all offer secluded coves and trails to explore, and abundant wildlife, from eagles to orcas. Restaurants — including tiny Pilgrimme, cited as one of Canada’s best — punch well above their weight, while one-off accommodations range from renovated Airstreams to Airbnb finds and small, family-run lodges. Remy Scalza
Sydney, Australia
Embracing nature in two urban reclamation projects.
Home to beaches and national parks, Sydney is a city outdoor lovers can embrace. Expanding that appeal, two new developments have turned industrial plots into beauty spots. Opened in September, the new Barangaroo Reserve reclaimed 14 acres once piled with shipping containers on the harbor. Inspired by the precolonial landscape, the newly contoured headland edged in sandstone features a shoreside promenade and, temporarily, the Copenhagen restaurant Noma, which will take up residency this month for 10 weeks. The Goods Line, a new elevated walkway, opened in August, repurposing a defunct train line. More reclamation: the new Old Clare Hotel joining a 19th-century pub and brewery offices. More convenience: American Airlines introduced daily Sydney to Los Angeles flights in December. Elaine Glusac
Beaufort, South Carolina
A peaceful Low Country town with a stylish new inn.
Petite Beaufort has the appeal of a much larger city (restaurants, festivals and art galleries) without giving up its small-town, Low Country charms (bike lanes, walking paths and romantic park benches overlooking the water). And there is an old-new spot from which to enjoy it: the Anchorage 1770, a 250-year-old historic house with generous porches and views of Waterfront Park, which reopened in July. In the 19th century, it was home to the Ribaut Club, a literary crew who met for drinking, gambling and dancing — a tradition to be resurrected by the inn. Daniel Scheffler
How We Picked the 52 Places to Go in 2016
Each January, the editors of the Travel section publish our Places to Go issue. And each year after we do, readers wonder why their favorite destination was overlooked or why their least favorite made the top 10. To add some clarity to the process, we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions about how we chose our 52 Places to Go in 2016.
How do you start the process?
First we contact dozens of contributing writers, many of them based overseas, for suggestions. We receive a few hundred ideas, and start with those.
What are you looking for in those ideas?
We aim for a selection of places that we expect to be particularly compelling in the coming year; reasons might include a museum opening, a new transportation option or a historical anniversary. So even though cities like Paris, Rome and Tokyo are always exciting, they didn’t make the cut.
How do you narrow it down to the final list?
We discuss the merits and drawbacks of each suggested destination in a marathon-length meeting (or two) before cutting down the list. Our main goal is to have a variety of regions and interests, with some surprises mixed in. We also try for a mix of scale, including cities, regions and even entire countries.
52 Places: New Ways to Get There
So many places to go, right? But also so many ways to get to them. Here are a few to look out for this year.
The Venice-Simplon Orient Express, that legendary long-distance passenger train service immortalized by Agatha Christie, Bram Stoker and countless others, is reinstating its historic route between London, Paris and Berlin in restored 1920s Art Deco carriages. The two-day overnight journey, which starts at $3,359 per person and includes meal service, a bar car with live piano music and afternoon tea service, makes its inaugural departure from London to Berlin via Paris on June 2.
After 17 years of boring through the Swiss Alps, the Gotthard Base rail tunnel — among the world’s longest and deepest tunnels — will open this year, ahead of schedule. The 35-mile-long mega-tunnel connects Switzerland’s Swiss-German-speaking Canton Uri to Italian-speaking Ticino before continuing to Lake Como and Milan. New high-speed trains, introduced in 2014, will begin to run through the tunnel, reducing Zurich to Milan transit from four hours to just under three hours; another tunnel opening in 2020 will shave off another 30 minutes. The old tracks will still function as local lines, some becoming new scenic routes for tourists.
A new bullet train is finally connecting Japan’s main island of Honshu to its northernmost island, Hokkaido. The line from Shin-Aomori to Shin-Hakodate will begin service in March and include new premier H5 “green class” carriages with white leather seats and an ice-themed décor.
Meanwhile, Hokkaido’s capital, Sapporo, and the popular ski area Niseko are also more accessible thanks to the revamped New Chitose Airport. Several international carriers and domestic carriers have added routes to it in the last year and are scheduled to continue expansion in 2016.
In 2016 the Galápagos Islands will welcome two new small-ship cruises. In February, Ecoventura will launch the 20-passenger Origin, and Un-Cruise will begin service on the 48-guest La Pinta. They join the 90-passenger Santa Cruz II from Metropolitan Touring, which started in October 2015.
Up north, in the Scottish Highlands, the new North Coast 500 highway promises landscapes of lush mountains, looming castles and lovely seaside villages. The 500-mile circular course starts in the northern city of Inverness, then snakes along the rugged coastline, weaving along the west coast and some of the most northerly coastal points before heading south again through Dingwall.