Zelenskyy says N. Korea is preparing 10,000 troops to help Russia
[영상] 젤렌스키 "북, 1만명 파병 준비…러 점령영토엔 장교 이미 보내"
Kim Eun-jung North Korea 22:00 October 17, 2024 Yonhap News
BRUSSELS, Oct. 17 (Yonhap) -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Thursday that North Korea is preparing to send around 10,000 soldiers to Russia to support its war against Ukraine, calling the development "a big problem." Zelenskyy cited Ukrainian intelligence reports indicating that North Korean personnel have already been deployed in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories, with additional troops being prepared to join the fight. "We know about 10,000 soldiers of North Korea that they are preparing to send to fight against us," Zelenskyy said during a press conference in Brussels after the European Union summit. "That's really, I think, a big problem." Zelenskyy suggested that Russia is relying on North Korean forces to compensate for its substantial troop losses, as many young Russians seek to avoid conscription. "(Russian President Vladimir) Putin is afraid of mobilization very much because social opinion is against his," he said. "That's why he (Putin) is trying to involve other participants of this war." He emphasized the risk posed by "a second country" helping Russia's war effort, saying he had discussed the matter with U.S. officials and EU leaders during the summit. Earlier this month, Ukrainian media reported that six North Koreans were among those killed after a Ukrainian missile strike in the partially occupied eastern Donetsk region on Oct. 3. Russia denied using North Korean troops for its war. If confirmed, it will signal a major development in the military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang besides their suspected arms trade, already criticized by the international community. This file photo released by AFP shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. (Yonhap) ejkim@yna.co.kr (END) |
[영상] 젤렌스키 "북, 1만명 파병 준비…러 점령영토엔 장교 이미 보내"
송고시간2024-10-18 11:21 왕지웅 기자 연합뉴스
(서울=연합뉴스) 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령이 17일(현지시간) 북한이 약 1만명을 러시아에 파병하기 위해 준비 중이라는 정보가 있다고 밝혔습니다.
젤렌스키 대통령은 이날 오후 벨기에 브뤼셀 EU 정상회의 참석 뒤 기자회견에서 "우리 정보당국에 따르면 지상군, 기술자 등 여러 종류의 인력을 모두 합해 북한이 러시아 편에 서서 우크라이나와 맞서 싸울 병력 총 1만명가량을 준비하고 있다"고 주장했는데요.
그는 이후 나토를 찾은 자리에서는 "북한 내에서 병사 1만명을 준비시키고 있다는 첩보가 있으나 아직 이 병력이 우크라이나나 러시아로 이미 이동한 것은 아니다"라고 추가 설명했습니다.
그러면서 "(병력 이동에 관한) 정보가 확보되면 이 문제를 제기할 것"이라고 덧붙였는데요.
영상으로 보시죠.
제작: 왕지웅·변혜정
영상: 로이터·AFP·연합뉴스TV
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