Si lent night, ho ly night, All is calm, and all is bright
Round yon Vir gin Moth-er and Child. Ho ly In fant,
so ten der and mild, Sleep in heav en Iy peace.
Sleep in heav en Iy peace. Si lent night, ho Iy night,
Shep herds quake at the sight! Glo ries stream from
heav en a far! Heav en Iy Hosts sing "Al le lu ia!"
Christ the Sav ior is born! Christ the Sav ior is born!
He is born! Si lent night, ho ly night, Son of God, He
loves pure light; And ra di ant beams from Thy ho ly
face, With the dawn of re deem ing grace, Je sus Lord
at Thy birth. Je sus, Lord at Thy birth. Sleep in heav en
ly peace.