序 言 (Preface)
안녕하세요 저자 Lion King (李東河) 입니다
이 문법집은 제가 손수 직접 작성한 문법입니다.
2. 작업동기
고급문법 가르치는 과외선생님들이나 학원강사들은 참조하시면 좋겠다는 생각에 만들었습니다. 초보자님들께서 보시기엔 솔직히 약간 어렵고 정리가 안 될 수도 있습니다만, 좀더 심화된 문법자료가 부족했던 것은 사실이었고, '포항영어모임 동호회'의 많은 분들이 초보자분들이라 고수님들의 입맛을 위해서 작업의 필요성을 느꼈으며, 작업하면서 저도 다시한번 제 노트를 정리복습한다는 생각으로
3. 희망
비록 저의 개인적 작업이었지만, 포.영.모가 내세울 수 있는 하나의 업적이자
자랑이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
4. 참고자료
제가 살아오면서 습득한 영문법 지식을 '총동원'하여 작성했으며, 제가 느끼기에 기초적이거나, 불필요한 부분은 과감히 생략했습니다. 신림동의 유명강사의 강의를 듣고 작성한 노트를 색인으로 하였습니다. 참고자료는 국내 변리사시험, 회계사시험, 사법고시, 행정고시, 기술고시, 외시, 토플기출, 여러대학원입시자료, 여
러기업시험자료 등의 문제를 총동원했습니다.
5. 작업기간
2002. 11. 13 에 시작해서 2002. 12. 8일까지 작업하여, 포항영어모임 카페 게시
판에 'L.K문법' 이란 이름으로 연재한 것들을 묶은 것입니다.
문법고수님들께서는 세세한 설명이 되어있지 않아도 이 책을 보면 짧은 시일내에 방대한 고급문법이 정리되리라 생각합니다. 초판이라 잘 정리가 되어있지 않은점 이해해주시기 바랍니다. 우리 같이 열정으로 비상합시다.
2003년 겨울 포항에서...
著者 李 東 河
*기타심화편(The Others)(2)*
They are bringing over the whole family. (데리고 오다)
They called off the strike. 중지를 선언하다
I can't make it out.
I do not regret being cut off from the understanding of other man.
(what/the first thing/the most) I have to do is (toR/ R)... *ing는 불가
object to ing ~에 반대하다
Most Koreans do object to my calling them by their first name.
succeed to 계승하다,
succeed in 성공하다.
He succeeded in swimming across the river.
Do you mind my smoking in this room?
make 사람 R
get 사람 toR
Father got me to translate the letter into English
시제일치의 예외 : 아직 일어나지 않은 사실일 경우
He said that Jim will come tomorrow.
예외의 예외) today is Sunday, and tomorrow is Monday (달력상 이미 확정:현재로)
look on 방관하다 ; look at 바라보다
세기앞에 반드시 the
That old building date back to the 16th century. 소급하다
be versed in 정통한 숙달이 된
She is versed in Japan.
I am afraid I took up too much of your time today.
가정법에 있어 본동사가 이끌고 있는 목적절, 종속절은 가정법 시제에 영향을 받지 않고 다만 본동사만 시제 받는 것일 뿐이다
I didn't think that it would shock him...
- If I had thought that it would shock him,
These trees should not have been planted here.
Not till then did she realize that he was in love with her.
know, tell, ask 는 의문사를 앞으로 뺄 수 없다
Where do you know she is living(X)
He won't be so foolish as to resign from the firm now.
To inspect the car, you will require a special light. 추측의 will, 주어일치주의
many a 단명 단수동사
a number of 복명 복수동사
Many a person has inquired...
urge, required 는 should...(요구,제안, 명령, 희망, 촉구)
In addition, the government made a bid to split the black nationalist movement by claiming that Sithole urged the moderate leaders be eliminated politically and physically.
In this country it is required that anyone who has recently come here should pay taxes.
I would have if I had had times. (주절의 p.p 생략)
Had you come earlier , you would have seen him.
rob A of B
steal B from A
He was robbed of his money
Hed it not rained last night, the road would not be so muddy now.
시간, 거리, 가격, 무게 는 단수취급
Three years is too long a time to be away from home.
c.f) those three years are 각각 1년씩 모두를 의미
lest should ~ 하지않도록 (not쓰지않도록 주의)
He worked hard lest his children should suffer from poverty.
A man is known by his friends 친구를 보면 그를 알 수 있다.
It is time 가정법 과거 유도함 (초조감)
It is time that he made up his mind about it.
not a little 적지않게 , 잔뜩
help O (원형/toR)
He helped her do the dished after dinner with.
가정법 과거완료에서 조건절의 형태는 If + 주어 + had + p.p
If he had quietly lain, as instructed by the doctor, he might not have taken a second heart attack.
not so much A as B A라기보단 B이다
He is not so much a scholar as a writer.
the를 붙이는 것 4가지
the taller of the two
all the taller
the taller , the easier
none the taller for
Which is the taller of the two boys?
Once 일단 ~ 하면
Once the first trial is made, the rest is easy.
formerly 이전에, formally 정식으로
He was formerly a student in university.
