NOOSR GUIDE (National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition)
본 분류는 한국인의 호주 이민시 학력 인정 여부 및 대학 입학 전형에 참고 자료로 사용되고 있습니다.
GUIDELINES FOR SECTION I (NOOSR 한국학력인증 가이드 - scetion 1)
A Bachelor degree requiring four or more years of study awarded by an institution listed in A-D (above) is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor degree. Other qualifications are assessed individually
섹션 1에 해당하는 대학에서 4년 이상의 과정을 이수한 학사 학위는 호주 대학의 학사 학위와 동급으로 인정됩니다. 그 외의 학위는 개별적으로 심사됩니다.
Andong National College, Kyungbuk
Busan (Pusan) National University, Pusan
Changwon National College, Kyungnam
Chonnam National University, Kwangju
Chungbuk National University, Chungbuk
Chungnam National University, Chungnam
Gunsan National University, Chonbuk
Gyeongsang(Kyongsang) National University, Kyongnam
Jeju National University, Cheju-Do
Jeongbug (Chonbuk) National University, Chonbuk
Kangweon National University, Kangwon-Do
KongJu (Kongju) National Teachers College, Chungnam
Korea Maritime University, Pusan
Korea National College of Physical Education
Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk
Kyungpook(Kyungbuk) national University, Taegu
National Fisheries University of Pusan, Pusan
Seoul National University, Seoul
Seoul City University, Seoul
Che Ju(Cheju) National Teachers College, Cheju
Cheong Ju (Cheongju) National Teachers College, Chongbuk
Chuncheon national Teachers College, Kangwon
Incheon National Teachers College, Incheon
JeonJu (Jeonju) National Teachers College, Chonbuk
Jinju National Teachers College, Kyungnam
Kongju National Teachers College, Chungnam
Kwangju national Teachers College, Kwangju
Pusan National Teachers College, Pusan
Seoul National Teachers College, Seoul
Tae Gu(Taegu) National Teachers College, Taegu
Ajou University, Kyonggi
Busan(Pusan) Women? University, Pusan
Catholic College, Seoul
Cheongju (Chungju) University, chungbuk
Chosun University, Kwangju
ChungAng University, Seoul
Daegu Oriental Medical College, Kyungbuk
Dankook University, Seoul
Dong-A University, Pusan
Dong Eui University, Pusan
Dongguk University, Seoul
Ewha Women? University, Seoul
Hankook Aviation College, Kyonggi
Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Seoul
Han Nam University, Chungnam
Hanyang University, Seoul
Hong Ik University, Seoul
Hyosung Women? University, Kyungbuk
In Ha University, Inchon
Inje College, Pusan
International University, Seoul
Keimyung University, Taegu
King Sejong University, Seoul
Konkuk University, Seoul
Kookmin University, Seoul
Korea Union College, Seoul
Korea University, Seoul
Kumoh Institute of Technology, Kyungbuk
Kwangju Catholic College, Kwangju
Kwangwoon University, Seoul
Kyung Hee University, Seoul
Kyungnam University, Kyungnam
Kungsung University, Pusan
Methodist Theological Seminary, Seoul
Mokwon Methodist College, Chungnam
Pai Chai college, Chungnam
Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Kyungbuk
Sacred Heart College of Women, Kyongi
Sogang University, Seoul
Sook Myung Women? University, Seoul
Soongsil (Soong Sil) University, Seoul
Sung Kyun kwan University, Seoul
Sungshin Women? University, Seoul
University of Ulsan, Kyongnam
Wong Kwang Univwrsity, Chonbuk
Yeungnam University, Kyungbuk
Yonsei University, Seoul
Names of institution in section I are as listed in the Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) in 1988~89. The spelling of Korean names varies and subscribers may wish to contact NOOSR for confirmation of institutional identity.
GUIDELINES FOR SECTION II (NOOSR 한국학력인증 가이드 - scetion 2)
A Bachelor degree awarded by one of the institutions listed above is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor degree.
A Master degree awarded by one of the institution listed above is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Master degree.
A Ph D awarded by one of the institutions listed above is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Ph D.
섹션 2에 해당하는 학교에서 취득한 학사 학위는 호주 대학의 학사 학위와 동급으로 인정 됩니다. 석사 학위는 호주대학의 석사 학위와 동급으로 인정됩니다. 박사학위는 호주대학의 박사학위와 동급으로 인정됩니다.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul, (includes Korea Institute of Technology (KIT), Daejeon, and other institutes and centers)
Korea Atomoc Energy Research Institute (KAERI), formerly Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute, Daejeon
Korea Institute of Energy and Resources(KIER), Daejeon
Korea Instutute of Machinery and Metals (KIMM), Changwon (includes Industrial Technology Center (ITC), Seoul)
Korea Standards Research Institute (KSRI), Daejeon
Electronics and Telecommunications Tesearch Institute (ETRI), Daejeon (includes Institute of Space, Science and Astronomy (ISSA), Daejeon)
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), Daejeon
Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute (KGTRI), Daejeon
Korea Electric Technology Research Institute (KERI), Changwon
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Daejeon
Bachelor degrees and other awards from public institutions controlled by the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Trade and Industry are assessed individually.
GUIDELINES FOR SECTION III (NOOSR 한국학력인증 가이드 - scetion 2)
섹션 3에 해당하는 대학에서 4년과정의 학사학위는 호주의 2년 준학사 학위와 동급으로 인정됩니다.(전문대학 인정)
석사 학위는 호주대학의 학사학위와 동급으로 인정됩니다.
그 외의 학위는 개별적으로 심사합니다.
A four-year Bachelor degree from an institution listed in A-B above is currently assessed as comparable to the educational level of two years of tertiary study toward a Bachelor degree in Australia, and as at least comparable to the educational level of a two-year Association Diploma for general employment purpose.
A Master degree from an institution listed in A-B above is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor degree.
Other qualifications are assessed individually
Kangreung (Kanneung) National College, Kangwon-do
Mogpo )Mokpo) National College, Chonnam
Sun Cheon National College, Chonnam
Yosu National Fisheries College, Chonnam
Asia Union Theological College, Kyonggi
Busan(Pusan) College of Foreign Studies, Pusan
Chong Shin College and Seminary, Seoul
Daegu University, Taegu
Daejeon College, chungnam
Dongduk Women? University, Seoul
Dong-shin Engineering College, Chonnam
Duksung Women? University, Seoul
Hallym College, Kangwon
Han Shin University, Kyonggi
Han Sung University, Seoul
Honal College, Kwangju
Hoseo College, Chungnam
Incheon (Inchon) University, Incheon
Jeon Ju(Chenju) University, Chonbuk
Jeonju (Chonju) Woosuk University, Chonbuk
Korea Baptist Theological college, Chungnam
Korea Christian College, Seoul
Korea Tourism University, Kyongbuk
Kosn College, Pusan
Kwan Dong University, Kangwon
Kyonggi University, Kyonggi
Kyungwon University, Kyonggi
Myong Ji University, Kyonggi
Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, Seoul
Sang Ji College, Kangwon
Sang Myung Women? University, Seoul
Seoul Theological Seminary, Kyonggi
Seoul Women? University, Seoul
Seowon University, Chungbuk
Soonachungyang (Soonchunyang) College, Chungnam
Suweon (Suwon) University, Kyonggi
Suwon Catholic College, Kyonggi
Taegu Catholic College, Taegu
Names of institutions are as listed by the KCUE in 1988~89. The spelling of Korean names varies, and subscribers may wish to contact NOOSR to confirm an institution's identity.