성령께서 임마누엘 하나님이 돼야 비로소 올바른 믿음이 됩니다
Beginning to Worthy Faith after Loved of the Immanuel God only
본문: 마가복음 10~12
Scripture Reading: Mark chapter 10-12
“모세는 이혼 증서를 써주어 버리기를 허락하였는데, 아내를 버리는 것이 옳으니이까(10:2, 4)” 묻는 사람들에게, “너희 마음이 완악함으로 말미암아 이 명령을 기록하였거니와, 창조 때로부터 사람을 남자와 여자로 지으셨으니, 사람이 부모를 떠나서, 둘이 한 몸이 될지니라 둘이 아니요 한 몸이니, 하나님이 짝지어 주신 것을 사람이 나누지 못하리라(10:5-9)” 하셨듯, 성경에 하나님의 뜻과 다른 사람의 교훈이 함께 기록되었으므로, 외면적 의미를 따라 믿으면, “아내를 버리고 다른 데에 장가 드는 자는 본처에게 간음을 행함이요. 아내가 남편을 버리고 다른 데로 시집 가면 간음을 행하는(10:11-12)” 죄에 빠지므로, 성령의 진리를 따라 믿고 신뢰하며 맡기고 순종해야 되므로, “하나님의 나라를 어린 아이와 같이 받들지 않는 자는 결단코 들어가지 못하리라(10:15)” 하셨습니다.
For the bible is not God’s words only, but included of the men’s taught also, that is why, the Lord Jesus was said it, as “It was because of your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law, But, at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So, they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate (10:5-9)” When a certain man asked to Jesus, as “It is lawful for a man to divorce his wife? Moses permitted a man to write a certificate off divorce and send her away (10:2, 4)” So that anyone who will be believed along the external mean of the words in the bible, he will surely be astray faith and to be sinned, as “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery (10:11-12)” Therefore, everyone surely be learned and believe along the Holy Spirit, as that children is be trusted and obedience to the instructions of their parents, as “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it (10:15)”
또한 “내가 무엇을 하여야 영생을 얻으리이까(10:17)” 묻는 사람에게, “어찌하여 나를 선하다 일컫느냐 하나님 외에는 선한 이가 없느니라(10:18)” 하셨듯, 육신으로 살 동안엔 죄인일 뿐이므로, “살인하지 말라, 간음하지 말라, 도둑질하지 말라, 거짓 증언하지 말라, 속여 빼앗지 말라, 네 부모를 공경하라-내가 어려서부터 다 지켰나이다-아직도 한 가지 부족한 것이 있으니 네게 있는 것을 다 팔아 가난한 자들에게 주면 하늘에서 보화가 네게 있으리라 그리고 와서 나를 따르라(10:19-21)” 하셨듯, 세상 모든 것을 버리고 복음의 진리를 따라 끝까지 순종해야 구원을 얻는데, “많은 재물로 슬픈 기색을 띠고 근심하며 간(10:22)” 청년처럼, 자신의 것을 지키려 하다가, “낙타가 바늘귀로 나가는 것이 부자가 하나님의 나라에 들어가는 것보다 쉬우니라(10:25)” 하셨듯, 구원을 얻지 못합니다.
