트랜스미터(탱크압력송신기) 크기, 이전 모델보다 크기가 작아졌다.
1단계에 장착
트렌스미터가 다이렉트로 1단계에 장착 경우 탱크를 올릴시에 그 부분을 들어 망가지는 경우가 있어
위처럼 고압호수를 달아서 하는 편이 안전하다.
좀 고급 스텐고압호수를 달았다. 주의 할 점은 저렇게 고압호수로 할 경우 꼭 게이지핀을
별도 구입해 넣어 주어야 한다. 필자는 고압호수를 연결해서 하니 덜렁거려
찍찍이를 붙여 호수와 고정 하였다.
기종 에어리스 엘리트3
게이지상 198바 컴퓨터는 196바 이것은 아날로그 0점 게이지차로서 다소 몇바의 오차가 있지만 오히려
컴퓨터의 수가 더 정확하다고 본다.
메뉴에서 얼마의 공기가 남았을 때 경고음과 플레슁을 설정 가능하고
얼마의 깊이 이상 들어 갔을 때도 경고음과 플레슁 설정 가능하다.
또 포인터까지 돌아가는 하는 공기량을 설정하면 어느정도 공기가 소모되었을때
포인터로 BACk 돌아가는 경고음도 가능하다.
그리고 자기의 호흡량과 에어가 없어지는 량과 수심에 따라 다이빙 가능한 시간도 표시 해준다.
트렌스미터와 수신기인 컴퓨터의 인식시간은 4초이다.
1bar의 공기를 사용했을 때 컴퓨터에서 수신해서 디지털로 보여주는 시간이 4초이다.
그리고 거리가 멀어질 수록 수신율이 떨어지는데 스펙상 4ft에서 6ft이니 최대가 2m 이다.
버디의 게이지를 확인 하려면 2m 만 떨어지면 무용지물로 수신을 할 수 없다는 이야기이기도 하다.
이점을 고려하고 버디용 트랜스미터를 구입할 지 안할지 판단하여야 한다.
2m 버디거리라면 거의 붙어 있어야 하는 거리이다.
다이빙 컴퓨터와 가격대 별로 기능상 차이는
가장 간단한 컴퓨터는 (저가)는 수심/수온/잠수시간 <--즉 수중정보만 알려줌
(중가)는 수심/수온/잠수시간/감압정보<--할데인알고리즘의 의하여 수중정보와 감압정보를 알려줌
200에서 70만원대
(고가)는 수심/수온/잠수시간/감압정보/게이지<--수중정보와 감압정보와 다이버본인의 정보를 알려줌
300에서 200만원대
게이지압력을 측정하는 것이 트랜스미터(송신기)가 컴퓨터(수신기)로 보내주는 기능은 말 그대로 호수가 없는
압력게이지란 뜻입니다. 물론 몇 가지 이런 기능의 고가에 컴이 편리한 장점이 있는데. 그 장점이 초보들에게 필요한 부분인지
몰라도 우리 같은 안전다이빙이나 게이지 확인을 잘 하는 다이버에겐 그냥 악세사리에 지나지 않습니다. 에어리스에서 특허를 받았다는 기능중에 이 컴퓨터의 기능에 예를 들어 30m 지점에서 공기가 100BAR 가 남았다면 그 다이버 동안 사용한 에어량에 따라 그 수심에서 얼마나 오랫동안 다이빙을 할 수 있는지 시간상 분을 보여주고 그리고 감압시간까지 상승속도와 계산하여 남은 시간과 경고음과 비상 빨간 led를 보여준다고 하더군요. 그리고 공기탱크에 공기가 세거나 종합적인 부분에서 문제가 생기면 경고음과 함께 컴퓨터에서 플레슁이 되어 다이버에게 알려 준다는 것입니다. 또한 그 다이버의 다이빙에 특성에 맞추어 에어량과 수심을 계산하여 알고리즘을 만들어 안전다이빙에 필요한 부분을 알려 준다는데. 개인적으로 그렇게 필요한 부분은 아니고 초보다이버에겐 혹가는 기능 일 수도 있습니다.
