국제평화고속도로건설 제창
1981년 11월 10일
대한민국 서울 세종문화회관 대강당
Proposal to construct the International Peace Highway
November 10, 1981
the main auditorium in Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul, South Korea
1981년 11월 10일 제10차 국제과학통일회의에서 참부모님께서는 세계를 하나로 잇는 국제평화고속도로 건설을 제창하셨다.
On November 10, 1981, during the 10th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS), True Parents proposed the construction of an international peace highway, which would bring humanity together as one by connecting the world through a highway network.
국제평화고속도로가 한반도를 종단하여 터널 혹은 철교로 일본 열도에 연결되며 중국과 러시아, 유럽까지 향하도록 구상하셨다.
The highway would run through the Korean Peninsula, and connect to the Japanese islands through a tunnel or bridge which would then lead towards China, Russia, and countries in Europe.
또한 지상분리대를 중심으로 각각 4차선으로 건설하되 고속도로 양 측면의 폭 1킬로미터는 국제중립구역으로 지정해 국경을 초월하는 지역으로 만들자고 하셨다.
The International Peace Highway was conceived as an eight-lane divided highway, with the land on either side of the highway, one kilometer in width, set aside as an international neutral zone that transcends national boundaries.
인터체인지 출입국관리사무소를 두어 무비자 출입국제도를 도입하고,
It was suggested that a visa-free entry and exit system should be implemented in this zone,
무기를 실은 차량의 통행과 군대의 이동을 제한해 그야말로 평화의 도로를 건설하자고 제안하셨다.
and that airports should be constructed near the highway in the vicinity of large cities. In particular, it was advised that vehicles carrying military supplies or armed forces should be banned from the International Peace Highway.
이로써 세계인이 자유롭게 왕래하여 군사력에 의한 침략 야망을 포기하고, 기술적으로 결속하며, 통일경제권을 이루어
According to True Parents, people of the world who would be able to come and go freely by means of this highway, should abandon any ambitions to invade through military power, unite forces technologically, and create one unified economy.
서양문명과 동양문명이 결합한 새로운 태평양문명을 맞이해야 한다고 역설하셨다.
This would then enable the ushering in of a new era of pacific civilization-an era consisting of both the western, and oriental civilizations.