(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
(Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?
(Lucifer) Do you learn to love in extreme betrayal?
그래 그래 너는 매일 매일 좋다고 그러겠지! 그러나 너의 육신은 썩어 문드러가고 있다는걸 알지 못하던가! 이 개자식아, 이 썅놈의 자식아!
(그래서 너는 잘나서 떨어졌냐?)
Sí, sí, pensarás que estás viviendo una buena vida todos los días. ¿Pero no sabes que tu cuerpo se está pudriendo? ¡Bastardo, bastardo!
(Si lo soy, ¿por qué te fuiste al infierno?)
Yes yes you will think you are living a good life every day. But don't you know that your body is rotting? You bastard, you bastard!
(If I am, then why did you go to hell?)
썅놈의 자식아, 그래서 니네 교인들은 니가 그렇게 아무리 키울려고 키울려고 애를 쓴들 어디 하나 일군들이 바로 선자가 있던가? 병신같은 자식!
이것들도 군사라고 훈련병이라고 너희 예수의 하나님의 일군이라고 군사라고, 지랄하고 자빠졌네! 개자식아! 너의 주위를 돌아보고 말을 하란 말이다! 막말하지 말고, 썅놈의 자식아!
보라~~! 썅놈의 개자식아! 하, 초토화가 되면은 자꾸 자꾸 많은 사람들이 시험속에 들어가겠지! 시험속에 들어간 자들이 무엇을 하던가! 마음을 다스리지 못할 것이며, 시험이 욕심이 잉태한즉 죄를 낳는다걸 어찌하여 모르던가! 썅놈의 자식아!
Bastardo, has estado trabajando duro durante mucho tiempo para desarrollar adecuadamente la fe de los miembros de tu iglesia. Pero, entre los miembros de la iglesia, ¿hay alguien que haya sido completamente transformado en siervo de Dios? ¿Quién en su iglesia tiene fe justa ante Dios? ¡Para nada, gilipollas! ¿Crees que estas personas también están siendo entrenadas como soldados de Dios? ¿Cómo se puede llamar siervos de Dios a tales personas? Estás loco, bastardo. Después de mirar a tu alrededor, tendrás que preguntarme. No me hables loco ahora. cachorro. ¡Mira ~! ¡perra! Si sigo atacando a su iglesia, más personas caerán en la tentación. ¿Qué pueden hacer por Dios los que han caído en la tentación? Aquellos que ni siquiera pueden controlar sus propios corazones, Cuando la lujuria concibe, da a luz el pecado. ¿Cómo es que no sabes esto? ¡cachorro!
You bastard, you have been working hard for a long time to properly grow the faith of the members of your church. But among the members of the church, is there any one who has been completely transformed into a servant of God? Who in your church has right faith before God? Not at all, you asshole! Do you think these people are also being trained as God's soldiers? How can such people be called servants of God? You are crazy, you bastard. After looking around you, you will have to ask me. Don't talk crazy to me now. pup. Look~! bitch! As I continue to attack your church, more people will fall into temptation. What can those who have fallen into temptation do for God? Those who cannot even control their own hearts, When lust conceives, it gives birth to sin. How come you don't know this? pup!
(너는 이 놈아 그렇게 잘 알아서 하나님의 거역하고 떨어졌냐?)
야, 썅놈의 자식아, 너도 나를 잘 섬기고 섬기고 섬기더니 개자식아, 너도 그렇게 잘나서 어찌하여 나를 섬기다가 하나님의 일군이 되어 이렇게 나의 속을 박박 긁는고!
(Pastor Kim; si lo sabe tan bien, ¿por qué desobedeció a Dios y cayó al infierno?)
Hombre, hijo de puta, me sirviste bien, me fuiste leal y me seguiste. Pero, bastardo, ¿por qué me desamparaste, te convertiste en un siervo de Dios y me disgustaste tanto?
(Pastor Kim; If you know so well, why did you disobey God and fall to hell?)
Man, motherfucker, you served me well, you were loyal to me, and you followed me. But, you bastard, why did you forsake me, become a servant of God, and make me so upset!
(원래는 하나님것이지 니 것이 아니잖아 이 놈아!)
보라 썅놈의 자식아! 개자식아, 이 밥맛없는 자식아! 니가 아무리 아무리 그렇게 가슴 졸이고 그렇게 혀가 빠지도록 기도한들, 그 영혼들을 위해 기도한들 그들이 과연 너를 돕던가! 오히려 너를 대적하고 배반하고 배신하지 않던가, 이 썅놈의 자식아!
(Pastor Kim; pertenezco a Dios desde el principio, no te pertenecía a ti. ¡Este maligno!)
He aquí, bastardo, bastardo, que apaga mi apetito, No importa cuánto oraste por ellos, ¿te ayudaron esas almas? ¿Te han ayudado alguna vez? Más bien, se opusieron a ti, te traicionaron y se rebelaron contra ti. ¡cachorro!
(Pastor Kim; I belong to God from the beginning, I did not belong to you. This evil one!)
Behold, you bastard, you bastard, the one who stifles the appetite, No matter how hard you prayed for them, did those souls help you? Have they ever helped you! Rather, they opposed you, betrayed you, and rebelled against you. pup!
(괜찮다, 이 세상은 니 영 때문에 다 배신도 당하고 마음도 아프고 그러면서 하나님을 찾는거니까!)
너는 긴긴 여정을 가게 될 것이다 썅놈이 자식아! 아주 아주 먼 여행을 하게 될 것이다! 얼마나 내가 너의 마음을 공격하고 공격하였던가! 너의 마음을 아프게하고 상처주지 말아야 할 자들이 얼마나 너의 마음을 산산이 부서지게 하고 파도가 밀려오듯이 너의 마음을 부셔뜨렸던가! 너는 거기서 너의 영혼과 육체는 죽어가지 않았던가!
(No te preocupes por mi. En este mundo, debido a que Lucifer engaña a la gente, a veces la gente traiciona a los siervos de Dios y les rompe el corazón. Pero a medida que atravesamos ese proceso de sufrimiento, nos volvemos más dependientes de Dios y buscamos la ayuda de Dios).
Tu viaje de sufrimiento será largo. Hijo de puta, vas a tener un viaje duro en la vida. ¡Qué mal he atacado y atacado tu corazón hasta ahora! Como resultado, los que deberían ayudarte han sido engañados por mí y, por el contrario, te han roto el corazón, te han traicionado y te han destrozado el corazón. Como olas rompiendo en la orilla, todo tipo de dificultades se han apoderado de tu corazón como olas. Entonces tu alma y tu cuerpo murieron lentamente.
(Don't worry for me. In this world, because people are deceived by lucifer, sometimes people betray God's servants and break their hearts. But as we go through such a process of suffering, we become more dependent on God and seek God’s help.)
Your journey of suffering will be long. You motherfucker, you're going to have a hard life's journey. How badly have I attacked and attacked your heart until now! As a result, those who should help you have been deceived by me, and on the contrary, they have broken your heart, betrayed you, and shattered your heart. Like waves crashing on the shore, all kinds of hardships have washed over your heart like waves. So your soul and body died slowly.
썅놈의 자식아, 그런데 어찌하여 또 살아났는고!
그래 결단코 너는 그 회개복음을 외치고, 그래 그 머저리같은 자식들, 마음에는 전혀 예수도 없고 회개가 무엇인지도 모르는 그런 자들에게, 이 밥맛없는 무식한 새끼야, 결단코 그 회개복음을 외치러간단 말이냐! 그렇게 그렇게 내가 사람을 쓰고 나가지 못하게 내가 얼마나 몇 년동안 너를 괴롭히고, 얼마나 얼마나 너의 마음을 헤집고 너의 마음을 얼마나 내가 쪼그려뜨렸던가! 얼마나 많은 사람들을 써서 상처주고 배신주고 배반하였던가!
Hijo de puta, estabas casi muerto, pero ahora, ¿por qué estás reviviendo y recuperándote? ¿Por qué estás tratando de proclamar el evangelio del arrepentimiento a los necios hasta el final? Esos niños necios, aquellos que no tienen a Jesús en su corazón, aquellos que no saben lo que significa arrepentirse de sus pecados ¿Por qué enseñas la Palabra de Dios a estas personas? Tú que me turbas el apetito, ignorante, ¿por qué sales a proclamar el evangelio del arrepentimiento de tus pecados? Te he molestado mucho y he engañado a muchas personas para que se interpongan en tu camino durante muchos años. ¿Cuánto te han ofendido, amenazado o hecho desobedecer? ¡Cuántas personas te han hecho daño, te han traicionado y se han vuelto contra ti!
Motherfucker, you were almost dead, but now, why are you reviving and recovering! Why are you trying to proclaim the gospel of repentance to fools to the end? Those foolish children, those who do not have Jesus in their hearts, those who do not know what repenting of their sins means. Why do you teach the Word of God to these people? You who interfere with my appetite, you ignorant one, why are you going out to proclaim the gospel of repentance! I have disturbed you so badly, and I have deceived many people to get in your way for many years. How much have they offended you, threatened you, and made you disobey? How many people have hurt you, betrayed you, and turned against you!
그러나 나 루시퍼는 그 속에서 예수의 사랑을 알았노라! 그 극한 배신과 상처를 통하여 너는 영혼을 사랑하는 자가 되어간다는 것을
나 루시퍼는 기가찰 노릇이다! 많은 자들이 상처속에서 배신속에서 쓰러지고 넘어지고 예수를 떠난 삶을 살며 자살을 선택하는데, 어찌하여 너는 사랑 사랑 사랑, 더욱더 상처와 배신과 모멸이 올수록 사랑을 한단 말인가!
Sin embargo, yo, Lucifer, nuevamente confirmé la grandeza del amor de Jesús a través de una situación tan extrema. A pesar de la extrema traición y el dolor, te conviertes en un amante de las almas, vi tu forma de vida. Yo, Lucifer, soy testigo de tus acciones como esta, y mi corazón está asombrado y desanimado. Muchas personas caen cuando son heridas y traicionadas, dejan a Jesús y eligen suicidarse. Pero, ¿por qué buscas el amor, el amor, el amor con más ahínco? Cuanto más te lastiman, traicionan y desprecian, más practicas el amor y más buscas el poder del amor. ¿Por qué estás viviendo así?
However, I, Lucifer, again confirmed the greatness of Jesus' love through such an extreme situation. In spite of extreme betrayal and hurt, you transform into a lover of souls, I saw your way of life. I, Lucifer, witness your actions like this, and my heart is shocked and discouraged. Many people fall when they are hurt and betrayed, leave Jesus, and choose to commit suicide. But why are you seeking love, love, love even more earnestly? The more you are hurt, betrayed, and despised, the more you practice love and the more you seek the power of love. Why are you living like this?
이것이 예수가 원하는 삶인데도 어찌하여 많은 자들이 그러한 삶을 살지 못하고 나루시퍼가 원하는대로 내 손아귀에서 쥐어 노는데 어찌하여 너는 나의 농간에 넘어가지 않았던가! 어찌하여 나의 시험에 넘어가지 않았던가! 어찌하여 오뚜기처럼 일어났던가! 일어났던가, 일어났던가, 개자식아, 썅놈의 자식아!
Vivir así es la vida que Jesús quiere. Pero, ¿por qué tanta gente no vive la vida que Jesús quiere, sino que vive la vida que Narucifer quiere? No todos pueden escapar de mi alcance. ¿Cómo es posible que esta gente no se deje engañar por mis trucos? Por mí se vieron obligados a caer en la prueba. Pero solo tú de alguna manera superas muchas dificultades y te levantas de nuevo. ¿Cómo vuelves a levantarte como Ottogi? Después de superar innumerables dificultades y adversidades, te levantas de nuevo, te levantas de nuevo, siempre te elevas de nuevo. ¡Qué humano tan molesto, hijo de puta, hijo de puta!
Living like this is the life Jesus wants. But why do so many people not live the life Jesus wants, but rather live the life Narucifer wants? Not all of them can escape my grasp. How can these people not fall for my tricks! By me, they were forced to fall into the test. But only you somehow overcome many difficulties and rise again. How do you get up again like Ottogi? Overcoming countless hardships and adversity, you rise again, rise again, you always rise again. What an annoying human, you motherfucker, you motherfucker!
(다 하나님께서 하시는 일이다, 나는 할 수 있는건 아무것도 없다!)
그래 그래, 매일 매일 그렇지! 하나님 하나님, 미친 새끼! 그래, 니가 순교현장에서도 다 하나님이 하신다, 그래 니가 천국길목 모서리에서도 니가 그 예수를 찾는지 내가 니 마음에 시험할 것이니라, 이 개자식아!
(Pastor Kim; todo lo hace Dios, ¡no hay nada que pueda hacer con mi poder!)
Sí, sí, todos los días lo dices así. Ah, el sonido que odio escuchar ...
Solo sale un sonido de tu boca, ¡solo Dios! ¡Dios! ¡niño loco! Si es así, ¿realmente puedes decir eso en el campo del martirio? “Todas estas cosas las está haciendo Dios.” ¿Puedes seguir diciendo estas cosas incluso en circunstancias extremas? Incluso en el campo de tu martirio, verificaré si solo puedes confiar en Jesús e invocar el nombre de Jesús hasta el final. En ese momento, pondré a prueba tu mente. cachorro.
(Pastor Kim; everything is done by God, there is nothing I can do with my power!)
Yes, yes, every day you say that way. Ah, the sound I hate to hear... Only one voice comes out of your mouth, God only! God! crazy kid! If so, can you really say that in the field of martyrdom? "Everything is done by God" Can you keep saying this even in extreme circumstances? Even in the field of your martyrdom, I will check to see if you can only rely on Jesus and call on the name of Jesus until the end. At that time, I will test your mind. pup.
(시험하는 자가 와봤던들 성령으로 충만케하셔서 시험을 통과케하시는 분도 예수님이시다 이 놈아!)
야, 이 병신같은 자식아! 예수께서는 회전하는 그림자도 없는데 변함도 없는데, 예수 그리스도는 어제나 오늘이나 영원토록 동일하다고 하는데 어찌하여 많은 자들은 성경을 왜곡하고, 자기 지식으로 지혜로 그렇게 풀어가던가!
네피림을 보라, 이 멍청한 자식아! 아직도 그 네피림이 무엇인지도 모르고 네피림의 후손이 무엇이고 네피림의 근원지가 뿌리가 어딘지도 모르고 자기 지식적으로 풀어가다가 얼마나 거기서 많은 자들이 멸망의 자식으로 변하던가! 나 루시퍼의 자식으로, 썅놈의 자식아!
(¡Cuando llega la tentación de Satanás, también es Jesús quien nos llena con el Espíritu Santo y nos permite pasar la tentación, maligno!)
