박 기 주 명당(明堂)인 듯 남향받이 낮은 둔덕에 과녁배기 너와집 하나. 하늘의 별에서 먼저 간 지아비 찾던 할멈, 어느 날 아들 따라 서울 가고 없고나. 흘러간 세월의 무게만큼 구멍 뚫린 지붕 속으로 밤 별들이 오종종 모여들고. 녹 쓴 돌쩌귀 문짝을 부여잡고 애원하나 휑한 바람에도 문풍지는 울음 멈추었고나. 어질더분 버려진 가구에 굴뚝새 들락날락 넘나고 헛간 삼태기는 거미줄로 얼핏 설핏 묶어 놓고. 망태에 녹 쓴 호미와 낫 능놀던 할멈의 체온 잃은 지도 오래였고나. 늴리리야 늴리 노래 가락도 하 까르르 웃던 웃음소리도 정겹던 다듬이소리 휘몰이장단도 깨진 장독 채마밭의 패랭이꽃도 이젠 눈물 같이 애처롭고. 아! 뒤란의 노란산수유는 옛날같이 피었고나 ..... A Deserted Shingled House. by KijuPark.
On a low hillside seemed as if it were a Myeongdang (propitious site), There was a lonly house. In the stars of the sky an old widow looking for her husband who passed away first, One day, has gone to Seoul following her son.
As much as the weight of time that has passed The stars in the night gather together Into the roof with a hole in it A rusty hinge hold the door and implored it not to tremble. With the empty wind, Eaven Moon-Poong-ji stopped crying.
In the abandoned furniture Chimney birds fly in and out. The samtaegi(earth carrier) is tied up with a spider's web. A rusty hoe and sickle in a mesh. At first glance, It's been a long time since the old widow lost her temperature from the farm tools.
The melody of the song, Even the laughing sound, The friendly dadeumi sound. The whirling rhythm The broken crock. The pink flowers in the vegetable garden. Now they are as pathetic as tears. Oh! The yellow cornus flowers in the back garden bloomed like old days.