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카페 프로필 이미지
Jim'sToronto - 짐스토론토
카페 게시글
┃[쓰기]일기써보세요┃ [Corrected] there is no principal in writing a daily^^
Jim Lee 추천 0 조회 30 03.10.04 10:48 댓글 6
게시글 본문내용
  • 03.10.04 11:33

    첫댓글 cheers!! dude..the event is held every Saturday til...I don't know. But definately next week.. near Han-River 63-building. But the entrance fee may be required if you want to see more spectacular views. Every thing is up to YOU..^^enjoy yours^^ and please reply my question^^

  • 작성자 03.10.04 11:56

    Your question is for me to join the event? ... or do you mean that I should go and see the fireworks? I will try but to be honest, with my baby recently born (4weeks now), I am not sure if I can get away to Han River. However, I will see what happens...:-)

  • 03.10.04 12:02

    I guess you couldn't find a my question^^ Here is my question^^ I have a question about a spelling between USA and BRITISH. I used to study overseas with a style of british. Whenever I leave a daily, I find something 'se,,ze''such as recogni(se), Is the 'se' wrong?

  • 03.10.04 12:04

    One thing more, CONGRATULATION on your new angel^^WOW, I can't even imagine how weird that feel to have a child^^

  • 작성자 03.10.04 12:54

    Ah...hhh. Well, I am used to writing in the Canadian way...and sometimes even Canadians spell differently than Americans. For example...we spell "colour", whereas the Americans spell the word "color". I wouldn't say how you spell is wrong.. I am just used to spelling it my way...that's all. :-)

  • 작성자 03.10.04 12:55

    And, thank you. My baby boy is an Angel brought to me by God! It really does changes ones life. :-)