¡Oye, imbécil! Jesús no tiene sombra y no cambia. Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, hoy y por los siglos. ¡Pero muchos humanos distorsionan la Biblia e interpretan a Jesús y sus palabras a través del falso conocimiento y sabiduría humanos! Por ejemplo, hay innumerables personas que malinterpretan a los Nephilim. Aquellos que no saben qué son los Nephilim, aquellos que no conocen el significado de los descendientes de los Nephilim, aquellos que no saben dónde están los orígenes y raíces de los Nephilim, Estas personas interpretan la palabra con pensamiento humano. Entonces, cuántas personas caminan por el camino de la destrucción a través de una interpretación incorrecta. Mucha gente interpreta la palabra con los pensamientos que les da Lucifer. estúpidos.
(When Satan's temptation comes, it is also Jesus who fills us with the Holy Spirit and allows us to pass the temptation, you wicked one!)
Hey, you asshole! Jesus has no shadow, and He does not change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But many humans distort the Bible and interpret Jesus and his words through false human knowledge and wisdom! For example, there are countless people who misinterpret the Nephilim. Those who do not know what the Nephilim are, those who do not know the meaning of descendants of the Nephilim, those who do not know where the origins and roots of the Nephilim are, These people interpret the word with human thinking. So, how many people are walking the path of destruction through wrong interpretation. Many people interpret the word with the thoughts given to them by Lucifer. stupid ones.
네피림을 보라, 이 개자식아! 네피림은 사람이노라 개자식아! 가인의 후손이야, 이 병신같은 자식아! 쭉쭉쭉쭉 내려가봐라! 너희 하나님께서 홍수로 땅을 쓸어버리고 멸절하지 않았던가! 거기서 또 어떻게 아낙자손이 또 탄생되고 탄생됐던가!
이 병신같은 자식아, 함이 저주를 받지 않았던가! 저주의 자식이 아낙자손이노라, 개자식아!
¡Date cuenta de los Nephilim, hijo de puta! Nephilim es un nombre humano. ¡Estúpido! Es descendiente de Caín, ¡Idiota! A medida que continúan siguiendo a los descendientes de los Nephilim, se revela su final. Sus descendientes se extinguieron por completo en la Tierra. Cuando tu Dios arrasó toda la tierra con una inundación, los descendientes de los Nephilim fueron completamente destruidos y desaparecieron por completo del mundo. ¿Y de dónde crees que vienen los descendientes de Anak? Tu gilipollas Maldito Cam entre los hijos de Noé, Algunos de los descendientes malditos de Cam se llaman descendientes de Anac. pendejo!
Realize about the Nephilim, you motherfucker! Nephilim is a human name. asshole! He is a descendant of Cain, You asshole! As they continue to follow the descendants of the Nephilim, their end is revealed. Their descendants became completely extinct on Earth. When your God swept up the whole land with a flood, then the descendants of the Nephilim were completely destroyed and completely disappeared from the world. And where do you think the descendants of Anak come from? You asshole, Cursed was Ham among the sons of Noah, Some of the cursed descendants of Ham are called the descendants of Anak. you asshole!
(다 성경에 기록되어 있는데 다 니가 왜곡해서 다 감춰놓고 뭘 그래 이 놈아!)
야이 병신같은 자식아, 내가 감춰놓은게 아니라 지네들 생각과 지식대로 풀다가 그렇게 그렇게 많은 자들이 율법적으로 말씀을 풀고 있어, 썅놈의 자식아!
내가 네피림의 정체가 드러나지 않게 이렇게 이렇게 꽁꽁 감춰놨건만 어찌하여 또 계시하여 이렇게 보여주던가! 정말 화가나도다, 이 쪼그만 교회에서! 어찌하여 이렇게 많은 영적인 비밀을 나타내던가!
역시 너희 예수께서는 기도하는 자의 편이구나!
(Todo está registrado con precisión en la Biblia. Por cierto, tú, Lucifer, has distorsionado u ocultado la Palabra de Dios. Por eso surgen estos problemas. ¡Tú, malhechor!)
Oye, gilipollas, no oculté las palabras de Dios. Esto se debe a que los seres humanos interpretan la Biblia con sus pensamientos y conocimientos. Miles de personas están interpretando la Biblia de manera legalista. cachorro. He intentado con todas mis fuerzas evitar que la identidad de los Nephilim sea revelada a los humanos, pero ¿cómo se la revelas al mundo? Estoy realmente enojado contigo ¿Cómo es posible revelar tantos secretos espirituales en una iglesia tan pequeña? Después de todo, ¡tu Jesús está del lado de los que oran!
(Everything is accurately recorded in the Bible. By the way, you, Lucifer, have distorted or concealed the Word of God. That is why these problems arise. You evildoer!)
Hey, you asshole, I did not hide the words of God. This is because humans interpret the Bible with their thoughts and knowledge. Thousands of people are interpreting the Bible in legalistic ways. pup. I have tried so hard to keep the identity of the Nephilim from being revealed to humans, but how do you reveal it to the world? I'm really mad at you How is it possible to reveal so many spiritual secrets in such a small church! After all, your Jesus is on the side of those who pray!
네피림을 보라, 이 병신자식아! 네피림의 후손을 보란 말이다, 이 썅놈의 자식아! 지옥에서 용암에서 펄펄펄 끓는, 저 용암속에서 고문당하고 고통당하는, 보라 썅놈의 자식아! 살점이 뚝뚝뚝 떨어져가지고, 너무나 뜨거워서 자신의 눈알을 파고 있는 네피림의 후손들을 보란 말이다! 또한 네피림을 보란 말이다, 썅놈의 자식아! 네피림이 가인의 후손이란 말이다! 가인을 보라, 가인을 보라! 어떤 자는 네피림이 천사라고 하기도 하고 이 병신같은 것들, 미친 소리하고 자빠졌네!
Te hablo claramente de los Nephilim.¡Idiota! Vea el final de los descendientes de los Nephilim. ¡Maldito cabrón! Todos están en el infierno, sumergidos en lava hirviendo y torturados. Están sufriendo tremendamente. Míralos. La carne de sus cuerpos se derritió en el fuego caliente, cayendo. Incapaces de soportar el calor del infierno, se están cavando los ojos. Mire a los descendientes de los Nephilim que están siendo castigados. Mira a ese hombre, el Nephilim. Era descendiente de Caín. ¡Mira a Caín, mira a Caín! Los Nephilim eran descendientes de Adán y eran seres humanos. Pero algunos afirman que es un ángel. Son jodidamente estúpidos, están hablando locos.
I tell you clearly about the Nephilim. You asshole! See the ending of the descendants of the Nephilim. You bastard asshole! They are all in hell, immersed in boiling lava, and tortured. They are suffering tremendously. Look at them. The flesh of their bodies melted in the hot fire, falling down. Unable to withstand the heat of hell, they are digging their own eyeballs. Look at the descendants of the Nephilim who are being punished. Look at that man, the Nephilim. He was a descendant of Cain. Look at Cain, look at Cain! The Nephilim were descendants of Adam and were a human being. But some claim that he is an angel. These idiots are talking crazy.
(네피림하고 네피림의 후손들이 아낙자손이에요! 그것이 가인의 후손이고 가인과 뒤엉켜서 세상에 있는 목욕탕같은 곳에서 형벌을 받는데 이 살점들이 뚝뚝뚝 떨어져 나가는데 키들이 엄청나게 커요! 얼굴생김새가 우락부락하게 생겼어요! 매끄러운 얼굴들이 아니라. 굉장히 키가 크고요! 영안을 방해해요!)
(Los propios Nephilim y los descendientes de los Nephilim son humanos al mismo nivel que los descendientes de Anak. Todos son descendientes de Caín, y están enredados con Caín y están siendo castigados en un pozo de fuego. Su lugar de castigo se asemeja a una casa de baños pública en el mundo, en la que la bañera contiene fuego en lugar de agua. Su piel y carne se derriten y se caen. Son increíblemente altos. Sus rostros son feroces, no dóciles. En este momento, los espíritus malignos interfieren con mis ojos espirituales).
(The Nephilim themselves and the descendants of the Nephilim are humans on the same level as the descendants of Anak. They are all descendants of Cain, and they are entangled with Cain and are being punished in a pit of fire. Their place of punishment resembles a public bathhouse in the world, in which the bathtub contains fire instead of water. Their skin and flesh melt and fall off. They are incredibly tall. Their faces are ferocious, not docile. At this time, evil spirits interfere with my spiritual eyes.)
(방해하는 귀신아, 떠나 떠나 떠나!)
(La oración de intercesión del pastor Kim; ordeno a los espíritus malignos que obstruyen los ojos espirituales, en el nombre de Jesús, ¡lárgate de aquí, lárgate, lárgate!)
(Pastor Kim's intercession prayer; I command the evil spirits that obstruct the spiritual eyes, in the name of Jesus, get out of here, go away, go away!)
“아~아, 아~”
(가인도 비명을 지르고 나도 비명을 지르는거에요! 가인도 너무나 처참하게 용암에 녹아내려서 머리 껍질이 벗겨져 버렸어요! 살점이 군데군데 뚝뚝뚝 떨어졌어요! 얼굴이 용암으로 살점이 뚝뚝뚝 녹아내려요! 가인이 너무 뜨거우니까 왼쪽 머리가 머리 벗겨지듯이 녹아내려요!)
"Ah ah ah"
(Caín grita de dolor y yo grito ante su miserable vista. Caín también es castigado tan horriblemente que su cuerpo se derrite en la lava, el caparazón de su cabeza se despega y su piel y carne se derriten. ¡Se derrite en el fuego como si tanto calor le hubiera arrancado la cabeza!)
“Ah, ah, ah”
(Cain screams in pain, and I scream at their miserable sight. Cain is also punished so horribly that his body melts in the lava, the skin on his head is peeled off, and his skin and flesh melt. It melts in the fire as if his head was peeled off by the heat so hot!)
(한쪽 눈은 있는데 한쪽 눈은 색깔이 없어져 버렸어요, 용암으로!)
“아~~~~~~~! 내가 가인입니다, 내가 가인입니다, 내가 가인입니다! 최초로 사람을 죽이고 살인자인 내가 가인입니다! 성경을 왜곡하지 말아요 왜곡하지 말아요 왜곡하지 말아요~~~! 네피림이, 네피림의 후손이 나 가인으로부터 뿌리 근원이 시작되었습니다! 네피림이 내 자손입니다! 아~~~~~~ 네피림의 조상이 바로 나 가인입니다! 내가 최초의 살인자였습니다~~!
"Ah ~~"
(Tiene un globo ocular y el otro globo ocular ha sido quemado por el fuego de lava caliente)
“Ah ~~ ¡Soy Caín, soy Caín, soy Caín! Por primera vez en la humanidad, maté a una persona. Yo soy el asesino, Caín. Que nadie distorsione la Biblia. No distorsione la palabra de Dios. No distorsionen la voluntad del Señor. Los Nephilim y sus descendientes fueron influenciados por Caín. Soy la raíz de los hábitos pecaminosos de mi descendencia. La fuente de sus pecados comenzó conmigo. Los Nephilim son mis descendientes. Ah, el antepasado de los Nephilim soy yo, Caín. Yo fui el primer asesino humano
(He has one eyeball, and his other eyeball has been burned by the fire of hot lava)
“Ah~~ I am Cain, I am Cain, I am Cain! For the first time in mankind, I killed a person. I am the murderer, Cain. Let no one distort the Bible. Do not distort the word of God. Do not distort the will of the Lord. The Nephilim and their descendants were influenced by Cain. I am the root of the sinful habits of my descendants. The source of their sins began with me. The Nephilim are my descendants. Ah, the ancestor of the Nephilim is I, Cain. I was the first human killer
나 가인으로 말미암아 죄가 세상으로 들어왔습니다! 아담뿐만 아니라 나 가인으로 말미암아 살인죄가 들어왔습니다! 사람을 죽이고 싶은 욕구와 욕심이 들어왔습니다!
Por mí, Caín, el pecado entró en el mundo. No fue solo a través de Adán, sino también a través de Caín que el pecado del asesinato entró en el mundo. Por mi culpa, el deseo y la codicia de matar a otros ha llenado los corazones de los hombres.
Because of me, Cain, sin entered the world. It was not only through Adam, but also through Cain that the sin of murder entered the world. Because of me, the desire and greed to kill others has filled the hearts of men.
아~~~~~~! 나 가인의 영향을 받아 네피림들이, 네피림의 후손들이 얼마나 이스라엘백성들을 괴롭게 하였습니까? 얼마나 이스라엘백성들을 대적하고 그들을 괴롭게 하고 괴롭게 하고 그들을 얼마나 마음으로 눈으로 미혹하였습니까?
그것이 하나님의 징계입니다, 그것이 자유의지입니다! 우리 예수님께서는 불순종과 순종을 눈앞에 두고 불순종과 순종을 이스라엘백성앞에 놓았습니다! 그들이 불순종한 댓가로 네피림의 미혹을 받았습니다! 나 가인의 살인죄로 말미암아 아낙자손들이 태어났습니다! 나 가인의 후손들이 네피림들입니다!
Ah, los Nephilim y sus descendientes, quienes fueron influenciados por Caín, atormentaron y sufrieron tanto a los israelitas. Los israelitas sufrieron mucho a causa de los descendientes de los nefilim, y los corazones y los ojos de los israelitas fueron severamente engañados. Su sufrimiento fue un castigo de Dios. Israel fue corrompido y contaminado por su libre albedrío. Nuestro Jesús puso el camino de la desobediencia y la obediencia ante los ojos de su pueblo. El camino de la desobediencia y la obediencia se puso ante el pueblo de Israel. Debido a que el pueblo de Israel fue desobediente, sufrió sufrimiento y engaño por parte de los descendientes de los nefilim. Debido al asesinato de Caín, nacieron en el mundo los malvados descendientes de Anac. Los descendientes de Caín fueron los malvados Nefilim. Oh ~
Ah, the Nephilim and his descendants, who were influenced by Cain, tormented and suffered the Israelites so much. The Israelites suffered a lot by the descendants of the Nephilim, and the hearts and eyes of the Israelites were severely deceived.Their suffering was a punishment from God. Israel was corrupted and defiled through their free will. Our Jesus set the path of disobedience and obedience before the eyes of his people.The path of disobedience and obedience was laid before the people of Israel. Because the people of Israel were disobedient, they suffered and were deceived by the descendants of the Nephilim. Because of Cain's murder, evil descendants of Anak were born into the world. The descendants of Cain were the evil Nephilim. Oh~
(이렇게 가인으로 시작해서 물줄기가 흐르는데 이 가인으로부터해서 네피림의 후손들이 물줄기가 쭉쭉쭉 나가듯이 전세계적으로 네피림이 퍼져 있어요! 현재는 이 네피림의 후손들이 이란, 이라크에도 있어요! 이 네피림의 후손들이 911테러를 일으키고, 지금 이스라엘을 괴롭히고, 빈라덴이나 무장세력들이 네피림의 후손들이에요! 그들이 이스라엘백성들을 괴롭게 하고 전세계 민족의 성령받고 예수믿는 자를 괴롭게 하는거에요! 이 가인으로부터 전세계로 물줄기처럼 쫙쫙 퍼져나갔어요!
