Я был глубоко потрясён э́тим изве́стием.
I was profoundly disturbed by this news.
1. глубоко́ Adverb of глубо́кий
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
deep, deeply, profoundly
2. потрясённый participle passive past of потрясти́
Пробле́ма в том, что ей не достаёт о́пыта.
The trouble is that she lacks experience.
3. достава́ть verb, imperfective
Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
to get, obtain, reach, to take, to annoy, bother, pester
Он стара́лся не оби́деть остальны́х.
He tried not to hurt others' feelings.
4. оби́деть verb, perfective
Somewhat often used word (top 4,000)
to offend, to hurt
5. остально́й adjective
Often used word (top 700)
the rest of, the rest, the others
6. стара́ться verb, imperfective
Often used word (top 500)
try hard, strive