Furthermore, God does not instruction his real truth to everyone, even who had been asked it to God, because all the men has fleshly sinful desires their minds and hearts, as that a man was asked to the Lord Jesus, as “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life (10:17)?” At that time, he was replied to him, as “Why do you call me good? No one is good—except God alone (10:18)” However, God will be teaching and instruction to whom, he will be abandoned everything he has and followed and obedience to the commands and decrees of God, as “Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother. – All these I have kept since I was a boy. – One thing you lack, ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (10:19-21)” But, almost of the men, could not deserted everything he has, as that a rich man was, as “The man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth (10:22)” That’s why, so many believers are failed to his redemption and salvation in Christ Jesus, even he eagerly believed him, as “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (10:25)”
왜냐하면, “사람으로는 할 수 없으되 하나님으로서는 다 하실 수 있는(10:27)” 임마누엘 하나님의 은혜가 있지만, “나와 복음을 위하여 집이나 형제나 자매나 어머니나 아버지나 자식이나 전토를 버린 자는, 현세에 있어 집과 형제와 자매와 어머니와 자식과 전토를 백 배나 받되 박해를 겸하여 받고 내세에 영생을 받지 못할 자가 없으나, 먼저 된 자로서 나중 되고 나중 된 자로서 먼저 될 자가 많으니라(10:29-31)” 하셨듯, 임마누엘 은혜를 끝까지 지키기 어렵고, “주의 영광중에서 우리를 하나는 주의 우편에, 하나는 좌편에 앉게 하여 주옵소서(10:37)” 헛된 간구에 빠지는데, “내 좌우편에 앉는 것은 누구를 위하여 준비되었든지 그들이 얻을 것이니라(10:40)” 하셨듯, 합당한 믿음을 끝까지 지켜야 구원을 얻습니다.
For God be accomplished to his eternal purposes by graces of Immanuel to whom, obedient believers, as “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God (10:27)” But, no one can be stand firm to the end of his good and worthy faith in Jesus, as “No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first (10:29-31)” Because of humanly sinful desires as “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory (10:37)” But then, surely be saved, if who, he will be kept his humbly obedient faith in Jesus until his last breath only, as “To sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared (10:40)”
그러므로 “누구든지 크고자 하는 자는 섬기는 자가 되고, 으뜸이 되고자 하는 자는 모든 사람의 종이 되리라. 인자가 온 것은 섬김을 받으려 함이 아니라 도리어 섬기려 하고 자기 목숨을 많은 사람의 대속물로 주려 함이듯(10:43-45)” 섬김의 영, 성령을 따라 순종해야 되는데, “많은 사람이 잠잠하라 꾸짖어도 더욱 큰소리로 다윗의 자손이여 나를 불쌍히 여기소서 - 선생님이여 보기를 원하나이다(10:48, 51)” 간구하여 “가라 네 믿음이 너를 구원하였느니라 하시니 곧 보게 되어 예수를 길에서 따랐던(10:52)” 맹인처럼, 사람들의 비난이나 핍박에 굴복하지 말고 부르짖고 간구하여 응답 받고 따라 지켜야 됩니다.
That is why, everyone will be humbly obedient to the Holy Spirit only as the disciples of the Christ Jesus was obedient to their master, as “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (10:43-45)” And eagerly pleaded for help from the Lord even though rebuked and persecuted by the men as that a blind man was, as “Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, Son of David, have mercy on me! Rabbi, I want to see (10:48, 51)” Then, the Lord will be answered his pleaded and he will gladly followed and obedience to his Immanuel God, as “Go, your faith has healed you. Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road (10:52)”
왜냐하면, “맞은편 마을로 가면 아무도 타지 않은 나귀 새끼가 매여 있으리니 풀어 끌고 오라. 만일 왜 이렇게 하느냐 묻거든 주가 쓰시겠다 하면 즉시 보내리라(11:2-3)” 하신 말씀에 순종한 제자들이, “나귀 새끼를 예수께로 끌고 와서 자기들의 겉옷을 그 위에 얹어 놓으매 예수께서 타시니, 많은 사람들이 자기의 겉옷이나, 들에서 벤 나뭇가지를 길에 펴며, 호산나 찬송하리로다 주의 이름으로 오시는 이여, 찬송하리로다 우리 조상 다윗의 나라여 가장 높은 곳에서 호산나 하며(11:7-10)” 예루살렘 성전에 들어갔고, “예수께서 성전 안에서 매매하는 자들을 내쫓으시며 돈 바꾸는 자들의 상과 비둘기 파는 자들의 의자를 둘러 엎으시며, 물건을 가지고 성전 안으로 지나다님을 허락하지 아니하시고, 내 집은 만민이 기도하는 집이라 칭함을 받으리라 기록되었는데 강도의 소굴을 만들었다(11:15-17)” 하셨듯, 임마누엘 은혜를 받아야 올바른 믿음과 예배가 되는데, “멀리서 무화과나무를 보시고 무엇이 있을까 하여 가셨더니 잎사귀 외에 아무 것도 없더라 이는 무화과의 때가 아님이라. 예수께서 나무에게 이제부터 영원토록 사람이 네게서 열매를 따 먹지 못하리라(11:13-14)” 하셨듯, 하나님께서 부르실 때 믿음의 열매가 없으면 구원을 얻지 못합니다.
