Dr. Benjamin Levi Moses, 미래만들기, 선교적교회와지도자들을동원함에변혁적지도자에대한원리들(Create the Future, Principles of transformational leaders in mobilizing missional churches and leaders)
Dr. Alexander Philip, 떠오르는아시아지도자운동(Asian Emerging Leaders Movement)
Dr. Peter Nitshke, 미전도종족중상실한백성을다시세우는일로서의통합선교(Integral Mission among the Unreached as Rebuilding a Broken People)
Dr. Raineer Chu, 도시빈민이누구인지알고이해하는실제적인일들 (Practical Things for Knowing and Understanding who the urban poor are)
Dr. Elgin Saha, 모슬렘배경가운데있는사람들에대한복음전도- 방글라데시케이스 (Evangelism among Muslim Background Believers-Bangladesh A Case Study)
Dr. John Rankin, 이슬람에대한질문(Questions for Islam)
Dr. Tae-Yon Kim, 한국선교사훈련과동원에대한평가 -아시아와한국선교사들을중심으로 ( Evaluation of Korean Missionary Training and Mobilization –Concentrated on Korean Asian Missionaries)
Dr. Shinjung Cha, 유대인치유와건강 (Jewish Healing and Health)
Dr. Benjamin Levi Moses, 영향력이있는사람에게영향을주기: 장터사역에있어서제자훈련과복음전도(Influencing the Influences: Marketplace Ministry for Discipleship and Evangelism)
Dr. Mel Luna, 공동체개발과선교 (Community Development and Mission)
Professor Chona Domingo, 빈민가운데있는어린이와가족을복음전도하고훈련함에있어서창의접근으로서유아기어린이교육 (Early Childhood Education as a Creative Approach to Child Evanglizing and Disciplining Children & Families among the Poor)
Rev. Daniel Youngduk Ryu, 아가페: 진정한예배그리고중보 (Agape: True Worship and Intercession)
Rev. Boyet Ongkiko, 통합선교(Integral Mission)
첫날은필리피노날, 둘째날은아시아선교의날, 셋째날은세계선교의날로진행되었습니다. 개막식에서는 Dr Luis Bush 의 10/40 Window 와4/14 Window 를접목한놀라운영상발제가있었습니다. 그리고세계복음주의연맹(WEA) 의장이신김상복목사님의영상메세지가방영되었습니다. 개막식에서는각국참가자들이각국의국기를들고입장하였고폐막식에서각국을향해선교하러가는파송식이진행되었습니다. 특히미주와한국할렐루야교회의연합으로구성된다윗의장막 (류영덕목사)팀은기름부으심이넘치는경배와찬양으로대회전체에놀라운역할을감당했습니다. 특히할렐루야교회의김승욱목사님은“하나님의약속: 내가새일을행하리라(God’s Promise: I am doing a New Thing)”와“조류를바꾸라 (Turing the Tide)”라는제목으로모두두번에걸쳐서아시아선교와세계선교에대한놀라운도전을주셨습니다.
Manila International Missions Conference 2011 Declaration
We, the 540 delegates representing 17 nations who have gathered at the Manila International Missions Conference-2011, Manila, Philippines, August 17-20, 2011, to mobilize the missional churches and leaders in the Asian context, make the following declaration:
Our context: We recognize that:
Asia is home to the 3.8 billion people and the three most significant world religions.
It’s 48 nations are most diversified in terms of demography, culture, needs and socio-political situations.
It has the least evangelized peoples and the largest local churches too.
Many Asian nationals are scattered globally, impelled by economic and many other challenging factors. Such a diaspora provides opportunities for cross cultural mission.
Our calling: Our calling in Christ implies that:
The Church is the main agency that God has established to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed to all the nations of the world.
This missional Church must celebrate its diversity, preserve unity, practice a radical spirituality and promote a sense of urgency and duty.
We are part of a fresh global mission movement that lives in a postcolonial and pluralistic situation and operates from many different centers.
There is a need for the Church in all its forms—local churches and para-church agencies, missions and Christian development organizations—to recognize that the Body of Christ is missional by its very nature and therefore to focus on a transformative missionary movement for Asian countries.
The use of interdisciplinary sciences, including research, to enable mission organizations effectively and efficiently to fulfill their purpose is crucial.
We must address the central issues of evangelism, Gospel and culture, church and state, justice for the poor and an engagement with world religions and secular cultures.
Our commitment: We will
Strengthen our cooperation in doing world missions through partnership, networking and communication.
Endeavor to provide adequate preparation for those who will be sent out in mission, in terms of both competency and character under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Engage with the unreached people groups by making the Scripture available in different heart languages, both in written and oral formats, and to mobilize churches to plant churches among them.
Cooperate with others who are focused on reaching women, children, youth, and urban poor communities.
Do integral missions so as to jointly fulfill together in our contexts both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.
Our confidence: We are convinced that:
God is doing a “new thing” in our midst, and we must live a life of holiness, press on to know Him more, venture out of our comfort zones seeking to be a channel of blessing to exalt Jesus as King of Kings.
By glorifying the Heavenly Father, submitting to the Lord Jesus Christ, and depending on the Holy Spirit in facilitating creative and effective mission strategies, His church will be able to share in our generation in God’s work of making the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord.
August 20, 2011
Dr. Alexander Philipp 은컨퍼런스전체에대한보고를세계교회에반포하였습니다.
Executive Summary – MIMC 2011
The 2nd Manila International Mission Conference was held in Manila, Philippines from August 17-20, 2011 at the Elijah School of Global Mission. About 540 delegates representing 17 nations were present at this conference whose theme was to mobilize the missional churches and leaders in the Asian context.
