준비된 마음에만 믿음이 싹트고 자라며 전하고 증거하는 생명의 열매를 맺습니다
Bear Fruit of Life be Sprouted in Readied hearts to Testimony of Christ Jesus
성경말씀: 마가복음 4장
Scripture Reading: Mark chapter 4
모든 사람이 올바로 믿고 구원에 이르기를 바라는 하나님의 사랑으로 그리스도의 대속과 구원을 예비하셨지만, “예수께서 다시 바닷가에서 가르치시니 큰 무리가 모여들거늘 예수께서 바다에 떠 있는 배에 올라 앉으시고 온 무리는 바닷가 육지에 있더라(4:1)” 하였듯, 성령으로 재림하는 예수께서 교인과 백성이 되는 믿음에는 일정한 거리를 두고 가르치고, “씨를 뿌리는 자가 뿌리러 나가서, 뿌릴새 더러는 길 가에 떨어지매 새들이 와서 먹어 버렸고, 더러는 흙이 얕은 돌밭에 떨어지매 흙이 깊지 아니하므로 곧 싹이 나오나, 해가 돋은 후에 타서 뿌리가 없으므로 말랐고, 더러는 가시떨기에 떨어지매 가시가 자라 기운을 막으므로 결실하지 못하였고, 더러는 좋은 땅에 떨어지매 자라 무성하여 결실하였으니 삼십 배나 육십 배나 백 배가 되었느니라(4:3-8)” 하였듯, 사람에게 주신 자유의지로 말미암아 결실하지 못하는 사람이 더 많습니다.
The Almighty God of our heavenly Father prepared of the sinners to be forgave their sins and saved to eternal life by faith in Christ Jesus. However, for the Savior Christ Jesus will come to the earth again by the Holy Spirit to individually and teaches the real truth in him is that behind in the life-giving word of God in the bible, but he will be teachings it distinctly to his saints or people as he was to his disciples and the Israelites, as “Again, Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge (4:1)” That is why, so many believers are could not be saved causes of their free-wills of the chosen right from God, as “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and chocked the plants, so the they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty or even a hundred times (4:3-8)”
왜냐하면 좋은 땅처럼 준비된 심령에만 가르치고 인도하며 사용하고 이루는 임마누엘 하나님 은혜의 법칙 때문에, “들을 귀 있는 자는 들으라(4:9)” 하셨고, “나를 사랑하는 자가 나의 사랑을 입으며 나를 찾는 자가 만나리라(잠8:17)-구하는 이마다 받을 것이요 찾는 이는 찾아낼 것이요 두드리는 이에게는 열릴 것이니라(마7:8)” 약속하셨으며, “하나님 나라의 비밀을 너희에게는 주었으나 외인에게는 모든 것을 비유로 하나니, 그들로 보기는 보아도 알지 못하며 듣기는 들어도 깨닫지 못하게 하여 돌이켜 죄 사함을 얻지 못하게 하려 함이라. 너희가 이 비유를 알지 못할진대 어떻게 모든 비유를 알겠느냐(4:11-13)” 가르쳤는데, 성경이 이주 귀한 보화와 같은 생명으로 인도하는 말씀이지만, 겉으로 나타나는 의미나 언어학적으로는 결코 깨닫지 못하도록 진리를 숨기셨기 때문입니다.
Because of the Holy Spirit of the Christ Jesus surely be teaches the way of salvation clearly and completely to whom, he had been opened and humbly obeying minded one only and be accomplished to his faith along his eternal purposes in Christ by the Graces and powers of the Trinity God of Immanuel. That is why, the Lord Jesus was said it, as “He who has ears to hear, let him hear (4:9)” And promised it, as “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me (Proverbs8:17)-For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew7:8)” And the Scripture of today also witness and testimony it, as “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables, so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven. Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? (4:11-13)” For the word of God in the bible is precious gemmy words of surely be leads to the way of life in Christ Jesus, but no one be find or recognized it by the external means with linguistical wisdom of the men, because, God was hindered his real truths to the sinners.