Whosoever, no one be enough to be saved faith in Jesus by own decision or efforts, but everyone will be accomplished who will be instructed and leaded by the Holy Spirit and humbly obedience to him, as that Jesus was asked to his disciples, as “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this? Tell him, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly (11:2-3)” And the disciples were obedient to him, as “When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, ‘Hosanna. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David. Hosanna in the highest (11:7-10)” And “Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, ‘Is it not written: My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers (11:15-17)” It mean is, whoever will be good and worthy faith and worship to God, if he had been Immanuel God. However, no one be saved, if anyone who had no fruit of faith in Jesus, when the Lord God called and taken up his spirit, as that cursed fig tree was, as “Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat fruit from you again (11:13-14)”
그런데 “산더러 들리어 바다에 던져지라 하며 그 말이 이루어질 줄 믿고 마음에 의심하지 아니하면 그대로 되리라. 기도하고 구하는 것은 받은 줄로 믿으면 그대로 되리라(11:23-24)” 덧붙인 말씀에 속거나, “누가 준 권위로 이런 일을 하느냐(11:28)” 묻는 자들에게, 내가 묻는 말에 대답하면 나도 대답하리라 하시며, “요한의 세례가 하늘로부터냐 사람으로부터냐(11:30)” 물으셨고, “우리가 알지 못하노라 하므로 나도 무슨 권위로 이런 일을 하는지 이르지 아니하셨듯(11:33)” 솔직하지 않으면 가르치지 않기 때문에, “나로 말미암아 실족하지 아니하는 자는 복이 있도다(마11:6)-기도할 때에 아무에게나 혐의가 있거든 용서하라 그래야 하늘에 계신 아버지께서도 너희 허물을 사하여 주시리라(11:25)” 하셨으므로, 솔직하게 고백하고 간구하며 가르침을 따라 남의 죄를 용서하는 사랑의 열매를 맺어야 되는데, 세를 받아가려던 종들과 상속자까지 능욕하고 때리며 죽이고 차지하려다 멸망을 받은 농부들처럼(12:1-9), “하나님과 같이 되려는(창3:5)” 원죄를 버리고 순종해야 되므로, “가이사의 것은 가이사에게, 하나님의 것은 하나님께 바치라(12:17)” 하셨습니다.
