Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! Today in Italy and in many countries the Ascension of the Lord, that is, his return to the Father, is celebrated. In the Liturgy, the Gospel according to Luke narrates the final apparition of the Risen Christ to the disciples (cf. 24:46-53). The earthly life of Jesus culminates precisely with the Ascension, which we also profess in the Creed: “He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father”. What does this event mean? How should we interpret it? To answer this question, let us focus on two actions that Jesus performs before ascending into Heaven: first, he announces the gift of the Spirit – he announces the gift of the Spirit – and then he blesses the disciples. He announces the gift of the Spirit, and he blesses.
프란치스코교황삼종기도, 성베드로광장, 주님승천대축일, 2022년 5월 22일
친애하는형제자매여러분, 안녕하십니까? 오늘이탈리아와많은나라에서주님의승천, 즉주님이아버지께돌아가신것을기념합니다. 루카복음에따른전례에서부활하신그리스도와제자들이마지막으로만나십니다. (루카 24,46-53 참조) 예수님의지상생활은정확히승천으로절정을이루고이는우리도신경에서고백합니다. “우리주예수그리스도님은하늘에올라전능하신천주성부오른편에앉으시며...” 이사건은무엇을의미합니까? 그것을어떻게해석해야할까요? 이질문에답하기위해예수님께서승천하시기전에행하신두가지행동에초점을맞춰보겠습니다. 첫째, 성령의선물을말씀하십니다. - 그분은성령의선물을말씀하십니다. - 그리고제자들을축복하십니다. 그분은성령의선물을발표하시고축복하십니다.
First of all, Jesus says to his friends: “I send the promise of my Father upon you” (v. 49). He is talking about the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, he who will accompany them, guide them, support them in their mission, defend them in spiritual battles. And so, we understand something important: Jesus is not abandoning the disciples. He ascends to Heaven, but he does not leave them alone. Rather, precisely by ascending towards the Father, he ensures the effusion of the Holy Spirit, of his Spirit. On another occasion he had said: “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counsellor – that is, the Spirit – will not come to you” (Jn 16:7). In this too, we see Jesus’ love for us: his is a present that does not want to limit our freedom.
우선, 예수님은그분의친구들에게이렇게말씀하십니다. “내아버지께서약속하신분을내가너희에게보내주겠다.” (49절) 그분은위로자성령에대해말씀하고계십니다. 성령은제자들을동행하고, 그들을인도하고, 그들이사명을수행하는데지원하고, 영적전쟁에서그들을방어하실것입니다. 여기에서우리는중요한사실을이해할수있습니다. 즉예수님은제자들을버리지않으십니다. 하늘로올라가시지만그들을홀로남겨두지않으십니다. 오히려정확히성부께올라가심으로써그분은성령즉자신의영을보내시는것을보장하십니다. 다른기회에그분은이렇게말씀하셨습니다. “내가떠나는것이너희에게이롭다. 내가떠나지않으면보호자께서 - 성령 - 너희에게오지않으신다.” (요한 16,7) 여기에서또한우리는예수님의우리에대한사랑을봅니다. 그분의사랑은우리의자유를제한하고싶어하지않는선물입니다.
On the contrary, he leaves space to us, because true love always generates a closeness that does not stifle, is not possessive, is close but not possessive; on the contrary, true love which makes us protagonists. And in this way, Christ reassures, “I will go to the Father, and you will be clothed with power from on high: I will send you my Spirit and with his strength, you will continue my work in the world!” (cf. Lk 24:49). And so, ascending to Heaven, instead of remaining beside a few people with his body, Jesus becomes close to all with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus present in us, beyond the barriers of time and space, to make us his witnesses in the world.
반대로그분은우리에게공간을남겨두십니다. 진정한사랑은항상질식하지않는친밀감을생성하고, 소유적이지않기때문입니다. 즉친밀하지만소유적이지않습니다. 반대로진정한사랑은우리를주인공으로만듭니다. 이렇게그리스도께서는다시확인하십니다. “나는아버지께로간다. 너희는높은데에서오는힘을입을것이다. 나는너희에게나의영을보낼것이다. 너희는그의힘으로세상에서나의일을계속할것이다.” (루카 24,49 참조) 그렇게하늘로올라가심으로써육신을지니고몇몇사람의곁에머무시는대신에성령으로모든사람들과가까이계시게됩니다. 성령께서우리안에예수님이시간과공간의벽을넘어현존하게하시고세상에서우리가그분의증인이되게하십니다.
Straight afterwards – it is the second action – Christ raises his hands and blesses the apostles (cf. v. 50). It is a priestly gesture. God, since the times of Aaron, had entrusted to priests the task of blessing the people (cf. Nm 6:36). The Gospel wants to tell us that Jesus is the great priest of our life. Jesus ascends to the Father to intercede on our behalf, to present our humanity to him. Thus, before the eyes of the Father, with the humanity of Jesus, there are and always will be our lives, our hopes, our wounds. So, as he makes his “exodus” to Heaven, Christ “makes way” for us, he goes to prepare a place for us and, from this time forth, he intercedes for us, so that we may always be accompanied and blessed by the Father.
