23, July, 2022, Saturday.
The True Goal That Restores the Firstborn's Share(Acts 13:1-4)
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."(2)
Hymn #406 I Have Found Sweet Rest(Unified Hymn 464)
The true goal that must be constantly maintained is found in the words that Jesus said ahead of His ascension, "only God's Kingdom" and "only Holy Spirit.” Later, Paul continued the works of Mark's upper room just as it had been carried out.(Acts 13:1~4, 16:6~10, and 19:1~7) In order to continue this today, you must pray to set up the "3 Time Schedules" that save the works of the Triune God in you, the "9 Blessings of the Throne," the church, and the age. If you enjoy and relay the "3•9•3," forums will arise in your work whether you're alone or with believers. All the difficulties of the 7 Remnants, who enjoyed prayer, became forums regarding life. In the end, you'll become the Spiritual Summit like the 7 Remnants; the members of the Early Church; and Paul.
1. Healing
Jesus solely taught about "only God's Kingdom," "only Holy Spirit," and the Trinity. If you pray to enjoy those, you'll first receive healing through the answer of "only," then the greatest problems of the age(Acts 13:5~12, 16:16~18, and 19:8~20) will be healed. Afterward, churches that are seized by the voices of people, the world, and strife and serve only their own desires as gods will be healed as well. In the end, Satan will have no choice but to kneel down(Acts 16:20).
2. The Remnant's Answer
Accordingly, the answer of "uniqueness" will follow Remnants. In Paul's case, he went into synagogues which had three distinct characteristics. In Acts 17:1, Paul explained the “rightfulness of the Gospel." In Acts 18:4, he entered synagogues every Sabbath. Finally, in Acts 19:8, he explained about God's Kingdom. These must be planted in Remnants.
3. The Remnant Movement Scattered Ones
Starting now, just like Paul, you must start the movements of "those who remained" and the "scattered ones" to save the world. Just like the proconsul in Acts 13; Timothy in Acts 14; Mark in Acts 15; Lydia in Acts 16; Lydia in Acts 17; Jason in Acts 18; Priscilla and Aquila in Acts 18; the members of Tyrannus in Acts 19; and the disciples who arose in Rome, you too can receive the absolute answer that God has prepared. In the end, those people became the patrons, fellow workers, and hosts(Romans 16:1~2, 3~4, and 23) for the sake of the age and the "Remnant movement."
Finally, God has given you a hidden card. That is none other than what was hidden for long ages past, hidden now, and hidden in the future(Romans 16:25~27). Like this, if you can discover "my Gospel," "my prayer," and "my evangelism," then it'll be over.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, please help me discover where Your Word is so that I can enjoy it. Help me find what Christ said Himself and to enjoy that as well. Finally, lead me to grab hold of the covenant of Mark's upper room that solely conquered the world. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Southeast Asia Evangelism Conference, Lecture 2 / 21, December, 202.