중간고사가 어떻게 출제되는지 참고하시라고 올립니다.
영연방의 사회와 문화 2005년 중간고사
I. Translate the underlined parts into Korean.
1. Problems with algal bloom in river systems and rising salinity in irrigated land have prompted debate about sustainable agriculture. Coastal development has caused concerns about environmental degradation.
2. The 1960s saw great changes to Australia's society and culture. There were many causes: the ethnic diversity produced by post-war immigration, the decline of Britain as a world power and the decline of its importance for Australia relative to that of the United States.
3. Australia has a strong interest in the removal of barriers to investment and trade in goods and services. The White Paper on Foreign and Trade Policy identifies Australia's main trade priorities as the following.
4. With the adoption of the Kyoto protocol in December 1997, Australia, along with other developed countries agreed to limit future greenhouse gas emissions.
II. 다음 질문에 영어로 답하시오.
1. 호주의 지리에서 본토의 남쪽에 위치한 큰 섬으로, 그 자체로 하나의 주(state)를 이루고 있는 섬의 이름은?
2. 호주의 행정구역은 여섯 개의 주(州, state)와 두 개의 준주(準州)로 구성되어 있다. 준주를 가리키는 영어 단어는?
3. 호주 정부는 오지(outback)에 산재한 주민들을 위해 20세기 초부터 정기진료 및 응급처치를 위한 항공의료서비스를 실시하고 있다. 이 의료서비스의 명칭은?
4. 호주의 outback 지형으로 광활한 사막과 붉은색 토양으로 유명한, 대륙 중심부의 열사와 같은 지대를 가리키는 이름은?
5. 호주가 한국을 비롯한 아시아, 태평양 지역 국가들과의 전반적인 경제 협력을 증진시키기 위해 참여하고 있는 국제 기구 혹은 회의체는? (영문 약칭으로 쓰시오.)
6. 호주가 영국의 새로운 유형지, 혹은 유형식민지(the penal colony)로 부상하게 된 가장 중요한 세계사적 배경은? (우리말로 답하시오.)
III. Translate the following passage into Korean.
The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 through the proclamation of the Constitution for the Federation of six States. The founding fathers believed they were creating something new and were concerned to avoid the pitfalls of the old world. They wanted Australia to be harmonious, united and egalitarian. They had progressive ideas about the rights of man, observance of democratic procedures and the value of a secret ballot. However they drew the line on matters of race, discriminating against Indigenous and Asian peoples. There were diverse links with Britain, which many people continued to regard as 'the mother country.' Since then, the constitutional links with Britain have been progressively loosened.
※ 수고하셨습니다. 학번과 성명이 정확히 기재되어 있는지 다시 한번 확인하시기 바랍니다. ※
고급영어 2005 중간고사
※ (1~10) 밑줄 친 부분을 해석하시오.
1. I am going to take off now.
답 :
2. He never gets to the point of his story.
답 :
3. Maria's dog was run over and killed last week. She's become very depressed.
답 :
4. I'm going to the supermarket. Can you pick up some milk for me?
답 :
5. We must clear the air between us.
답 :
6. I can't believe two people could fall in love in no time at all.
답 :
7. I don't think I stand a chance of winning.
답 :
8. I had a problem at school but my teacher helped me with it. Now everything is okay. My teacher helped me sort out the problem.
답 :
9. You want to buy an airline ticket but you don't know the cheapest fare. You need to look into the different prices.
답 :
10. A: I just saw Susan today. She works for an airline and now she's back in Victoria.
B: Is she back for good?
답 :
(뒷면에 계속)
(앞면에서 계속)
※ (11~20) 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 적으시오.
11. Someone tells you about a movie they've just seen. You know it's a romance and it happens in Italy, but you don't know many other details. You have a ( ) idea about the movie.
12. I think I'm coming ( ) with a cold. I've been coughing all day.
13. My VCR doesn't work. I've taken it to be repaired twice already and they never fix it properly. I'm at my ( ) end with this machine.
14. I may arrive late at the meeting tomorrow. In ( ) case, I'll get there.
15. Your roommate got home at 3 a.m. The next morning, you ask him: Did you ( ) out on the town last night?
16. You are a half-hour late for work. The traffic was terrible.
You can say: I was ( ) up in traffic.
17. You've just developed an interest in French cooking.
You say: I've gotten ( ) French cooking.
18. You're talking on the phone with someone: They need some information that you won't have until the next day. You say: I'll ( ) back to you tomorrow.
19. Your boss is very busy but you need to ask him some questions.
You start by saying: I won't take ( ) much time.
20. Bill was really wild when he was younger. But now he's finished his university and he has good job opportunities here. I think it's time for him to ( ) down.
※ 수고하셨습니다. 학번과 성명이 정확히 기재되어 있는지 다시 한번 확인하시기 바랍니다. ※
첫댓글 아~~승미언니. 멋쟁이...어디서 이런 귀한 자료를 구하셨어요?? 고마워요. 아~~ 난 스펠링에 약한데, 클났네....
승미언니. 이거 03카페에도 퍼가게 제목좀 수정해 주세요. [영연방,고급영어]2005중간고사 기출문제 스크랩은 수정이 안된다고 해서...
ㅋㅋ..하여튼 부지런한 승미씨..ㅎㅎ
참 좋은정보인듯하네요...히히 빨랑 외워 야겠다..기출문제 감사합니다.
좋은 게시물이네요. 스크랩 해갈게요~^^
좋은 게시물이네요. 스크랩 해갈게요~^^
좋은 정보 땡큐땡큐~~~~ 오늘 등업되어서 첨 들어왔는데,, 이런 자료 얻어가서 넘 넘 고마워요... 3학년 편입해서 아무런 정보도 얻지못해 막막했었는데,,, 맨날들어와야겠네요.. 땡큐여~~~