그직후 – 이것은두번째행동입니다 – 그리스도께서손을들고사도들을축복하십니다. (50절참조) 이것은사제적인몸짓입니다. 아론시대이후하느님은사제들에게백성을축복하는일을맡기셨습니다. (민수기 6,36 참조) 복음은예수님이우리삶의대사제라는것을우리에게말하고싶어합니다. 예수님은우리를대신하여중재하시고우리인간성을하느님에게드리기위해아버지께올라가십니다. 따라서아버지의눈앞에, 예수님의인간성과함께, 항상우리의삶과우리의희망, 우리의상처가존재하고존재할것입니다. 그래서그리스도께서하늘로 “탈출”하시면서그리스도께서우리를위한 “길을준비”하십니다. 그분은우리를위한장소를준비하러가시고, “이시간이후에” 그분은우리를위해중재하시어우리가항상아버지의동반과축복을받게하십니다.
Brothers and sisters, let us think today of the gift of the Spirit we have received from Jesus to be witnesses of the Gospel. Let us ask ourselves if we really are; and also, if we are capable of loving others, leaving them free and making room for them. And then: do we know how to make ourselves intercessors for others, that is, do we know how to pray for them and bless their lives? Or do we serve others for our own interests? Let us learn this: intercessory prayer, interceding for the hopes and sufferings of the world, interceding for peace. And let us bless with our eyes and our words those we meet every day!
형제자매여러분, 오늘우리가복음의증인이되도록예수님께받은성령의선물을생각해봅시다. 우리가정말로복음의증인인지자문해봅시다. 그리고또한우리가이웃을사랑할수있고, 그들을자유롭게할수있고, 그들을위한공간을마련할수있는지자문해봅시다. 그리고우리가다른사람들을위한중재자가되는방법, 즉그들을위해기도하고그들의삶을축복하는방법을알고있습니까? 우리가우리자신의이익을위해이웃에게봉사합니까? 이것들즉중재적인기도, 세상의희망과고통을위한중재, 평화를위한중재를배웁시다. 그리고우리의눈과우리의말로우리가매일만나는사람들을축복합시다.
Now let us pray to Our Lady, blessed among women, who, filled with the Holy Spirit, always prays and intercedes for us.
이제여인중에복되시고, 우리를위하여항상기도하시고중재하시는성령충만한우리의성모님께기도합시다.
After the Regina Caeli, the Holy Father continued:
Yesterday, in Modena, Don Luigi Lenzini was beatified. He was a martyr to the faith, killed in 1945 for indicating Christian values as the high road of life, in the climate of hatred and conflict at that time. May this priest, a shepherd after the heart of Christ and a messenger of truth and justice, help us from Heaven to bear witness to the Gospel with charity and frankness. Let us applaud the new Blessed!
어제모데나에서 Don Luigi Lenzini가시복되었습니다. 그는신앙의순교자로서 1945년당시증오와갈등이만연한환경에서기독교적가치를삶의높은길로제시했다는이유로살해되었습니다. 그리스도의마음을좇는목자이며, 진리와정의의메신저인이사제여하늘에서저희를도우셔서저희가사랑과솔직함으로복음을증거하게하소서! 새로운복자에게박수로환호합시다.
Today is World Social Communications Day, on the theme Listening with the ear of the heart. Knowing how to listen, besides being the first gesture of charity, is also the first indispensable ingredient of dialogue and good communication: knowing how to listen, to let others say everything, not to cut them off halfway, knowing how to listen with the ears and with the heart. I hope that everyone may grow in this capacity to listen with the heart.
오늘은마음의귀로경청하라는주제로갖는세계사회소통의날입니다. 사랑의첫몸짓이되는것이외에경청하는법을아는것또한대화와원활한소통의첫번째필수요소입니다. 경청하는법, 중간에끼어들지않고상대방이모든것을말하게하는법, 귀와마음으로경청하는법을아는것입니다. 저는모든사람들이마음으로듣는능력을키우기를희망합니다.
Today is National Relief Day in Italy. Let us remember that “patients are always more important than their diseases”, patients are always more important than their diseases, and “even when healing is not possible, care can always be given. It is always possible to console, it is always possible to make people sense a closeness” (Message for World Day of the Sick 2022).
오늘은이탈리아의국가구호의날입니다. '질병보다환자가더중요합니다.‘ '질병보다항상환자가중요합니다.' '치유가불가능할때라도보살핌은언제나가능합니다. 위로는항상가능하고, 사람들에게친밀감을느끼게하는것은항상가능합니다.’ (2022년세계병자의날메시지) 라는사실을기억합시다.
The day after tomorrow, last day of the month of May, liturgical feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18.00 in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major we will pray the Rosary for Peace, linked up with various shrines in many countries. I invite the faithful, families and communities to join in with this invocation, to obtain from God, by the intercession of the Queen of Peace, the gift that the world awaits.
모레 5월마지막날, 복되신동정마리아방문전례축일, 18:00에성모마리아대성전에서우리는여러나라의여러성전들과연결하여평화를위한묵주기도를바칠것입니다. 저는신자들, 가족들과공동체들이이청원에동참하여하느님으로부터평화의여왕의중재를통해세상이기다리는선물을받도록초대합니다.