I think it regretable
I think it sorry (X)
quite right 꼭 맞는
Your dress is marvelous, Helen. yes, but it doesn't fit me around the neck quite right.
be proud of
be proud that S+V
feel proud of/that S+V
be/turn/grow/feel concerned about
He began playing entusiastically on the piano.
at the earliest opportunity 기회가 나는 대로
Limited time makes quoting the entire message impossible.
The children , as a rule , do hardly anything beyond what they were told to do.
What are you so busy with?
one of the busiest ; the + 형 -복수보통명사
get ready for 준비하다
He was getting busily ready for the journey.
I'm glad to see you busily occupied. 몰두해있으니 보기좋군요
They drove downtown quickly this morning. 장방시
I usually go to bed late 부사: 늦게
so that 앞에 , 있으면 결과
없으면 ~ 하기 위하여
What is social conflict? A good working definition is that it is any situation where two or more parties must divide the available resources, so that the more one party gets, the less others get.
Throughout the Western world it is agreed that people must meet frequently, and that it is not only agreeable to talk, but that it is a matter of common courtesy to say something even when there is hardly anything to say 할말이 거의 없을 때에도
Twice in the platonic dialogues he speaks about his search for wisdom and asserts that his knowledge, such as it is, is not asserting a knowledge of erotic things. 앞의 assert는 주장하다 , 뒤는 단정하다 뜻
Couldn't Jack buy a car next week?
No, he couldn't, and neither could his father.
It ...that 강조구문
It was not his father's influence that led him to choose that kind of work.
가정법현재 이성판단형용사
Our union considers it imperative that 'no strike' laws be repealed (should 생략)
expect는 전형적 5형식동사
수동태 is expected to be ...
Each and every witness is expected to be asked to give testimony he does not wish to disclose
3 hour movie (단수)
7 year old boy
many a 단수V
There was many a villager assembled there.
of an age 같은 나이
feel good(well) = healthy
each of 복명
each (부정형용사, 부정대명사) 단수동사
every 부정형용사 단수동사
즉, 둘다 복수명사지만 단수동사로 받음
Each of the grecian states had its own laws.
It who 강조구문
Was it Bob or she who asked the question?
have 가 소유의미 그대로 지닌 채 진행형 불가 ; 단, 예정의미 가질 때는 예외
Our club is having its annual dinner tonight.
observe 1. 지키다, 준수하다 n. observance 준수, 종교의식, 2. 관찰하다. n. onservation 관찰 3. that S+V 소견따위를 진술하다, 말하다
The gardens of Adonis were a feature of Athenian religious observance in the fifth century.
a large number of 가산명사 / a large amount of 물질명사
Unless we are prepared to defind the world outside of North America, we shall soon find ourselves with nothing but North America to lose.
One day he went out into the sea, never to return.
This is too good a chance to lose.
I cannot help accepting his offer.
He writes home to his parents once a month.
You need not get up so early unless you want to.
bewildering task 당황스러운 일
The first demand made upon his brain was to subdue his environment to keep warm when and where it was cold.
인칭대명사 소유격은 and/ or 로 나열불가
예외 )his and her
Every boy and girl must develop his and her personality.
make an outline 개요를 그리다
They are both nearly alike in the respect.
in all/every respects 모든 점으로 보아
excepting / except for (O)
excepting for (X)
While we parked near the bank of a fastflowing river, a boat that was going against the current capsized and dumped the occupants into the water.
Baroque has been the term used by art historians for almost a century to designate the dominant style of the period 1600-1750.
dictator 독재자, 구술자
dictate 받아쓰게하다
grope for 더듬어 찾다
A new electric light is installed 설치되었다
so that 구문의 강조
So great is the force exerted by tornados that they have been known to lift railroad locomotives off their tracks.
부정어 문두 도치
Never in history had technology made such spectacular advances.
schooling 학교교육
by no means 결코 ~ 않다
The organization of state schooling is by no means as centralized as in most western European countires.
도치 Not only is there no prescribed curriculum, but the types of school available, and the age ranges for which they cater, vary in different parts of the country because local authorities are responsible for the education provided in their area.
shield ...from 숨기다 감추다
Venus is perpetually covered by thick, opaque clouds that shield the planet's surface from view.
유사관계대명사 but, 부정어뒤에서 except 의미
There is no man so bad but he secretly respects the good.
There is no great leader but is optimistic.
optimistic/pessimistic 낙관적/비관적
A is to B as/what C is to D
Hallowed is to sacred as depraved is to corrupt.
첫댓글 그동안 애독해 주셔서 감사합니다. 저번주 모임에 잠깐 갔는데 포스코직원 한분이 애독자라고 하셔서 감동먹었습니다. 참고로 책으로도 출판되었습니다. 나중에 보여드리죠 (자비로 1권 출판했음 ^^;;)
여분이 있으면 나중에 내가 한권 사지요. 그냥 주면 더 좋고..ㅋㅋㅋ 이런 열정이 계속 되길 기대합니다. 화이팅!!!