출처: 경미경미경미 원문보기 글쓴이: 이경미
아래 보라색 글이 이경미가 보낸 메일 입니다.
호주에 있는 그레이엄 할아버지께 보낸 편지 내용은
경미 생일 파티와 다른 파티 이야기
호주에서 경미에게 만들어 준 등(랜턴)이 타버린 얘기와 동영상.
사진들을 보냈더니
그레이엄 할아버지께서 한국에 오시겠다네요.
오시면 파티 함 열죠!!!
제일 아래에 파티때 타버린 동영상 올립니다.
Thanks for your cheer, Kyung Mi,
Hi~~~~Graem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How are you?Now days had many partys.I had birthday party.At that time I didn't teach art because Ryan was teach my art academy child.That day I had back massage, droup by public bath room. I cut my hair............I was great time..... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAppy!!!!!!!!!!!!Ryan is my friend.He is American.He is catoonist.We will have pool moon day party in my mother's home.Please come to that party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE COME TO KOOOREEEAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your's lantern was bern!!!!!!!!!!!at Crist Mas party.SOSOSO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When we had party at Natally and Dave Fare well party.They are Canedan.Did you join Wood Ford Folk Festival this year?I really really miss that festival and miss all person and you.I miss your voice and laughter.Kyung Mi
아래 편지는 호주에 있는 페니 스미스라는 분한테서 온 메일 답장입니다.
이분은 예술 기획자이고 축제 기획자 입니다.
호주에 갔을때 우드포드 축제에서 만났습니다.
Hi Kyung Mi
It is great to get a letter from you. I often wonder how you are going. I would have loved to come to your birthday party – it is such a pity Korea is so far away. The massage and the public bath sounds like a very good idea too – I wish there was a public bath like the Korean ones here at Woodford.
I think your haircut looks terrific. It really suits you and did you get that beautiful turquoise necklace for your birthday?
The Festival this year was so much better than last year as the only rain was during the night to keep the dust away. Besides the sunny days, everything seemed to go more smoothly – although it was still very busy and I didn’t get much of a chance to catch up with my Korean friends during the Festival. Some people thought it was too hot but none of the KopAs group complained. It was great to have KoPAS here again but we missed your happy face and laughter! I don’t have any photos yet but when I do, I will send some to you.
Much love, Penny.
Penny Smith
Visual Arts Programme Manager
Queensland Folk Federation Inc
promoters of
Woodford Folk Festival - 27 Dec 09 - 1 Jan 10
The Dreaming - Australia's International Indigenous Festival 5 - 8 Jun 09
PMB 2, Woodford Qld 4514
Phone +61 7 5496 1066
Fax +61 7 5496 3196
Mobile 0427 177 779
early bird discount tickets available at http://www.woodfordfolkfestival.com
아래 답장은 린 캐런 이란 분인데
호주 작가들과 교류할때 안 분인데 실물을 뵌 적은 없습니다.
이 분은 전시 기획가입니다.
Hi Kyung Mi, Happy Birthday and thankyou for the email and all the interesting photographs. It looks like you all had a great time, especially the children.
I would love to travel to Korea one day, but at the moment my commitments keep me in Australia .
Today Australia is celebrating “Australia Day” with a public holiday and many parties. It is the anniversary of the day the British claimed the east coast of Australia in 1770.
I didn’t get to the Woodford Folk Festival; I would like to get along to the next one.
Di Collier had an exhibition in November at the Up Front Club, which went well. She has honoured me by asking me to teach / mentor her in her art practise, for a few months this year.
Did Sue tell you I am no longer organizing the art exhibitions at the Up Front Club? A friend of mine Edith- Ann is now the coordinator.
Take care,
Lynn Cran
죤, 데이브는 미국 사람으로 죤은 퍼포머, 예술가 이며 데이브는 시인입니다.
한국에 있을때 Sue의 소개로 알게 됐는데
이분의 퍼포먼스가 사람들에게 인기가 아주 많았답니다.
지금은 시에틀에 머물며 퍼포먼스를 다시 시작했다고 내용에 있네요.
