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빛과 흑암의 역사 (성경연구, 프리메이슨, 일루미나티)
카페 게시글
정세와 음모 스크랩 트럼프후보는 미국의 그림자정부권력에 무슨 말을하나요?
차원상승 추천 1 조회 706 16.10.17 14:41 댓글 3
게시글 본문내용

이이야기는 진실인데, 그래서 대형 언론은 그를 때린다.

This is truth and thus the massive media blast against him. 

트럼프의 진실은 미국의 그림자정부를 목표로한다:

Trump’s truths are aimed at American Deep State:


미공화당 트럼프 후보는 미국의 그림자정부를 목표로 때린다 - 그조직은 미국의 공식 정부로부터 권력을 뺏은 조직 도당인데 - 트럼프는 말할수없는 진실을 그대로 폭로하므로써 그러는 것이라고 미국 케빈 바렛 학자는 말한다.

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is targeting the American Deep State ? a loosely organized cabal who has taken power away from the official government ? by blurting out various unspeakable truths, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says. 

바렛박사는 911 과학자 조사위원회 설립위원이며, 지하드의 진실이란 조직의 설립회원이기도하다. 그는 틀머프가 11월 대선에서 승리하지 못할 수도 있다고 말했는데, 그의 발언으로 워싱턴권력은 확실히 타격을 입고 흔들릴 것임을 말했다, 트럼프가 그 권력이 조작된 정치체제라는 사실을 폭로했기 때문이다. '

Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11 and founding member of Truth Jihad, told Press TV on Saturday that Trump might not win the November presidential election, but he is certainly shaking things up in Washington, DC, by exposing the rigged political system.

분석가들은 미국 대선이 막바지로 가는데, 트럼프 후보는 주류정계가 전혀 말하지 못하는 진실을 그대로 공개했는데, 이는 극히 억압된 진실이라는 것이다. 이것은 미국사회에 좋은 의미를 준다.

"트럼프는 확실히 놀라운 발언을 했는데, 공화당 예비선거 기간동안 조지부시 전대통령이 911 사건에 책임이 있다는 말을 했는데, 이발언은 그림자정부를 겨냥한 것이다. 그는 PNAC 신 미국의 세기 조직이 이 사건에 관련됨을 알고있는데, 그들은 딕체니와 폴울포비츠같은 네오콘이며 시오니즘 인물로 구성된 조직이다. 그외에 리차드펄과 PNAC 동료들이 개입했다. 

 The analyst said “as we approach the final weeks before the American presidential election, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, is continuing to blurt out various unspeakable truths that are normally suppressed from the mainstream American political discourse. And I think this is a good thing.”
“Trump famously made some amazing statements during the Republican primaries, such as George W. Bush was responsible for 9/11, which is far more true than probably even Trump’s supporters realize, since we know that the project for the New American Century (PNAC) --- a bunch of neoconservative Zionist advisers, mostly Dick Cheney's, people like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle and their friends, arranged 9/11 as the New Pearl Harbor, that PNAC called for in September of 2001,” he said.
“So Trump essentially told the truth about 9/11 in the face of Bush’s brother of Jeb, which led [George] H. W. Bush, the father, to actually make a throat-cutting gesture -- essentially threatening Trump’s assassination ? during a Republican Party debate in Houston, Texas,” he stated.“So Trump is continuing the tradition of telling these truths that you are not ever supposed to speak in the public if you are part of the system. In his speech on Thursday night, he said that ‘our system is rigged,” the scholar noted. 

미국체제는 조작되었다 
American ‘system is rigged’

트럼프는 목요일밤의 연설에서 미국정치체제가 조작되었다는 충격의 발언을했다.

그는 워싱턴 권력의 모든 수준이 통제되고 있는데, 통제자들은 국제적 특별이익을 추구하는 자들이며, 그들은 미국인의 선을 행하지 않는 자들이라고 지적했다.

"우리의 선거유세는 권력통제자들이 일찌기 보지못한, 실제적 위협으로 보일것이다," 라고 말했다.

트럼프는 11월8일의 선거가 미국이 자유국가가 될수있는지 여부를 판가름하는 선거라고 말했다. 이것에 실패하면 미국은 단지 민주주의라는 환상에 머물뿐인데, 실제로는 한줌의 국제이익의 통제자들이 지배하는 조작된 사회로 전락한다고 경고했다.

