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Lateral Plosion (Lateral Release) vs Nasal Plosion 이 출제될 가능성이
상당히 높을 수 있겠다고 조심스럽게 예측을 해 봅니다.
AEP에 복잡하게 써 있는 내용을 잘 정리한 파일을 올리니
꼭 정확히 공부하고 점검하기 바랍니다.
작년에도 올렸던 파일인데 살짝 수정한 업데이트 된 내용입니다.
Nasal Plosion vs Lateral Plosion
(1) 폐쇄음 (stop sounds) 뒤에 조음위치가 같은 (homorganic) 비음(nasals)이 연이어 따라나올 때, 그 stop sound의 release가 구강으로 즉시 일어나는 대신에 velum이 내려오면서 공기가 nasal cavity를 통해 방출하는 현상을 “nasal plosion’ 이라고 합니다. Nasal Plosion은 다음의 세가지 환경에서 일어납니다.
The stop closure is maintained and nasally released in cases in which the stop is followed by a homorganic nasal. In this process, which is known as 'nasal plosion', the air is released through the nasal cavity. This happens in the following environments:
(a) The nasal is syllabic:
button [bʌtnˌ).] /t+n/, mutton, sudden [sʌdnˌ).] /d+n/,
(b) The nasal is in the initial position of the following syllable of the word:
madness [mædnəs] /d + n/.
(c) The nasal is in the initial position of the next word:
hard nails [haɻdnelz] /d + n/, sad news [sædnuz] /d + n/.
(2) alveolar stop sound (/t/ or /d/) 다음에 ”homorganic“ lateral이 따라 나올 때, (즉, t, d 가 l앞에 나올 때) 혀 끝은 alveolar ridge에 남아있고, (built-up된) 공기의 방출이 혀의 양 옆으로 이루어지는데, 이를 Lateral Plosion이라고 합니다.
A comparable release, this time laterally, is provided when the (alveolar) stop is followed by a homorganic lateral. This process, which is known as 'lateral plosion', can be observed in the following words: When a(n) (alveolar) stop and a homorganic lateral are adjacent, there is a buildup of air pressure behind the stop closure which is released along the sides of the tongue when the lateral is released.
(a) cattle [kætlˌ] /t + 1ˌ/, middle [mɪdlˌ] /d + 1/, beetle, badly
(b) in sequences of words, Bud Light [bʌdlaɪt] /d + 1/, at last [ətlæst] /t + 1/.
(c) 유의: That this event requires homorganicity is further shown by examples such as tickle [tɪklˌ] or nipple [nɪplˌ], which have no lateral release. tickle, nipple은 lateral sound앞에 homorganic stop이 아닌 음 (k, p)이 나왔기 때문에 Lateral Plosion이 일어나지 않는다고 할 수 있습니다.
Question: Underline the items that qualify for lateral and/or nasal plosion. State the generalization.
puddle, bottle, goggle, apple, head lice, deep lake, red light, pickle, widen, listen, loosen, channel, muddle, Jordan, |
puddle, bottle, goggle, apple, head lice, deep lake, red light, pickle,
widen, listen, loosen, channel. muddle, Jordan,
- Lateral Plosion: puddle, bottle, head lice, red light, muddle
Nasal Plosion: widen , Jordan,
Generalization: Lateral plosion and/or nasal plosion occur(s) when the /l/ and/or /n/ are/is preceded by a “homorganic” stop. *****
lateral plosion vs nasal plosion_진미주음운론2020_표절금지.pdf
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