Chapter 12. Holiness of the Sutra
"Furthermore, Subhuti, any piece of land on which this sutra or only one stanza of four lines, is expounded pursuant to the quality of students, will be a land where gods, men and asuras will come to make offerings just as they make offerings to a stupa and a temple of the Buddha, how much more so the holiness of the person who has completely mastered in understanding, practicing, and reciting the sutra. Subhuti, you should know that such a person will attain the highest and rarest Dharma. Hence, the Buddha and the Buddha's highly respected great disciples are enshrined in the site where this sutra is placed."
12. 올바른 가르침의 존중(尊重)
“또한 수보리여! 이 경의 사구게만이라도 설해지는 곳곳마다 어디든지 모든 세상의 천신, 인간, 아수라가 마땅히 공양할 부처님의 탑묘(塔廟)임을 알아야 한다. 하물며 이 경 전체를 받고 지니고 읽고 외우는 사람이랴! 수보리여! 이 사람은 가장 높고 가장 경이로운 법을 성취할 것임을 알아야 한다. 이와 같이 경전이 있는 곳은 부처님과 존경받는 제자들이 계시는 곳이다.”
제 12 · 존중정교尊重正敎 | 바른 가르침을 존중하다
제12 바른 교법을 존경하라
“또 수보리야, 이 경 가운데 네 글귀만이라도 그 뜻을 일러준다면 마땅히 알라. 이곳은 일체세간의 하늘과 사람과 아수라가 다 마땅히 공경하기를 부처님의 탑과 절에 하듯이 할 것이어늘 하물며 어떤 사람이 이 경을 능히 다 받아 지니고 읽고 외움이겠느냐.
수보리야, 마땅히 알라. 이 사람은 가장 높고 제일 가는 희유의 진리를 성취한 것이니라. 만일 이 경전이 있는 곳이면 부처님이 계신곳과 같고 존경받는 부처님의 제자가 있는 것과 같나니라.”
Chapter 12.
"Furthermore, Subhuti, if any person in any place were to teach even four lines of this Sutra, the place where they taught it would become sacred ground and would be revered by all kinds of beings. How much more sacred would the place become if that person then studied and observed the whole Sutra! Subhuti, you should know that any person who does that would surely attain something rare and profound. Wherever this Sutra is honored and revered there is a sacred site enshrining the presence of the Buddha or one of the Buddha's most venerable disciples."
<12> 尊重正敎
Veneration of the True Doctrine
Furthermore, Subhuti, you should know that wheresoever this Discourse is proclaimed, by even so little as four lines, that place should be venerated by the whole realms of Gods, Men and Titans,as though it were a Buddha-shrine. How much more is this so in the case of one who is able to receive and retain the whole and read and recite it throughout! Subhuti, you should know that such an one attains the highest and most wonderful truth. Wheresoever this sacred discourse may be found there should you comport yourself as though in the presence of Buddha and disciples worthy of honour.
Section 12: Venerating the true teachings
“Moreover, Subhūti, if one speaks even a four-line gāthā from within this sūtra, you should understand that this place is like the shrine of a buddha. In every world, the devas [nobles or holy people], humans, and asuras [outcasts or base people] should provide offerings to it. How much more so for those capable of accepting and maintaining the entire sūtra? Subhūti, you should know that this is a person with the highest and most exceptional Dharma. Wherever this sūtra dwells is the Buddha or an honored disciple.”