바렛박사는 트럼프가 말한 이 모든것이 진정 정확한 것이라고 말했다.

In his speech on Thursday night, Trump said that “our system is rigged.” He said that “those who control the levers of power in Washington are the global special interests and they don’t have your good ? that’s the good of the American people ? in mind.”
“Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven’t seen before,” he stated.
Trump said the November presidential election will determine whether America is a free nation, “or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system.”‘Elections in US really do not matter’
Dr. Barrett said Trump is “essentially correct about all these things.”
He added that the Republican presidential candidate “speaking about this globalist agenda that’s driven by what Peter Dale Scott of the University of California, Berkeley, calls the Deep State ? this is essentially a behind-the-scenes, loosely organized cabal of the politically interested super-rich who have interests in various forms of organized crime, and who have managed to take power away from the official government.”
“So elections really do not matter that much in most situations,” the commentator observed.Where Trump is leading America?
Dr. Barrett said, “Trump, by telling these kinds of truths ? including the fact that Clinton stole the Democratic primary from Bernie Sanders ? is indeed setting things up for a kind of instability.”“I don’t think he’s going to win the election through this, as he himself has said that it’s likely that the establishment would steal the election through election fraud,” he added.
“And indeed many of the voting machines in the United States are black box machines that can be programmed for whatever outcome the programmers want,” he stated.
“So where this is leading? I think it’s leading to situation in which the loss of faith that the American people have experienced in their institutions of power -- that’s the government, the media, the financial establishment -- is going to accelerate,” he argued.
“We have already seen that the polls show the number of Americans who trust their media to tell them the truth about what’s going on has been steadily going downwards, and that trend will accelerate thanks to Trump’s truth telling,” Dr. Barrett explained.

<트럼프 후보의 메인주 방고르 유세>


[ABC News' video embedded]

트럼프후보는 힐라리가 다음번 대선 토론에 나올때는 약물이나 마약 테스트를 거치게 하자고 제안했다. 이는 힐라리가 토론에 나서면서 신경강화 약물을 먹고 나온것을 지적한 것으로 뵈인다.

 Donald Trump has suggested that he and Hillary Clinton should undergo drug testing before their next election debate, appearing to accuse his Democratic rival of using performance enhancing drugs.

The Republican nominee compared presidential candidates to athletes and said they should be subject to similar drug screenings. "I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate," he said during a rally at a car dealership in New Hampshire on Saturday.
"Because I don't know what's going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end it was like, huh, take me down. She could barely reach her car. I think we should take a drug test. Anyway, I'm willing to do it."

"A lot of things are going on, folks. A lot of things. I think she's actually getting pumped, you want to know the truth? She's getting pumped up," the businessman said.
Trump has repeatedly raised concerns about Clinton’s health and fitness to be president throughout the campaign, particularly after she fell ill with pneumonia in September. His campaign released an attack ad last week saying Clinton doesn’t have the “fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world.”

The candidates will face off in their third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday.



  • 16.10.17 18:13

    첫댓글 작은 쑈에 큰 의미를 두지 마시고 앞으로 벌어질 그들의 더 큰 아젠다를 예의주시해야 합니다.. 전 인류의 베리칩 삽입화.. 이것이 궁극적인 사탄의 계획입니다.. 그것을 조종해서 하나님과의 관계를 끊어 놓을 것입니다.. 자기들은 절대로 삽입하지 않을 것으로 봅니다..

  • 16.10.17 18:02

    저도 동감입니다

  • 16.10.17 18:34

    트럼프는 아무 래도 민주당의 힐러리 당선을 위해서 온갖 막말과 구설수를 몰고 다니는 그런 사람으로 보입니다!!!!!!
    이번 대선은 막말의 달인 트럼프때문에 민주당의 힐러리가 당선 되어서 오바마의 정권 연장으로 이어 지고,
    제3차 세계 대전이 발발 할 것입니다!!!!!!!!!

    트럼프를 옹호 하시지 말기 바랍니다!!!!!!!!!!트럼프는 연설 할때 마다 프리 메이슨의 손 싸인을 자주 하는 것을
    볼수가 있습니다.
