영국 해군이 QE급 항공모함에 캐터펄트 및 어레스팅 기어를 추가해 다양한 유무인기 운용 능력을 부여하는 방안을 검토중이라고 하네요. 현 STOVL에서 STOL-STOBAR-CATOBAR로 전환하는 방안을 모색중이라고 합니다. 1단계는 캐터펄트 없이 무인기를 발사할 수 있는 데 필요한 길이를 늘리는 것이고 2단계는 어레스팅 기어 설치, 3단계는 캐터펄트 설치로 운용가능한 항공기 범주를 확대하길 원한다고 합니다. 2025년 Integrated Review 까지 연구작업을 수행할 예정이라고..
한국 해군의 경항모는 물론 포기하는 게 답이지만, 만약 추진한다면 싸게 건조하겠다고 STOVL 항모를 건조하는 일은 없어야겠습니다. KF-21N을 운용하네 어쩌네 하는 걸보니 어쩔 수 없이 CATOBAR를 고를 것 같습니다만.
U.K. Considering Adding Catapults, Arresting Gear to Aircraft Carriers
By: Richard Scott
June 8, 2023 11:41 AM • Updated: June 8, 2023 5:23 PM
U.K. Royal Navy Image
The U.K. Royal Navy is studying the introduction of aircraft launch and recovery systems onboard its two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers to “open up” the flight deck to a broader range of crewed and uncrewed air systems.
Speaking at the Defence Leaders’ Combined Naval Event 2023 conference in Farnborough on May 24, U.K. Royal Marine Col. Phil Kelly, the head of carrier strike and maritime aviation within the Royal Navy’s Develop Directorate, outlined a plan to retrofit the arresting gear and assisted launch equipment as part of a broader Future Maritime Aviation Force (FMAF) vision. FMAF is a multi-strand program exploring the widespread fielding of uncrewed aviation across the surface fleet, with a specific focus on future carrier aviation.
In its current configuration, the Queen Elizabeth-class flight deck arrangement – with a 12.5 degree ski-ramp fitted forward and a vertical recovery deck offset to port – has been shaped by the operation and support of a single fixed-wing aircraft type: the F-35B Lightning II short takeoff vertical landing Joint Strike Fighter. No assisted launch or arresting machinery is installed.
According to Col Kelly, one strand of FMAF – known as Project Ark Royal – is exploring options for the phased introduction of aircraft launch and recovery equipment to enable the operation of high-performance uncrewed strike and support systems, and potentially fixed-wing crewed aircraft.
“We are looking to move from STOVL to STOL [short takeoff and landing], then to STOBAR [short takeoff but arrested recovery] and then to CATOBAR [catapult-assisted takeoff but arrested recovery]. We are looking at a demonstrable progression that spreads out the financial cost and incrementally improves capability,” Kelly said.
The first step would be to increase the available length for the unassisted launch of uncrewed air systems.
“This November we will [launch] a Mojave [STOL] aircraft off the angle of the flight deck off the U.S. east coast,” said Col Kelly. “This aircraft can take off in 300 feet of runway, so enough for the trial, [but] we have already undertaken design work to add sponsons and make a full run of 700 feet available.”
U.K. Royal Navy Image
The next stage would be to introduce a recovery system into the Queen Elizabeth design. The large fixed-wing UAS envisaged under FMAF – a persistent capability known as Vixen – is expected to depend on some form of arrestment for recovery.
A final step would be to add an assisted launch system. “Adding catapults would allow us to operate the heaviest aircraft you can imagine,” Kelly said.
USNI News understands that various assisted launch and recovery system options have already been reviewed under Project Ark Royal. These include the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System and Advanced Arresting Gear equipment delivered by General Atomics for the U.S. Navy’s Ford-class aircraft carriers, and the U.K.’s own Electro Magnetic Kinetic Induction Technology demonstrator, developed by GE Power Conversion.
The FMAF plan remains pre-decisional at this stage. The U.K. is continuing to explore capabilities, undertake experimentation and gather evidence in order to inform its next Integrated Review in 2025.
A version of this post originally appeared on Naval News. It’s been republished here with permission.
첫댓글 이번 MADEX 2023에서 현대중공업의 항공모함 설계 스터디 세미나에 참석했는데, 현대중공업이 캐터필터 및 착함장비에 대한 기술정보가 부족해서 추가 전력소모가 어느 정도인지 예상하기 힘들다.(그래서 CATOBAR 방식이지만 추진기관은 그대로다) 라는 말을 들었는데, 퀸 엘리자베스는 증가하는 전력소모를 감당하기 위해 추진이나 발전 쪽에서 어떤 것을 개량할지 궁금하네요.
확실히 캐터펄트 달려면 기관이나 발전부도 손봐야되고, 그러다보면 비용이 새로 건조하는 것만큼 들 텐데.. 애초 건조할 때부터 여유를 확보해뒀다면 가장 이상적이겠지만요. 2025년이 돼야 알 수 있겠습니다.
@위종민 건조 중 CATOBAR로 선회하려다가 포기된 것에서 볼 수 있듯이 QE급 기본 설계 자체가 CATOBAR 채택 가능성의 여부를 고려한 설계로 알려져 있습니다.
그리고 한국군 항공모함이 실제로 건조된다면 CATOBAR가 아니라 STOVL로 가야겠죠.
한국항모도 캣 쓰게되면 미군이나 예전에 브라질이 상파울로 도입할 때처럼 PMC계약해서 운용체계 훈련과 적응을 위해 꽤 오래 외부 인원을 태우고 다녀야하지않을까나...
안그랬다가는 배 다 만들고도 작전태세 갇출 때까지 걸릴 시간이 장난이 아닐꺼 같음.
AUKUS에 준하는 인력양성 협력 시스템을 구축해야 할 지도 모르겠네요.