일단 트랜스미터가 있으면 게이지를 보지 않고 자신의 손목에 컴퓨터만으로 에어량을 체크 할 수 있다는 장점이 있으니 게이지를
찾는 다고 머뭇 거릴 필요가 없이 컴에서 모든정보를 확인 할 수 있다는 것입니다.
그러나 아직 투어 다니면서 이렇게 트랜스미터를 달고 잠수 하는 사람을 본적도 없고 그런 정보도 없으니 나중에 귀중한 정보가
되리라 봅니다.
개인적으로 컴퓨터를 사용하면서 필요한 정보는 디지털화 되고 빠르고 cm까지 알려주는 수심/수온/잠수시간
이 세가지인데 이 트랜스미터을 통해 컴퓨터를 통한 게이지의 남은 에어량을 더 보여 주는 기능이 추가 되었다고
보면 됩니다. 위 트랜스미터를 1단계에 고압호수벨브에 장착 하면 됩니다.
에어리스사는 국내에선 마레스사와 스쿠버프로만 유명하지만 해외에선 셔우드사와 같이 다이버들에게 베스트셀러
참고로 트랜스미터는 위제품은 3대까지 이 컴퓨터로 버디의 압력을 체크 할 수 있으나 수신거리가 4에서 6피트이니
버디 거리가 2m 내에야 함으로 버디용으로는 본인이 판단 해야 할 듯 합니다. 그리고 아무리 트랜스미터를 달았다 손 치더라도
아날로그 압력게는 기본적으로 달아 놓아야 합니다.
또한 유의점은 장착시 셋팅을 잘해야 서로 트랜스미터와 컴퓨터가 서로상호 정보를 교환하고 장착 후 호흡기 세척시
꼭 먼지마개를 잠구고 해서 트랜스미터에 수분이 직접적으로 닫지 않게 해야 합니다. 왜냐면 고장나서 교환하려면
트랜스만 가격이 50~70만원이기 때문입니다.
그리고 이런 제품을 구입할 땐 사용해본 강사에게 셋팅을 부탁 하여야 합니다. 설명서가 영어이면서 스쿠버 전문용어로
되어 있기에 영문설명서를 하나하나 읽고 셋팅을 해야 하기 때문입니다. 작게는 피터에서 미터로 수온은 화씨에서 온도C로
트렌스미터와 컴퓨터와 인식셋팅 등 한 두가지가 아닙니다.
아래 설명중에 특허를 받았다는 부분만 직접 번역 해놓았습니다.
Patented Air Time Remaining Algorithm
You're at 80 feet with 1300 psi remaining in your cylinder - how long before you need to begin an ascent to a shallower depth? Our patented Air Time Remaining feature calculates your current depth, breathing rate, cylinder pressure, ascent time, and decompression status to tell you exactly how much time you can remain underwater.
Dive Time Remaining
Dive Time Remaining, like Air Time Remaining provides a 'real' number in minutes, considering Air Time Remaining, Nitrogen and Oxygen absorption, and automatically displays whichever allows less time.
공기가 얼마나 남았는지의 알고리즘의 특허를 받았다.
만약 귀하가 25m에서 탱크에 130바가 남았다면 바닥에서 상승을 시작해야 할 시점까지 얼마나 더 다이빙을 할수 있는가? 우리가
특허 받은 것은 귀하의 현재의 깊이에서 숨쉬는 양과 탱크의 남은 공기량 상승시간 감압시간을 계산을 하고 남은 잠수시간을 보여주는 특허를 받았다. 물속에서 얼마나 있어도 되는지를 말해주는 무감압시간도 보여줄 것이다.
남은 공기량과 같이 남은 잠수시간을 분단위로 보여주며 나이트록 다이빙 도 물론 산소분압 등 태크니컬에서도 남은 시간을 자동으로 디스플레이로 보여 줄것이다.
고양시스쿠버 해남강사
위는 에어리스 본사메뉴얼 사이트
Switch Between 3 Independent WirelessTransmitters
The elite T3 is a sophisticated Dive Computer featuring AERIS’ wireless air integration technology. A transmitter threaded into the first stage high-pressure port continuously sends cylinder pressure data to the wristwatch. Frequencies are individually coded to allow multiple divers to swim side by side without interference with other units, as well as allow advanced divers to monitor up to 3 independent cylinders. Because the transmitter and display module are independent and separately powered units, the receiver may also be easily used as a stand alone, non-air integrated dive computer.
