탄자니아 Maganga Matitu Resources (MMR)사는 Liganga 철광석 프로젝트 추진과 관련하여 철광 및 석탄 샘플분석을 시작했다. 샘플결과에 따라 Maganga Matitu 지역에서 2012년부터 스펀지철(sponge iron) 플랜트이 들어설 수 있다.
MMR는 탄자니아의 MM Steel Resources사와 National Development Corporation (NDC)간의 합작투자회사이며, 연간 스펀지철 33만톤을 생산하기 위해 200백만불이 소요될 예정이다.
이하 원문 참조
Dar es Salaam — MAGANGA Matitu Resources (MMR) has taken the first iron sample and coal outside the country to determine its sponge iron quality and coal contents.
The sample results will open the door for the first sponge iron plant and colliery activities at Maganga Matitu in Ludewa, Njombe as early as 2012.
NDC Managing Director, Mr Gideon Nassari said the sample of 100 metric tonnes of sponge iron and 80Mt of coal would be tested at plant that uses the same technology as MMR.
"The test aims to pre-determine output and technology challenges," Mr Nassari said.
He said moving of plant's heavy equipment from Dar es Salaam to Maganga Matitu is going on smoothly despite poor road condition.
During the process of extracting sponge iron in a plant, steps are taken to examine the physical characteristics of raw materials and chemicals, both individually and with combination.
Sponge iron is the product created when iron ore is reduced to metallic iron. It is the iron source produced by heating an iron ore at very high temperature enough to burn off its oxygen and carbon content but below iron's melting point, according to Wikipedia.
MMR, which is a joint venture between MM Steel Resources of Dar es Salaam and National Development Corporation (NDC), that estimated to cost USD 200 million to produce 330,000mt of sponge iron per annum.
"This will be refined to produce 250,000Mt of billets yearly against the country's need of 100,000Mt billets annually," Mr Nassari said.
The project also will generate its own electricity to be used at the plant. The Iron ore is reduced in solid state at 800 to 1,050 °C by reducing coal. Mr Nassari said the iron will be cooled to produce steam enough to drive a turbine capable of generating between 30 and 40 megawatts.
"This is very advanced technology," Mr Nassari said.
Initial estimates put iron ore deposits in the entire Liganga project area at 45 million tonnes. But MMR will operate the Maganga Matitu section of the Liganga iron ore project.