You know, i had no idea it was Korean Independance Day yesterday.
i have to say, it really is a day of reflection, and a day of celebration. two extremes, two meanings.
truthfully, i don't really know that much about Korea. i remember only a little of it's history from my father's 'stories'. i can speak, read and write the language, but i my heart language is english. (i translate korean to english in my head when i hear it.)
i was born in Sydney, Australia. Lived here all my life. Visited Seoul only twice for short holiday trips - both times with english speaking people. have no direct relatives living outside of sydney. (nope, not a single cousin or aunt or uncle in korea.)
But when someone asks me what nationality i am, i'll answer "i'm Korean, mate!"
Funny, isn't it? You really can't deny the blood......
i have to admit, it wasn't easy growing up in a subtly racist nation(at the time - almost stamped out now...).
But being the minority, you see things, most don't see.
you see that people can only act upon what they know.
you see that ALL people are hurting, and need something..need love?
perspective is such a valuable commodity. to step into someone else's shoes for a moment.....if you can do that, and have the heart to reach out and comfort someone....than all struggles are worth the pain....
so let us salute those who lost their lives fighting for Korea's freedom.....we koreans would not be around the world if not for their courage.....