Today's story's title is "Prepared About for the Test!"
One day, Sarah studied hard because tomorrow the test day was the test day.
Sarah memorize memorized the word words and studied about math math.
Then tommorrow the next day, Sarah got a good score.
Score: B+
- Prepared for: ‘시험을 대비하다’는 prepare for라고 해요.
- tomorrow was the test day: was를 써야 문장이 완성돼요!
- memorize → memorized: 과거 이야기니까 -ed를 붙여야 해요.
- word → words: 많은 단어를 외웠다면 복수형으로!
- studied math: about은 필요 없어요. 그냥 studied math라고 해요.
- tommorrow → the next day: 이미 하루 전에 공부했으니까, 시험 날은 the next day가 자연스러워요.
👉 어떤 단어를 외웠는지, 어떤 수학 문제를 풀었는지 더 써보면 이야기가 더 재미있어져요!