Has AA been approved by the FDA?
AA has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA as an "Accessory to a Surgical Laser Instruments used for Hair Removal" to enhance the effects of lasers in the treatment of non-pigmented hair.
Is AA a drug?
No. In addition to having FDA clearance, AA is registered with FDA as a cosmetic preparation. AA's ingredients are all-natural, non-toxic and non-irritating to the skin.
How long must AA be applied before each laser treatment?
Please refer to the enclosed sheets entitle "Suggested Use for Fine, Soft, Vellus Hair" and "Suggested Use for Coarse Hair" for details.
Can the patient shave immediately before applying AA or must there be some hair above the skin?
AA is best absorbed into the hair when it has been shaved.
Is daily shaving absolutely necessary?
It is recommended that the area be shaved daily for optimal absorption. If necessary, an alternative to shaving is closely clipping the hair each day.
What if the patient forgets or misses an application? Must she start over?
It is important that the patient faithfully apply AA for optimal results. Keep in mind that the goal of using AA is to create a AA deposit that is dark enough to be effectively targeted by the laser. If several applications are missed, the patient should consider adding more applications to the daily regimen or extending the AA treatment for several days in order to make up for the number of applications missed. If the patient dose not apply a sufficient number of applications she may cheat herself out of an effective treatment.
How long after the application of AA must the patient wait before showering?
It is recommended to wait 1 hour after applying AA before showering(getting in a pool, etc.), however AA can be applied immediately after showering.
AA is colorless and dries without any lingering odor.
Can the patient use other creams or lotions in conjunction with AA?
A patient may continue to use her/his normal lotion, creams and/or make-up while applying AA. However, it is recommended that the patient wait 1 hour before applying another topival cosmetic. The only topical applications known to contraindicate AA are creams that contain bleaching agent(such as kojik acid and hydroquinone). When applying AA in the the morning and in the evening, it is important the skin be clean and free of substances that may inhibit absorption.
How long will one bottle?
One bottle contains approximately 720 sprays. which may be enough to cover several pre-treatment regiments for a lip or chin, but may only cover one pre-treatment regimen for a full face. The amount of AA used will depend on the type of hair to be treated, the size of the area to be treated and personal preference. Coarse hair will require longer application time than vellus hair, so more AA will be used. Smaller areas, such as a lip or chin, will require less AA than lager areas such as a back or legs. Finally, some patients may feel that a thicker application is better and may use AA more liberally when applying.
Does AA stain the skin or or chang the appearance of hair above the surface of the skin?
No. AA penetrates into the hair fillicle and does not stain the skin or hair.
Does AA work the same for everyone?
Although hundreds of laser hair removal centers are reporting exciting results, there is no guarantee that AA will obtain the same results for everyone. Results may vary depending on the patient's adherence to the application and treatment regimen.
As a laser technician, what are the best laser parameters to use when treating patients using AA?
Clinical biopsies have shown that follicle of a hair treated with AA is equivalent to that of a finely textured, light brown hair. Therefore, doctors have had the greatest success when they treat AA pretreated hair with laser setting that are indicated for treatment of fine, light brown hair. Of course parameters used for each individual patient should be determined entirely by the doctor or laser technician.
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