(La corriente del mal que comenzó con Caín continúa fluyendo. Desde Caín fluye a los descendientes de los Nefilim, Ahora, corrientes de agua malignas se están esparciendo y fluyendo por todo el mundo. Actualmente, los malvados descendientes de los Nephilim también existen en Irán e Irak. Los descendientes de estos Nephilim causaron los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre y ahora están acosando a Israel. Personas como Bin Laden y las fuerzas armadas del mal son descendientes de los Nephilim. Están afligiendo al pueblo de Israel y hostigando a los que han recibido el Espíritu Santo y creen en Jesús en todo el mundo. La corriente del mal que comenzó con Caín se está extendiendo por todo el mundo.
(The stream of evil that began with Cain continues to flow. It flows from Cain to the descendants of the Nephilim, Now, that evil stream of water is spreading and flowing all over the world. Currently, the evil descendants of the Nephilim also exist in Iran and Iraq. The descendants of these Nephilim caused the 9/11 terrorist attacks and are now harassing Israel. People like bin Laden and armed evil forces are descendants of the Nephilim. They are harassing the Israelites and afflicting those who have received the Holy Spirit and believe in Jesus all over the world. The stream of evil that started with Cain is spreading all over the world.
물 근원지에서 사방으로 물이 쭉쭉 뻗어있듯이 네피림의 후손들이 전세계적으로 퍼져 있는데, 알라를 섬기는 자들, 결국 네피림들의 후손들이 그 족보가 여기까지 쭉 내려온거에요! 이들이 성령받은 하나님의 백성들을 괴롭히는거에요! 이스마엘이 이삭을 괴롭히듯이 결국은 네피림과 네피림의 후손과 자손들이 계속 하나님의 백성들을 괴롭히는거에요! 가인이 계속 얘기를 합니다!)
Así como el agua que comienza en la fuente del agua se esparce por todo el lugar, Los descendientes de los malvados Nephilim están esparcidos por todo el mundo. Aquellos que sirven a Allah también son descendientes de los Nephilim. El comienzo de su genealogía son los Nephilim. Estos son los que perturban al pueblo de Dios que ha recibido el Espíritu Santo. Como Ismael afligió a Isaac, Los descendientes de los Nephilim continúan atormentando al pueblo de Dios. Cain sigue hablando)
Just as the water that starts at the source of water spreads all over the place, The descendants of the evil Nephilim are spread all over the world. Those who serve Allah are also descendants of the Nephilim. The beginning of their genealogy is the Nephilim. These are the ones who torment God's people who have received the Holy Spirit. As Ishmael afflicted Isaac, The descendants of the Nephilim continue to torment God's people. Cain keeps talking)
가인) 이것이 하나님의 징계입니다~~~! 여러분 하나님의 징계과 저주속에서, 하나님의 진노의 대접에서 하나님의 진노의 포도주에서 징계와 징치에서 벗어날 수 있는 것은 불순종을 끊어버리고 순종할 때 이 모든 흑암의 세력에서 벗어날 수 있습니다! 사망의 세력을 잡은 자가 누구이겠습니까? 흑암의 세력과 흑암의 그늘에 앉아서 흑암의 태풍을 몰고 다니는 자가 누구겠습니까? 루시퍼가 아니겠습니까?
Caín) Este es el castigo de Dios ~ Chicos, deben darse cuenta de esto. ¿Cuál es la salida de la disciplina de Dios, la maldición y la ira de Dios? La forma de escapar de la ira de Dios es cortar la desobediencia y obedecer la Palabra de Dios. Cuando hagas eso, te liberarás de todas las fuerzas de la oscuridad. ¿Quién tiene el poder de la muerte? ¿Quién dirige el poder de las tinieblas, el tifón de las tinieblas? El es Lucifer.
Cain) This is God's punishment~ Guys, you need to realize this. What is the way out of God's discipline, the curse and God's wrath? The way to escape from God's wrath is to cut off disobedience and obey God's Word. When you do that, you will be freed from all the forces of darkness. Who has the power of death? Who is leading the power of darkness, the typhoon of darkness? He is Lucifer.
여러분, 정신 차려 깨어서 기도하시길 바랍니다! 전세계 민족을 위하여 하나님의 백성들이, 기도하는 민족들이 백성들이, 회개를 외치는 교회와 많은 하나님의 백성들이, 주의 종들이 기도하시길 바랍니다! 전세계 민족들이 기도하시길 바랍니다!
Todos, recuperen sus sentidos, despierten de su sueño espiritual y oren. El pueblo de Dios debe orar por los pueblos del mundo. Gente rezando, Iglesias y pueblo de Dios que predican el arrepentimiento del pecado, siervos de Dios, Para obedecer al Señor, todos deben orar a Dios. Pueblos del mundo, recen.
Everyone, come to your senses, wake up from your spiritual sleep, and pray. God's people should pray for the peoples of the world. Praying people, Churches and people of God that preach repentance of sin, servants of God, To obey the Lord, everyone must pray to God. Peoples of the world, pray.
주님의 때가 얼마남지 않았습니다! 그러나 주님의 때가 1년후일지 2년 3년 4년, 10년일지 15년일지 20년일지 그 누구도 모릅니다, 모릅니다~~! 기도하세요, 전세계 민족을 위하여 기도하시길 바랍니다!
Se acerca el tiempo del regreso del Señor. Pero nadie puede saber exactamente cuánto tiempo queda antes de la venida del Señor, un año después, o dos, tres, cuatro, diez, quince, veinte. Ningún ser humano puede saber esto, y solo Dios lo sabe con precisión. Ore, por la salvación de los pueblos de todo el mundo, ¡espero que ore!
The time of the Lord's return draws near. But no one can know exactly how much time is left before the Lord's coming, one year later, or two, three, four, ten, fifteen, twenty. No man can know this, and only God knows it precisely. Pray, for the salvation of peoples around the world, I hope you pray!
기상, 기후변화가 일어나고 기근이 일어나고 처처에 지진과 화산폭발같은 징계가 일어납니까? 갑자기 도로가 땅밑으로 꺼지고, 갑자기 화재가 생기고, 갑자기 칼을 맞고, 갑자기 산불이 나고, 갑자기 자다가 죽고, 이 모든 것이 하나님에 대한 불순종에 대한 댓가와 경고입니다! 여러분 회개하시고 민족들을 위하여 기도하시길 바랍니다!
Se están produciendo climas anormales y en todas partes se producen hambrunas, terremotos y erupciones volcánicas. De repente, la carretera se hunde profundamente, se produce un gran incendio, la gente es apuñalada con cuchillos, de repente hay un incendio forestal y los que duermen mueren repentinamente. Todas estas son disciplinas de Dios. Es el precio por desobedecer la palabra del Señor y es una señal de la advertencia del Señor. Todos deben arrepentirse de sus pecados y orar por la salvación de los pueblos.
Abnormal climates are occurring, and famines, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are occurring everywhere. Suddenly the road sinks deep below the ground, there is a big fire, suddenly people are stabbed with knives, suddenly there is a wildfire, and those who sleep suddenly die. All of these are God's disciplines. It is the price for disobedience to the word of the Lord, and it is a sign of the Lord's warning. Everyone must repent of their sins and pray for the salvation of the peoples.
지옥의 루시퍼가 얼마나 사람들의 회개를 막는지 눈을 가려버리고 입을 가려버리고, 심령을 철판으로 감싸버렸습니다!
Lucifer hace que las personas no puedan arrepentirse de sus pecados, ciega los ojos y oídos espirituales de las personas, les cierra la boca, las perturba severamente. Debido a la interferencia de Satanás, los corazones de las personas se endurecen y se vuelven como si estuvieran envueltos en planchas de hierro.
Lucifer makes people unable to repent of their sins, blinds people's spiritual eyes and ears, shuts their mouths, severely disturbs them. Because of Satan's interference, people's hearts become hardened and become like being wrapped in iron plates.
(가인이 이렇게 얘기하는데 루시퍼가 회개치 못하게 많은 사람들의 눈을 가려놨어요! 코도 입도 가려놨어요! 많은 주의 종들이 짖지 못하는 벙어리개처럼 백성들을 책망하지 못하기 때문에 많은 교회와 하나님의 백성들이 회개를 잃어버리고 있다는 것입니다! 그것을 뜻하는 것이고 그리고 많은 사람들이 다 이 심령에 심장에 정 중앙에 철판이 덮혀져 있는데, 루시퍼가 하나님의 백성들이 순종하지 못하게 마음을 강퍅하게 눌렀다는 것입니다! 그래서 많은 사람들이 회개가 무엇인지 모르고 회개치 않고 다들 지옥에 떨어진다는 것을 보여주시는거에요! 루시퍼가 다시 얘기를 해요!)
(Cuando Caín habla así, Dios me muestra la situación actual. Lucifer cegó los ojos espirituales de muchas personas para que no pudieran arrepentirse de sus pecados. También se cubrieron las narices y bocas de las personas. Tantos siervos del Señor no pueden señalar los pecados de la gente o reprenderlos, y los pastores se han vuelto como perros mudos. Porque los pastores no pueden reprender los pecados de los santos, El pueblo de Dios no puede arrepentirse de sus pecados en absoluto, no reconoce la palabra de arrepentimiento. Los corazones de muchas personas están cubiertos por gruesas placas de hierro. Esta escena es simbólica. Para evitar que el pueblo de Dios obedezca la Palabra de Dios, Lucifer toma el control total de los corazones de las personas y las gobierna. Lucifer ha presionado poderosamente los corazones de las personas. De modo que la gente no sabe que debe arrepentirse de sus pecados. Innumerables personas de Dios no se arrepienten de sus pecados y caen en el infierno. Dios me mostró esta escena y Lucifer dice)
(When Cain talks like this, God shows me the current situation. Lucifer blinded many people's spiritual eyes so that they could not repent of their sins. The noses and mouths of the people were also covered. So many servants of the Lord cannot point out the sins of the people or rebuke them, and the ministers have become like dumb dogs. Because pastors cannot rebuke the sins of the saints, God's people cannot repent of their sins at all, do not recognize the word of repentance. Many people's hearts are covered by thick iron plates. This scene is symbolic. In order to prevent God's people from obeying God's Word, Lucifer takes full control of people's hearts and rules them. Lucifer has powerfully pressed the hearts of people. So people do not know that they must repent of their sins. Countless people of God fail to repent of their sins and fall into hell. God showed me this scene, and Lucifer says)
잘 보았느냐? 썅놈의 자식아, 개자식아!
(하나님께서 보여주셔서 잘 봤다!)
야, 너는 밤낮 그렇게 영적비밀을 드러내고, 천국과 지옥을 드러내고, 나 루시퍼의 정체를 드러낸들 너는 공격만 더 받는데 어찌하여 너는 고난을 자처하냐? 개자식아! 너도 모세를 닮아가기를 원하느냐? 모세도 잠시 낙을 즐기기 이전에 고난받기를 즐겨하였던것처럼 너도 모세를 닮아가느냐, 이 개자식아!
¿Has visto la situación actual? cachorro
(Vi lo que Dios me mostró).
Hombre, día y noche, estás revelando con tanta diligencia secretos espirituales al mundo, revelando las realidades del Cielo y el Infierno al mundo y revelando la verdadera identidad de Lucifer a la gente. ¿Qué obtienes por hacer eso? Lo que obtendrás será mi fuerte ataque. ¿Por qué sufre voluntariamente las dificultades? ¡perra! ¿Quieres ser como Moisés? A Moisés le agradó más sufrir por causa del reino del Señor que disfrutar de los placeres del mundo por un tiempo. ¿Quieres ser como la vida de Moisés? cachorro.
Have you seen the current situation? pup
(I saw what God showed me.)
Man, day and night, you are so diligently revealing spiritual secrets to the world, revealing the realities of Heaven and Hell to the world, and revealing the true identity of Lucifer to the people. What do you get for doing that? What you get will be my heavy attack. Why are you voluntarily suffering hardship? bitch! Do you want to be like Moses? Moses was more glad to suffer for the sake of the Lord's kingdom than to enjoy the pleasures of the world for a while. Do you want to be like Moses' life? pup.
(내가 닮을분은 예수님밖에 없다!)
썅놈의 자식, 그 놈의 예수 예수, 밥맛없는 자식! 야, 영적인 비밀을 하나하나 들춰내고, 책장을 넘길때마다 성경을 풀어나갈때마다 너는 공격받는 것이 더 심해진다는 것을 어찌 모르더냐?
많은 자들이 교통사고로 어떤 질병으로, 그래 맞다, 그것도 나 루시퍼가 잡고 있는게 맞다! 그러나 개자식아, 마음으로 나 루시퍼가 공격한다는 것을 많은 사람들이 모르고 있지 않더냐!
그래, 너 마음으로 이번에 상처받고 연달아 연달아 연타를 맞고 홈런을 맞아본 느낌과 그 생각이 어떻더냐? 너의 생명을 취하면 얼마나 좋을까! 누워서 눈물만 질질 짜던데? 이 찔찔아!
(¡La única persona a la que quiero parecerme es a Jesús!)
pendejo El nombre que odio mucho es Jesús, no menciones el nombre de Jesús aquí. Tú que me ofendes mucho, Cada vez que revelas secretos espirituales uno por uno, y cada vez que interpretas las palabras espirituales de la Biblia, Mi ataque se intensifica sobre ti. ¿Por qué no te das cuenta de esto? Mucha gente tiene accidentes automovilísticos y se enferma. Sí, eso es lo que hago yo, Lucifer. Pero hay demasiados que no saben que yo, Lucifer, ataco así. Esta vez, ha sido herido de gravedad en su corazón en una fila. Te he atacado en una fila. ¿Cómo te sientes cuando has sufrido? Dime cómo se siente haber sido atacado por mí. Te escuché gemir: "Dios, lleva mi vida rápidamente al cielo". Hiciste esta confesión mientras estabas en la cama y llorabas mucho. ¡Llorona!
(The only person I want to be like is Jesus!)
you asshole, The name I hate very much is Jesus, don't call the name of Jesus before me. You who offend me very much, Each time you reveal spiritual secrets one by one, and each time you interpret the spiritual words of the Bible, My attack is heightened against you. Why don't you realize this? Many people get into car accidents and get sick. Yes, that's what I, Lucifer, do. But there are so many who do not know that I, Lucifer, attack like that. This time, your heart has been hurt in a row. You have been attacked by me in a row. How do you feel when you have suffered? Tell me how you feel about experiencing my attacks. I heard you moan, "God, please take my life to heaven quickly." You made this confession while lying in bed, and you were weeping a lot. You crybaby!