Buddy Pressure Check™
Transmitters may be programmed for "SELF" or "BUD" for Buddy - when programmed for "BUD" - the eilte T3 will search for and display pressure for transmitters that are within range (4-6 feet).
Advanced Free Dive Mode
The elite T3 Free Dive Mode calculates and tracks Nitrogen Tissue Loading – allowing users to alternate between SCUBA and Free Diving/Snorkeling. The elite T3 provides accurate depth and time with an amazing 1-second sampling rate for subsequent PC download and analysis. Dive Time is displayed in seconds and minutes. Custom audible alarms include Elapsed Dive Time, Countdown Timer and (3) Independent Max Depth Alarms.
Patented Air Time Remaining Algorithm
You're at 80 feet with 1300 psi remaining in your cylinder - how long before you need to begin an ascent to a shallower depth? Our patented Air Time Remaining feature calculates your current depth, breathing rate, cylinder pressure, ascent time, and decompression status to tell you exactly how much time you can remain underwater.
Dive Time Remaining
Dive Time Remaining, like Air Time Remaining provides a 'real' number in minutes, considering Air Time Remaining, Nitrogen and Oxygen absorption, and automatically displays whichever allows less time.
Turn-Around Pressure Alarm
The 'Turn-Around' Pressure Alarm is a unique patent-pending feature that allows you to pre-program an audible reminder when you reach 1000 to 3000 psi in 250 psi increments. This helps ensure that you return to your exit point with plenty of air.
Oversized Digits
When shopping for a new dive computer, compare the displays. When it comes to viewing critical information, which would you rather see at 100 feet?
Audible Alarms with Flashing LED Warning Light
The elite T3 features a variety of system and user-customized audible alarms, alerting you to situations that pose a potential danger, or simply serve as a convenient reminder.
Audible Alarm Acknowledgement™
Have you ever had difficulty hearing your computer's audible alarm? Perhaps that little beep signifying a potentially dangerous situation was timed perfectly with your exhaust bubbles rushing past your ears. Or maybe it seemed insignificant as that huge manta ray soared overhead. You won't miss the elite T3's audible alarm. Once triggered, the alarm will sound continuously for 10 seconds. We know what you're thinking. "That's nice, I'll definitely hear the alarm, but isn't that going to annoy me and everyone else in the water?" We thought of that too. The alarm's job is to get your attention so that you look at the computer. Once it does that, simply press the button and it will stop. You're a responsible diver and the elite T3 treats you that way.
Air, Nitrox or 100% Oxygen
The elite T3 acts simply as an 'Air' computer until you tell it otherwise, whether that is this weekend or 2 years down the road.
Switch between 3 Nitrox Mixes, to 100% Oxygen
As your training and experience grow, the elite T3 is designed to grow with you, being easily programmed for up to three individual gas mixtures containing from 21% to 100% oxygen.
AERIS Dive Computer Algorithm
Decompression theory can be trusted only as far as it has been demonstrated by actual test dive data. In 1987 a unique series of experiments were conducted by Diving Science and Technology (DSAT). Commissioned by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), these Doppler ultrasound monitored human experiments conducted by Dr. Michael Powell produced the most comprehensive data set that exists for recreational divers to this day. These data were used to validate the PADI Recreational Dive Planner and are the basis of the algorithm used in all AERIS Dive Computers.
Personal Conservative Factor Adjustment
When the Conservative Factor is set On, the no-decompression limit times are reduced to values equivalent to those that would be available at the next higher 3000 foot (915 meter) altitude.
"The Ultimate Adjustable Algorithm"
That's the way divers, instructors and Authorized Dealers refer to AERIS Dive Computers. Our tissue loading bar graphs provide complete control of your margin of safety for each dive. Want to be a bit more cautious? Make it a personal rule to never enter into the caution zone; or stay one or more pixel away. Now you can even program the elite T3 to do it for you with our patent pending Nitrogen Bar Graph Alarm; set it once and let the elite T3 alert you when your bar graph reaches that level.
