12월 29일 중국이 076급 LHD '쓰촨'을 상하이에서 진수했네요. 배수량은 4만톤 이상으로 와스프급 LHD와 크기가 비슷하고, EMALS와 어레스팅 기어가 장착돼 있네요.
Type 076 Amphibious Carrier Launched By Hudong In Shanghai
Type 076 amphibious carrier "Sichuan" being launched at Hudong in Shanghai, December 27, 2024. Image via Chinese social media.
China Names Type 076 Amphibious Catapult Carrier “Sichuan”
At Launch Ceremony In ShanghaiLaunch ceremony reveals name and intended hull number for new amphibious carrier. Flooding of drydock still underway for launch to follow.
Alex Luck 27 Dec 2024
Update 30/12/24: Hudong has floated out PLANS 51 “Sichuan” yesterday, December 29. Tugs have moved the new carrier to the fitting out-basin also housing the fourth and yet unnamed Type 075 LHD, three Type 054AG FFG for PLAN and two Type 054A cutters for the Chinese Coast Guard.
Floating out of Type 076 LHD “Sichuan” yesterday, December 29. All images via Sinodefenceforum.
Chinese shipyard Hudong-Zhonghua today, December 27, conducted a launch ceremony for the innovative new Type 076 amphibious carrier, at its facilities on Changxing Island in Shanghai. The event marks a major milestone in a project drawing significant international attention. According to officials statements the new ship will receive the hull number 51 and the name “Sichuan”, after the eponymous province in southwestern China.
Official media announced a displacement of over 40,000 tons for the new amphibious carrier. “Sichuan” is notably larger in all dimensions than the preceding Type 075-class LHD. The hull is approximately 260 metres long, with a beam across the flight deck of circa 50 meters. In overall size Type 076 is therefore comparable to current American amphibious assault carriers such as the Wasp- and America-class.
“Sichuan” in the yet to be flooded drydock. The prominent shelter houses the electromagnetic catapult still undergoing installation. Image via Chinese state media.Rapid Construction In New Shipbuilding Facility
Assembly of the hull in drydock proceeded at relatively rapid pace over the course of about 14 months. Enthusiasts originally found documentation for the program dating back to at least 2020. More contracts for long lead items emerged in February 2023. The first modules for the program appeared at the Hudong-site on Changxing Island in October 2023. Assembly since then proceeded at a rather rapid pace, culminating in todays launch.
It is worth noting here that the Hudong-facility on Changxing Island itself at launch of construction was a brand-new installation. The builder established this major new yard over the past few years next to Jiangnan Shipyard, another major supplier to PLAN. The new facilities aim to move shipbuilding out of the congested Huangpu River. The new yard will continue to perform all major naval construction work by Hudong. Hudong is the principal builder of amphibious vessels for PLAN. In addition the yard supplies PLAN and foreign customers with frigates and adaptions for coast guard-roles.
Forward island on “Sichuan” housing the bridge. Note roof-mounted HQ-10 launcher. rotating dual side AESA radar, and the smokestack for the one half of the gas turbine propulsion. Image Chinese state media.Evolution in Amphibious Carrier Design With Global Firsts
As Naval News has previously reported, the Type 076 represents an evolution in amphibious carrier-design for China. Moreover “Sichuan” is also a notable first by global standards. This is the first time a bespoke amphibious assault carrier includes a catapult and arresting gear for the operation of fixed wing aircraft. The catapult is of the electromagnetic type, very similar to the gear installed on CV-18 “Fujian”, China’s first catapult-equipped supercarrier.
The prospective air group for Type 076 leaves some room for speculation. The presence of a testing facility nearby housing two GJ-11 combat UAVs suggests these are intended for the new design. In addition to fixed wing drones the carrier will operate the usual range of helicopters and likely at least one type of rotary drone. This notion is supported by the presence of related mockups next to the drydock. The official announcement for the launch also specifies a capability to support fixed wing-aircraft. Whether this includes crewed aircraft such as J-35 remains to be seen however. American amphibious carriers lack catapults and arrestor gear. However they do support aircraft capable of short take-offs and vertical landing (STOVL). China currently does not operate any STOVL-capable fixed wing aircraft.
Rear island with a second integrated sensor mast, the second smokestack and the aviation bridge at the back. Image Chinese state media.
Apart from inclusion of a catapult Type 076 shows several other traits setting it apart from the previous Type 075. The carrier features side-mounted aviation elevators, located starboard between the two islands, and port near the stern. This arrangement contrasts with Type 075 only including two aircraft elevators integrated into the flightdeck. The split superstructure likely is a consequence of the new design using gas turbine-propulsion (COGAG). The preceding Type 075 in contrast uses diesel engines in a CODAD-arrangement. The choice of gas turbines will result in the new type attaining higher operating speeds, including for supporting catapult launch of fixed wing aircraft. The recent US-released China Military Power-report also claims that Type 076 includes “hybrid propulsion”. The phrasing suggests some form of integrated electric propulsion.
Robust Self Defence Armament And Modern Sensors
Self-defence armament is notably robust, including three 24 round-HQ-10 missile launchers and three 11 barrel H/PJ-11 30 mm CIWS of similar configuration found on CV-18 Fujian. Additionally the carrier mounts four Type 726 series 24 round decoy launchers near the stern and amidships. Sensors include a dual-band rotating AESA radar on the integrated mast above the bridge, similar to the one used by the next generation Type 054B frigate. A second mast on the rear superstructure carriers further ESM sensors and comms gear.
Stern view of “Sichuan”. Showing self defence armament including one 11 barrel 30 mm CIWS flanked by two HQ-10 SAM launchers. The welldock is visible below. Image Chinese state media.
Following launch the Type 076 amphibious carrier will continue fitting out, likely for a considerable time. Weapons likely are only mounted for the launch, but will require further installation and wiring as part of the fitting out-process. The ship at launch included a distinct shelter covering the EM-catapult, similar to how Fujian launched back in 2022. The new carrier will proceed with fitting out-work in the same basin where the fourth Type 075 moved after her own launch almost exactly one year ago.
China has now launched an aircraft carrier or amphibious carrier every year since 2019, when the first Type 075 hit the water at Hudong’s previous facilities. The impressive construction speed even for a first of class-design with features not included in previous warships highlights once again the ability of Chinese shipyards producing major combatants at fluid and swift pace.
첫댓글 RAM 닮은 방공미사일 발사대가 함교와 함미 좌우측으로 3개소인데, 기관포형 CIWS 는 선수쪽 좌측과 선미로 두개소인가 봅니다.
배치가 좀 독특한 느낌이네요.
사진상으론 식별이 좀 어려운데, 위키엔 1130식 30mm CIWS가 3문 설치됐다고 합니다. 좌우측에서 돌입하는 대함미사일 대응이 좀 애매하지 않나? 싶네요.
@위종민 잘 안보이는 우현쪽 스폰슨에 기관포형 CIWS가 하나 더 있나보군요. 이러면 나름 360도를 커버할 수 있을 것 같기도 합니다.
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