(하나님께 모든 것을 감사할뿐이다!)
개자식, 누워서 눈물이나 찔찔 짜지, 이 찔찔이 자식아! 뭐할라고 또 일어나서 일어나자 마자 너 봐라! 또 공격하지 않더냐! 병신같은 자식아! 이 병신같은 자식아! 니 마음에 또 연타로 일어나자마자 공격받은 소감이 어떻더냐?
(Solo agradezco a Dios por todo)
tu hijo de puta, No podías levantarte y llorabas lágrimas de angustia, como un llorón. ¡Pero por qué te recuperaste y te volviste a levantar de la cama! Te levantaste de la cama, pero sigo atacándote. ¡Idiota! ¡Este gilipollas! Eres continuamente atacado por mí. Siempre te ataco, pero ¿cómo se siente el atacado?
(I just thank God for everything)
you motherfucker, You couldn't get up and wept tears of anguish, like a crybaby. But why did you recover and get out of bed again! You got up from bed, but I still keep attacking you. You asshole! This asshole!
You are continuously attacked by me. I always attack you, but how does the one being attacked feel?
(내가 연약하니까 하나님께서 강하게 훈련시키시는 것 뿐이다)
내가 제일 쓰기 편한 사람이 누군지 알더냐? 교만한 자니라! 교만한 자들이 나의 미혹에 잘 넘어오고 나 루시퍼의 말을 잘 듣노라!
(Porque soy débil, Dios me está entrenando para ser fuerte para hacerme fuerte)
¿Sabes a quién soy más conveniente para dirigir y utilizar como mis herramientas? Me resulta más fácil guiar a los orgullosos de acuerdo con mi voluntad. Los orgullosos se dejan llevar fácilmente por Mis engaños. Los orgullosos y arrogantes siguen muy bien a Lucifer.
(Because I am weak, God is training me to be strong to make me strong)
Do you know who I am most convenient to lead and use as my tools? It is easiest for me to lead the proud according to my will. The proud are easily swayed by My delusions. The proud and arrogant follow Lucifer very well.
(그래서 회개복음을 외치는 것이고, 인간이 죄 안짓고 사는 자가 누가 있냐? 죽음앞에 회개하면 다 용서받고 천국가는 길이 있기 때문에 죽음앞에 회개를 외치는 것이다, 이 놈아!)
야이 썅놈의 자식아, 율법적인 자들이 지식속에 갇혀있고 자기 지혜와 지식속에 갇혀 있는 자들이 얼마나 회개를 외치고 회개를 하던가, 이 개자식아! 자신들조차도 새가 새장에 갇혀 있는것처럼 율법과 지식속에 갇혀 있고, 그 회개가 진실로 마음으로 회개하는지 입술로 회개하는지 진실로 구별조차도 못하는 목사들이 많단 말이다!
(Por eso proclamamos firmemente el evangelio del arrepentimiento. No hay uno entre los hombres que no peque. Sin embargo, todos aquellos que se arrepientan de sus pecados hasta la muerte reciben el perdón y van al cielo. Por eso insto a los que están al borde de la muerte a que se arrepientan de sus pecados. Eres malo)
cachorro. Los legalistas están atrapados en el conocimiento humano. ¿Cómo pueden arrepentirse de sus pecados aquellos que están encarcelados en la sabiduría y el conocimiento humanos? ¿Cómo pueden esos pastores predicar el evangelio del arrepentimiento? cachorro. Incluso los mismos pastores están atrapados en el legalismo y el conocimiento humano, como un pájaro en una jaula. Estos pastores no tienen discernimiento, ni siquiera pueden distinguir entre los que se arrepienten con un corazón sincero y los que solo se arrepienten con los labios.
(That is why we strongly proclaim the gospel of repentance. There is not one among men who does not sin. However, all those who repent of their sins until death receive forgiveness and go to heaven. That is why we urge those who are on the verge of death to repent of their sins. you are evil)
pup. Legalists are trapped in human knowledge. How can those who are imprisoned in human wisdom and knowledge repent of their sins? How can such pastors preach the gospel of repentance? pup. Even the pastors themselves are trapped in legalism and human knowledge, like a bird in a cage. Such pastors have no discernment, they cannot even distinguish between those who repent with a sincere heart and those who only repent with their lips.
(그래서 하나님이 죽음앞에 회개하라고 외치시는거야! 그래서 십자가 사건이 드러난 것이고, 강도가 강도짓만 했겠냐? 그러나 회개하고 하나님나라를 믿음으로 들어간거지!)
(Dios insta a los que están al borde de la muerte a arrepentirse de sus pecados. Jesús murió en la cruz para salvar a todos los pecadores. ¿Podría el ladrón que fue crucificado con Jesús junto a la cruz cometer un solo pecado? Debe haber cometido muchos otros pecados. Pero se arrepintió sinceramente de sus propios pecados y entró en el reino de Dios. El ladrón creyó solo en Jesús como el Salvador, se arrepintió de sus pecados, fue perdonado y entró en el reino de los cielos.)
(God urges those who are on the verge of death to repent of their sins. Jesus died on the cross to save all sinners. Could the thief who was crucified with Jesus next to the cross committed only one sin? He must have committed many other sins. But he sincerely repented of his own sins and entered the kingdom of God. The thief believed only in Jesus as the Savior, repented of his sins, was forgiven, and entered the kingdom of heaven.)
야, 이 병신같은 자식아! 십자가의 두 강도의 사건은 얼마나 많은 사람이 지나치더냐? 그래 그냥 십자가에서 구원받은걸로 생각하지 그 십자가의 사건이 진실로 진정한 회개가 죽음앞에 회개라는 것을 그 십자가 사건을 통하여 영적인 비밀이 드러났는데도 그 말씀을 깨달을 자가 얼마나 될 것이냐 개자식아! 지식속에 갇혀 있는 자들이 과연 죽음앞에 회개가중요하다고 생각할까?
oye, idiota. Dos ladrones murieron en la cruz junto a la cruz de Jesús, y un ladrón se salvó. Sin embargo, cuando se salva un ladrón, la mayoría de la gente no sabe la razón y no le importa. La gente no quiere saber cómo se puede salvar a un ladrón. Simplemente un ladrón fue salvo en la cruz. Solo escuche y la gente olvidará el significado. A través del ladrón que fue salvado de la cruz, Dios muestra y hace que todos los seres humanos se den cuenta de que el arrepentimiento de los pecados es lo más importante frente a la muerte. Frente a la muerte, los seres humanos deben arrepentirse sinceramente de sus pecados para ser salvos. A través del incidente en el que se salvó al ladrón, se reveló un secreto muy importante. Pero, ¿cuántas personas se dan cuenta de este misterio espiritual? cachorro. ¿Cómo pueden aquellos que están encarcelados en el conocimiento humano darse cuenta de que es más importante arrepentirse de sus pecados antes de la muerte?
hey, you asshole. Two thieves were killed on the cross next to Jesus' cross, and one thief was saved. However, when a thief was saved, most people do not know the reason and do not care. People do not want to know how a thief could be saved. Simply a thief was saved on the cross. Just listen, and people forget the meaning. Through the robber who was saved from the cross, God shows and makes everyone realize that repenting of sins in the face of death is the most important thing. In the face of death, humans must sincerely repent of their sins to be saved.Through the incident in which the robber was saved, a very important secret was revealed. But how many people realize this spiritual mystery? pup. How can those who are imprisoned in human knowledge realize that it is most important to repent of their sins before death?
아니, 지금 이 모든 사람들이 회개가 다 이루어졌다고 생각해! 그래서 책망과 회개가 사라지는거야! 누구한테? 목사들조차도 이미 구원이 이루어졌다고 생각하기 때문에 회개가 사라지고 회개가 사망으로 싸여져있는거야! 양파를 봐, 개자식아! 벗겨고 벗겨도 결국은 양파야! 회개도 이와같은거야 개자식아! 아무리 회개를 벗기고 벗겨봐야 결국은 사망으로 싸놨기 때문에 아무리 벗기고 벗겨도 사망으로 보일뿐이야!
Ahora, la mayoría del pueblo de Dios piensa que todos los pecados ya se han arrepentido y que todos los pecados son perdonados para siempre. Por eso los pastores no señalan los pecados de los santos y no los reprenden. Por tanto, los santos no pueden arrepentirse de sus pecados. La palabra de que debemos arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados ha desaparecido por completo en la iglesia. Todos creen que la salvación del cielo ya se ha cumplido. Por eso el poder de la muerte está cubriendo a los santos. Piense en la forma de una cebolla. No importa cuántas veces se pele una cebolla, la siguiente cáscara seguirá apareciendo. Piensan en el arrepentimiento como tal. ¡cachorro! Piensan que no importa cuánto se arrepientan de sus pecados, todavía permanecen. La muerte siempre es visible en sus ojos.
Now, most of God's people think that all sins have already been repented of and that all sins are forgiven forever. That is why pastors do not point out the sins of the saints and do not rebuke them. Therefore, the saints cannot repent of their sins. The word that we must repent of our sins has completely disappeared in the church. They all believe that the salvation of heaven has already been accomplished. That is why the power of death is covering the saints. Think of the shape of an onion. No matter how many times an onion is peeled, the next peel will still appear.They think of repentance as such. pup! They think that no matter how much they repent of their sins, they still remain. Death is always visible in their eyes.
지식적이고 율법적인자가 누군데 개자식아! 마음으로 회개치 못하고 입술로만 회개하는 자가 아니더냐! 너희들이 말씀을 줄줄줄 외우지 않더냐! 마음으로 믿어 의에 이르고 입으로 시인하여 구원에 이른다! 얼마나 많은 사람들이 마음으로 회개하고 입술로 선포하고
통회자복할 것이냐?
¿Cuáles son las características de las personas conocedoras y legalistas? cachorro Estos son los que no se arrepienten de sus pecados con un corazón sincero, sino solo con la boca. Los legalistas conocen demasiado la Palabra de Dios. Pero sus corazones no creen ni obedecen la Palabra de Dios. La biblia dice "¡Cree en Jesús con el corazón, que resultará en justicia, y la confesión con la boca, que resultará en salvación!" Sin embargo, son muy pocos los que verdaderamente se arrepienten de sus pecados y los confiesan con los labios. ¿Cuántas personas se arrepienten verdaderamente de sus pecados?
What are the characteristics of knowledgeable and legalistic people? pup These are those who do not repent of their sins with a sincere heart, but only with their mouths. Legalists know too much of God's Word. But their hearts do not believe and obey God's Word. The Bible says "Believe in Jesus with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and confession with the mouth, resulting in salvation!" However, there are very few who truly repent of their sins and confess them with their lips. How many people truly repent of their sins?
베드로를 보라, 심히 깨달았을때 회개할 때 무슨 현상이 일어나던가? 눈물이 홍수처럼 바다처럼 흘러내리고 심히 통곡하고 자백하고, 진실로 회개한 자는 베드로처럼 죄를 버리고 십자가를 단단히 튼튼히 지고 십자가 골고다의 길을 가는 것이 아니냐! 그러나 많은 자들이 회개가 중요하지 버린다는 것을 중요하게 생각지 않노라! 그런 자들이 곧 율법적이고 지식적이고 그런 자들인데 본인들 모습조차도 버리지 못하고 남을 가르치니 얼마나 그런 자들이 많은 자들을 지옥으로 끌고가던가! 회개가 무엇인지 보고 깨들으라 개자식아! 버리지 않고 놓지 않고 쏟지 않는 회개가 회개더냐 개자식아!
Tomemos el caso de Peter. ¿Qué sucedió cuando realmente se arrepintió de sus pecados? Mientras confesó y se arrepintió, sus lágrimas fluyeron como un río. Lloró amargamente y abandonó sus pecados, Y cargando la cruz que le fue dada, caminó silenciosamente por el camino del Gólgota hasta el final. Pero ahora muchos no creen que sea importante arrepentirse de sus pecados. Estas personas son legalistas y siguen el conocimiento humano. Están enseñando a otros, sin conocer la verdad ni siquiera ellos mismos, y sin obedecer la palabra del Señor. Estos son falsos profetas y llevan a innumerables personas al infierno. Realmente no saben lo que significa arrepentirse de sus pecados. cachorro, El arrepentimiento de los pecados que no trabajan duro para abandonar sus pecados, y el arrepentimiento de aquellos que no se lamentan verdaderamente por sus pecados, no son un verdadero arrepentimiento de los pecados, son aquellos que hacen un falso arrepentimiento. ¡perra!
Take the case of Peter. What happened when he truly repented of his sins? As he confessed and repented, his tears flowed like a river. He wept bitterly and forsook his sins, And he carried the cross given to him and silently walked the road of Golgotha to the end. But now many do not think it is important to repent of their sins. These people are legalists, and they are followers of human knowledge. They are teaching others, not knowing the truth even themselves, and not obeying the word of the Lord.These are false prophets and lead countless people to hell. They do not really know what it means to repent of their sins. pup, The repentance of sins that do not work hard to forsake their sins, and the repentance of those who do not truly grieve for their sins, are not true repentance of sins, they are those who make false repentance. bitch!
그래서 입술만 하는 회개는 버리지 않는 회개다! 그러나 마음으로 하는 회개는 버리고 그것을 돌이키고 주님을 향하여 푯대를 향하여 천국을 향하여 소망을 잡고 튼튼히 달려가는 것이다! 그것이 영혼의 닻이야! 영혼의 닻이 뭔데? 닻을 잡은 자는 멈추지 않고 뒤로 침륜에 빠져 물러나는 것이 아니라 천국으로 천국으로 출발~ 가는거야 개자식아!
Entonces, arrepentirse solo con los labios no es realmente deshacerse de los pecados. Pero arrepentirse de sus pecados con un corazón sincero es abandonar los pecados, apartarse de ellos y caminar hacia el Señor. El verdadero arrepentimiento es correr hacia la meta, Es tener la esperanza del cielo y correr hasta el final. Hacerlo es anclar el alma al Señor. ¿Qué significa anclar el alma al Señor? El que ancla su alma al Señor nunca deja de arrepentirse de sus pecados, Estos no son los que dan un paso atrás y se desaniman, Son los que avanzan al cielo todos los días, Una persona que comienza de nuevo todos los días. niño perro!
So, repenting only with the lips is not really throwing away one's sins. But to repent of your sins with a sincere heart is to forsake one's sins, turn from them, and walk toward the Lord. True repentance is running towards the goal, It is to have the hope of heaven and run to the end.