I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims. In particular, I greet the faithful from the Netherlands, Spain and Australia. I greet the parish of San Roberto Bellarmino, which concludes the jubilee year for 400 years since the death of Saint Robert Bellarmine. I greet the Polish – there are always many Polish pilgrims! – with a blessing for those in their homeland who are participating in the major pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Piekary Śląskie. I greet the pupils of the San Vincenzo school in Olbia and the candidates for Confirmation from Luras.
로마인과순례자여러분께인사드립니다. 특히네덜란드, 스페인, 호주의신자들에게인사를드립니다. 성로베르토벨라르미노의서거이후 400년간의희년을마무리하는산로베르토벨라르미노본당을맞이합니다. 폴란드인들에게 – 항상많은폴란드순례자들이있습니다! – 고향에서 Piekary Śląskie의마리아성지순례에참여하는사람들을위한축복과함께인사드립니다. 올비아에있는산빈첸조학교학생들과루라스의견진후보자들에게인사를드립니다.
On Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 August a meeting will be held of all the cardinals to reflect on the new Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium, and on Saturday 27 August, I will hold a Consistory for the creation of new cardinals. Here are the names of the new cardinals:
8월 29일월요일과 8월 30일화요일에는새 Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium 의묵상을위한모든추기경의회의가있고 8월 27일토요일에는새추기경들의임명에관한추기경회의가개최됩니다. 다음은새로운추기경의명단입니다.
1. Archbishop Arthur Roche – prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments;
2. Archbishop Lazzaro You Heung-sik – prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy;
3. Archbishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga L.C. – president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, and president of the Governorate of Vatican City State;
4. Archbishop Jean-Marc Aveline – metropolitan of Marseille, France;
5. Bishop Peter Ebere Okpaleke of Ekwulobia, Nigeria.
6. Archbishop Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, O.F.M., of Manaus, Brazil;
7. Archbishop Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão of Goa and Damão, India;
8. Bishop Robert Walter McElroy of San Diego, United States of America;
9. Archbishop Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva, S.D.B., of Dili, East Timor;
10. Bishop Oscar Cantoni of Como, Italia;
11. Archbishop Anthony Poola of Hyderabad, India;
12. Archbishop Paulo Cezar Costa, metropolitan of the archdiocese of Brasília, Brazil;
13. Bishop Richard Kuuia Baawobr M. Afr., of Wa, Ghana;
14. Archbishop William Goh Seng Chye of Singapore, Singapore;
15. Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores, metropoiltan of Asunción, Paraguay;
16. Bishop Giorgio Marengo, I.M.C., prefect Apostolic of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Along with the above, I will add to the members of the College of Cardinals:
1. Archbishop Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal, emeritus of Cartagena, Colombia;
2. Archbishop Lucas Van Looy, S.D.B., emeritus of Ghent, Belgium;
3. Archbishop Arrigo Miglio, emeritus of Cagliari, Italy;
4. Rev Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J., – professor of theology;
5. Rev Msgr. Fortunato Frezza – canon of Saint Peter.
1. Arthur Roche 대주교 - Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments 장관;
2. 라자로대주교유흥식 – the Congregation for the Clergy 성직자성장관;
3. Fernando Vérgez Alzaga L.C. 대주교 – 교황청바티칸시국위원회위원장, 바티칸시국주지사총재
4. Jean-Marc Aveline 대주교 –프랑스마르세유의대주교;
5. 나이지리아에쿠로비아의피터에베레옥팔레케주교.
6. 브라질마나우스대주교레오나르도울리히슈타이너(O.F.M.)
7. 인도고아와다망의 Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão 대주교;
8. 미국샌디에이고의 Robert Walter McElroy 주교;
9. 동티모르딜리의 Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva 대주교, S.D.B.
10. 이탈리아코모의오스카칸토니주교;
11. 인도하이데라바드의 Anthony Poola 대주교;
12. 브라질브라질리아대교구의대주교인 Paulo Cezar Costa 대주교;
13. 가나 Wa의 Richard Kuuia Baawobr M. Afr. 주교;
14. 싱가포르, 싱가포르의 William Goh Seng Chye 대주교;
15. 아달베르토마르티네스플로레스대주교, 파라과이아순시온
16. I.M.C. Giorgio Marengo 주교, 몽골울란바토르.
1. 호르헤엔리케히메네즈카르바할대주교, emeritus of Cartagena, Colombia;
2. Lucas Van Looy 대주교, S.D.B., emeritus of Ghent, Belgium;
3. Arrigo Miglio 대주교, emeritus of Cagliari, Italy;
4. Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J. 신부 – 신학교수;
5. Fortunato Frezza 몬시뇰 - 성베드로의캐논.
I wish you a blessed Sunday! Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your meal, and arrivederci.
행복한주일보내시고, 저를위해기도하는것을잊지마시기바랍니다. 점심맛있게드시고또뵙겠습니다.
한글번역: 윤영학아오스딩