Map Changes:
In order to add more depth of maneuver and historical detail we have now split the province of Moravia into Brno and Olomouc and added a Moravia as a revolter country.
In Silesia we have added the province of Leignitz/Legnica and revised starting development values and trade goods a bit to better represent the importance of this area.
While the Hussite wars are a thing of the past in 1444, the Bohemian people are still largely heretics to Catholic Europe. Ladislaus the Posthumous is the presumed King of Bohemia as well as Hungary but the de facto government of Bohemia lies with the Hussite factions under George of Poděbrady.
Even prior to Hungary patch you could choose to support the Catholic or Hussite party but now this choice has a bigger impact than it used to:
With the Hussites in power you will now be less liked in Europe but enjoy stronger support internally. You will benefit from the tactical experience of the Hussite soldiers but the Catholic estates may offer the Bohemian crown to a foreign monarch willing to defend them.
Unless the pope acts against the continued heresy in Bohemia a strong Hussite movement could also make the Reformation trigger earlier than it otherwise would.
The Vistula Spit:
Prior to 1.21 Königsberg and Danzig have been connected by a strait at the end of the Vistula lagoon. This had the unfortunate side effect that the fort in Königsberg could prevent movement between Danzig and Marienburg. Something that was impossible to get around without a fleet. The strait was also unhistorical as by 1444 the Vistula spit was no longer open and the ports inside the Vistula lagoon did not have access to the Baltic sea.
In 1.21 the Vistula spit has been extended all the way to Königsberg, this means that you can now get to the fort there (though it will count as crossing a river) and that Marienburg and Ermland now start without ports.
Austria has had a number of their existing events modified and can now also get new events relating to Hungary if they should come to control the country. Most importantly the advance of the Turks event now gives Austria permanent claims on Royal Hungary and Hungary itself is more likely to elect Hunyadi candidates to their throne, severely hurting relations with the Austrian monarchy.
Serbia was not the main focus of this patch but together with the addition of the province of Belgrade we have added a decision for the Serbian state to make Belgrade their capital if they are able to retake it from the Hungarians.
That is not all that is new in the Hungary patch however. I will now leave the word to @Gnivom who, aside from programming the AI, has also been working on improving the moddability:
Ever wished you could add or multiply values in triggers? You now can! Sort of, at least. The variable_arithmetic_trigger (VAT) allows you to use export_to_variable to a local variable, that only exists within the current trigger and its children. The following effects have been modified to be usable within the VAT (as well as, as mentioned, export_to_variable):
When used within a VAT, they can only modify variables created in a VAT, as triggers are not allowed to modify the game state. The triggers that evaluate variables can also evaluate local variables.
A VAT has the following members:
When the VAT is evaluated, it will first execute the export_to_variable effects, then go through the other effects and triggers in the order they are listed. Whenever it comes to an effect, it executes that effect. Whenever it comes to a trigger, if that trigger evaluates false so does the VAT, otherwise it continues. If it gets past all the triggers, it evaluates true. In that sense it is like the AND trigger. When the trigger is done with its evaluation it destroys all variables created in its export_to_variable effects.
A simple example:
variable_arithmetic_trigger = { custom_tooltip = HAS_HALF_THEIR_MANPOWER export_to_variable = { variable_name = my_manpower value = manpower } export_to_variable = { variable_name = their_manpower value = manpower who = FROM } multiply_variable = { which = my_manpower value = 2 } check_variable = { which = my_manpower value = their_manpower } }
One of the smart things with this design is that you can create conditional statements by utilizing the fact that AND and OR triggers stop evaluation when one child returns false and true, respectively. Check the following, more advanced, example:
variable_arithmetic_trigger = { custom_tooltip = HAS_MORE_MANPOWER_OR_HALF_IF_CATHOLIC export_to_variable = { variable_name = my_manpower value = manpower } export_to_variable = { variable_name = their_manpower value = manpower who = FROM } OR = { NOT = { religion = catholic } variable_arithmetic_trigger = { multiply_variable = { which = my_manpower value = 2 } always = yes # This line is superfluous } } check_variable = { which = my_manpower value = their_manpower } } In pseudo code, this is equivalent to: float my_manpower = GetManpower(THIS) float their_manpower = GetManpower(FROM) if religion == catholic My_manpower *= 2 Return my_manpower >= their_manpower
Although the syntax is horrible, this can be nested as much as you want to create really complicated logical conditions. It should be noted that variables are performance heavy, especially the export_to_variable, although that has been significantly improved in 1.20 and 1.21.