To do so is to anchor the soul to the Lord. What does it mean to anchor the soul to the Lord? He who anchors his soul to the Lord never ceases to repent of his sins, These are not the ones who step back and are discouraged, They are those who advance to heaven every day, He is a person who makes a new start every day. dog child!
(그러나 너희는 율법을 온전히 지키기 위해서 애를 쓰게 만들지! 인간은 어차피 죄아래 갇혀서 죄를 지을 수 밖에 없는데, 그래서 하나님께서 마지막 죽음앞에 회개를 귀히 여기시는 것이고, 어떠한 죄를 지었더라도 그때 회개하면 다 용서받는데!)
야이 새끼야, 버리지는 말고 회개만 해! 버리지는 말고 회개만 해 개자식아! 입만 달싹달싹 해버려 개자식아! 사망으로 잡아버릴테니까!
(Pero tú, Lucifer, extravías al pueblo de Dios. Haces que la gente se obsesione con el legalismo formal. Es por eso que la gente no trata de purificar su corazón, sino solo de purificar el exterior. Todos los seres humanos están bajo pecado. Nadie puede estar completamente libre del pecado. Entonces, Dios está esperando que las personas se arrepientan completamente de sus pecados frente a la muerte en la última hora. El arrepentimiento del último pecado es el más importante. No importa los pecados que cometa, si se arrepiente completamente, todos sus pecados serán perdonados e irá al cielo).
hijo de perro, No deseches el pecado de tu corazón. Arrepiéntete solo con los labios. Confiesa los pecados solo en los labios. hijo de perro! Cuando todos se arrepientan de esa manera, llevaré cautivos a todos los hombres para siempre por el poder de la muerte.
(But you, Lucifer, lead the people of God astray. You make people obsessed with formal legalism. That is why people try not to purify their hearts, but only to purify the outside. All human beings are under sin. No one can be completely free from sin. So God waits for men to fully repent of their sins before his death in the last hour. Repentance of the last sin is the most important. No matter what sins we commit, if we repent thoroughly then, all our sins will be forgiven and we will go to heaven.)
dog's son, Do not cast away sin from your heart. Repent only with the lips. Confess sins only on the lips. dog's son! When all will repent in that way, I will take captive all men forever by the power of death.
(그렇게 하더라도 회개만 하면 천국은 간단 말이다!)
그러면 뭐하니 개자식아! 너희 교인들의 마음이 미혹되고 들썩들썩!
(Aunque normalmente no pudiera desechar sus pecados, cuando se arrepienta completamente de sus pecados antes de su muerte, va al cielo).
Existe tal oportunidad, pero es inútil, no hay muchas personas que se arrepientan de sus pecados de esa manera. hijo de perro! Incluso los miembros de su iglesia han sido engañados por Mí, sacudidos y no tienen una fe sólida.
(Even if he ordinarily could not cast away his sins, when he fully repents of his sins before his death, he goes to heaven.)
There is such an opportunity, but it is useless, there are not many people who repent of their sins like that. dog's son! Even the members of your church have been deceived by Me, their hearts are shaken, and they do not have strong faith.
(들썩거리면 뭐하냐? 단에서 담임목사가 바로 잡으면 또 바로 돌아서는 것이 양떼들이다!)
듣고 회개하고 돌이킬자가 있고 아무리 들어도 회개못하고 못 돌이킬자가 있어! 그게 베드로와 가룟유다의 사건이야! 회개는 상대적이고 비례적인거야! 그게 자유의지야 썅놈의 새끼야! 듣고 회개하고 버리고 돌이키는 자는 천국갈 것이고 들어도 버리지 못하는 자는 결국 나 루시퍼를 택해서 지옥가는거야 썅놈의 자식아!
(Los está confundiendo, por eso el pastor siempre los corrige a través de la Palabra de Dios. Son las ovejas de Dios las que se dan cuenta de sus pecados y se apartan de ellos).
Cuando escuchan la palabra de Dios, hay quienes se arrepienten de sus pecados y se vuelven de sus pecados, pero hay quienes no se arrepienten de sus pecados y no se vuelven al Señor por mucho que escuchen el sermón. Por ejemplo, es la diferencia entre las acciones de Pedro y Judas Iscariote. El arrepentimiento de los pecados es relativo y proporcional. A través del libre albedrío otorgado a los humanos, los humanos toman diferentes decisiones. hijo de este perro!
Aquellos que se arrepientan de sus pecados, los abandonen y regresen al Señor irán al cielo, pero aquellos que no puedan abandonar sus pecados eventualmente irán al Infierno. Viven por mí, por Lucifer.
(You are confusing them, so the pastor always corrects them through the word of God. It is the sheep of God who realize their sins and turn from their sins and come to the Lord.)
There are those who repent of their sins and turn from their sins when they hear the word of God, but there are those who do not repent of their sins and do not turn to the Lord no matter how much they listen to the sermon. For example, it is the difference between the actions of Peter and Judas Iscariot. Repentance of sins is relative and proportional. Through the free will given to humans, humans make different choices. son of this dog! Those who repent of their sins, forsake their sins, and return to the Lord will go to heaven, but those who cannot forsake their sins will eventually go to Hell. They live for me, for Lucifer.
(야, 이땅에 있는 자들이 죄를 버리면 얼마나 버린다고 그러냐? 니들한테 맨날 당하는데!)
야, 썅놈의 자식아! 버리지 못하니까 지옥에 오는거야!
(Oye, la gente en el mundo trata de abandonar el pecado, pero no puede abandonarlo por completo. ¿Quién puede abandonar completamente el pecado? ¿No nos engañas todos los días para hacer que la gente peque?)
Oye, el hijo de este perro. Irás al infierno porque no puedes desechar completamente tus pecados.
(Hey, people in the world try to forsake sin, but they can't completely forsake it. Who can completely forsake sin? Don't you deceive us every day to make people sin? )
Hey, this dog's son. You will go to hell because you cannot completely cast off your sins.
(그 버린다는 것이 바로 마지막 죽음앞에 회개라는 것이다, 이 놈아!)
아~~~! 썅놈의 자식, 이 개자식아! 썅놈의 자식!
(마지막 죽음앞에 회개하면 모든 것을 버리고 천국가는 길이 죽음앞에 마지막 회개란 말이다!)
너 어떻게 알았어! 썅놈의 자식!
(Abandonar completamente tus pecados significa arrepentirte de tus pecados antes de la última muerte. Maldito bastardo)
¡Ah ~~~! hijo de perro. hijo de este perro! hijo de bastardo! (Cuando nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados frente a la muerte final, todos nuestros pecados son perdonados y vamos al cielo. ¡El camino al cielo ciertamente se abre para nosotros frente a la muerte, mediante el arrepentimiento de los pecados al final!)
¡Cómo te diste cuenta de esta verdad! hijo de perro!
(To completely forsake your sins means to repent of your sins before the last death. You evil bastard)
Ah~~~! dog's son. child of this dog! bastard's child!
(When we repent of our sins in front of the last death, all our sins are forgiven and we go to heaven. The way to heaven is surely opened for us in the face of death, through repentance of our sins in the end!)
How did you realize this truth! dog's child!
(하나님이 알게하시는거지!)
이 썅놈의 자식아! 너 어떻게 알았어! 어떻게 알았어, 개자식아! 진실로 진실로 버리는게 죽음앞에 회개야, 어떻게 알았어?
(너는 그걸 감춰놨지 이 놈아!)
(루시퍼가 이 얘기를 하는데 그 마음이 너무 너무 깜짝 놀래가지고 말을 못해요, 지금 루시퍼가! 루시퍼가 너무 놀랬어요, 지금!)
이 개자식아! 이 엄청난 비밀을 드러내? 많은 사람들은 그냥 쉽게 쉽게 넘어가는 문제를 곱씹고 이 엄청난 비밀을 드러내냐 말이냐!
(Dios me dio a conocer la verdad)
hijo de este perro! ¡Cómo conociste ese principio! ¿Cómo sabías eso, perro? Abandonar verdadera, verdadera y completamente el pecado es arrepentirse de él frente a la muerte. ¿Cómo conociste a Lee Jin-ri? (Intentas ocultar esta verdad por todos los medios. ¡Maligno!)
(Cuando el pastor Kim dice esto, Lucifer se sorprende y no puede hablar por un rato. ¡Ahora, Lucifer! Lucifer está muy sorprendido, desconcertado y no sabe qué hacer).
hijo de este perro! ¿Por qué le está revelando este gran secreto a la gente? Otros no se toman este asunto en serio. Pero has encontrado la respuesta a esta profunda pregunta mediante la oración y el estudio.
No reveles más este gran secreto.
(God made the truth known to me)
child of this dog! How did you know that principle! How did you know that, you dog! To truly, truly, completely forsake sin is to repent of it in the face of death. How did you know Lee Jin-ri?
(You try to hide this truth by all means. You evildoer!)
(When Pastor Kim says this, Lucifer is startled and cannot speak for a while. Now, Lucifer! Lucifer is very startled, bewildered, and not sure what to do.)
child of this dog! Why are you revealing this great secret to people?
Others don't take this matter seriously. But you have found the answer to this deep question by prayer and study. Don't reveal this great secret any more.
(나는 드러내는 것도 없다, 하시는 분은 하나님이시지)
그러니까 너랑 대화하면 안돼! 너희 예수께서 얼마나 많은 영적인 비밀을 드러내던가! 그 영적인 비밀이 무엇인지 아느냐, 이 썅놈의 자식아! 회개의 중요성과 그것을 각인시키고 각성하게 만든단 말이다 이 개자식아!
(Yo mismo no revelo los secretos espirituales. Es Dios quien revela los secretos espirituales)
Entonces no quiero hablar contigo. Tu Jesús revela muchos secretos espirituales a través de ti. ¿Cuál es ese secreto espiritual? hijo de perro. El mayor secreto es que cualquiera que se arrepienta de sus pecados irá al cielo. Cuando hablo con ustedes, este secreto se revela con mayor claridad. Hablar contigo brinda la oportunidad de grabar este secreto en la mente de las personas y despertar sus pecados. ¡Este hijo de perro!
(I myself do not reveal spiritual secrets. It is God who reveals spiritual secrets)
So I don't want to talk to you. Your Jesus reveals many spiritual secrets through you. What is that spiritual secret? dog's child. The biggest secret is that anyone who repents of their sins will go to heaven. When I speak with you, this secret is revealed more clearly. Talking with you provides an opportunity to imprint this secret on people's minds and awaken their sins. This child of a dog!
(그래서 죽음앞에 철저히 회개하면 이제 완전히 놓임받고 죄를 완전히 버려버리고 천국으로 직행한단 말이다!)
그래 그게 진정한 버리는 삶이고 회개하는 삶이고, 사망의 법에서 풀려가는거야 이 개자식아!
이 세상은 감옥에 갇혀있고 나 루시퍼의 쇠고랑을 찼어! 그러나 죽음앞에 회개하고 버리면 쇠고랑을 사망의 법에서 풀려나는거다 이 개자식아!
(Entonces, cuando alguien se arrepienta completamente de sus pecados antes de la muerte, será completamente liberado de ellos, separado de ellos para siempre y entrará en el reino de los cielos).
Sí, hacerlo es abandonar el estilo de vida mundano, arrepentirse verdaderamente de los pecados. Estas personas quedan libres de la ley de la muerte. niño perro Todos los que están en este mundo son como los que están en prisión, llevando las cadenas de Lucifer. Pero aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados frente a la muerte están completamente libres del grillete del pecado, completamente libres de la ley de la muerte. niño perro!
(So, when anyone fully repents of their sins before death, they will be completely freed from them, separated from them forever, and enter the kingdom of heaven.)
Yes, to do so is to forsake the worldly way of life, to truly repent of one's sins. Such people are set free from the law of death. dog child All those in this world are like those in prison, wearing the chains of Lucifer. But those who repent of their sins in the face of death are completely freed from the shackle of sin, completely freed from the law of death. dog child!
(그때 마지막으로 풀리는게 죽음앞에 회개란 말이다!)
그래, 개자식아, 어쩔래? 썅놈의 개자식아!
(근데 너는 이 땅에서 법을 다 지켜야 되고 죄를 하나라도 지으면 안되는것처럼 하지 않느냐?)
그래, 그럼 죽어 개자식아! 안돼 안되지! 아무리 회개해도 왜 많은 율법주의자들이 시원치 않을까? 나 루시퍼가 계속 죄를 생각나게 하거든! 그리고 눈물 한방울도 없는 회개가 진정한 회개일까?
(El momento en que estamos completamente libres de pecado es cuando nos arrepentimos completamente de nuestros pecados antes de la muerte y entramos en el reino de los cielos).
¡Sí, perro, bastardo!
(Pero usted pone estas ideas falsas en la mente de las personas. Aquellos que no guardan la ley perfectamente no pueden entrar en el reino de los cielos).
Sí, bastardo. Aquellos que pertenecen al legalismo, no importa cuán fervientemente se arrepientan de sus pecados, siempre se sienten inquietos e incómodos en sus corazones. La razón es que yo, Lucifer, estoy haciendo que sus pecados sean siempre recordados en sus mentes. ¿Y es el arrepentimiento sin una sola lágrima el verdadero arrepentimiento del pecado?
(The time when we become completely free from sin is when we fully repent of our sins before death and enter the kingdom of heaven.)
Yes, you dog, you bastard!
(But you put these false ideas into people's minds. Those who do not keep the law perfectly cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.)
Yes, you bastard. Those who belong to legalism, no matter how earnestly they repent of their sins, always feel restless and uncool in their hearts. The reason is that I, Lucifer, are making their sins always remembered in their minds. And is repentance without even a single tear the true repentance of sins?
(마음이 움직이지 않는 회개는 헛것이지 이 놈아!)
그래 그래 그래, 그게 바로 가룟유다같은 회개야! 마음이 움직이지 않는 회개, 아무리 깨달아도 깨닫지 못하는 회개야!
(Arrepentimiento en el que el corazón de uno no se mueve en absoluto, eso es falso arrepentimiento y vano. ¡Tú, maligno!)
Sí, sí, sí, ese es el arrepentimiento de Judas Iscariote. Es el arrepentimiento en el que el propio corazón no se conmueve. Es un arrepentimiento falso que no se da cuenta del pecado de uno, sin importar cuánto escuche la palabra del Señor.
(Repentance in which one's heart does not move at all, that is false repentance and vain. You evildoer!)
Yes, yes, yes, that is the repentance of Judas Iscariot. It is repentance in which one's own heart is not moved. It is a false repentance that does not recognize one's sin no matter how much he hears the word of the Lord.
(죄를 깨닫고 회개했다 할찌라도 죄를 또 범하게 되고 그래서 이 회개를 통하여 죽음앞에까지 가는것이고 죽음앞에 마지막 회개를 하게되면 이제 죄에서 완전히 자유함을 얻고 천국가는 것이지!)
