죄송해요 여러분 이번주 정말 너무 바쁩니다..... 접대가...쿨럭
지금도 회사에서 테스트 받고 있습니다....쩝
간단하게 올리도록 하겠습니다.
5회이상 결석하신분들 일단 고정멤버에서 빠지시게 될 예정입니다. 기분 나쁘실가 걱정도 했으나 대기 하시는 분들 고려도 해야 하기 때문에 결정하였습니다. 공지는 따로 하겠습니다 . 고정멤버 빠지신분들은 나중에 대기리스트 올려달라고 하시면 다시 올려드리니
대박패턴 이번주 제가 올릴시간이 없습니다. 집이 아닌관계로
패스하고 딕테이션은 노팅힐로 고정하겠습니다.
내일뵈요 댓글은 빨리 달아주시면 감사하겠습니다~
< study curriculum >
Small Talk and self introduction - 지난주에 있었던 일들에 대하여 대화를 나누고 자기소개(newcomer)
대박패턴 - 이번주는 쉽니다.
American drama or movie
- The movie is Notinghill
- 진행방식:
1. 먼저 한글자막과 영문자막으로 동시에 시청한 뒤 한글자막으로 한번 더 시청
2. 한글자막으로 시청하면서 중간중간 재생을 멈추고 퀴즈가 나가고 dictation
3. 표현 확인 하면서 내 것으로 만들기
Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
1. 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
2. role play
3. 역할 바꿔서 외우기
4. role play
Free talking start -
1. 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
2. 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
3. main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking 해도 무방
to staff - 토픽 출력 부탁합니다~~ easy english 12월 6회 부탁드립니다~~~~^^ 입트영 6회 복사부탁드립니다.
Topic1. quality time on the weekend
Do you have any plans for the weekend? I hope you do. If you don’t check out the cultural page in your local paper or on the internet – or just sit down, and think of some things that you want to do.
I hope to go on a small road trip this weekend. I have a few ideas, but my wife and I haven’t decided exactly where to go.
What you do on the weekend obviously depends on the weather. If it’s nice and warm outside, we often play in the water. This means that we could have a water fight with squirt guns outside the house. Or we could go to the ocean and splash in the water there. When it’s really cold, we like to go sledding. You can pay and go on man-made slopes. But we like to grab a box and slide down the slippery slopes with the neighborhood kids.
So, what’s it going to be this weekend-indoor stuff: bowling, shopping, walking around a museum? Or outdoor stuff: going for a hike, a bike ride, or simply a walk? Of course, you can always stay home and play a board game or watch a family video all together. Sometimes, we buy a jigsaw puzzle and put it together on the kitchen table while just talking to each other. It’s nice to work together as a team.
I hope to spend some quality time with my family even if it’s for a short time. I want to focus on the quality. I hope you and your loved ones also get to spend some quality time together. It’s not just how much time you spend with someone but how well you spend the time with that person that counts. It’s the quality, not the quantity, that’s important.
Remember… if you don’t have a plan for the weekend yet, take a moment, and make one!
Talk about it
1. What are your plans for the weekend?
2. What do you usually do on the weekend?
3. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
4. Do you usually do activities alone or with people?
5. What activities do you do with your family?
6. What does “quality time” mean to you?
7. What are some “quality time” activities?
8. Do you usually make plans or just do things when you want to?
9. If you could go anywhere with your family, where would you go?
참여댓글 양식
<참석의 경우> 1st / English Name / 참석합니다~
신입은 _th / English Name / (문의주셨던) 전화번호 / 참석합니다~
example) 1st / peter / 참석합니다
2nd / grace / 참석합니다
3rd / albert / 참석합니다
4th / tina / 참석합니다
5th / david / 010-1234-5678 / 처음 참석합니다
<불참의 경우> 불참 / English Name / 사유~
※ 금요일(최소한 저녁)까지 꼭! 꼬옥~ 달아주시길 간.곡.히. 부탁드려요!^^*
미리미리 달아 놓읍시다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
첫댓글 1st/Jane/불참....시험있으요ㅠ 담주엔꼭갈게요!!
준비해 놓겠습니다:)
4th Henry attend
8th/Jin/ 참석
11th/Robin/참석~! 하고 싶은데...토익 감독...담주에 꼭봐요~
13th/hansol/불참/여행을와서.. 다음주에는 꼭 참석하겠습니다. '-'*