그러므로, “뿌리는 자는 말씀을 뿌리는 것이라. 말씀이 길 가에 뿌려졌다는 것은 이들을 가리킴이니 곧 말씀을 들었을 때에 사탄이 즉시 와서 그들에게 뿌려진 말씀을 빼앗는 것이요. 돌밭에 뿌려졌다는 것은 이들을 가리킴이니 곧 말씀을 들을 때에 즉시 기쁨으로 받으나, 그 속에 뿌리가 없어 잠깐 견디다가 말씀으로 인하여 환난이나 박해가 일어나는 때에는 곧 넘어지는 자요. 가시떨기에 뿌려진 자는 말씀을 듣기는 하되, 세상의 염려와 재물의 유혹과 기타 욕심이 들어와 말씀을 막아 결실하지 못하게 되는 자요. 좋은 땅에 뿌려졌다는 것은 곧 말씀을 듣고 받아 삼십 배나 육십 배나 백 배의 결실을 하는 자니라(4:14-20)” 하였듯, 자상하게 설명하는 성령의 가르침을 받아야 믿음이 자라게 되고, “사람이 등불을 가져오는 것은 말 아래에나 평상 아래에 두려 함이냐 등경 위에 두려 함이 아니냐. 드러내려 하지 않고는 숨긴 것이 없고 나타내려 하지 않고는 감추인 것이 없느니라. 들을 귀 있는 자는 들으라(4:21-23)” 하셨듯, 세상에 그리스도 복음의 진리와 생명의 빛을 비추고 증거하는 삶으로 나타나야 성도와 자녀로 인정하시기 때문에, “영혼 없는 몸이 죽은 것 같이 행함이 없는 믿음은 죽은 것이니라(약2:26)” 가르치기 때문입니다.
Whosoever, therefore, his faith should be growth up to be good and worthy within attentively instruction of the Holy Spirit only, as “The farmer sows the word. Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short tie. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop-thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown (4:14-20)” Then, he can be shown for the light of the life in Christ Jesus to other men, and be granted to the saint of the Christ Jesus by God, as “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear (4:21-23)” Thus, if anyone who don’t have as that lives, his faith is shorted or failed, as “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead (James2:26)”
그런 복음의 진리를 알지 못하고 오해하거나, 임마누엘 하나님 성령의 가르침과 인도를 따라 순종하지 않으면, “그의 마음을 완악한 대로 버려 두어 그의 임의대로 행하게 하시는(시81:12)” 하나님의 섭리 때문에, “너희가 무엇을 듣는가 스스로 삼가라 너희의 헤아리는 그 헤아림으로 너희가 헤아림을 받을 것이며 더 받으리니, 있는 자는 받을 것이요 없는 자는 그 있는 것까지도 빼앗기리라(4:24-25)” 경고하셨고, “하나님의 나라는 사람이 씨를 땅에 뿌림과 같으니, 그가 밤낮 자고 깨고 하는 중에 씨가 나서 자라되 어떻게 그리 되는지를 알지 못하느니라. 땅이 스스로 열매를 맺되 처음에는 싹이요 다음에는 이삭이요 그 다음에는 이삭에 충실한 곡식이라. 열매가 익으면 곧 낫을 대나니 이는 추수 때가 이르렀음이라(4:26-29)” 하셨는데, 씨앗이 땅에 떨어져 싹터도, 햇빛과 비가 없으면 자라지 못하고 꽃을 피우거나 열매를 맺지 못하듯, 사람의 의지와 노력으로는 되지 않고, 임마누엘 하나님 성령의 은혜로 이루어지므로, “네 길을 여호와께 맡기라 그를 의지하면 그가 이루시고, 네 의를 빛 같이 나타내시며 네 공의를 정오의 빛 같이 하시리로다(시37:5-6)” 하셨기 때문입니다.