그래~~~! 썅놈의 자식아! 그래서 내가 칼빈교리로 꽉 잡아놨잖아! 이땅에서 이미 구원이 이루어졌다고 개자식아! 그래야 죽음앞에 회개하지 않을게 아니냐 개자식아! 죽음앞에서 많은 자들이 버리고 회개를 하지 못하게 막는건데 그 막는 문과 통로가 칼빈교리다 개자식아! 많은 사람들이 이땅에서 이미 견인되어서 이미 천국백성이고 그래 나는 구원받았다 그렇게 믿고 가는 자들이 얼마나 많더냐 썅놈의 개자식아!
(Incluso si se dan cuenta de sus propios pecados y se han arrepentido verdaderamente de sus pecados, todos los seres humanos son tan débiles que todos pecarán de nuevo. Entonces, todos los seres humanos siempre deben arrepentirse de sus pecados, y debemos vivir una vida de arrepentimiento incluso antes de la muerte. Debemos completar nuestro arrepentimiento final antes de la muerte y entrar en el reino de los cielos. Cuando completemos nuestro arrepentimiento final y entremos en el reino de los cielos, ya no tendremos que arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados).
¡Sí, hijo de perro! Por eso hago a la gente del mundo mis prisioneras a través de la doctrina de Calvino. El punto de la doctrina de Galvin es que el pecado ya ha sido completamente eliminado del mundo y la salvación está completa. niño perro! Aquellos que creen en la doctrina de Calvino no sienten la necesidad de arrepentirse de sus pecados frente a la muerte. Frente a la muerte, evito que se arrepientan de sus pecados. Las herramientas que uso todo el tiempo y las puertas y pasajes del infierno son las doctrinas de Calvino y otras doctrinas humanas. niño perro! Innumerables personas están siendo engañadas por la doctrina de Calvino, la doctrina de los hombres. Piensan que ya han sido salvos en esta tierra y que automáticamente están siendo arrastrados al cielo. Creen que ya se han convertido en la gente del cielo. "Oh, mi salvación ya ha sido decidida y nunca podrá deshacerse". Hay demasiados en todas las iglesias que piensan de esta manera. ¡Perro bastardo!
(Even if they realize their own sins and have truly repented of their sins, yet all humans are so weak that they will all sin again. So, all humans must always repent of their sins, and we must live a life of repentance even before death. We must complete our final repentance before death and enter the kingdom of heaven. When we complete our final repentance and enter the kingdom of heaven, we will no longer need to repent of our sins.)
Yes, dog's child! That is why I make the people of the world my prisoners through Calvin's doctrine. The point of Galvin's doctrine is that sin has already been completely removed from the world, and salvation is complete. dog child! Those who believe in Calvin's doctrine do not feel the need to repent of their sins in the face of death. In the face of death, I prevent them from repenting of their sins. The tools I use all the time and the gates and passages of hell are Calvin's doctrines and other human doctrines. dog child! Countless people are being deceived by Calvin's doctrine, the doctrine of men. They think that they have already been saved on this earth and that they are automatically being dragged to heaven. They think they have already become the people of heaven. "Oh, my salvation has already been decided and can never be undone." There are a great many in all churches who think this way. You bastard dog!
(이 세상에서 죄를 범하지 않는 인간은 아무도 없거늘 너는 그 법을 죽어라고 지키게 하지, 율법을 통해서, 그러고 죄를 지으면 그것을 너는 정죄해 버리지! 그래서 오히려 죄에 얽매이게 만들지! 예수님은 해방시키러왔는데 너는 더욱더 죄의 올가미를 씌워놓지! 그래서 자기는 죽으면 천국가는것처럼 생각하다가 회개치 못하고 죽어서 지옥가는거지!)
(No hay hombre en el mundo que no peque en absoluto. Pero dices que solo se salvan los que guardan perfectamente la ley. Al condenar siempre los pecados de las personas a través de la ley, está conduciendo a las personas por un camino en el que no pueden ser salvas. Así que todos están sujetos al pecado y la ley, y sin arrepentirse de sus pecados, son arrastrados al infierno. Pero Jesús vino al mundo para liberar a los pecadores del pecado y de la ley, y murió en la cruz por la humanidad. Pero no haces que la gente se dé cuenta de la gracia de la cruz, y estás tratando de arrastrar a todos al infierno al tender la trampa del pecado aún más. Y por otro lado, introduces el calvinismo y engañas a la gente diciéndoles que irás al cielo incondicionalmente sin arrepentirte verdaderamente de tus pecados. Por eso, mediante los diversos métodos de Satanás, innumerables personas son arrastradas al infierno sin arrepentirse de sus pecados).
(There is no man in the world who does not sin at all. But you say that only those who perfectly keep the law are saved. By always condemning people's sins through the law, you are leading people into a path where they cannot be saved. So everyone is bound by sin and the law, and without repenting of their sins, they are dragged to hell. But Jesus came into the world to set sinners free from sin and the law, and died on the cross for mankind. But you do not make people realize the grace of the cross, and you are trying to drag everyone into hell by setting the trap of sin even more. And on the other hand, you introduce Calvinism and deceive people into saying that you will go to heaven unconditionally without truly repenting of your sins. That is why, by Satan's various methods, countless people are being dragged to hell without repenting of their sins.)
그래서 많은 교회들이 가난과 저주와 질병에 시달리고 있어! 왜? 기뻐하는 삶을 살지못하기 때문에! 왜 회개하고 기도하는데도 내 마음은 기쁨이 없을까! 그게 바로 율법적인 교회들의 실상이다 개자식아!
Tantas iglesias y santos sufren pobreza, maldiciones y enfermedades.
¿Por qué? Porque viven una vida sin alegría. En la superficie, parece que se arrepienten de sus pecados y oran al Señor todos los días, pero sus corazones no tienen un verdadero arrepentimiento de sus pecados. Debido a que son legalistas, sus corazones realmente no se arrepienten. La realidad de innumerables iglesias es esta. niño perro!
So many churches and saints are suffering from poverty, curses, and diseases. Why? Because they live a life without joy. On the surface it seems that they repent of their sins and pray to the Lord every day, but their hearts do not have true repentance of their sins. Because they are legalists, their hearts are truly unrepentant. The reality of countless churches is this. dog child!
(그게 왜 그러냐? 믿음없어서 그렇지! 회개했으면 지금까지 지은죄를 없어졌으니까 이제 기쁨이 회복되어야할텐데 항상 죄에 눌려잇지! 니가 자꾸 그 죄를 생각나게 해서 정죄하니까!)
아~~! 그만 좀 해 개자식아! 자꾸자꾸 들춰내고 지랄이야 개 썅놈의 자식아! 입 다물고 그냥 침상에 누워있어, 눈물이나 찔찔짜고 이 찔찔아!
(Es porque no tienen fe. Si realmente se arrepiente de sus pecados, los pecados que ha cometido hasta ahora desaparecerán. Por tanto, su alegría debe ser restaurada. Siempre están abrumados por un fuerte sentimiento de culpa. Sus corazones siguen estando tristes porque sigues recordándoles los pecados pasados y sigues condenándolos)
Ah, ahora, no reveles más secretos espirituales. hijo de perro. Deja de hablar Cierra la boca, acuéstate en tu cama y llora todo el tiempo.
(It is because they do not have faith. If you truly repent of your sins, the sins you have committed until now are gone. So their joy must be restored. They are always weighed down by a heavy sense of guilt. Their hearts continue to be sad because you keep reminding their minds of past sins, and you keep condemning them)
Ah, now, reveal no more spiritual secrets. dog's child. stop talking Close your mouth, just lie in your bed and cry all the time.
(연약하니까 울지 이 놈아!)
그래 그래 그런거는 너희 예수께서 아주 귀하게 보고 사랑스럽게 더 안아주시겠지 개자식아! 그러나 니가 누워있으면 누워있을수록 나 루시퍼는 더 기쁘도다, 왜? 공격할 기회가 생겼잖아! 허점과 약점이 생겼잖아, 이 썅놈의 자식아!
(Porque soy débil, lloro. Tu maligno)
Sí, sí, porque eres débil, tu Jesús se compadece de ti, te ama y te abraza en sus brazos. Pero no lo soy. Cuanto más débil estás en la cama, mejor me siento. ¿Por qué? Porque tengo la oportunidad de atacarte. Porque cuando eso sucede, tienes lagunas y debilidades. ¡Tú, el hijo del perro!
(Because I am weak, I cry. You evil one)
Yes, yes, because you are weak, your Jesus has compassion on you, loves you, and he embraces you in his arms. But I am not. The weaker you are and the more you lie in bed, the better I feel. why? Because I get a chance to attack you. Because when that happens, you have loopholes and weaknesses. You, the dog's child!
(나는 너한테 맨날 공격당할 수 밖에 없는 연약한 인간이야! 그래서 하나님을 잡고 갈뿐이고!)
너는 공격받아도 넘어지지 않아! 왜? 강하고 담대한 믿음과 구원의 확신이 있기 때문에 그런 자들은 아무리 건드려도 흔들리지 않아, 바람에 나는 겨와같지 않아! 그렇게 건드리지 못하고 세상이 감당치 못할 믿음을 가진 자들은 무엇으로 공격하는줄 아느냐? 사람을 쓰는거지! 왜? 믿을만한 사람한테 자꾸 배신당해봐! 그때 너의 마음속에 미움이 파고들지 않더냐!
(Soy un ser humano débil atacado a menudo por ti. Por eso siempre me aferro a Dios y vivo confiando en él)
Incluso si te ataco severamente, no eres una caída completa. ¿Por qué? Porque tienes una fe muy fuerte y valiente y la seguridad de la salvación. Aquellos que tienen una fe valiente y la seguridad de la salvación no serán conmovidos por mucho que los ataque. Un corazón audaz no es como paja arrastrada por el viento. Para aquellos que no están conmovidos por mi ataque directo, utilizo otro método. Utilizo a otros como mis herramientas. Hago que la gente en la que confías te traicione. Cuando eres traicionado repetidamente por ellos, el odio comienza a brotar en tu corazón.
(I am a weak human being attacked often by you. That is why I always hold on to God and live by relying on him)
Even if I attack you hard, you are not a complete fall. why? Because you have a very strong and bold faith and assurance of salvation. Those who have bold faith and assurance of salvation will not be shaken no matter how much I attack them. A bold heart is not like chaff blown by the wind. For those who are not shaken by my direct attack, I use another method. I use others as my tools. I make people you trust betray you. When you are repeatedly betrayed by them, hatred begins to sprout in your heart.
(그것도 잠깐이지! 하나님께서 또 회복시켜주신다 이 놈아!)
그래 자식아, 회개하는 자들이 사랑의 은사를 가질 수가 있노라!
(Tales dificultades solo duran un tiempo. Dios me está recuperando de todos los problemas y sufrimientos. Tú, el maligno)
tú, gilipollas. Aquellos que siempre se arrepienten de sus pecados reciben del Señor el don y el poder de perdonar y amar a los demás.
(Such difficulties only last for a while. God is recovering me from all troubles and hardships. You, the evil one)
you, asshole. Those who always repent of their sins receive from the Lord the gift and power to forgive and love others.
(하나님은 전능자시기 때문에 누구든지 그 분앞에 가서 죄를 고백하게 되면 모든 죄를 예수의 핏값으로 용서받고 영혼이 천국가게 되어 있지! 이것이 비밀인데 너희는 여기서 법을 죽어라고 지키게 하고 죄만 지었다하면 막 정죄하고 판단하고!)
(Dios es un Dios todopoderoso de amor. Por lo tanto, si alguien se arrepiente sinceramente de sus pecados ante Dios, todos los pecados son perdonados con el precio de la sangre de Jesús y su alma va al cielo. Este es el mayor misterio espiritual y el camino de la salvación. Pero estás haciendo que la gente guarde la ley hasta la muerte. No le dices a los pecadores cómo arrepentirse y ser perdonados, solo condenas y criticas el pecado hasta el final. Es por eso que aquellos que son engañados por ti no conocen la manera de arrepentirse de sus pecados y ser salvos.)
(God is an almighty God of love. Therefore, if anyone truly repents of their sins before God, all sins are forgiven with the price of Jesus' blood, and their soul goes to heaven. This is the greatest spiritual mystery and the way of salvation. But you are making people keep the law until death. You do not tell sinners how to repent and be forgiven, you only condemn and criticize sin to the end. That is why those who are deceived by you do not know the way to repent of their sins and be saved.)
야이 병신같은 새끼야! 내가 회개막 막니? 마음의 기쁨만 뺏니? 율법의 잣대를 마음에 집어넣어가지고, 이 세상에서는 무슨 죄든 예수의 핏값으로 사함받는데 사함받지 못하는 죄도 있다고 내가 얼마나 율법의 잣대를 대고 그런 목사들을 쓰고, 그것을 들은 성도들은 가슴을 치고 결국엔 나는 지옥가는구나 하고 얼마나 많은 자들이 마음속에 기쁨을 잃어버리고 구원의 확신도 없이 그렇게 쭉정기가 되어서 결국은 결국은 지옥으로 사라져, 썅놈의 자식아!
¡Oye, imbécil! ¿Crees que solo evito que la gente se arrepienta de sus pecados? ¿Solo estoy quitando la alegría del corazón de las personas?
Planto leyes estrictas en lo profundo de los corazones de las personas. A través de pastores legales, me aseguro de que los santos solo escuchen los sermones de la ley. Los santos que lo escuchan siempre se preocupan por sus pecados, golpean sus corazones y se desaniman a causa de sus pecados. "¡Ah, al final, no tengo más remedio que ir al infierno!" Tales personas pierden su gozo, viven en la desesperación y mantienen una vida formal de fe sin ninguna seguridad de salvación. Estas personas viven como paja y terminan en el infierno. Estas personas no comprenden el camino de la salvación de Jesús. No importa qué pecados cometan, aquellos que se arrepientan sinceramente ante Jesús recibirán el perdón de sus pecados e irán al cielo. Pero no conocen este verdadero camino de salvación.
Hey, you asshole! Do you think that I only prevent people from repenting of their sins? Am I only taking away the joy of people's hearts? I plant strict laws deep in people's hearts. Through legal pastors, I make sure that the saints only hear the sermons of the law. The saints who hear it always worry about their sins, beat their hearts, and become discouraged because of their sins. "Ah, in the end, I have no choice but to go to Hell!" Such people lose their joy, live in despair, and maintain a formal life of faith without any assurance of salvation. Such people live as chaff and fall into hell. Such people do not understand the way of salvation of Jesus. No matter what sins they commit, those who sincerely repent before Jesus will have their sins forgiven and go to heaven. But they do not know this true way of salvation.
