{"This lesson will teach you how to control the camera and how to select your troops and issue orders to them.
Listen to the General and follow the instructions on screen and you will soon be ready for battle."}
기본 컨트롤.
{"Use the arrow keys to move the camera and explore the battlefield.
Once battle commences the movement of the camera will be restricted to the line of sight of your troops."}
화살표키(또는 마우스)를 이용해서 맵 전체를 둘러보라. 전투가 시작되면 시야가 제한될 것이니..
{"You can also speed up the camera movement by holding down the Shift Key."}
Shift키를 누른상태에서 둘러보라.
{"As well as using the camera to survey the battlefield you can also look at the overview map which is at the top left of the screen.
This map is very useful for getting an overview of the battle."}
좌측 상단의 미니맵도 잘 활용하자.
{"You will see that there is a small icon in the bottom left of your screen. This symbol represents a unit of your soldiers. It shows the type of unit [Chivalric Knights] and how many men are in the unit [60]."}
좌측 하단의 아이콘은 각 부대의 정보를 보여준다. 즉 60명으로 구성된 [Chivalric Knights]이다.
{"Left-click the unit icon in the bottom left of the screen to select the Unit. You will see that it becomes highlighted.
You can also select a unit by clicking directly on them on the battlefield."}
이 아이콘을 클릭하든지, 부대를 직접 클릭하든지..
{"Double-left-click on the icon to move the camera close to your unit."}
더블클릭하면 클로즈업된다.
{"Your knights are selected, hence highlighted. Now double-left-click on the icon to position the camera close to them."}
더블클릭하면 클로즈업된다.
{"You have now selected your knights. Move the mouse pointer over them and you can see information about their status including their current
action [standing], their morale [impetuous] and their fatigue level [fresh]. Each of these
things will be important in battle."}
마우스를 병사들 위로 가져가면 그 부대의 현재 상태를 보여준다. 즉 [standing]서있다. [impetuous]사기충천. [fresh]쌩쌩함.
{"Your cavalry units are strong attacking units and have the benefit of great speed, however they are vulnerable to spearmen and do not fight well in forest."}
cavalry(기병)의 장점은 빠른스피드와 파괴력. 단점은 spearmen(창병)에 매우 약하고, 수풀속에서도 매우 약함.
{"Now left-click by the base of the flag, this will march your men to that point."}
이제, 화면에 보이는 깃발 하단에 클릭해라.(정확히!)
{"A double left-click will run your men to the flag. Single left-click by the base of the flag to march your men there."}
이때, 더블클릭하면 뛴다(run).
{"Select your men by clicking either directly on the unit or on their icon."}
다시 부대를 클릭하고,
{"Now double left-click by the base of the next flag, a double click orders your men to run to this point.
But remember that when they run they will become tired more rapidly."}
이번엔 다음 깃발을 향해 더블클릭해보자. 하지만 너무 오래 뛰면 피곤해진다(tired).
{"A single left-click will walk your men. You must DOUBLE left-click by the flag to run your men there."}
같은 얘기...
{"Attack orders are issued in the same way as movement orders, by simply left-clicking on the enemy to attack and
double left-clicking to charge.
But before you launch into battle we will learn how to organise units into formations."}
공격방법도 이동과 마찬가지다. 즉 적군 클릭은 공격. 적군 더블클릭은 돌격(charge). 하지만 그 전에 포메이션을 익히자.
{"Hold down the left mouse button and drag it left to right between the two flags. You will see that you can drag your unit formation into a line.
When you release the mouse button your men will move into this position."}
부대를 선택해서, 보이는 두 깃발 중 왼쪽 깃발을 클릭한 상태에서 마우스 버튼을 떼지말고 오른쪽 깃발을 향해 쭉 드래그한 다음 마우스 버튼을 떼보자. 될때까지...
{"As well as changing the shape of the formation and the facing you can also change which type of formation your men are in."}
{"Not yet. The unit must be organised into formation before the attack."}
잠깐. 공격하기 전에 진형을 만들자.
{"You will see a row of buttons at the top of the screen. These are orders which you can give to your units."}
상단 메뉴버튼을 이용한다.
{"If you hold your mouse over each button a tooltip will come up showing you what this button does and what the keyboard shortcut is. Any order which is not available with the currently selected unit[s] will be greyed out."}
상단 메뉴버튼에 마우스를 가져가면, 각 버튼의 용도와 단축키가 나온다.(단축키 반드시 암기)
{"Also if you were to position the mouse over your unit, or the unit icon and right click, a menu will come up which gives access to the same orders."}
각 부대 혹은 부대 아이콘에 마우스를 대고 마우스 우측클릭 해도 메뉴가 나온다.
{"My Lord, Saracen intruders have been sighted by our scouts. You must organise your men into formation to prepare them for battle."}
적군 Saracen이 보인다. 진형을 구축해서 공격하자.
{"Now go to the top of the screen and click the 'Loose Formation' button which is flashing."}
위에 깜빡이는 'Loose Formation'(산개대형)메뉴를 클릭하자. 혹은 단축키 'L'.
{"Loose formation will spread your men out and make them less vulnerable to arrow fire.
However, it is not the best formation for hand to hand combat."}
적군의 궁병이 사격중이므로 'Loose Formation'을 쓰는 것이다. 하지만 근접전에서는 'Loose Formation'은 좋지 않다.
{"You must assume a Loose Formation. Click on the Loose Formation button at the top of the screen."}
//{"Remember you can issue orders from the buttons at the top of the screen, the right click menus or the keyboard shortuts."}
{"Now move your knights closer to the enemy by left clicking near the base of the flag which is in front of you."}
이제 우리의 기사를 적군을 향해 이동시킨다. 앞에 보이는 깃발을 향해 클릭해라. 더블클릭도 좋고..
{"Now change your men into Wedge formation by clicking on the flashing Wedge Formation button
at the top of the screen.
The Wedge Formation is the most effective formation for charging the enemy and breaking their
lines, but it is not as useful for defence."}
이제 Wedge formation(쐐기대형)으로 변경한다. 상단 깜빡이는 메뉴버튼을 누른다(혹은 단축키 'W'.). Wedge formation은 적군의 방어선을 돌파하는데에 가장 유용한 진형이다.
{"You must assume a Wedge Formation. Left click on the flashing Wedge Formation button."}
{"Now double click on the enemy unit to charge them."}
적군을 향해 더블클릭!(돌격! 돌격시에 돌격보너스가 주어져 공격력이 강화된다. 물론 대신에 피로도는 다소 높아진다.)
{"A single-click will order your men to attack the enemy, the charge is more devastating.
Now double click on the enemy unit to charge them."}
{"You have now learnt the basics of controlling a unit of soldiers and entering combat. This is enough for the brash to abandon their training and begin Total War. If you desire, there is more to learn. Use the next small battle to practice what you've learnt before we move on to controlling a larger army."}
{"You have lost this battle. Try the tutorial again and pay particular attention to the information on formations and charging the enemy."}
졌다. 다시해라.