That’s why, if anyone, who have been misunderstood as that way of the Immanuel God, or disobedience to the Holy Spirit, he will surely be abandoned or deserted by God, as “I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices (Psalms81:12)” Thus, the Lord Jesus was warned as it, as “Consider carefully what you hear, with the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him (4:24-25)” Because, no one can have good or worthy faith in Jesus by himself as that the seeds could not be sprouts, growth up plants, blooms or bear to seeds by itself without sunlight and rains from God, as “All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come (4:28-29)” That is why, God was instructed for the graceful way of life by Immanuel God in Christ Jesus, as “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun (Psalms37:5-6)”
그러므로 성령의 가르침을 따라 믿고 신뢰하며 임마누엘 하나님께 맡기고 의지하며 순종하면, “우리가 하나님의 나라를 어떻게 비교하며 무슨 비유로 나타낼까? 겨자씨 한 알과 같으니 땅에 심길 때에는 땅 위의 모든 씨보다 작은 것이로되, 심긴 후에는 자라서 모든 풀보다 커지며 큰 가지를 내나니 공중의 새들이 그 그늘에 깃들일 만큼 되듯(4:30-32)” 이기적인 욕심이 사라지고 이타적인 사랑의 삶으로 나타나는데, 그런 복음의 진리와 믿음의 법칙을 말씀에 깊이 숨겨두고 성령으로 가르치기 때문에, “예수께서 이러한 많은 비유로 그들이 알아들을 수 있는 대로 말씀을 가르치시되, 비유가 아니면 말씀하지 아니하시고 다만 혼자 계실 때에 그 제자들에게 모든 것을 해석하시더라(4:33-34)” 하셨는데, “그 날 저물 때에 제자들에게 이르시되 우리가 저편으로 건너가자 하시니, 그들이 무리를 떠나 예수를 배에 계신 그대로 모시고 가매 다른 배들도 함께 하더니, 큰 광풍이 일어나며 물결이 배에 부딪쳐 들어와 배에 가득하게 되었더라. 예수께서는 고물에서 베개를 베고 주무시더니 제자들이 깨우며 이르되 선생님이여 우리가 죽게 된 것을 돌보지 아니하시나이까(4:35-38)” 하였듯, 임마누엘 하나님 성령께 맡기고 의지하며 순종하는 길에도 세상 삶에 대한 염려나 죽음에 대한 공포로 시험과 연단을 받고, 부르짖으며 간구하게 됩니다.
Therefore, if anyone who will be commit himself and sincerely and humbly obedience to God, he shall be everything to do with loves but disappeared his fleshly sinful desires and attitudes, as “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade (4:30-32)” However, as that real truth in Christ Jesus had been concealed in the word of God in the bible through the parables, and be teaches through the Holy Spirit only, as “With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything (4:33-34)” However, everyone surely be tested and disciplined by the afraid of the dreadful death to be ardently prayer to God, even he had been faithfully obedient to his Immanuel God, as “That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side. Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, Teacher, don’t you care if we drown? (4:35-38)”
그렇지만, “예수께서 깨어 바람을 꾸짖으시며 바다더러 잠잠하라 고요하라 하시니 바람이 그치고 아주 잔잔하여졌듯(4:39)” 고난과 공포 속으로 찾아와 돕는 임마누엘 하나님 은혜로 고난과 연단을 이겨내고 구원에 이르게 되지만, “어찌하여 이렇게 무서워하느냐 너희가 어찌 믿음이 없느냐(4:40)” 하였듯, 임마누엘 하나님의 은혜와 사랑과 능력을 확신하지 못하면 고난과 두려움에 빠지게 되므로, 준비된 마음에 찾아와 가르치고 맡기고 순종하는 믿음에 동행하며 사용하고 이루는 임마누엘 하나님 은혜의 법칙을 올바로 알고 맡기고 의지하며 순종하는 겸손하고 신실한 믿음으로 대속과 구원과 부활과 영생 얻는 하나님의 자녀가 되기를 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 간절히 축복하며 기도합니다. 아멘.
But, at that time, his Immanuel God will come and protect and save him through his pleaded and pray to God, as “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet. Be still.’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (4:39)” however, if anyone, who have not confident for his salvation by his Immanuel God, he will surely be fallen to temptation of dreadful afraid of the death and hardly lives of big distressed From the Satan, as “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith? (4:40)” Therefore, you shall be opened your minds and hearts to God and longing for his favor of Immanuel, then the Lord Jesus will come to you by the Holy Spirit and teaches, shows and leads you to the way of life in him with good and worthy faith, at that time, if you commit yourselves to God and always humbly obedience to him, then he will become your Immanuel God and accomplished according to his eternal purposes with you completely and grant you be enter to the eternal life in the kingdom of God in the heaven forever and ever. I hopefully prayer and plead for you to God, you have had as good and worthy faith in Christ Jesus all. Amen.