No Deco Safety Stop Prompt with Adjustable Depth and Time
An audible and visual alarm remind you as you approach your programmed no decompression safety stop depth and an automatic timer counts down to zero. As in any other dive mode, you still have access to other pieces of information, and there is no penalty should you choose to disregard the safety stop.
FastSet User Interface
Speed through menu items and set modes easily and quickly with AERIS' FastSet Menu and intuitive button operation.
Date and Time Stamp
The elite T3 features time of day on the surface as well as underwater for quick reference. Time and date stamp also helps you to easily identify specific dives in Log Mode or PC download memory.
Alphanumeric Display
An alphanumeric "Message Box" is incorporated in the upper portion of the elite T3 display to provide text and numeric readouts in simple, unambiguous terms. Imagine beginning an ascent and as the ascent speed increases hearing a warning beep from the elite T3 as the message box alerts with the words "TOO FAST" while the red LED warning light flashes.
Automatic Altitude Compensation
The elite T3 automatically compensates for altitude dives up to 14,000 feet, giving adjusted no-decompression times and depths. The elite T3 even automatically recalibrates the depth displays for freshwater instead of seawater above 2,000 feet.
Diver-Replaceable Batteries
The elite T3 and wireless transmitters feature diver replaceable batteries. This can be a real trip-saver on board a live-aboard boat!
Battery Hot Swap
Should you be in a tight spot between dives, the "hot-swap" feature allows you to change batteries between dives while maintaining all calculations.
24-Hour Fly Countdown and Calculated Desaturation Time
The elite T3 features both a 24-hour countdown timer and calculated Desaturation Time, the theoretical time required to off-gas all residual nitrogen at sea level.
Depth-Dependent Ascent Rate
The elite T3 features a depth-dependant ascent rate, allowing increased rates at deeper depths and providing additional safety as you near the surface.
Backlight with User Defined Duration
The elite T3 features an intense bluish green light that illuminates the entire dial of the computer evenly at the push of a button. The backlight may be activated either on the surface, or underwater and remains on for button depression time plus the duration that you choose.
24 Dive On-Unit Log Book
The elite T3 features on-unit data storage capacity for 24 dives. Date and time stamp makes locating and viewing a specific dive quick and easy.
History Mode
History Mode displays accumulative information for up to 9999 dives, 9999 dive hours and the maximum depth achieved. History information is maintained indefinitely, even if the battery is replaced .
ACI? PC Download and Settings Upload Interface
The elite T3 ACI PC Interface is an exquisitely detailed digital dive log. ACI allows you to easily transfer dive data from your elite T3 to your PC via a plug-in USB cable. Following download, your dive data is automatically formatted for easy viewing, sorting, analysis, and printing. Enter location, dive buddy and your notes and you've instantly created your own digital logbook.
In addition to detailed dive analysis, the elite T3 ACI PC Interface also allows you to quickly and easily set most of your user settings and options through your PC.
Gauge Mode
Divers using advanced breathing gas may utilize the elite T3 as an advanced air integrated digital depth gauge and bottom timer with detailed PC Interface.
Split Set Mode Access
To make easy work of customizing your elite T3, our user settings and options are organized in one of four set modes. Set F (FO2) includes all Nitrox settings. Set A (Alarms) allows you to activate and customize all audible alarms. Set U (Utilities) includes units of measurement, PC sampling rate, transmitter link codes, and conservative factor settings, and Set T (Time) includes date and time.
Air, Nitrox or 100% O2
The elite T3 acts simply as an 'Air' computer until you tell it otherwise, whether that is this weekend or 2 years down the road. As your training and experience grow, the elite T3 is designed to grow with you, being easily programmed for up to 3 independent Nitrox mixtures from 21% to 100%.
FO2 50% Default On/Off
Following a Nitrox dive, many dive computers calculate your next dive based on a "worse-case scenario", mix of 50% Oxygen and 79% Nitrogen should you forget to reset your actual mix. With FO2 50% Default OFF, your mix remains at the original set point until you change it again.
Receiver ON/OFF
Since the only information sent by the wireless transmitter is cylinder pressure and transmitter battery status, the elite T3 is actually a fully functional Dive Computer without air integration features when the Receiver is set Off.
Digital Gauge Mode On/Off
Activate Digital Gauge Mode for dives conducted beyond the limits of the Air/Nitrox computer.