(그게 바로 율법아래서 노예생활을 하는 자고, 이제 죄를 깨닫고 은헤의 법아래 들어오면 하나님의 자녀가 됐기 때문에 죄를 지을때마다 주님앞에 용서를 구하면 자녀로써 다 용서받고 날마다 기뻐할 수가 있는데 너희는 정죄하게 만들지!)
(Aquellos que no conocen el camino de la salvación viven solo como esclavos bajo la ley. Si se dan cuenta de sus pecados a través de la ley y se someten a la ley de la gracia de la cruz, se convierten en hijos de Dios. Cuando aquellos que se convierten en verdaderos hijos de Dios cometen ciertos pecados, si se arrepienten sinceramente de ellos ante el Señor, sus pecados siempre son perdonados. Por eso los hijos de Dios siempre son perdonados y se regocijan en la gracia. Pero tú, Lucifer, siempre estás condenando a las personas con la ley, impidiéndoles conocer el camino para arrepentirse de sus pecados y ser perdonados).
(Those who do not know the way of salvation live only as slaves under the law. If they realize their sins through the law and come under the law of grace of the cross, they become children of God. Those who become God's real children, whenever they commit certain sins, sincerely repent of those sins before the Lord, their sins are always forgiven. That is why God's children are always forgiven and rejoice in grace. But you, Lucifer, are always condemning people with the law, preventing them from knowing the way to repent of their sins and be forgiven.)
야이 썅놈의 자식아! 하나님의 자녀라고 생각하는 자가 얼마나 있겠냐? 하나님의 자녀라면 순종을 해야겠지! 그런데 하나님의 자녀, 하나님의 백성이 아니니까 천국백성이 아니니까 너희들이 맨날 맨날 불순종하고, 마음에는 율법의 잣대가, 나루시퍼가 들어간줄도 모르고, 그런 목사가 얼마나 나한테 쓰임받고 하나님의백성들을 율법으로 꽁꽁꽁꽁 우겨쌈으로 사방으로 둘러싸고 칭칭칭 감아놨던가! 그래서 그들이 회개를 해도 마음이 시원하던가? 기쁨이 있던가? 개자식아!
cachorro. Pero, ¿cuántas personas se consideran hijos de Dios? Los hijos de Dios son obedientes a la Palabra de Dios. Debido a que no son hijos de Dios, y debido a que aún no se han convertido en el pueblo de Dios, muchos miembros de la iglesia desobedecen la palabra del Señor todos los días. Solo la ley está profundamente plantada en sus corazones por Lucifer. Yo uso mucho a los pastores que están obsesionados con el legalismo. Estos pastores atan al pueblo de Dios solo con legalismo y lo encubrieron. Bajo el legalismo, no importa cuánto se arrepientan de sus pecados, sus corazones siempre están congestionados y no pueden tener la frescura del perdón. ¿Cómo pueden esas personas saborear el gozo del Señor? ¡cachorro!
pup. But how many people think of themselves as children of God? Children of God are obedient to God's Word. Because they are not children of God, and because they have not yet become God's people, many church members disobey the Lord's word every day. Only the law is deeply planted in their hearts by Lucifer. Pastors who are obsessed with legalism are used a lot by me. These pastors bind God's people only with legalism and cover them up. Under legalism, no matter how much they repent of their sins, their hearts are always stuffy, and they cannot have the freshness of forgiveness. How can such people taste the joy of the Lord? pup!
거듭 거듭 거듭 계속 죄를 생각나게 하는게 바로 율법적인 목사고 율법적인 교회야! 아무리 회개해봐라, 개자식아, 죄에서 자유함을 얻지 못하는데 그게 기쁨이 없기 때문이야! 죄를 생각나게 해야지, 그래야 나 루시퍼는 그들에게 더욱더 가난과 저주와 질병으로 안겨주노라! 왜? 기쁨이 없는 삶들은 성령충만을 받을 수가 없어!
Los pastores bajo la ley se recuerdan a sí mismos de los pecados de los que se arrepintieron una y otra vez. En una iglesia bajo la ley, no importa cuán sinceramente aquellos que escuchan la predicación del pastor bajo la ley se arrepientan de sus pecados, el corazón de los santos no está libre del pecado. niño perro, No obtener la libertad del pecado es una vida que no disfruta del gozo del Señor. Yo, Lucifer, hago que los santos sigan pensando solo en sus pecados. Si hago eso, sus pecados no serán perdonados y serán encarcelados en la pobreza, maldiciones y enfermedades. ¿Por qué? Porque la vida sin gozo no puede recibir la llenura del Espíritu Santo.
Pastors under the law remind themselves of the sins they repented of over and over again. In a church under the law, no matter how earnestly those who listen to the pastor's preaching under the law repent of their sins, the hearts of the saints are not freed from sin. dog child, To not be free from sin is to live without the joy of the Lord. I, Lucifer, make the saints keep thinking only of their sins. If I do that, their sins will not be forgiven, and they will be imprisoned in poverty, curses, and disease. why? Because life without joy cannot receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.
(그래서 하나님께서 이 말세에 회개복음을 외칠 수 있도록 많은 영적비밀을 들춰내주시는 것이다!)
(Por eso, en los últimos días, Dios quiere que proclamemos y difundamos el evangelio del arrepentimiento a través de nosotros. Ahora, muchos secretos espirituales profundos se están revelando al mundo).
(That is why, in the last days, God wants us to proclaim and spread the gospel of repentance through us. Now, many deep spiritual secrets are being revealed to the world.)
야, 회개복음을 외치는 교회, 목사들과 회개복음을 외치는 너희 백성들이 엄청난 마음과 육신의 영적으로 많은 환란이 온다는걸 알지 못하더냐? 그냥 지름길로 가! 많은 목사들과 많은 백성들이, 예수의 천국 백성들이 그냥 일직선으로 가는데 너희는 뭐한다고 잠시 지나가는 버러지와 같은 인생, 나그네와같은 삶, 빙빙빙 돌아가냐 개자식아! 일직선으로 가면 결국은 천국길로 갈 수 있는데 왜 빙빙빙 돌아가냐 개자식아! 많은 자들이 내가 지름길을 얘기해주니까 그대로 곧장 곧장 정금길, 곧은길로 가는데 너희들은 뭐할려고 빙빙빙 돌아가느냐?
¿Cómo no saber que la tribulación del corazón y del cuerpo está llegando a los pastores y la gente de la iglesia que claman el evangelio del arrepentimiento? ¿Por qué estás caminando por el atajo al cielo? Muchos otros pastores y personas creen en Jesús de una manera cómoda. La duración de toda la vida en el mundo es muy corta. La vida del mundo es la vida de un extraño y pasa tan rápido como la vida de un gusano. Pero, ¿por qué vives de una manera tan difícil y difícil? Otros eligen el camino fácil, entonces, ¿por qué eliges el camino difícil por ti mismo? niño perro! Enseño el camino fácil a muchos, y todos me escuchan y siguen mi camino. ¿Por qué no van por el camino fácil que les sugiero?
How can you not know that the tribulation of the heart and body is coming to the pastors and people of the church who cry out the gospel of repentance? Why are you guys walking on the shortcut to heaven? Many other pastors and people believe in Jesus in a comfortable way. The period of all life in the world is very short. Life in the world is like a stranger, like a worm. But why do you guys live life in such a difficult way? Others choose the easy path, so why do you choose the difficult path for yourself? dog child! I teach the easy way to many, and everyone listens to me and follows my way. Why don't you guys go the easy way I'm suggesting?
(돌아가는길이 빠른 길이다 이 놈아! 곧은길은 지옥가는 길이고)
그래 어쩔래, 많은 자들이 이걸 선택하는데 너는 어쩔래? 어쩔거야? 선택해 개자식아! 지름길로 갈 것이냐 돌아갈 것이냐?
(Regresar a la Palabra de Dios es ir por el camino rápido, maligno. El camino apresurado es el camino al infierno)
Pero que vas a hacer Muchos otros están eligiendo el camino fácil.
¿Qué vas a hacer? ¿Qué vas a hacer? Tú también debes elegir mi camino. niño perro! ¿Elegirás el camino mundano que te permitirá ir rápido? ¿O elegirás el camino del Señor de regreso a un lugar distante?
(Returning to God's Word is going the fast way, you evil one. The hasty way is the way to hell)
But what will you do? Many others are choosing the easy path. What will you do? What will you do? You too must choose my path. dog child! Will you choose the worldly path that will allow you to go fast? Or will you choose the Lord's way back to a distant place?
(나는 하나님의 길만 좇아갈 것이다! 길던 짧던!)
그래, 생명의 길을 택한다 이거지! 고난만 자처하는군, 병신같은 자식이! 내가 얼마나 너를 막았던가! 전세계 복음화에 나가지 못하게!
얼마나 그 길을 부분부분 막고, 장애물을 놓고, 사람을 통하여 얼마나 너의 마음을 속상하게 하고 배신으로 칼이 꽃히듯이 칼이 꽃혔던가! 그러나 결국은 통로가 열렸군! 통로가 열리면 뭐하냐? 내가 너희 일행중에서 너의 마음을 뒤집어 버릴거야! 마음을 속상하게 만들거야!
(¡Siempre seguiré el camino de Dios, no importa cuán largo o corto sea su camino!)
Sí, parece que tu única decisión es seguir el camino de la vida eterna. Si lo hace, está eligiendo sufrir usted mismo. ¡Idiota! He obstaculizado gravemente tu camino, porque has tratado de difundir el evangelio del arrepentimiento por todo el mundo. Puse varios obstáculos frente a ti y bloqueé tu camino. A través de otros, he trastornado tu corazón y he hecho que te dejen y te traicionen. Rompen tu corazón como una espada te apuñala en tu corazón. Pero al final, se abre el camino de tu evangelio. Incluso si su camino está abierto, no servirá de nada. Algunos de los que te acompañaron volverán a romper tu corazón y se te opondrán. Tu compañero de trabajo trastornará tu corazón.
(I will always follow God's way, no matter how long or short his way!)
Yes, it seems that your only decision is to follow the path of eternal life. If you do that, you are choosing suffering yourself. You asshole! I have severely hindered your path, because you have tried to spread the gospel of repentance throughout the world. I have set various obstacles in front of you and blocked your way. Through others, I have upset you and made them leave you and betray you. They have broken your heart as if they stabbed a knife in your heart. But in the end, the path of your gospel is being opened. Even if your way is open, it will be of no use. Some of those who accompanied you will again break your heart and will oppose you. Your co-worker will upset your heart.
너는 죽음을 불사하고 죽음을 각오하고 가는데 너희 일행중에는 죽음을 각오하는 것이 아니라 그저 니가 가니까 너랑 동행만 하는 그런 자들을 내가 써서 너의 마음을 속상하게 할 것이며 마음을 뒤집을거야! 왜? 그들의 마음에 순교의 능력과 정신이 없어! 너의 마음과 생각과 뜻이 틀려!
Para difundir el evangelio del arrepentimiento por todo el mundo, saldrás al mundo dando tu vida. Saldrás con riesgo de muerte, pero habrá personas con las que acompañarás que no podrán dar la vida por el Señor. Usaré a esas personas para obstaculizar enormemente su obra misional. Algunas personas que no pueden dar su vida por el Señor te romperán el corazón extremadamente. Aquellos que no pueden seguir tu camino no tienen el corazón y el poder para el martirio por el Señor. El propósito para el que te acompañan no está en consonancia con tu propósito y voluntad.
In order to spread the gospel of repentance throughout the world, you will go out into the world, giving your life. You will go out with the risk of death, but there will be people with whom you will accompany who cannot give their lives for the Lord. I will use such people to greatly hinder your missionary work. Some people who cannot give their lives for the Lord will break your heart extremely. Those who cannot actively follow your path do not have the heart and ability to martyrdom for the Lord. The purpose for which they accompany you is not in line with your purpose and thoughts.
(그런건 상관없다)
그들이 너의 방해꾼이 될거야! 복음을 방해하게 될거야! 순교의 능력과 정신은 아무나 갖는줄 알어? 아무나 목숨을 내놓는줄 알어, 개자식아! 버린자만이 내어놓을 수 있어! 이 코털같은 자식아!
(하나님께서 하실 일이야!)
알았어! 얼마나 너희 하나님 하나님 하나 보자! 너희 속을 팍팍 뒤집을 것이다!
(Cosas así no serían un gran obstáculo para mí)
Se convertirán en sus obstáculos y un gran obstáculo para la predicación del Evangelio. El poder y el espíritu del martirio no es para todos. No todo el mundo puede dar su vida por el Señor. hijo de perro! Solo aquellos que abandonan por completo los deseos del mundo pueden dar su vida por el Señor. ¡Eres un ignorante!
(Dios lo hará todo)
Si es así, observaré cuánto te ayuda tu Dios. Entonces, haré que tu corazón se enoje y se desgarre.
(Things like that wouldn't be a big obstacle for me)
They will become your hindrances and a great hindrance to the preaching of the Gospel. The power and spirit of martyrdom are not for everyone. Not everyone can give their lives for the Lord. dog's child! Only those who completely abandon the lusts of the world can give their lives for the Lord. You ignorant!
(God will do it all)
If so, I will watch how much your God helps you. Then, I will make your heart angry and torn.
(모든건 하나님께서 하실 일이고 사도바울도 왜 로마까지 갔더냐?
많은 고난을 통해서 로마에 가서 복음을 외치고 마지막 목이 잘려서 죽었던게 아니냐?)
야, 바울과 누가 그렇게 대판싸우고 갈라졌더냐?
(바나바지 이 놈아)
왜 싸운줄 아느냐? 바울은 예수한테 생명과 목숨을 내놓고 자기 목숨을 전혀 아끼지 않고 예수한테 내놓았다! 그러나 바나바하고는 생각이 틀렸어! 그래서 갈라진거야 개자식아! 너도 이와같은 일이 벌어질거야 개자식아!
(Todo lo hará Dios. Fue con la ayuda de Dios que el apóstol Pablo fue a Roma. Pasó por muchas dificultades, pero finalmente fue a Roma y predicó el evangelio. Después de completar su misión, fue martirizado cortándole la cabeza).
hey recuerda Había un hombre que había estado en una misión con Pablo que tenía una gran disputa con él, y había un hombre que hacía la obra misional de una manera diferente. Sabes quien es el
(Él es Bernabé. Tú maligno)
¿Por qué discutieron entre ellos? Pablo dio su vida completamente por Jesús. No perdonó la vida en absoluto por el evangelio de Jesús. Pero Bernabé era diferente al de Pablo. Entonces se pelearon y se separaron. ¡Tú, el hijo del perro! Usted también se encontrará con este problema. niño perro!
