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멜번의 하늘
카페 게시글
…………*트램안에서* *주절주절* IKEA에서 파는 세계지도에 동해가 일본 해로 표기된 것 아세요?
너나나나 추천 0 조회 158 08.11.05 11:14 댓글 3
게시글 본문내용
  • 08.11.05 16:53

    첫댓글 It was always refered to as the Sea of Japan... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Japan. Even the Russians, who are neighbours of the sea, call it that. You have no case, and truth be told, Korea forfeited all right to call it ours in the late 1800s.

  • 작성자 08.11.05 18:36

    www.forthenextgeneration.com에 독도와 동해에 관한 자세한 정보가 있네요.

  • 08.11.05 19:00

    If you read the article properly, you'd note that the international body works by consensus. 2 neighbouring entities, of whom one is a 3rd party - russia, call it Sea of Japan, where as 2 (who are both Korea) do not. However the 2 Koreas cannot even agree on 1 name. Hence the votes are 2:1:1. What is there to argue about? And if you know your history, then you'd know that Koreans sold out Korea. Why aren't you fighting for Manju to be named Korea??? Isn't that the same thing?
