School Bus Services in Klang Valley 끌랑 밸리의 스쿨 버스 서비스
Bus services are available for students who are not traveling to school with a parent or guardian.The school bus services for Garden International School Kuala Lumpur is operated by an independent company.
부모님이나 가디언의 픽업이 여의치 않은 학생들을 위한 버스 서비스가 가능합니다. KL에 있는 GIS를 위한 스쿨버스 서비스는 독립된 회사에서 운영하고 있습니다.
Fees are based on the distance from home to school. Find out more on the latest school transportation service routes and fares within the Klang Valley and the application form.
비용은 거리에 따라 다릅니다... 아래에서 신청서와 비용을 확인해 주세요
For bus drivers’ details and further inquiries, please email Student Services office at
- 2.40pm and 3.45pm (Mondays to Thursdays)
- 1.30pm and 2.45pm (Fridays)