이스라엘이 지난 8월 9일 미국 파스카굴라 조선소에서 상륙함 INS 나숀을 인수받았네요. 이스라엘이 미국의 해외군사지원자금을 사용해 주문했고, 전장 95m, 전폭 20m, 배수량 2,500톤이라는 정보 외에는 기사에 자세한 스펙이 실려있질 않네요. 함 형체가 모두 실려있는 사진도 안 보이고..
Israel receives first of two landing ships
10 AUGUST 2023
by Jeremy Binnie
INS Nahshon was handed over to the Israeli Navy in Pascagoula on 8 August. (Israel Ministry of Defense)
The Israeli Navy received the first of two landing ships that are being built for it at Pascagoula in the United States, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on 9 August.
The IDF said the first ship, INS Nahshon , was handed over to the commander of Haifa naval base on the previous day. It is about 95 m long, 20 m wide, and weighs about 2,500 tonnes, the IDF said. It added that the ship will sail to Israel in a few months and is expected to be operational in 2024.
The IDF said the landing ships will strengthen the Israeli Navy's ability to support multizone operations by moving equipment and personnel to near and far operational theatres.
The landing ship construction project began about four years ago and was financed using US military aid funding to Israel, the IDF added.
The Israeli Navy's New Landing Craft
The delivery of the INS Nahshon landing craft and flag-raising ceremony took place at the U.S. Pascagoula Shipyard.
IDF Editorial Team
Yesterday (Tuesday), the delivery and flag-raising ceremony of the INS Nahshon landing craft, the first of two platforms to be received by the Israeli Navy, took place at the Pascagoula Shipyard in the United States. The ceremony was led by the Commanding Officer of Haifa Naval Base, RDML. Tal Politis, and senior officials in the procurement delegation of the Ministry of Defense.
A landing craft is a powerful combat vessel, which enables sailing to distant arenas. Its length is approximately 95 meters, its width is approximately 20 meters and its displacement exceeds 2500 tons. The team of the landing craft consists of dozens of naval combat soldiers, with a quarter of them being female.
The commanding officer of the vessel is at the rank of Lieutenant Commander (LCdr.).
The landing crafts will act as a central pillar in adapting the Israeli Navy to the modern and multi-arena battlefield. Among other things, the landing crafts will serve as a logistical axis for transporting equipment as well as the soldiers in near and far areas.
Moreover, the landing crafts will enable the strengthening of the high-quality cooperation between the various units in the Israeli Navy, the Technological and Logistics Directorate (J4) and the other IDF branches, in order to strengthen the joint operational activity, and putting the multi-branch combat effort into action in routine and contingency situations.
The joint construction project by the IDF and the Ministry of Defense of the INS Nahshon landing craft’s platform began about 4 years ago. The project began when they were purchased by the procurement delegation of the Ministry of Defense with the FmF from the U.S. government to Israel.
The delivery and Israeli flag-raising ceremony marks a significant milestone in the process of their operational integration into the Israeli Navy from the U.S. Shipyard.
Now, the INS Nahshon landing craft will begin the final preparations phase which includes crew training and operational certification tests - when in a few months the landing craft will set sail and arrive at its home port in Israel. In the year 2024, the landing craft is set to be declared an operational vessel.
From the letter of the Commander in Chief of the Israeli Navy, VAdm. David Saar Salama, to the first team of the INS Nahshon: "You have a great privilege today, writing a chapter in the history of the Israeli Navy. As the name of your ship - Nahshonim, you are the pioneers of the way, the first to jump into the water and carve a new path in the heart of the seas.
You embarked on the journey of building a ship, far from the ports at home and far from family, and managed to turn a dream into reality. With wonderful cohesion, dedication and professionalism, in a wonderful partnership that crosses times, people and countries - you lead the Navy to new horizons, to horizons of influence, and determination.
From a letter by the Commander of the 921st Fleet, Cdr. A, to the INS Nahshon Team: "An exciting time and a historical date in which the Israeli Navy renews a professional field and a long-standing combat soldiers tradition. INS Nahshon, which represents pioneering and courage, as well as its first team, will put new life into historical ability and endless professional possibilities to the Israeli Navy and the IDF.”
The Head of the IMOD SIBAT Directorate, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Michel Ben Baruch: ”The delivery of the landing craft to the Israeli Navy is one of a series of force building programs being carried out in the U.S. for the IDF. The program is by the Israeli Defense Ministry’s
procurement delegation in New York, using the FmF that the U.S. government provides to the State of Israel.”
첫댓글 Jane's에는 요렇게 나옵니다.
A project for two tank landing ships acquired with US assistance commenced around 2019. Construction observed under way at VT Halter Marine, Pascagoula, MS from 2021. The yard was acquired by Bollinger in 2022. The first ship was handed over on 8 August 2023 and is to enter service in 2024. The second unit was noted afloat by February 2023. The ships are assessed to be derived from the final US Army Frank S Besson-class logistic support vessel (LSV) MG Robert Smalls. Specifications reflect the LSV class and may be different.
The Israel Hayom newspaper revealed in May 2022 that the Israeli Navy was acquiring two landing ships, primarily to support operations against the Hizbullah in southern Lebanon, thereby increasing Israel's options for attacking the Iran-backed group. It said a new squadron has been established at Ashdod Naval Base in southern Israel to operate the ships. This is presumably Squadron 921, which was mentioned in the Ministry of Defense (MoD) statement.
It identified the new ships as General Frank S Besson Jr-class vessels, a type of logistic support vessel operated by the US Army, that would receive Israeli-made equipment after their arrival. While the first six of the Besson class are 83 m long, the last two are 95.7 m long and displace about 6,000 tonnes when carrying a full load of 2,000 tonnes.
1982년 레바논 침공 때 상륙작전을 하기도 했는데 이 상륙함도 남부 레바논의 헤즈볼라와 싸우기 위한 것이라고 하네요.