Electrostatic self running motor
The Electrostatic self running motor, also known as a wireless homopolar motor, is a very simple and easy to build topology of a free energy operating device. It is simmilar to a wire homopolar motor, with the difference in the way the batteries are used to make it spin. Electrostatic self running motor is using no wires. Unlike the other free energy motor generators, it is using the electrostatic field instead of the magnetic one. This fact makes this type of free energy motor much easier to build, but it is necessary to remember that the electrostatic forces are always much weaker than the electromagnetic ones. The Electrostatic self running free energy motor (wireless homopolar motor) is thus suitable as a nice decorative gadget or a demonstration of a the principle of free energy motors. Generating usefull electricity is usually not practical in this case.
It works on a principle of the electrostatic forces generated by the batteries, interacting wirh the magnetic field of a bar magnet. Although being a free energy device, this system is using batteries. On the other hand, the contacts of those batteries are not connected to anything. It is important to remember, that those batteries are not used to generate any electrical current flow. They only act as a static electricity generator. As the electricity is static, no current i flowing from those batteries, thus not discharging them. The batteries can be used for many years of operation. The life time of this Electrostatic free energy generator only depends of the shelf life on the batteries.
As the electrostatic forces are not very strong, this free energy motor has to use a good bearing with very low friction. A simple bearing can be made of a convex glass lens and a mirror. The lens is put on the mirror the convex side. The magnet is than put on the planar side of the lens. The entire assembly is put inside a circle made of a big amount of batteries. This system also needs the conductive electrostatic amplification plane. It helps to amplify the electrostatic field nereby the magnet. The silver coating of the mirror works as this amplification plane. The plane has to be circle as the sharp edges always discharge the static charge. The lens has to be made of a leaded glass, such as the ones used in cameras. The lead helps to shield the background ionising radiation coming from the earth, as the ionising radiation tends to discharge the electrostatic charges, thus stop this free energy motor from operation. The Fleming's left-hand rule determines the direction of the rotation to the left (counter clockwise).
The Magnet motor free energy generator is suitable for generating very low to power levels. It is intended mostly as a decorative or demonstration free energy device. Before doing anything, read the Disclaimer first.
The batteries, lens, mirror and magnet - the material to build the electrostatic free energy motor. At the right, the circle in construction.
The circle almost complete. At the right photo, the mirror inside the electrostatic circle.
Putting the wireless homopolar free energy motor into operation.
The operating free energy generating motor with the rotor turning counter clockwise.