Caillou says the yester day happen talks about what happened yesterday.
Caillou go goes to the caillou mom company his mom's company.
He tries to enter the building, but caillou first see first sees a revolving door and caillou don't know use doesn't know how to use it.
He ask asks his mom, "Mom, how do I use this door?"
His mom says let me try again together says, "Let's try it together again."
Caillou use uses this door with his mom.
Caillou enters the his mom office his mom's office, and his mom give her paper at caillou gives him a piece of paper.
He draw the painting draws a picture.
He boring the draw the painting gets bored of drawing, so he has a good idea.
He call calls his dad on the company phone his mom's office phone.
His dad answer answers the phone.
They talk And some talk about his dad and turn off the call and eat a lunc for a while, then Caillou hangs up and eats lunch.
Score: C+
- "yester day happen" → "what happened yesterday"로 바꾸면 자연스러워요.
- "caillou go" → "Caillou goes"처럼 동사 시제를 맞춰야 해요.
- "caillou don't know use" → "doesn't know how to use"가 올바른 표현이에요.
- 대화문은 **"Mom, how do I use this door?"**처럼 따옴표를 사용하고, 올바른 문장 구조를 유지해야 해요.
- "give her paper at caillou" → "gives him a piece of paper"가 자연스러워요.
- "boring the draw the painting" → "gets bored of drawing"으로 고쳐야 문장이 맞아요.
- "call his dad" → "calls his dad"처럼 동사의 시제를 통일해야 해요.
- 마지막 문장은 "talk for a while, then Caillou hangs up and eats lunch"처럼 정리하면 깔끔해요.