1. if Dion is sick, i will give hot tea.
- why will you give hot tea?
because I think hot tea help him to recover his condition.
2. if Dion is sad, i will give (him) his favorate food.
- why do you think that?
because I think favorate food makes him happy & relax.
3. if Dion is happy, i will smile at him.
- why will you smile at him?
because man who is happy makes not himself but the others happy.
4. if Dion is angry, i will let him alone.
- what will(do) you want your friends to do when you are angry?
i (will) want my friends sometimes to let me alone, sometimes to be with me.
5. if Dion gets happy, i will have pain in my stomach.
- why do you have pain in your stomach?
in a korean proverb, if a cousin buy the land, i will have pain in my stomach.
6. if Dion gets angry, i will send him home.
- what will you recommend him to do next?
i will recommend him to sleep or play sports game or meet his friends.
7. if Dion gets up early, i will laugh loudly.
- what do it mean?
it means that i can't believe that.
8. if Dion goes to a tropical island, i will send a message to him soon.
- what will you write on the message?
i will write that he must buy my present on message
9. if Dion steals my heart, i will do nothing.
- why will you do nothing?
because i wanna enjoy that moment.
10. if Dion stop working, i will give him words of encouragement and a glass of wine.
- what will you do if you stop working?
if i am him, i will travel many countries.
11. if Dion advises me not to be lazy in studying english , i will ask him my weakness in studying english.
- don't you feel unpleasant when someone tells you of your weakness?
maybe at that moment i feel unpleasant a little bit but i accept that if his words are right advice.
12. if Dion advises me not to fall in love, i will ask him the reason and guess.
- what will you guess?
maybe i guess that he had the experience of a sad love.
13. if Dion buyes me something expensive, i will accept that.
- why will you accept something expensive?
maybe i don't know exact price of that and i don't know luxury brand well.
14. if Dion is jealous my appearance, i will hand a glass of cold water to him.
- what will you do when that is not effective?
when that is not effective, i will recommend a good plastic surgery to him.
15. if Dion dress casually, i will be effort to understand him.
- what will you be effort to understand specifically?
i will be effort to understand his hope to be seen young as possible
16. if Dion spends winter vacation in America, i will wish him a good journey.
- and how will you spend your winter break?
i'm planning to go a few countries during my winter break.
17. if Dion recharge his cell-phone battery, i will ask him whether he needs a cell-phone.
- what will you do when you recharge cell-phone battery?
i will borrow his cell-phone.
18. if Dion makes new friends at HANA, i will ask him HANA.
- do you wanna make new friends at HANA, too?
yes, i want (it).
19. if Dion gets used it, i will give more loads.
- if Dion dislikes that, what will you do?
if Dion dislikes that, i will starve him.
20. if Dion gets along with them, i will separate him from them.
- why will you do that?
beause he will be lazy in studying if he gets along with them.
1. if i ask you out, what will you do?
- (if you ask me out), i will go out with you.
- is it ok (for you to go out with me)?
- yes, it is ok (for me to go out with you).
- why (is it ok for you to go out with me)?
- (it is ok) because i have a crush on you, too
2. if anyone hits me, what will you do?
- (if anyone hits you,) i will kick his ass.
- if i'm in big trouble, what will you do?
- (if you're in big trouble,) i'll save your ass.
when - & if - 차이점 ?
** 과제2 & 과제3은 컴을 고치는대로 마무리 할께욤~ :)