Asia is home to 3.8 billion people and is the birthplace of major world religions. This continent has seen significant Church growth in the past decade and joins Africa and Latin America in comprising the Global South. Without doubt, the Asian evangelical Church is exploding and current estimates place Asians as a significant force in future global mission.
The challenges within Asia however cannot be forgotten. Asia has the largest local churches yet, have the most unreached people groups. The continent has some of the world’s richest and growing economies, yet poverty is rampant is several pockets. About half of the world’s 1.2 billion children live in Asia alone with great health, educational, relational and economic challenges! Persecution, hunger, injustice and gender inequalities are part of daily life within the Asian content.
Yet Christians from Asia are keen to become a blessing throughout the Asian continent and beyond. The MIMC 2011 has served to gather key mission leaders from over 17 countries to re-focus on and re-prioritize on the Asian 10/40 window with a view to raise up missional churches and transformational leaders to serve both Asian and Global mission.
In partnership with the Philippine Council for Evangelical Churches, the call is clear – to take the Gospel to corners of Asia’s 48 nations and even to the ends of the world. This movement which includes galvanising the Philipino Church, attempts to serve both missiological thinking and strategic mission practice. In addition to the annual conferences to be re-named as Manila International Mission Institutes (from 2012 onwards), yearly symposia will be held on key missiological topics within the Asian context, affording an ongoing biblical framework for reflection and praxis.
It is the conviction of the MIMC organizers that Asia is in a strategic moment. Secularism, pluralism, syncretism and religious fundamentalism are expressed increasingly and with greater frequency. The ageless mandate to the Church of Jesus Christ to “go and make disciples” who are both salt and light is at the core of this endeavour.
Let all Asia hear His voice!
Let all of Asia be mobilized for mission!
Let the world recognize Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Amen!
Written by Dr. Alexander Philip
마닐라국제선교연구소(Manila International Mission Institute)
필리핀선교대학원에도서기증작업이진행중인데선적료만해도매번만불가까이들고거기에필리핀에서의선적료도만만치않아매릴랜드대학과 MIT 기증도서만일부진행하고 San Francisco 도서관기증도서는진행조차하지못하고있습니다. 이미약속날짜를넘겨버린지오래되어필리핀대학원에기증도서사역이중단되었습니다. 함께기도해주시기를부탁드립니다.이번에진행되는도서기증에대해서그누구에게도직접부탁하지않고오직기도만하였습니다. 함께기도로협력해주시면고맙겠습니다.
휴~ 저도 마음이 아픕니다. 부흥, 치유, 봉사.. 좋죠... 하지만 주님의 마지막 때 스케줄에 따르면 부흥은 아니라고 봅니다. 주의 종을 판단한다는 말을 들을지라도 분별은 해야겠습니다. 근데 역시 신사도가 다 거미줄처럼 엮어 있어서 이번엔 금방 관련 자료를 올리셨군요.
첫댓글 이는, 작년 8월 제가 김종필 목사에게 직접 받은 메일입니다.
이 선교대회는 에큐메니컬과 더불어, 신사도 운동의 활성화가 그 뒷배경에 있었던 선교대회 였습니다.
제가 다른 단체나 목사들에 대한 신사도 입장을 아직 다 밝히지 않은 이유는, 신중을 기하기 위해서 입니다.
필리핀과 세계에 있는 있는 신사도 운동 관련 단체을 분별하는 것 또한, 상기해 있는 인물과 단체를 역추적하면 밝혀질 것입니다.
출석하는 교회 내에 여러 신사도 운동 단체에 대해 제게 이것저것 물으시는 분이 늘어났습니다.
순수하게 물어보시는 분들도 계시지만, 저를 견제함과 더불어 얼만큼 알고 있는지에 대한 확인을 물어보시는 분들도
오프라인에도 그렇고 온라인에도 그렇고 견제세력이 더 많아 질 것입니다.
은근한 협박이 제겐 더 유익입니다. 어제 오늘, 음식 먹다 체해서, 신앙에 약간의 권태가 왔습니다만,
이러한 견제로 인하여, 심장이 쉼없이 두드려지니 감사할 따름입니다.
보시는분들은 꼭! 기도를 부탁드립니다.
김종필 목사의 카페의 등급이,
'운영자' 에서 '준회원'으로,,
추후, 김종필 목사에 대한 글을 쓴 이후로, '준회원'에서 ' 정회원' 으로,,
오늘 다시 '준회원'으로 강등되었습니다.
그들 또한 차후 저를 계속 견제할 것입니다.
그러나, 말씀 드립니다. 저 하나로 끝나지 않을 것입니다.
휴~ 저도 마음이 아픕니다. 부흥, 치유, 봉사.. 좋죠...
하지만 주님의 마지막 때 스케줄에 따르면 부흥은 아니라고 봅니다.
주의 종을 판단한다는 말을 들을지라도 분별은 해야겠습니다.
근데 역시 신사도가 다 거미줄처럼 엮어 있어서 이번엔 금방 관련 자료를 올리셨군요.
부흥이 일어나면야 얼마나 좋을까요,,
모두다 감사할 일이 아니겠습니까~!
그런데, 순범형제님 말씀대로 스케쥴이 아닌데 어쩌겠습니까,, ㅎ
이 국제선교대회에, 재정 후원과 찬양단체에 국내 목사와 단체가 연관되어있다는 것이 더욱 안타깝습니다.
선교 연구소라는 이름에도 국내 관련자 인물이 있습니다.
국내에서 펼쳐지고 있는 국제선교대회는, 대부분 국내인물들로 강사진이 구성되어 있습니다.
관련 목회자들, 선교사들, 그리고 재정과 기획 등의 후원 단체들을 보면, 깜짝 놀랄만한 사실이 많습니다.
불편한 진실을 마주대함이 늘 마음이 아픕니다.