Audible Alarm and Flashing LED Warning Light On/Off
You may choose to deactivate all audible and LED alarms.
Maximum Depth Alarm
The Maximum Depth Alarm provides an audible warning upon reaching your planned maximum depth. This is an important safety feature for deeper dives or less experienced divers, and it comes in handy for rebreather diving where you can pre-set another level of safety.
Elapsed Dive Time Alarm
You're on a boat trip and the captain says, "Dive your own profiles, but be back in an hour - we're having lunch!" Just set your elite T3 to alert you when your elapsed dive time reaches one hour.
Nitrogen Tissue Loading Bar Graph Alarm
AERIS' trademark nitrogen bar graph design provides the ultimate user-adjustable computer. Want to be a bit more cautious? Make it a personal rule to never enter into the caution zone, or stay one pixel away, or - you get the point. Now you can program the elite T3 to do it for you. Set it once and let your computer alert you when your bar graph reaches a pre-determined level.
Dive Time Remaining Alarm
Dive Time Remaining provides a 'real' number in minutes. This calculation considers both Nitrogen and Oxygen absorption, displaying whichever allows less time. With this unique elite T3 feature, you are able to program an audible alarm to alert you upon reaching a pre-set number in minutes.
Turn-Around Pressure Alarm
The 'Turn-Around' Pressure Alarm is a unique patent-pending feature that allows you to pre-program an audible reminder when you reach 1000 to 3000 psi in 250 psi increments. This helps ensure that you return to your exit point with plenty of air.
Ending Pressure Alarm
Air Time Remaining calculations are based on the 'Ending' Pressure Alarm. You define how much air you want in reserve upon reaching the surface.
Maximum PO2 Level Alarm (Nitrox)
When diving Nitrox, do you prefer your maximum PO2 exposure to be 1.2 ATA? 1.6 ATA? Depending on where you learned and your own personal comfort zone, the answer may be very different from diver to diver. The elite T3 lets you set your own limit. Program an audible alarm to sound at the level that you prefer.
Water Activation On/Off
The elite T3 automatically enters Dive Mode when the water contacts are wet, and the unit is submerged past 4 feet. To avoid this when swimming or enjoying other water sports, simply set Water Activation Off.
Units of Measurement
Choose between Metric and Imperial settings for date, temperature, depth and pressure.
Automatic Safety Stop Prompt with Adjustable Depth and Time
Set the Automatic Safety Stop Prompt On or Off. Set the Stop Depth to 10, 15 or 20 feet and the Stop Time to 3 or 5 minutes.
Personal Conservative Factor
Set the Conservative Factor On to further reduce your exposure to decompression sickness.
Backlight Duration
Would you like the backlight to shut off as soon as you release the button? Would you rather it remain on for 0, 5, or 10 seconds? We don't need to make these decisions for you; it's your choice.
PC Interface Sampling Rate
You have the option to choose at which rate (timed or depth transition) the elite T3 samples and stores data for later download to your PC. More frequent sampling will provide extreme detail of your dive profiles with limited storage capacity. Less frequent sampling, while it provides less detail, can store more dives.
Multiple Transmitter Link Code
The elite T3 wireless transmitter sends an encoded serial number, so that multiple units may be used side-by-side without interference. Each elite T3 may be programmed to link with up to 3 independent transmitters.
첫댓글 강사님 트랜스미션을 1단계에 직접 연결할경우 파손 위험이 높습니다.
특히 출수 후 배에서 장비 받아 주는 사람이 트랜스미션을 잡을 경우 파손 되는 것을 보았습니다.
약 10 Cm 짜리 고압호스 사용을 추천 드립니다. ^^
그려. 고압호수 장착 했어. 태스팅한다고 바로 물렀어..파손이 그렇게 탱크 올리다가 많이 부서진다더군.
자동차 트렌스미션과 송신기의 뜻 트렌스미터와 미션과 미터가 헷갈려....트랜스미션 X 트렌스미터 O
역쉬 ~ 짱 !!! 입니다요 ~ 흐흐...저도 조만간에 D9 을 ㅋㅋㅋ
고압호수를 고급 스뎅으로 했지..