I"t's Okay to Not Be Okay" Blu-ray is going to be a premium edition. Please understand due to COVID19, interviews, and commentaries requiring additional filming might not be possible. - No subtitles will be available
Blu-ray 253,000 KRW - Blu-ray Only - Only accepting full payment (No installment plan)
Blu-ray Pre-order link: - You can access the link from the cafe menu or link below
Discount coupon: - 7 USD discount coupon Each link has a 7 USD discount coupon. Please download it before making a payment.
Please keep in mind that the final confirmation will be made based on the total quantity of the pre-order payment. Once production is confirmed, other detailed information (specials & amount of disks) will be determined based on the pre-order quantity. Reaching a higher quantity will give us more chances to request extra benefits.
We ask for your active promotion and participation as well as pre-ordering Blu-ray.
Thank you.
**** Please DO NOT share these information and links outside of cafe. *** For any other questions that are not written in the notice, please use 질문게시판 to ask.
is this correct that the release date listed is 2021.09.30. (that is what is listed in the Blue Ray Pre Order page from yes24). So it wont be released till next year?
Are there no plans for a Director's Cut AT ALL? Even in the future? That's really disappointing. I understand that conducting a commentary in person may be difficult due to COVID (even though plenty of dramas are still shooting during this time) but they could still film an online commentary. (;A;)
And I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the re-edited, longer, and deleted scenes that we didn't get to see broadcast. (╥_╥) At least it's the Premium Edition that includes additional contents.
But thank you for all the hard work getting the Blu-ray produced!
Hi, I was wondering if there’s any difference if I make the purchase through the global website instead of the korean site? I am more familiar with the yes24global ver
첫댓글 i would buy 2 set, thanks
Will there be a separate pre-order for the Director's Cut or are you only releasing the Premium Edition Blu-Ray?
Premium Edition only.
The link below explains the difference between Director’s cut and Premium Edition.
@사괜블딥부총대 I see. So there are no production plans for the Director’s Cut at all?
@syasya.msara There could be, but it will only be decided after it reaches 1,000 pre-orders.
@예빈 Thank you for the info!
is this correct that the release date listed is 2021.09.30. (that is what is listed in the Blue Ray Pre Order page from yes24). So it wont be released till next year?
Yes, blu-rays usually takes about a year to be released.
Are there no plans for a Director's Cut AT ALL? Even in the future?
That's really disappointing. I understand that conducting a commentary in person may be difficult
due to COVID (even though plenty of dramas are still shooting during this time) but they could still
film an online commentary. (;A;)
And I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the re-edited, longer, and deleted scenes that we
didn't get to see broadcast. (╥_╥) At least it's the Premium Edition that includes additional
But thank you for all the hard work getting the Blu-ray produced!
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.20.09.10 19:16
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.20.09.11 23:46
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.20.09.15 10:16
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.20.09.10 22:04
I am going to buy the Blu-ray cd of this drama.
Even interview and commentaries might not be inclouded?I was really looking forward their commentariesㅠㅠ
Please understand due to COVID19, interviews, and commentaries requiring additional filming might not be possible.
>> http://m.cafe.daum.net/tvnpsychodvd/AcKM/13?svc=cafeapp
Please at least arrange the interview and commentary please!
>> http://m.cafe.daum.net/tvnpsychodvd/AcKM/13?svc=cafeapp
I ordered the DVD already. Hope it can release soon
Hi, I was wondering if there’s any difference if I make the purchase through the global website instead of the korean site? I am more familiar with the yes24global ver
If your country is a shipable country, plz use the global site.
Check plz.
@사괜블딥영어스탭 Noted. Thanks for your reply
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.20.09.18 21:11