Scriptable Subject Types
Some modders may have noticed in 1.20 that we moved most of the differences between subject types to a script file. As of 1.21, entirely new subject types can be added just by adding entries in common/subject_types. The old subject types are still referred to in the code however, and can’t be removed. Just adding them there won’t make them visible in the game however. For that I added scriptable diplomatic actions.
Scriptable Diplomatic Action
In 1.21 you will be able to see a new folder in common called new_diplomatic_actions. This system is currently independent of what happens in diplomatic_actions, and they can’t be combined. One diplomatic action has been added there, and it might be easiest to learn how it works by checking that example, which asks someone to become your Dummy. Two things should be noted though. First, the AI will as it is never send these actions. I’m thinking of a way to make that work for a future patch. Second there is an entry called ai_acceptance. This is how it works:
As 1.21 is not yet available to you, I’ll paste the relevant script here for reference:
In subject_types I added this:
dummy = { copy_from = default } In new_diplomatic_actions, this: demand_dummy = { category = influence alert_index = 40 alert_tooltip = demand_dummy_alert_tooltip require_acceptance = yes # Whether the recipient gets an option to decline is_visible = { religion_group = christian is_subject = no FROM = { is_subject = no } } is_allowed = { variable_arithmetic_trigger = { custom_tooltip = HAS_MORE_MANPOWER export_to_variable = { variable_name = my_manpower value = manpower } export_to_variable = { variable_name = their_manpower value = manpower who = FROM } subtract_variable = { which = my_manpower which = their_manpower } check_variable = { which = my_manpower value = 0 } } religion = catholic } on_accept = { add_trust = { who = FROM value = 20 mutual = yes } create_subject = { subject_type = dummy subject = FROM } } on_decline = { add_trust = { who = FROM value = -100 mutual = no } } ai_acceptance = { add_entry = { name = ALWAYS_TEN export_to_variable = { variable_name = ai_value # Mandatory to use this name value = 10 } } add_entry = { name = OPINION export_to_variable = { variable_name = ai_value #value = opinion who = FROM with = THIS # This is supposed to work in the future value = 10 # Temporary value until then } divide_variable = { which = ai_value value = 4 } } } }
The result looks like this (I didn’t bother localizing ALWAYS_TEN):
Scriptable diplomatic actions will be in the 1.21 patch when it releases, but it is a feature we plan to improve and expand upon in the future.
Last but not least our Mod Coordinator @Divine has also been working on a couple of additions to the 1.21 patch. This is a small list of those from the changelog.
- Added new country modifier 'sailor_maintenance_modifer' - Added defines BANKRUPTCY_BUILDING_DESTRUCTION_THRESHOLD, BANKRUPTCY_PROVINCE_DEVASTATION_GAIN. - Added the attribute "indestructible" to buildings, setting it to yes will exempt that type of building from being destroyed by bankruptcy. - Added add_adm_tech, add_dip_tech, add_mil_tech effects. - Added revanchism trigger. - Added log effect and trigger. - Added add_active_policy and had_active_policy effect and trigger. - Added scripted function can_declare_bankruptcy. - Added scripted function can_colonize_province. - Added add_next_institution_embracement = <int> province effect.
Have fun!
That was all for today about the Hungary patch and the content related to to Hungary and its European surroundings. Next Tuesday we will be sharing the complete changelist for the upcoming patch, which will be released in late april.
첫댓글 스킨도 내주시겠져 역설사님...?
이번 일지는 내용이 알차네요
다른 번역중인분 없으면 제가 먼저 해보겠습니다
블랙 아미도 또 팔기군스타일로 나오려나여... 어찌됐든 시간이 지나면 어드벤티지 사라지니 영구모디파이어는 아니고 age관련에 헝가리 전용이 추가된 느낌이네요
헝가리 패치가 이번달 안에 나올 예정이군요.
만주족이 생각보다 재미없어서 대충 끝내고 유럽쪽 국가로 다시 하려했는데, 새 패치가 나온다면 그냥 만주족으로 설렁설렁 플레이해야겠습니다.
근데 저 새로운 로딩창은 야노스 후냐디도 아니고 마차시 1세도 아니고 1444년에 죽은 그 브와디스와프도 아니고 블라드 가시공도 아니고 누군가여?
답변 보니 마차시 1세군요. 뭐 비슷한 다른 그림이 있겠죠...
@Rhox 포즈는 다르지만 기본형은 루마니아에 있는(만들어졌을 때는 헝가리였죠) 동상과 비슷하네요.
덤으로 동시대의 군주 가운데 월계관을 쓴 모습으로 그려지는 것은 마차시 밖에 없을껄요.
캬 검은군대
마차시 1세 대단하네요 빈 함락 ㄷㄷ