Jack Any fun memories about April Fools'?
Sujin In high school, we would change classrooms to confuse the teachers.
Jack Wow, how did the teachers react? Did they get mad or laugh it off?
Sujin Mostly we all lauaghed, but not all the teachers thought it was funny.They must've thought we'd gone too far.
Jack I'd like to make good use of this patch of ground. Why don't we make our own vegetable garden?
Sujin That sounds like a good idea.
Jack What do you think we should plant?
Sujin Well... now you're barking up the wrong tree. I know next to nothing about gardenig.
Jack Thanks for coming over to help us, Tom. I heard you're an excellent gradener.
Sujin Oh, I'm flattered. Yeah, I think I have a green thumb, haha.
Jack We're finding it difficult to choose what to plant.
Sujin I see. Are you first-time gardeners?
Jack Yes, we are. So, can we start with something simple?
Jack How do snap peas sound?
Sujin Sure. They're very easy to grow.
Jack Exactly. And they're ready to eat in about two months.
Sujin Do we need to plant them in a shady area?
Jack No, they need a lot of direct sun. Plant them in an area with full exposure.
Jack Since your're here, can you take a look at these flowerpots?
Sujin No problem. Oh... the leaves are withered.
Jack We don't know what we did wrong. We watered them and gave them fertilizer, too.
Sujin I think you've been watering it too much. These grow well with just a little water.
Jack Have you thought about growing cacti? They need minimum maintenance.
Sujin How often do we have to water them?
Jack Only when the soil is completely dry. Usually, you water them once every two weeks.
Sujin Wow, that's wonderful. Thanks for the tips.
Sophie Jenny's birthday is coming up. Let's throw her a surprise party.
Nick Yeah, we couldn't celebrate last year because of the pandemic.
Sophie Make sure to keep her in the dark this time. You spilled the beans a few years ago.
Nick Yeah, I know. I blew it. That was totally my bad.
Sophie The party will be at my house. I'll ask Jenny when she is available.
Nick Okay, then let me know what time.
Sophie Good. And I'm going to order a customized cake for her. Can you pick it up on the way that day?
Nick Sure thing.
Nick I've invited some of Jenny's close friends.
Sophie Great. Is Clara coming? I need her help with decorations. She has pretty banners, balloons, and everything!
Nick Yes. She said she is going to call you.
Sophie Wonderful.
Nick If you need any help setting up the party, I can give you some extra help.
Richard Hey, I heard you had a baby. Congrats. How are you doing?
Sujin I'm doing great, thanks. I'm staying at a postnatal care center now. It's for recovering after childbirth.
Richard Oh, that sounds interesting.
Sujin Yes, It's common to go there in Korea. They provide very good service.
Richard How's your baby? Is it she or he?
Sujin She. We've named her Minji. She is very healthy,
Richard That's a pretty name. How much does she weigh?
Sujin She is 3 kilograms. She is so tiny and cute!
Richard Did you guys wish for a son, by any chance?
Sujin No! Either a son or a daughter would've been fine with us.