지난주 드디어 스터디를 다시 시작했습니다.
참석해 주신 rocky, michell, alice 모두 감사드립니다.
첫날이라 부족한 것도 많고 했는데 잘따라와주셔서 감사하구요 앞으로 부족한 것 있으면 보충하고
번거로운 것 들은 빼면서 flexible 하게 운영하도록 하겠습니다.
영화는 계속 노팅힐로 고정입니다. 한편이라도 제대로 마스터 하는것이 중요하므로 유지하도록 하겠습니다.
마찬가지로 대박패턴 암기해오시구 금주 토픽을 읽어보시고 자기만의 답변을 준비하시면 되겠습니당.
(끝나고 닭갈비가게의 줄이 길어 대신 찜닭을 먹었는데 맛있더라구요ㅋ 근데 다음에는 꼭 닭갈비를 함께~~~줄서서라도 먹읍시다 !)
어제 싱가포르에서 Sales Training Manager가 와서 함께 하루종일 동행을 다녔습니다. 무슨말을 어떻게 해야하는지
잘알아들을 수 있을지 고민이 많았는데요. 막상 같이 다니면서 이야기 하다보니 재미있더라구요. 물론 문법도 많이 틀리고 버벅대긴 했지요. 그래도 참 유익한 시간이었구요. 영어공부의 끈을 놓지 않아서 그나마 이정도 할 수 있었구나라는 생각이 듭니다. 여러분도 처음시작할때의 마음가짐 변치 말고 끝까지 열심히 하면 좋겠습니다.
지난주 easy englsih
substitute A for B A를 B로 치환하다, 대체하다
You could substitute milk for yogurt in the recipe.
요리법에서 요구르트 대신 우유를 사용해도 좋다.
10월 11일 study curriculum
Small Talk and self introduction - 지난주에 있었던 일들에 대하여 대화를 나누고 자기소개(newcomer)
대박패턴1 day2 - 문장들을 외워오세요 퀴즈는 한글로 나가구 한명당 질문 5개 하겠습니다.
Do you think he's lying?
Do you think we'll win?
Do you think she's pretty?
Do you think there's enough time?
Don't you think It's too cold today?
Don't you think that's amazing?
Don't you think It's a little bit too soon?
Don't you think she's too young for him?
What do you think of my new shoes?
What do you think of Gina's boyfriend?
What do you think of our Instructor?
What do you think of gay marriage?
What do you think about this painting?
What do you think about her?
What do you think about her new hairstyle?
What do you think about leaving early
How do you like it?
How do you like the music?
How do you like the wine
How do you like your eggs?
American drama or movie
- The movie for october : Notting hill
- 진행방식: 1. 먼저 한글자막과 영문자막으로 동시에 시청한 뒤 영문자막으로 한번 더 시청
2. 자막없이 시청하면서 중간중간 재생을 멈추고 퀴즈가 나가고 완벽한 문장으로 dictation
3. shadowing
- 이번주 진도 : 00:11:17 ~ 00:17:48
Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
1. 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
2. role play
3. 역할 바꿔서 외우기
4. role play
Free talking start -
1. 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
2. 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
3. main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking해도 무방
토픽: <숙제> 10월 4일 토픽을 읽고
answer 준비하기
to staff - 토픽은 출력물 없구용~easy english 만 부탁해용~~~
The best way to find a lover
A company name ‘Duo’ is no longer unfamiliar to most Koreans’ears. We easily see lots of ads by matchmaking companies in subway, bus and sometimes on TV. As you see, matchmaking companies has been multiplied over the past several years. Moreover this is not a trend only happening in Korea, but a trend happening in the world. In U.S., there are lots of matchmaking companies, and they also have been improved rapidly. They now see overseas market such as China, India, and so on. This reflects well that finding one’s partner by using commercial companies is gradually becoming one option we can choose when we look for our mates.
Spreading out of matchmaking companies, however, doesn’t mean that all the people in Korea can use them without any hesitation. We feel awkward at checking the partner’s backgrounds before we meet the partner, but this is a basic procedure when we use matchmaking companies. What is more, we sometimes regard trying actively to find out lovers as shameful behavior!
However in the world, there are various kinds of people. And for some, the matchmaking companies can be very helpful. Especially for disabilities, finding his/her mates on the internet is a more convenient way with wide range of selection because it’s hard for them to go outside and find their mates. How about soldiers, olds, and so on? Normal people also can take merits when they look for their mates.
< Questions >
1. Have you chatted with a stranger in an on-line chatting site and later met him/her personally? If you have the experience, how was it? If you haven’t, is there any reason that you don’t do this kind of meeting?
2. The number of people who uses commercial companies for finding mates has been sharply increased . What is your opinion on this trend?
3. There are lots of ways in finding their mates such as having blind-date, registering in commercial match-making companies, and so on. In your point of view, what seems to be the best way to find your mates?
4. What is the specific reason of these companies’ success do you think? And what are the merits and faults on meeting mates by these companies?
5. Is there any qualification you want as your partner?
let's talk about youke (요우커,유케,중국인관광객)
Easy English : 10월호 2회분 부탁드립니당~~지난주에 직접 가져다 주셔서 감사했습니다^^
참여댓글 양식
<참석의 경우> 1st / English Name / 참석합니다~
신입은 _th / English Name / (문의주셨던) 전화번호 / 참석합니다~
example) 1st / peter / 참석합니다
2nd / grace / 참석합니다
3rd / albert / 참석합니다
4th / tina / 참석합니다
5th / david / 010-1234-5678 / 처음 참석합니다
<불참의 경우> 불참 / English Name / 사유~
※ 금요일(최소한 저녁)까지 꼭! 꼬옥~ 달아주시길 간.곡.히. 부탁드려요!^^*
미리미리 달아 놓읍시다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
첫댓글 1st/ rocky / substitute 발음 어려워요...
2nd/ ashley /attend # 으으...요번주 열정이 이어져!! 토요일까지 불사르기를~^^
3rd/ alice/ 참석합니다
4th / ashley / 010 3924 5680 참석합니다 처음입니다 ~
Nice to meet u !
6th/ /010-7290-0775/ 처음 참석합니다. 지난주에 참석 못해 죄송합니다.
no problem at all
7th / Tony / 공일공 삼팔팔일 팔구오공 / 첨 참석해보려구요~
8th / Hoon.참석합니다~