보통때처럼 캔씨안약을 주문하고 기다리는데 배송이 안와서 혹시나 하고 메일확인해 봤더니 이런메일이 와있네요
메일을 빨리 확인했어야 하는건데..ㅜㅜ
혹시 영어 잘하시는 분 계시면 도와주세요ㅜㅜ
구글번역기에 돌려봤더니 대충 배송이 지연된다는 말 같은데
저는 늦게라도 오면 예약 취소 안하고 기다리려고 하는데요
그냥 기다리면 되나요?아니면 따로 메일을 보내야 하는건가요?
Dear Eun Young Kim,
We are very sorry to inform you that we are unable to ship your order of Can-C eye drops. We have just been notified by our supplier that due to the recent high demand for Can-C eye drops, the supply that was to be sent to us has been backordered. Additionally the manufacturer is waiting on the N-acetylcarnosine raw material supply in order to begin manufacturing, which has been delayed. All of the other suppliers of Can-C have been out of supply for several weeks already. Wise Choice Medicine, as the largest supplier of Can-C eye drops had the largest supply on hand and so only just ran out today. As of today all Can-C eye drop suppliers are entirely out of stock.
We are so very sorry about this as we know that you are in need of the drops. We will of course cancel your order and refund you in full for your purchase. Alternatively, you may choose to keep your order placed with us in our shipment queue. Once we have received our supply from the manufacturer, all orders, will be shipped in the order that they were received by us.We have been advised by the manufacture that it may be as long as 6 to 8 weeks before we will be in receipt of our Can-C eye drops. Please note that if you are taking the Can-C Plus capsules these will help to slow and prevent any worsening of your vision during the time that you are not using Can-C eye drops. Additionally keeping your eyes well lubricated helps to reduce oxidation of the lens and reduces the stress load to the eyes. "Similisan", for dry eyes is a very nice eye lubricant another brand that we receive very good reports on are "Refresh" lubricant eye drops.
We appreciate how exasperating this situation is and are very frustrated our selves that such a thing could happen. Due to the large volume of customers we have, we will not be able to keep in correspondence with everyone and so we encourage you to check in with us from time to time regarding the status of our supply.
We are all so very sorry for this most unfortunate situation and wish there was more we could do. Please let us know if you wish to cancel your order for refund or if you prefer to keep your order in place for immediate shipment when our supply arrives in 6 to 8 weeks time. We have made arrangements with the manufacturer to drop ship directly to our customers who are waiting on back order when the Can-C supply is ready which ensures the fastest possible delivery for your order if you choose to keep it in place. We will wait to hear back from you and will follow your instruction accordingly.
Leslie Burke - US Director
첫댓글 제조사가 6-8주 후에 물건이 준비된다고 합니다. 와이즈초이스는 다이렉트로 소비자에게 보내줄수 있도록 준비하겠다고 합니다. 그래도 소비자가 취소나 보류를 선택하는 답을 달라고 하고 있네요.
thanks for your answer and I keep this order as i need the eye drop.
so. please send it to me as soon as you have received eye drop from your manufacturer or your manufactouer have to send can-c to me directly .
라고 답메일 하시면 될 듯 합니다. 도움이 되시길...캔씨가 늦어져서 걱정이네요
2번째 문장에 보면 환불해주겠다는말도있내요..주문이 6~8주 걸리니까 기다릴껀지 환불할껀지 알려달라는내용예요..
정말 감사합니다ㅠㅠㅠ 답메일까지 적어주시고ㅠㅠㅠ 부디 잘 오길 빌어야겠어요
서로 돕는 당세기... 정말 축복의 땅이에요.^^
축복의 땅^^*