안녕하세요 peter 입니다. 지난주도 열정적인 4분이 참석하셔서 즐겁게 스터디 했죠. 하면서 느끼는 것은 항상 예습이 되어있지
않다는 겁니다 후후후...뭐 저도 잘준비는 못하지만.... 앞으로는 다들 시간내서 준비하면 실력이 더 일취월장 할 수 있지 않을까
그나저나 마음만큼은 쏼라쏼라 하고 싶은데 잘안되네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 언젠가 될겁니다.....
지난주 easy english
Will you do that because you hate taking showers? 너 샤워하기 싫어서 그러겠다는거야?
study curriculum
Small Talk and self introduction - 지난주에 있었던 일들에 대하여 대화를 나누고 자기소개(newcomer)
대박패턴1 day6 - 시험은 이제그만...하루치만 외우시면 됩니다
There's a possibility. 가능성이 있어
There's a problem. 문제가 생겼어
There's a traffic jam. 차가 막혀
There's a strong wind. 바람이 세게 불어
There are a few cars parked. 자동차 몇 대가 주차되어 있어
There are only a few tickets left. 남은 표가 별로 없어
There are so many things to do today. 오늘 할 일이 무척 많아
There are too many problems with this. 이건 문제가 너무 많아
There has been an accident. 사고가 났어
There has been some change. 바뀐 게 좀 있어
There has been little time to prepare. 준비할 시간이 별로 없었어
There has been a misunderstanding. 오해가 있었어요
There will be a test this friday. 이번 주 금요일에 시험이 있을 거에요
There will be many people at the party. 파티에 사람들이 많이 올 거야.
There will be many prizes at the event. 행사에 경품이 많을 거야
There will be no next time. 이번만 봐주는 거야
There must be more beer. 맥주가 분명히 더 있을 텐데
There must be a better way. 분명 더 나은 방법이 있을 거야
There must be a lot of people there. 거기에 사람들이 분명 많이 올 거야
There must be someone in charge. 담당자가 분명히 있을 거야
American drama or movie
- The movie is Notting hill
- 진행방식: 1. 먼저 한글자막과 영문자막으로 동시에 시청한 뒤 영문자막으로 한번 더 시청
2. 자막없이 시청하면서 중간중간 재생을 멈추고 퀴즈가 나가고 완벽한 문장으로 dictation
3. shadowing
- 이번주 진도 : 00:44:33 ~ 00:50:07
Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
1. 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
2. role play
3. 역할 바꿔서 외우기
4. role play
Free talking start -
1. 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
2. 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
3. main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking해도 무방
<숙제> 토픽을 읽고 answer 준비하기
to staff - 토픽 출력부탁합니다~ 토픽 앞뒤로 출력해주시면 되구요. 안되면 그냥 한장씩 따로 해주셔도 됩니다~ 감사합니다~
easy english 10월 09회 부탁드립니다~~~~^^
Why Girls Like Bad Boys (Choice A)
Most everyone knows – or at least knows of – the stereotypical “bad boy.” The guy with such high self esteem he could be described as a narcissist. (The guy who wins women over with deceit, callousness, and impulsive behavior.)
New research suggests that they might actually be attracting more women than the "nicer" boys. Researchers at New Mexico State University gave 200 college students personality tests to see how many of what psychologists call "dark triad traits" they possessed.
These traits include callousness, impulsive behavior, extroversion, narcissism and various other anti-social traits for which "bad boys" are known. According to Peter Jonason, lead study investigator, although society tends to look down upon these "negative" dark triad personality traits, there seems to be quite a positive side to being a bad boy.
"If you like someone and want to meet them and date them, people who have the dark triad traits appear to be more successful at facilitating short-term mating." But some experts say it might not be so simple. Some believe that these narcissistic males tend to embellish the self-reported tales of their own sexual conquest, leading others to believe they are more sexually successful than they really are. Everett Worthington, professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, notes that while some of these males may be more successful at short-term sexual relationship,
Their overall success with long-term relationships is often sacrificed by their dark triad traits. "The manipulative, 'it's all about me, so tell 'em anything to get sex' behavior is likely to have more short-term sexual success," Worthington said. "A strategy of building trust and intimacy and commitment is going to take longer. Thus, the long-term relationship survival is likely to be strongly disadvantaged in people with dark triad traits."
(1) What is your impression of a “bad boy”? Do you have any friends, or have you met or dated anyone who was “bad boy”? How do you feel about them?
(2) The saying goes: “Good girls like bad boys.” What does this mean? Do you agree that bad boys are more popular than nicer boys? Why do women tend prefer bad boys?
(3) The article suggests that bad boys are more successful in a short-term relationship than a long-term one. Compare it to your personal life. Can you agree with it?
(4) According to the article, bad boys are “taking quantity over quality.” Do you think that “quantity” (experience in having more boyfriends, girlfriends, or lovers) matters in a relationship?
(5) If women are said to be more attracted to bad boys than nice boys, it is the same for men? Do men prefer bad girls? Explain what “good girls” mean. What type of women do men prefer?
Let's talk about 'Table Death'
참여댓글 양식
<참석의 경우> 1st / English Name / 참석합니다~
신입은 _th / English Name / (문의주셨던) 전화번호 / 참석합니다~
example) 1st / peter / 참석합니다
2nd / grace / 참석합니다
3rd / albert / 참석합니다
4th / tina / 참석합니다
5th / david / 010-1234-5678 / 처음 참석합니다
<불참의 경우> 불참 / English Name / 사유~
※ 금요일(최소한 저녁)까지 꼭! 꼬옥~ 달아주시길 간.곡.히. 부탁드려요!^^*
미리미리 달아 놓읍시다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
첫댓글 Hi guys. How are you?
Apparently here's keeping quite serious mood due to G20.
Obama arrived yesterday whereas our president, Park is coming today.
By the way i tell you that I'm going to move into new house next week. It means i will be able to attend a class from next Sat.
So hope to hear from you soon here otherwise katoc or something.
Byee have fun tmr !^^
Cool i will expect you come
2nd/melissa /처음 참석합니다~
불참/wendy/학원 수업이랑 시간 겹쳐서 불참입니다!
준비해 놓겠습니다:)
불참 / Alice Yi / 주, 주말 근무로ㅠㅜ
4th/Ashley/처음 참석합니다.