게시글 본문내용
adj :
difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them";
"a deep metaphysical theory";
"some recondite problem in historiography"
첫댓글 abstruse 난해한 심오한
abstract, hard to understand
abstruse 난해한... 끝에 use 사용하다.... 그래서 사용하기 난해하다 ㅇㅋ
난해한,심오한= abstract= hard to understand= difficult
Abstruse away thrust 깊숙히 박혀있다=어렵다= 난해한,심오한
Abstruse 난해한, 심오한
abstruse 난해한, 심오한 ambiguous
심오한 난해한
엡스트러스.. 문제가 난해해서 스트러스 받는다.
abstruse 난해한, 심오한
abstuse 난해한 심오한