However, so many peoples are eagerly pleaded to God follow as that words, even he had no enough faith, as “If anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours (11:23-24)” Because the Holy Spirit no teach or instruction to whom he has no good conscience or motives, as that example of Jesus was, when the Pharisees asked to him, as “By what authority are you doing these things (11:28)?” At the time, Jesus asked to them as “John’s baptism—was it from heaven, or from men (11:30)?” But the Pharisees were answered lies and Jesus never tell his authority to them, as “We don’t know. Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things (11:33)” Because, God surely be hated liar but loves the righteousness only. Therefore, everyone will be sincerely confessed his sins and eagerly pleaded to God, then the Holy Spirit will teach and leads to the way of life in Christ Jesus, as “Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me (Matthew11:6)-When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins (11:25)” Moreover, you will be abandoned your fleshly sinful desires, as “Will be like God (Genesis3:5)” Because, if not, you will surely be fallen to sins as the evil tenants of the vineyards(12:1-9) and condemned to destroyed by God, but always be humbly obedient to your God of Immanuel, as “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s (12:17)”
왜냐하면, “사람이 죽은 자 가운데서 살아날 때에는 장가도 시집도 아니 가고 하늘에 있는 천사들과 같고, - 죽은 자의 하나님이 아니요 산 자의 하나님이듯(12:25, 27)” 육신으로 살 동안에 합당한 믿음의 열매를 맺지 못하면 구원을 얻지 못하므로, “하나님은 유일한 주시라. 마음을 다하고 목숨을 다하고 뜻을 다하고 힘을 다하여 주 너의 하나님을 사랑하라. 네 이웃을 네 자신과 같이 사랑하라 하신 것보다 더 큰 계명이 없다(12:29-31)” 하셨듯, 생명의 말씀 하나님을 사랑하며 이웃을 진심으로 사랑해야만, “전체로 드리는 모든 번제물과 기타 제물보다 나은(12:33)” 영과 진리로 드리는 제사가 되고, “회당의 높은 자리와 잔치의 윗자리를 원하는 서기관들을 삼가라. 과부의 가산을 삼키며 외식으로 길게 기도하니 더욱 중한 판결을 받는(12:39-40)” 죄에 빠지지 않고, “가난한 중에서 자기의 생활비 전부를 넣은(12:44)” 과부처럼, 임마누엘 하나님의 인정을 받아 대속과 구원을 얻으므로, 성령께서 임마누엘 하나님이 되는 믿음의 길을 따라 죽기까지 순종하며 사랑과 생명의 열매를 맺어 영생의 천국에 들어가는 하나님의 자녀들이 되기를 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 간절히 축복하며 기도합니다. 아멘.
Because, no one be saved, if who does not have fruit of life believe in Jesus within his earthly lives, as “When the dead rise, they will neither marry not be given in marriage; they will be the angels in heaven. – He is not the God of the dead, but of the living (12:25, 27)” Anyway you will be sincerely loved for the word of God then you can be loved your neighbor as yourself along the pure loves from God, as “The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these (12:29-31)” Then, for your lives surely be worshiped to God with spirit and truth as “More important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices (12:33)” with your humbly obedient faith, never be fallen to arrogant sins other men or to God, as “Have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely (12:39-40)” Thence, you will be accepted and saved by the Immanuel God, as the offering of the poverty woman as, as “Out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on (12:44)” Therefore, be loved brothers and sisters. You will be loved the word of God and be learned the way of life in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit, and always be humbly obedient to him until your last breath. Then you will surely be saved and entered to the eternal life in the kingdom of God in the heaven forever and ever. I hopefully prayer and pleaded for you to God, you shall be as good and worthy faith in Christ Jesus all. Amen.
※ 성령의 감동으로 종교 개혁의 기치를 들고 일어났던 사람들이 “안식 후 첫날, 부활의 날”이라는 명목으로 안식일을 버렸고, 태양신을 섬기던 날을 성탄절로 지키며, 하나님께서 폐기하지 않은 율법을 폐기하고 그리스도 대속의 은혜만 강조하여 “두 뿔을 가진 양의 모습으로 땅에서 올라와 용의 말을 하는 거짓 선지자가 되었고, 실패하였다 하는 성령의 가르침에 따라 하나님의 유월절 어린양 그리스도 복음의 진리와 창조 섭리에 따라 안식일 예배로 회귀합니다.
※ For the reformers of the Christianity were failed causes they were no discarded for the Sunday worship and the Christmas, but abandoned for the god’s command of the Sabbath day worship and the festival of the pass-over lamb and unleavened bread. Therefore, we need reform again to return to the real truth of God in Christ Jesus through the Sabbath day worship and the celebrate of the pass-over Lamb and the Unleavened bread again now.