I copied the following post from another Daum cafe just to show what can happen to cheaters. The request for help is real and recently posted. By the way the cafe is for students studying or preparing to sudy abroad. The writer may be in the process of going abroad. In a way I feel sorry for her, but I would not cry for her.
The writer must be a college or graduate student. I can easily imagine how she has gotten to where she is now. I have no doubt that she has done so by having cheated her way through junior and senior high schools and the college entrance exam and college years. (I can tell from her name that the writer is a female student.)
I wonder how long she will be able to continue to do so. Soon or later she ought to stand on her own feet. The sooner she does the better her situation will be.
I think some people help cheaters out of a misguided notion that they are actually doing cheaters some good. I am afraid they are not. By encouraging cheaters to keep cheating, they are robbing the cheaters of real opportunities to learn something by hard work.
Take a look at the post below. If you read the first sentence, you will know how much this person knows about English. If she had been forced to do her homework as hard and honestly as she could while in high schools and college, she would have been better prepared to tackle her current assignment.
There is an old saying that if you want to help the poor you don't give them fish but teach them how to fish. Imagine a situation where a person has to beg for the money for a subway token every morning. I have no doubt you would call this situation unbearable. I don't think there isn't a significant difference between begging for money every morning and asking strangers to help her to write every report that comes along in the course of pursuing a graduate degree and later writing a letter or a report at work.
Think about it!
교수님이 내주신 건데요. 혼자 힘들어서요. 흑흑
의학연구의 최신지견( Current Status Fo Medical Research)
생명과학의 발전은 현대의학의 진일보적 발전의 초석이 되고 있다.
Development of the life science is based on developing in a current medicine.
특히, 분자 생물학적 연구 기법의 발전과 유전체에 관한 연구는 질병 치료에 있어서 개개인의 상황을 고려한 소위 "맞춤 의학" 또는 "맞춤 치료"라는 개념을 제공하고 있다.
Especially, development of molecular biological experimental methods and studies
genome have supported disease treatment of individual status considered, so called,
"personalized medicine" or "Tailor's medicine".
이것은 과거와 같이 생명과학의 기초적 연구와 질병 치료의 임상적 연구가 제각각 추구되어 지던 시대를 뛰어넘어 생명 과학 연구에 있어서 Bench to Clinic 이라는 연계적 개념이 도입됨으로서 가능성을 제시하고 있다.
Overcoming the times of having run parallel to each other, which is clinical reserches
of the treatment for diseases and fundermental researches of the life science, So it is suggests the possibility of introduction of cascaded concept which is refered to "bench to clinic" in researching life science.
의학 연구의 과학적이고 합리적인 사고는 질병 치료에 있어서, 과거의 경험적 치료라는 한계를 탈피하여 "근거 중심 치료(Evidence Based Treatment)" 라는 새로운 paradigm으로 전화되고 있다.
The thinking of reasonable and scientific medical reserch evolve from the limit of treatment using experiance into the paradim of "Evidence Based Treatment".
본 과목에서는 이러한 의학연구의 최신 지견에 대하여 수업이 이루어 질 것이다.
This class will be discussed current opinions of these medical studies.
첫댓글I feel sorry about this cafe, too. I even feel some responsibility. I am trying hard to improve the situation here. AND I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE IN THIS CAFE. IT'S AN HONOR TO HAVE SUCH A WISE PERSON AS YOU IN THIS CAFE. THANKS FOR YOUR KEEN INSIGHT AND RECOMMENDATION IMPLIED
I am trying to use this cafe as a bridge or stepping stone to real English writing. I hope people will be encouraged and inspired to write English on their own. Until they feel that way, I want this cafe to be of some help to them.
zem, I am not aginst helping others who help themselves. In fact, that is why I am willing to spend some time here. I am really against helping cheaters, who don't make real efforts to study or just pretend to do so, but who are only interested in getting others to do their work.
These people think they are smart because they get better marks for their homework than non-cheaters. I think it is not fair that honest and hard working students end up getting worse marks than the cheaters no matter how temporary the situation may be.
첫댓글 I feel sorry about this cafe, too. I even feel some responsibility. I am trying hard to improve the situation here. AND I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE IN THIS CAFE. IT'S AN HONOR TO HAVE SUCH A WISE PERSON AS YOU IN THIS CAFE. THANKS FOR YOUR KEEN INSIGHT AND RECOMMENDATION IMPLIED
I am trying to use this cafe as a bridge or stepping stone to real English writing. I hope people will be encouraged and inspired to write English on their own. Until they feel that way, I want this cafe to be of some help to them.
zem, I am not aginst helping others who help themselves. In fact, that is why I am willing to spend some time here. I am really against helping cheaters, who don't make real efforts to study or just pretend to do so, but who are only interested in getting others to do their work.
These people think they are smart because they get better marks for their homework than non-cheaters. I think it is not fair that honest and hard working students end up getting worse marks than the cheaters no matter how temporary the situation may be.