I'm going to introduce Max and Ruby today. Then let's get started.
Episode 1's title is Max's Rocket Racer
Max and Ruby went to the fair and met Louise.
But Max was so short that he couldn't ride the Rocket Racer.
So they went to a candy store.
Ruby and Louise planned to ride the Rocket Racer next time, but Max wanted to ride it now.
But Ruby and Louise went to a ring toss, and Max went, too.
Ruby and Louise failed, but Max succeeded in one go and got a gift.
Max was excited, so he found a Rocket Racer and eventually got on it.
Score: B+
- "ride a rocket racer" → "ride the Rocket Racer" ("Rocket Racer"는 특정 놀이기구 이름이므로 "the"를 붙여야 해요.)
- "Max and Lewis went for a ring toss" → "Ruby and Louise went to a ring toss" (이전 문장에서 "Max wanted to ride it now"라고 했으므로, 여기선 Ruby와 Louise가 간 것이 더 자연스러워요.)
- "Max accelerated" → "Max was excited" ("accelerated"는 속도를 올린다는 뜻인데, 여기선 "excited"가 더 적절해요.)