Dido came to us when she was only eight weeks old and full of fleas. I am not sure how many times we bathed her that day. After her endless bathing experience on the first day; it became a tradition to have spa day once a week. She didn’t seem to mind the bath at all, even with the following blow dry. She became so used to her spa day that I could tell she enjoyed the process. She always lifted her legs one by one to hold them in the air for shampoo and conditioning, and would frequently turn her wet fur spots towards the dryer when it came time. Dido also had the skill of opening sliding doors. One day when I came home from work, I found my bedroom closet door wide open and a dresser drawer was open. I was puzzled, but what I found in the living room shortly after explained it. I found Dido laying on one of my sweaters in front of the fireplace, having decided to take her favourite sweater from my drawer to better her napping experience.
An open members’ exhibition
SPOT: All about Cats and Dogs and ARTIST STORIES