Sixtieth Birthday The sixtieth birthday was considered highly significant as many people were short-lived. It was customary at this time for children to honor their parents with a large feast to wish them a long, healthy life. The parents sat at a table laden with special foods to receive traditional bows and wine from their children. Relatives, neighbors, and friends of the parents were all invited to the feast and treated to food and entertainment. Even if the parents were already dead, a ritual was performed on the day of what would have been their sixtieth birthday. Close relatives commemorated the deceased at this time. A variety of fruits, oil-and-honey pastry, confections, rice cakes of five colors, sliced boiled meat, and fish were prepared for the feast. The foods were piled high to make the table look more sumptuous and to reach a height of an odd-number of ch'i, a traditional measuring unit: five ch'i, seven ch'i or nine ch'i. Since this acted as a measure of the wealth of the family giving the feast, excessive resulted in many strongly negative side effects. Many families continue this ritual today.