Dear Kyung Mi,
A very very happy birthday (a little late) to you! I look at the pictures, see you and Sally and now am missing you and Korea! Please give greetings to Sally. David and I are now very at home again in Seattle and I started performing again so am very happy about that.
Our warm greetings..
Joan and David
이분은 호주분으로 미술 작가, 퍼포머, 설치미술가 입니다.
역시 Sue의 소개로 알게 됐으며 지금 이탈리아에 머물고 있으면 딸이 아기를 낳았다고 소식을 전해왔네요.
지금은 Hi Kyung Mi,
I hope you had a very happy birthday. It sounds like you did. Yuor hair looks good short too.
I am in Italy at the moment as my daughter is about to have a baby. I will be here for three months. There is snow everywhere and its very cold. I am in the northern part and surrounded by snow capped mountains. Yesterday I went skiing - very good fun indead.
Its great to hear from you and I would like to join you in Korea but not this time maybe later. Say hi to Ryan It must be good to have him around. I loved your photos but sad that the lantern burnt.
Yes I went to the Folk festival this year and had a fantastic time. Kopas came and Sue and Corrie were there too. It was my best festival yet. Sue, Corrie and I did 2 performances together fun fun fun!
I miss you all very much
Say hi to Sally
hugs and kisses
데브라는 캐나다 사람인데 여자분입니다.
지금 조치원에 있으며 홍익대학교에서 영어를 가르칠 모양입니다.
이분은 제가 김해의 어느 축제에서 퍼포먼스했을때 저의 퍼포먼스를 봤죠.
"한국의 문화에 대해 너무 잘 알게됐다"고하면서 제게 보내준 메일이 있습니다.
그 영문 편지를 김해 신문에 기고해서 글이 실린적이 있죠.
Hi Kyung Mi:
I was so delighted to hear from you. I have never forgotten your hospitality, you mother and family and the wonderful time we shared at your mother's home.
I am in Jochiwon now. I am teaching at Hongik University. Presently, I am on vacation, but I am studying for my Masters in Education, TESOL, so I have been very busy with course work. The actual classes begin on February 9th and will end on February 21st. I begin teaching again March 1st.
I would love to see you. Perhaps in March, we can arrange to get together.
You are welcom to come to Jochiwon as well.
Thanks again for thinking of me. Let's stay in touch.
아래 메일은 캐나다의 쥬디로 부터 왔습니다.
이분은 한국에 영어 강사로 왔다가
이년후에 캐나다로 돌아갔는데
김해에선 쥬디가 일년 머물렀었는데.
영국의 엘리와 함께 제게 그림을 배웠답니다.
그림 그리면서 배꼽 잡고 웃을 일도 많았고
매주 금요일 저녁엔 바에 가서 맥주를 마시며 우정을 쌓았답니다.
Oh Kyung Mi you are so cute! Thank you for writing to me- I love when you do that!! Ryan is back in Korea- wow- I dint know that. Say hi for me. And hi to Sally and Young and everyone.
I would love to come to your party- it sounds like so much fun.
I miss you too!!!!
How is your beautiful son??
Write to me some more please.
Judy- one of your Canada friends
도나는 캐나다 사람으로 미술 작가입니다. 도나가 제일 짧게 메일을 보냈네요. 술을 좋아해서 전시장에 취해서 나타나선 사람들을 당황하게 만들었었죠! I dream to come to a party at your mother's farm one day again. Please say hi to everyone from Donna.
첫댓글 ?
bbbbbb~~~ I cannot make top or tail of it......ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
국제적으로 캠핑문화를 펼쳐서 즐기시네염. 건강이 있은 다음에 모든 일을 할 수 있으니깐 건강 꼭 챙기시고 복 받으세여......
말하자면 미술관련 퍼포먼스,취미활동 카페를 운영하시는 이경미회원님의 캠핑과 관련없는 사적인(생일축하등) 내용의 메일인것 같은데...글중에 타버린 자작등(랜턴)이 어떤건지 영상이 안보이고...그레이엄씨에게 파티에 와달라고 애교를... 제가 묻고싶은 결론은 요즘유행하는 말로 "뭥미?"