(Everything will be done by God. It was with God's help that the Apostle Paul went to Rome. He went through many hardships, but eventually went to Rome to proclaim his gospel. After completing his mission, he was martyred by cutting off his head.)
hey, remember A man who had been on a mission with Paul had a great quarrel with him, and there is a man who did missionary work in a different way. do you know who he is
(He is Barnabas. You evil one)
Why did they argue with each other? Paul laid down his life completely for Jesus. He did not spare his life at all for the sake of the gospel of Jesus. But Barnabas was different from Paul's. So they quarreled and split up. You, the dog's child! You too will run into this problem. dog child!
(일을 이루시는 분은 하나님이시니 나는 신경안쓴다!)
그래서 결국은 바울도 순교를 했겠지! 그러나 바울은 쉽게 쉽게 평탄하게 순교했더냐?
(순교의 피는 하나님이 준비하시는것이지 아무도 준비할 수가 없고
나는 써주시는거에 감사하고 잠시 외치다가 순교당하면 그걸로 끝이다!)
하, 기대하고 개봉박두! 내가 쉽게 쉽게 호락호락 내가 너를 순교당하게 할 것인지 알더냐? 고문은 고문대로 당하게 할거야! 얼마나 잘 참는지 볼 것이다! 기도나 열심히 해라 개자식아! 순교현장에서 부인만 하지마 개자식아! 그래 니가 얼마나 고문을 이겨내는지 볼 것이다!
(Es Dios quien completa todas las cosas. No te preocupas por eso).
Entonces, al final, Pablo fue martirizado. Sin embargo, el camino de Pablo hacia el martirio no fue fácil.
(La sangre del martirio es lo que Dios prepara. No todo el mundo puede ser martirizado. Doy gracias a Dios por usarme. Cuando clame por el evangelio hasta el final y sea martirizado, mi misión se cumplirá).
¿Esperas que sea así? Pero no te lo daré tan fácilmente. ¿Crees que permitiré que seas martirizado sin problemas? Te torturaré y torturaré inmensamente. Observaré lo bien que manejas la tortura. Tendrás que orar con fervor para no negar al Señor en el campo del martirio. niño perro! ¡Sí, comprobaré qué tan bien soportas el dolor!
(It is God who completes all things. You do not care about it.)
So in the end, Paul was martyred. However, Paul's path to martyrdom was not an easy one.
(The blood of martyrdom is what God prepares. Not everyone can be martyred. I thank God for using me. When I cry out for the gospel to the end and am martyred, my mission will be fulfilled.)
Do you expect it to be that way! But I won't give you that easily. Do you think I will allow you to be martyred smoothly? I will torture and torture you immensely. I will watch how well you handle the torture. You will have to pray earnestly so that you do not deny the Lord in the field of martyrdom. dog child! Yes, I'll check how well you endure the pain!
(이겨내게 하시는 분도 전능자 하나님이시다 이놈아)
그래 기도나 열심히 해 개자식아! 도망가지나 마!
(도망갈때도 없고 뛰어갈때도 없고 예수안에 있기 때문에 주님안에서 죽으면 끝나는것이다!)
이 주둥이 이 주둥이 살아나가지고, 개자식아! 너는 누워있을때가 가장 이뻐! 썅놈의새끼야
(Es Dios Todopoderoso quien me hace superar ese dolor. Tú eres el maligno)
Sí, prepárate duro. hijo de perro! Entonces, no huyas del martirio.
(No hay tiempo para huir, ni intentaré escapar. Porque estoy en Jesús, si muero en el Señor, mi martirio es completo).
Oh, solo tu boca ha sido restaurada. niño perro! Tienes que estar tumbado en la cama impotente, eso es lo que más disfruto. bastardo bastardo.
(It is the Almighty God who makes me overcome the pain. You are the evil one)
Yes, prepare hard. dog's child! So, do not run away from the martyrdom.
(There will be no running away, nor will I try to run away. Because I am in Jesus, if I die in the Lord, my martyrdom is complete.)
Oh, only your mouth has been restored. dog child! You have to lie in bed helplessly, that's what I enjoy the most. bastard bastard.
(너는 나의 육신을 파괴시키려고 갖은 방법을 다 쓰지만 하나님은 그때마다 또 오뚜기처럼 일어나게 하시고 생명을 또 살리게 하시지! 상처를 통하여 놀라운 사랑의 은사를 체험하게 되는거지!)
시끄러 개자식아! 주둥이 닥쳐, 썅놈의 자식아!
(Usas varios métodos para destruir mi cuerpo. Pero Dios me restaura y me levanta cada vez que sucede. Cuando estoy enfermo y acostado en la cama, después de un tiempo, mi vida se revitaliza. Incluso si me caigo, me vuelvo a levantar. A través de un corazón quebrantado, Dios me hace experimentar el maravilloso regalo del amor).
No quiero escuchar eso, cállate. niño perro! ¡Cierra la boca, hijo de puta!
(You use various methods to destroy my body. But God restores me and raises me up every time it happens. When I'm sick and lying in bed, after a while, my life gets revitalized. Even if I fall, I get up again. Through a broken heart, God makes me experience the wonderful gift of love.)
I don't want to hear that, be quiet. dog child! Shut your mouth, you motherfucker!
(내 주둥아리는 닥칠 것도 없다! 하나님이 조금 써주실 뿐이지!)
그래 가서 열심히 열심히 외쳐라! 회개가 무엇인지 그들에게 외쳐라! 그들의 심령에 꽃힐 것이다! 거기서 건질자가 있을 것이며 구원의확신을 가질 자가 있을 것이다! 그래 너는 기쁨으로 돌아오겠지, 승리의 깃발, 예수의 깃발을 니 심령에 돌아오겠지!)
두고 보라, 두고봐! 외친만큼 공격은 더 심해질거야! 이제 너만 공격했어 이년도 같이 공격할거야! 왜? 이년이 의지를 가지고 일어서는걸보니 참담하고 못보겠노라 밥맛 떨어져서!
(Quieres cerrar mi boca, pero Dios me usa un poco como siervo de Dios).
Sí, sal como desees y grita el evangelio fuerte y fuerte. ¡Grita a la gente que el arrepentimiento de sus pecados es lo más importante! El evangelio entrará en sus corazones. Algunos de ellos tendrán la seguridad de la salvación. Entonces tu corazón se regocijará. El estandarte de la victoria, el estandarte de Jesús, se elevará en tu corazón. Pero veamos, veamos. Serás atacado por mí tanto como has predicado el evangelio. Peor que eso, sufrirás. De ahora en adelante, atacaré a esta mujer contigo también. ¿Por qué debería hacer eso? Es porque esta mujer está de pie con una voluntad fuerte. Al ver esta situación, no puedo soportarlo más. Me siento tan mal que se me acabó el apetito.
(You want to shut my mouth, but God uses me a little as a servant of God.)
Yes, go out as you wish, and shout the gospel hard and hard. Shout out to people that repenting of their sins is the most important thing! The gospel will enter their hearts. Some of them will have the assurance of salvation. Then your heart will rejoice. The banner of victory, the banner of Jesus, will be raised in your heart. But let's see, let's see. You will be attacked by me as much as you have preached the gospel. Worse than that, you will suffer. From now on, I will attack this woman with you as well. Why should I do that? It is because this woman is standing up with a strong will. Seeing this situation, I can't stand it any longer. I feel so bad, my appetite is gone.
(일어서게 하시는 분도 하나님이시다)
알고 있어 개자식아! 때가 되니까 그러겠지! 그래 너희 둘이서 얼마나 공격을 이겨내는지 보자!
(Es Dios quien nos hace resucitar)
Yo también lo sé. niño perro! Sin embargo, veré cuánto tiempo ustedes dos aguantarán y ganarán mi ataque.
(It is God who makes us rise again)
I know that too. dog child! However, I will see how long the two of you will endure and win my attack.
(이겨내게 하시는 분도 전능자시다)
아프리카? 아프리카같은 소리하고 자빠졌네! 갔다온다음에 두고보자! 니가 승리의 나팔을 불고 그들에게 구원의 확신을 주고 회개의 복음 회개가 무엇인지, 천국과 지옥이 무엇인지, 왜 예수를 믿는건지 그들의 마음에 구원의 확신을 주었을 때 너는 돌아와서 보자 개자식아! 너와 이년을 내가 가만두나 보자 개자식아! 마음의 환란을,계속해서 비수를 가지고 계속해서 칼을 꽂을거야 개자식아!
(Dios es Todopoderoso para ayudarnos a superar todas las dificultades)
¿África? vas a africa Eso es una locura. Entonces, ¿sabe qué tipo de dolor experimentará después de ir a África y regresar? Observaré tu sufrimiento. Toca la trompeta de la victoria, dales la seguridad de la salvación, enséñales cómo es el evangelio del arrepentimiento, testifica del cielo y del infierno, Enseñe a las personas por qué deben creer en Jesús y tendrán la seguridad de la salvación en sus corazones. En ese momento, experimentarás lo mal que te ataco. niño perro! Nunca los pondré a usted y a esta mujer a gusto. niño perro! Te daré tribulación y dolor como una espada en tu corazón.
(God is Almighty to help us overcome all difficulties)
Africa? you are going to africa That's crazy. Yes, do you know what kind of pain you will suffer after you go to Africa and come back? I will watch your suffering. Blow the trumpet of victory, give them assurance of salvation, teach them what the gospel of repentance is like, testify of heaven and hell, Teach people why they should believe in Jesus, and they will have the assurance of salvation in their hearts. At that time, you will experience how badly I attack you. dog child! I will never put you and this woman at ease. dog child! I will give you tribulation and pain like a sword in your heart.
(나는 승리의 나팔을 불 수가 없고 하나님만이 그 일을 감당하신다 말이다)
아~ 시끄러 개자식아! 짜증나!
(나는 도구일뿐이지, 내가 뭐 승리에 도취할수 있냐?)
아우, 짜증나 짜증나 개자식아! 주둥이 닥쳐!
(No puedo tocar la trompeta de la victoria con mis propias fuerzas. Solo Dios puede hacerlo).
Oh, no quiero escucharte. niño perro! Estoy tan molesto
(Soy solo un instrumento de Dios. Entonces, ¿cómo puedo embriagarme con la victoria?)
Oh, estoy molesto, estoy tan molesto. niño perro! ¡Cállate cállate!
(I cannot blow the trumpet of victory in my own strength. Only God can do it.)
Ah, I hate to hear you. dog child! I'm so annoyed
(I am just an instrument of God, so how can I be so intoxicated with victory?)
Oh, I'm annoyed, I'm so annoyed. dog child! Shut your mouth, shut up!
(하나님이 영광받으시는 것이지)
니 마음이 그만큼 기쁘다는 것이다, 개자식아, 그냥 대충 대충 넘어가 개자식아! 많은 목사들은 그렇게 얘기하면 대충대충 넘어가고 많은 하나님의 백성들이 높혀주면 대충대충 넘어가는데 너는 대충대충 넘어가는데 없고 계속 하나하나 계속 짚고 넘어가 개 썅놈의 자식아!
(Solo Dios debe recibir toda la gloria)
Tu corazón se regocijará mucho. hijo de perro En cuanto a lo que estoy hablando, no profundice, simplemente omítalo. niño perro! Muchos otros pastores simplemente lo omiten cuando digo eso. Cuando muchos del pueblo de Dios alaban a su pastor, el pastor disfruta en secreto del momento y pasa de largo. Por otro lado, nunca actúas como ellos. Le das toda la gloria completamente solo a Dios, y tratas de no recibir alabanza por ti mismo en absoluto. tu, el perro
(Only God must receive all the glory)
Your heart will rejoice that much. dog's child As for what I'm talking about, don't go deep, just skip it. dog child! A lot of other pastors just skip it when I say that. When many of God's people praise their pastor, the pastor secretly enjoys the moment and passes by. On the other hand, you never act like them. You give all glory completely to God alone, and you try not to receive praise for yourself at all. you, the dog
(나는 아는게 없다)
나한테 좀 영광을 돌려 개자식아! 계속 예수한테만 영광돌리지 말고, 니가 니 영광을 받는게 나한테 영광을 돌리는거야! 많은 목사들이 그렇게 가고 있잖아 개자식아! 하나님의 백성들이 많은 주의 종들을 그렇게 높힐 때 얼마나 영광을 받던가, 그럴 때 나 루시퍼가 영광을 받는데 너는 어찌 대충대충 넘어가지 않고 그렇게 계속 짚고 넘어가냐 말이다!
(No tengo ni conocimientos ni habilidades).
Deberías darme algo de gloria también. niño perro! No sigas glorificando a Jesús solo. Cuando tú mismo eres glorificado, me glorificas a mí. Muchos pastores van por ese camino. niño perro! Cuando el pueblo de Dios alaba y exalta a sus siervos, Muchos pastores están tomando esa gloria ellos mismos. Cuando esos pastores hacen eso, yo, Lucifer, estoy muy feliz y recibo gran gloria. Pero, ¿por qué no actúas como ellos? Cuando la gente te exalta y te alaba, lo rechazas por completo y le das toda la gloria solo a Dios. Ahora, cuando escuche un cumplido, no lo niegue de plano.
(I have neither knowledge nor ability.)
You should give me some glory too. dog child! Don't keep glorifying Jesus alone. When you yourself are glorified, you glorify Me. Many pastors are going that way. dog child! When God's people praise and exalt His servants, Many pastors are taking that glory themselves. When those pastors do that, I, Lucifer, are very happy and receive great glory. But why do you not act like them? When people exalt you and praise you, you completely reject it and give all glory to God alone. Now, when you hear a compliment, don't deny it outright.
(영광을 받을게 있어야 받지 이 놈아, 뭐 아는게 있어야 다 무식쟁인데!)
야, 야, 올라가! 올라가 개자식아!
(어서 내려가!)
너도 가 개자식아! 너랑 이제 할말없어, 밥맛떨어져! 개자식아
(No merezco ningún honor de la gente. No tengo ni conocimientos ni habilidades. Soy un humano ignorante e incompetente.)
Oye, oye, odio escuchar eso. ¡Vuelve a tu asiento! regresa niño perro!
(Tú también, baja rápido al infierno)
tu me dejas primero Ahora, no tengo nada que decirte. tu eres el que me hace perder el apetito perro niño ...
(I don't deserve any honor from people. I have neither knowledge nor ability. I am ignorant and incompetent.)
Hey, hey, I hate to hear that. Go back to your seat! go back dog child!
(You too, go down to hell quickly)
you leave me first Now, I have nothing to say to you. you are the one who makes me lose my appetite dog child...
(그래, 예수의 이름으로 명하노니 지옥의 루시퍼는 내려가~~~)
(Sí, te lo ordeno en el nombre de Jesús. Lucifer, baja al infierno, baja ~~~)
(Yes, I command you in the name of Jesus. Lucifer, go down to hell, go down~~~)
번역글 더 보기 (Translator of Testimonies)